18 research outputs found

    System-on-Chip Packet Processor for an Experimental Network Services Platform

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    As the focus of networking research shifts from raw performance to the delivery of advanced network services, there is a growing need for open-platform systems for extensible networking research. The Applied Research Laboratory at Washington University in Saint Louis has developed a flexible Network Services Platform (NSP) to meet this need. The NSP provides an extensible platform for prototyping next-generation network services and applications. This paper describes the design of a system-on-chip Packet Processor for the NSP which performs all core packet processing functions including segmentation and reassembly, packet classification, route lookup, and queue management. Targeted to a commercial configurable logic device, the system is designed to support gigabit links and switch fabrics with a 2:1 speed advantage. We provide resource consumption results for each component of the Packet Processor design

    MOTIM – An Industrial Application Using NOCs

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    High-speed networks used to interconnect computers advance at an extraordinary pace, driven by the evolution of several contributing technologies. Due to the ever-increasing complexity of designing parts and equipments for these networks, design complexity management makes scalability and reusability more important issues than performance, in most cases. This paper describes MOTIM, a scalable and reusable architecture enabling the implementation of Ethernet switches with low latency and high throughput. The architecture is built around a network-on-chip-based switch fabric, which guarantees scalability. The architecture has been validated by functional simulation and prototyped in FPGAs. The experimental results show that even under severe traffic conditions the architecture achieves packet transmission with low latencies. Categories and Subject Descriptor

    Design and implementation of a random neural network routing engine

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    Random neural network (RNN) is an analytically tractable spiked neural network model that has been implemented in software for a wide range of applications for over a decade. This paper presents the hardware implementation of the RNN model. Recently, cognitive packet networks (CPN) is proposed as an alternative packet network architecture where there is no routing table, instead RNN based reinforcement learning is used to route packets. Particularly, we describe implementation details for the RNN based routing engine of a CPN network processor chip: the smart packet processor (SPP). The SPP is a dual port device that stores, modifies, and interprets the defining characteristics of multiple RNN models. In addition to hardware design improvements over the software implementation such as dual access memory, output calculation step, reduced output calculation module, this paper introduces a major modification to the reinforcement learning algorithm used in the original CPN specification such that the number of weight terms are reduced from 2n2 to 2n. This not only yields significant memory savings, but it also simplifies the calculations for the steady state probabilities (neuron outputs in RNN). Simulations have been conducted to confirm the proper functionality for the isolated SPP design as well as for the multiple SPP\u27s in a networked environment

    Design and Performance of Scalable High-Performance Programmable Routers - Doctoral Dissertation, August 2002

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    The flexibility to adapt to new services and protocols without changes in the underlying hardware is and will increasingly be a key requirement for advanced networks. Introducing a processing component into the data path of routers and implementing packet processing in software provides this ability. In such a programmable router, a powerful processing infrastructure is necessary to achieve to level of performance that is comparable to custom silicon-based routers and to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. This work aims at the general design of such programmable routers and, specifically, at the design and performance analysis of the processing subsystem. The necessity of programmable routers is motivated, and a router design is proposed. Based on the design, a general performance model is developed and quantitatively evaluated using a new network processor benchmark. Operational challenges, like scheduling of packets to processing engines, are addressed, and novel algorithms are presented. The results of this work give qualitative and quantitative insights into this new domain that combines issues from networking, computer architecture, and system design

    Adaptive Load Sharing for Network Processors

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    A novel scheme for processing packets in a router is presented that provides load sharing among multiple network processors distributed within the router. It is complemented by a feedback control mechanism designed to prevent processor overload. Incoming traffic is scheduled to multiple processors based on a deterministic mapping. The mapping formula is derived from the robust hash routing (also known as the highest random weight - HRW) scheme, introduced in K.W.\ Ross, IEEE Network, 11(6), 1997, and D.G.\ Thaler et al., IEEE Trans.\ Networking, 6 (1), 1998. \emph{No state information} on individual flow mapping has to be stored, but for each packet, a mapping function is computed over an \emph{identifier vector}, a predefined set of fields in the packet. An \emph{adaptive extension} to the HRW scheme is provided to cope with biased traffic patterns. We prove that our adaptation possesses the \emph {minimal disruption property} with respect to the mapping and exploit that property to minimize the probability of flow reordering. Simulation results indicate that the scheme achieves significant improvements in processor utilization. A higher number of router interfaces can thus be supported with the same amount of processing power

    System architecture and hardware implementations for a reconfigurable MPLS router

