88 research outputs found

    Advanced Bionic Attachment Equipment Inspired by the Attachment Performance of Aquatic Organisms: A Review

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    In nature, aquatic organisms have evolved various attachment systems, and their attachment ability has become a specific and mysterious survival skill for them. Therefore, it is significant to study and use their unique attachment surfaces and outstanding attachment characteristics for reference and develop new attachment equipment with excellent performance. Based on this, in this review, the unique non-smooth surface morphologies of their suction cups are classified and the key roles of these special surface morphologies in the attachment process are introduced in detail. The recent research on the attachment capacity of aquatic suction cups and other related attachment studies are described. Emphatically, the research progress of advanced bionic attachment equipment and technology in recent years, including attachment robots, flexible grasping manipulators, suction cup accessories, micro-suction cup patches, etc., is summarized. Finally, the existing problems and challenges in the field of biomimetic attachment are analyzed, and the focus and direction of biomimetic attachment research in the future are pointed out

    Octopus-inspired adhesive skins for intelligent and rapidly switchable underwater adhesion

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    The octopus couples controllable adhesives with intricately embedded sensing, processing, and control to manipulate underwater objects. Current synthetic adhesive–based manipulators are typically manually operated without sensing or control and can be slow to activate and release adhesion, which limits system-level manipulation. Here, we couple switchable, octopus-inspired adhesives with embedded sensing, processing, and control for robust underwater manipulation. Adhesion strength is switched over 450× from the ON to OFF state in \u3c50 ms over many cycles with an actively controlled membrane. Systematic design of adhesive geometry enables adherence to nonideal surfaces with low preload and independent control of adhesive strength and adhesive toughness for strong and reliable attachment and easy release. Our bio-inspired nervous system detects objects and autonomously triggers the switchable adhesives. This is implemented into a wearable glove where an array of adhesives and sensors creates a biomimetic adhesive skin to manipulate diverse underwater objects

    The Morphology and Adhesion Mechanism of Octopus vulgaris Suckers

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    The octopus sucker represents a fascinating natural system performing adhesion on different terrains and substrates. Octopuses use suckers to anchor the body to the substrate or to grasp, investigate and manipulate objects, just to mention a few of their functions. Our study focuses on the morphology and adhesion mechanism of suckers in Octopus vulgaris. We use three different techniques (MRI, ultrasonography, and histology) and a 3D reconstruction approach to contribute knowledge on both morphology and functionality of the sucker structure in O. vulgaris. The results of our investigation are two-fold. First, we observe some morphological differences with respect to the octopus species previously studied (i.e., Octopus joubini, Octopus maya, Octopus bimaculoides/bimaculatus and Eledone cirrosa). In particular, in O. vulgaris the acetabular chamber, that is a hollow spherical cavity in other octopuses, shows an ellipsoidal cavity which roof has an important protuberance with surface roughness. Second, based on our findings, we propose a hypothesis on the sucker adhesion mechanism in O. vulgaris. We hypothesize that the process of continuous adhesion is achieved by sealing the orifice between acetabulum and infundibulum portions via the acetabular protuberance. We suggest this to take place while the infundibular part achieves a completely flat shape; and, by sustaining adhesion through preservation of sucker configuration. In vivo ultrasonographic recordings support our proposed adhesion model by showing the sucker in action. Such an underlying physical mechanism offers innovative potential cues for developing bioinspired artificial adhesion systems. Furthermore, we think that it could possibly represent a useful approach in order to investigate any potential difference in the ecology and in the performance of adhesion by different species

    Bionic Ring Grooves Design and Experiment of the Suction Cup Applied in Oil-Immersed Substrate

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    The vacuum suction cup is often used as an end effector and widely used in wall-climbing operations. However, there are few vacuum suction cup designs and applications for oil-immersed substrates. Inspired by the surface morphology of the octopus sucker, bionic suction cups with different numbers, diameters, and spacings of the ring grooves were designed. Their normal adsorption force was evaluated on the untreated and polished steel plate in oil. The test results showed that ring grooves positively affected the adsorption force. The bionic suction cup with a groove number of 3, a diameter of 0.5 mm, and a spacing of 3 mm was the most excellent in the test. It achieved normal adsorption forces of 54.83 ± 0.48 N and 43.89 ± 0.69 N on the untreated and polished steel plate. Compared with the standard suction cup, it increased by 32.31% and 12.28% on the untreated and polished steel plate. The regression model between the normal adsorption force and design factors was established based on the adsorption force test results, and the influence law of the ring groove structure parameters on the adsorption force of suction cups on oil-immersed substrates was analyzed. The order of significant effects of groove design parameters on normal adsorption forces was groove diameters, spacings, and numbers. The finite element analysis (FEA) results show that the ring grooves could significantly increase the contact pressure, frictional stress, and sliding distance between the suction cup and the substrate. The ring groove structure effectively improves the adsorption force of the suction cup on the oil-immersed surface by forming a more effective seal and increasing the friction force and adsorption area. This study could provide a reference for developing the actuator of the oil-immersed or lubricated climbing machine

