1,289 research outputs found

    Linear Formulation To Avoid Adjacent Channel Interference In Ltd Of Optical Networks

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    A strategy is implemented for solving the Logical Topology Design (LTD) based on a Linear Formulation (LP) with channel interference constraints. The formulation is able to provide excellent solutions. In traditional LTD Problem there is no a-priori knowledge of channel use and once the solution has been implemented the interference cannot be avoided. Taking into consideration the effects of adjacent channel interference, we extend the traditional formulation as a set of analytical formulas as additional constraints on LTD. © 2010 COPYRIGHT SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.7959The Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)Dutta, R., Rouskas, G., A Survey of Virtual Topology Design Algorithms for Wavelength Routed Networks (2000) Optical Networks (SPIE), 1 (1), pp. 73-89. , JanuaryZang, H., Jue, J.P., Mukherjee, B., A Review of Routing and Wavelength Assignment Approaches for Wavelength-Routed optical WDM Networks (2000) Optical Networks Magazine, 1, pp. 47-60. , JanDeng, T., Subbramaniam, S., Xu, J., Crosstalk-Aware are Wavelength Assignment in Dynamic Wavelength Routed Optical Networks Pr Proc. Broadn Dnets, 2004Manousakis, K., Christodoulopolos, K., Varvarigos, E., Avoiding Adjacent Channel Interference in Static RWA CSNDSP08He, J., Brandt-Pearce, M., QoT-Aware are Routing in Impairment-Constrained Optical Networks (2007) IEEE GLOBECOM, pp. 2269-2274. , NovKrishn Shnaswamy, R., Sivara Arajan, K., Design of Logical Topologies: A Linear Formulation for Wavelength Routed Optical Networks with No Wavelength Changers (2001) IEEE Trans. Networking, 9 (2), pp. 186-198Ramaswami, R., Sivarajan, K.N., Design of Logical Topologies for Wavelength-Routed All Optical Networks (1996) IEEE/JSAC, 14, pp. 840-851. , JuneRamaswami, R., Optical Networking Technologies: What Worked and What Didn't (2006) IEEE Communications Magazine, pp. 132-139. , Septembe

    Traffic Engineering in G-MPLS networks with QoS guarantees

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    In this paper a new Traffic Engineering (TE) scheme to efficiently route sub-wavelength requests with different QoS requirements is proposed for G-MPLS networks. In most previous studies on TE based on dynamic traffic grooming, the objectives were to minimize the rejection probability by respecting the constraints of the optical node architecture, but without considering service differentiation. In practice, some high-priority (HP) connections can instead be characterized by specific constraints on the maximum tolerable end-to-end delay and packet-loss ratio. The proposed solution consists of a distributed two-stage scheme: each time a new request arrives, an on-line dynamic grooming scheme finds a route which fulfills the QoS requirements. If a HP request is blocked at the ingress router, a preemption algorithm is executed locally in order to create room for this traffic. The proposed preemption mechanism minimizes the network disruption, both in term of number of rerouted low-priority connections and new set-up lightpaths, and the signaling complexity. Extensive simulation experiments are performed to demonstrate the efficiency of our scheme

    Investigation of the tolerance of wavelength-routed optical networks to traffic load variations.

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    This thesis focuses on the performance of circuit-switched wavelength-routed optical network with unpredictable traffic pattern variations. This characteristic of optical networks is termed traffic forecast tolerance. First, the increasing volume and heterogeneous nature of data and voice traffic is discussed. The challenges in designing robust optical networks to handle unpredictable traffic statistics are described. Other work relating to the same research issues are discussed. A general methodology to quantify the traffic forecast tolerance of optical networks is presented. A traffic model is proposed to simulate dynamic, non-uniform loads, and used to test wavelength-routed optical networks considering numerous network topologies. The number of wavelengths required and the effect of the routing and wavelength allocation algorithm are investigated. A new method of quantifying the network tolerance is proposed, based on the calculation of the increase in the standard deviation of the blocking probabilities with increasing traffic load non-uniformity. The performance of different networks are calculated and compared. The relationship between physical features of the network topology and traffic forecast tolerance is investigated. A large number of randomly connected networks with different sizes were assessed. It is shown that the average lightpath length and the number of wavelengths required for full interconnection of the nodes in static operation both exhibit a strong correlation with the network tolerance, regardless of the degree of load non-uniformity. Finally, the impact of wavelength conversion on network tolerance is investigated. Wavelength conversion significantly increases the robustness of optical networks to unpredictable traffic variations. In particular, two sparse wavelength conversion schemes are compared and discussed: distributed wavelength conversion and localized wavelength conversion. It is found that the distributed wavelength conversion scheme outperforms localized wavelength conversion scheme, both with uniform loading and in terms of the network tolerance. The results described in this thesis can be used for the analysis and design of reliable WDM optical networks that are robust to future traffic demand variations

    Optimization in Telecommunication Networks

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    Network design and network synthesis have been the classical optimization problems intelecommunication for a long time. In the recent past, there have been many technologicaldevelopments such as digitization of information, optical networks, internet, and wirelessnetworks. These developments have led to a series of new optimization problems. Thismanuscript gives an overview of the developments in solving both classical and moderntelecom optimization problems.We start with a short historical overview of the technological developments. Then,the classical (still actual) network design and synthesis problems are described with anemphasis on the latest developments on modelling and solving them. Classical results suchas Menger’s disjoint paths theorem, and Ford-Fulkerson’s max-flow-min-cut theorem, butalso Gomory-Hu trees and the Okamura-Seymour cut-condition, will be related to themodels described. Finally, we describe recent optimization problems such as routing andwavelength assignment, and grooming in optical networks.operations research and management science;

    Survivable MPLS Over Optical Transport Networks: Cost and Resource Usage Analysis

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    In this paper we study different options for the survivability implementation in MPLS over Optical Transport Networks (OTN) in terms of network resource usage and configuration cost. We investigate two approaches to the survivability deployment: single layer and multilayer survivability and present various methods for spare capacity allocation (SCA) to reroute disrupted traffic. The comparative analysis shows the influence of the offered traffic granularity and the physical network structure on the survivability cost: for high bandwidth LSPs, close to the optical channel capacity, the multilayer survivability outperforms the single layer one, whereas for low bandwidth LSPs the single layer survivability is more cost-efficient. On the other hand, sparse networks of low connectivity parameter use more wavelengths for optical path routing and increase the configuration cost, as compared with dense networks. We demonstrate that by mapping efficiently the spare capacity of the MPLS layer onto the resources of the optical layer one can achieve up to 22% savings in the total configuration cost and up to 37% in the optical layer cost. Further savings (up to 9 %) in the wavelength use can be obtained with the integrated approach to network configuration over the sequential one, however, at the increase in the optimization problem complexity. These results are based on a cost model with different cost variations, and were obtained for networks targeted to a nationwide coverage

    Logical topology design for IP rerouting: ASONs versus static OTNs

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    IP-based backbone networks are gradually moving to a network model consisting of high-speed routers that are flexibly interconnected by a mesh of light paths set up by an optical transport network that consists of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) links and optical cross-connects. In such a model, the generalized MPLS protocol suite could provide the IP centric control plane component that will be used to deliver rapid and dynamic circuit provisioning of end-to-end optical light paths between the routers. This is called an automatic switched optical (transport) network (ASON). An ASON enables reconfiguration of the logical IP topology by setting up and tearing down light paths. This allows to up- or downgrade link capacities during a router failure to the capacities needed by the new routing of the affected traffic. Such survivability against (single) IP router failures is cost-effective, as capacity to the IP layer can be provided flexibly when necessary. We present and investigate a logical topology optimization problem that minimizes the total amount or cost of the needed resources (interfaces, wavelengths, WDM line-systems, amplifiers, etc.) in both the IP and the optical layer. A novel optimization aspect in this problem is the possibility, as a result of the ASON, to reuse the physical resources (like interface cards and WDM line-systems) over the different network states (the failure-free and all the router failure scenarios). We devised a simple optimization strategy to investigate the cost of the ASON approach and compare it with other schemes that survive single router failures

    WDM Optical Networks Planning Using Greedy Algorithms

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