    Applications of Bioinspired Reversible Dry and Wet Adhesives: A Review

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    <jats:p>Bioinspired adhesives that emulate the unique dry and wet adhesion mechanisms of living systems have been actively explored over the past two decades. Synthetic bioinspired adhesives that have recently been developed exhibit versatile smart adhesion capabilities, including controllable adhesion strength, active adhesion control, no residue remaining on the surface, and robust and reversible adhesion to diverse dry and wet surfaces. Owing to these advantages, bioinspired adhesives have been applied to various engineering domains. This review summarizes recent efforts that have been undertaken in the application of synthetic dry and wet adhesives, mainly focusing on grippers, robots, and wearable sensors. Moreover, future directions and challenges toward the next generation of bioinspired adhesives for advanced industrial applications are described.</jats:p&gt

    Functional surface microstructures inspired by nature : From adhesion and wetting principles to sustainable new devices

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    In the course of evolution nature has arrived at startling materials solutions to ensure survival. Investigations into biological surfaces, ranging from plants, insects and geckos to aquatic animals, have inspired the design of intricate surface patterns to create useful functionalities. This paper reviews the fundamental interaction mechanisms of such micropatterns with liquids, solids, and soft matter such as skin for control of wetting, self-cleaning, anti-fouling, adhesion, skin adherence, and sensing. Compared to conventional chemical strategies, the paradigm of micropatterning enables solutions with superior resource efficiency and sustainability. Associated applications range from water management and robotics to future health monitoring devices. We finally provide an overview of the relevant patterning methods as an appendix

    Pneumatically Attachable Flexible Rails for Track-Guided Ultrasound Scanning in Robotic-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy - A Preliminary Design Study

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    Robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy is a surgical operation in which part of a kidney is removed typically because of the presence of a mass. Pre-operative and intraoperative imaging techniques are used to identify and outline the target mass, thus the margins of the resection area on the kidney surface. Drop-in ultrasound probes are used to acquire intraoperative images: the probe is inserted through a trocar port, grasped with a robotic-assisted laparoscopic gripper and swiped on the kidney surface. Multiple swipes are performed to define the resection area. This is marked swipe by swipe using an electrocautery tool. During this procedure the probe often requires repositioning because of slippage from the target organ surface. Furthermore, the localization can be inaccurate when the target mass is in locations particularly hard to reach, and thus kidney repositioning could be required. A highly skilled surgeon is typically required to successfully perform this pre-operatory procedure. We propose a novel approach for the navigation of drop-in ultrasound probes: the use of pneumatically attachable flexible rails to enable swift, effortless, and accurate track-guided scanning of the kidney. The proposed system attaches on the kidney side surface with the use of a series of bio-inspired vacuum suckers. In this letter, the design of the proposed system and its use in robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy are presented for the first time

    Microfabricated Dynamic Shape-Change Hydrogel Systems

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    Biomimicry is gaining traction in the engineering community to create simple, elegant designs and constructions. Combining this with the microfabrication skills that the semiconductor industry has perfected, has enabled researchers to create high throughput, cost effective solutions to major challenges in the study of soft material dynamics. This thesis provides an insight into the possibilities that come with understanding the mechanics behind fast movements in the plant kingdom, and origami, to create systems that exhibit bidirectional folding using microfabrication. A thermoresponsive hydrogel sheet was fabricated, with stiffer non-swelling polymer grids embedded in it, which was the basis for its self-folding properties and behavior. In addition to this, a gut parasite inspired system was introduced, which could potentially give rise to a new type of adhesive drug delivery devices. Microfabrication skills such as photolithography were used to a large extent, to photopattern thermoresponsive hydrogels like poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) and mucoadhesive materials like chitosan. The drug release kinetics for this model was assessed, and future steps proposed, to make this a viable adhesive system