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    With extremely wide bandwidth and good channel properties, optical fibers have brought fast and reliable data transmission to today’s data communications. However, to handle heavy traffic flowing through optical physical links, much faster processing speed is required or else congestion can take place at network nodes. Also, to provide people with voice, data and all categories of multimedia services, distinguishing between different data flows is a requirement. To address these router performance, Quality of Service /Class of Service and traffic engineering issues, Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) was proposed for IP-based Internetworks. In addition, routers flexible in hardware architecture in order to support ever-evolving protocols and services without causing big infrastructure modification or replacement are also desirable. Therefore, reconfigurable hardware implementation of MPLS was proposed in this project to obtain the overall fast processing speed at network nodes. The long-term goal of this project is to develop a reconfigurable MPLS router, which uniquely integrates the best features of operations being conducted in software and in run-time-reconfigurable hardware. The scope of this thesis includes system architecture and service algorithm considerations, Verilog coding and testing for an actual device. The hardware and software co-design technique was used to partition and schedule the protocol code for execution on both a general-purpose processor and stream-based hardware. A novel RPS scheme that is practically easy to build and can realize pipelined packet-by-packet data transfer at each output was proposed to take the place of the traditional crossbar switching. In RPS, packets with variable lengths can be switched intelligently without performing packet segmentation and reassembly. Primary theoretical analysis of queuing issues was discussed and an improved multiple queue service scheduling policy UD-WRR was proposed, which can reduce packet-waiting time without sacrificing the performance. In order to have the tests carried out appropriately, dedicated circuitry for the MPLS functional block to interface a specific MAC chip was implemented as well. The hardware designs for all functions were realized with a single Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device in this project. The main result presented in this thesis was the MPLS function implementation realizing a major part of layer three routing at the reconfigurable hardware level, which advanced a great step towards the goal of building a router that is both fast and flexible

    Load Balancing for the Agile All-Photonic Network

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    The Agile All-Photonic Network (AAPN) uses Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) to better utilize the bandwidth of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) systems. It uses agile all-photonic switches as advances in the photonic switching technology made the design of all-photonic devices with switching latency in the sub-microseconds feasible. The network has a simplified overlaid star architecture that can be deployed in a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN) environment. This overlaid architecture, as opposed to general mesh architecture, scales network capacity to multiples of Tera bits per second, simplif�ies routing, increases reliability, eliminates wavelength conversion, and the need for accurate traffic engineering. The objective of this thesis is to propose and analyze dif�ferent load balancing methods for the deployment of the AAPN network in a WAN environment. The analysis should provide interested Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with a comprehensive study of load balancing methods for using the AAPN network as their backbone network. The methods balance the load at the ow level to reduce packet reordering. The methods are stateless and can compute routes quickly based on the packet flow identi�er. This is an important issue when deploying AAPN as an Internet backbone network where the number of flows is large and storing ow state in lookup tables can limit the network performance. The load balancing methods, deployed at the edge nodes, require reliable signaling with the bandwidth schedulers at the core nodes. To provide a reliable channel between the edge and core nodes, the Control Messages Delivery Protocol (CMDP) is proposed as part of this thesis work. The protocol is designed to work in environments where propagation delays are long and/or the error rates are high. It is used to deliver a burst of short messages in sequence and with no errors. Combined with the reliable routing protocol proposed previously for the AAPN network, they form the control plane for the network. To extend the applicability of the load balancing methods to topologies beyond AAPN overlaid star topology, the Valiant Load Balancing (VLB) method is used to build an overlaid star topology on top of the physical network. The VLB method provides guaranteed performance for highly variable tra�c matrices within the hose traffic model constraints. In addition to the guaranteed performance, deploying the VLB method in the AAPN network, eliminates signaling and replaces the dynamic core schedulers with static scheduler that can accommodate all tra�c matrices within the hose tra�c model boundaries

    Load sharing for multiprocessor network nodes

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    This thesis discusses techniques for sharing the processing load among multiple processing units within systems that act as nodes in a data communications network. Load-sharing techniques have been explored in the field of computer science for many years and their benefits are well known, including better utilization of processing capacity and enhanced system fault tolerance. We discuss deploying such methods in the specifics of the networking environment. We concentrate particularly on the data plane, or the data packet-processing tasks. After reviewing the main results in the fields of load sharing and multiprocessor networking systems architectures, we conduct a preparatory optimization study of a router system to gain better understanding of the optimization issues in a particular multiprocessor system. The main contribution of this thesis, the adaptive load-sharing method, is presented next. We first formulate the optimization problem of mapping packets to processors. The goal is to minimize the likelihood of flow reordering, while respecting certain system constraints, such as the acceptable probability of a packet loss. As we show that the task is an NP-complete problem, we propose a heuristic method that uses an adaptive hash-based mapping to assign packets to processors. We demonstrate its advantages and prove that the method adaptation policy possesses the key minimal disruption property with respect to the mapping. In other words, the adaptation results in a minimum number of flows being moved among processing units. Further on, the method is validated in an extensive set of simulations designed to imitate the networking environment. Finally, two sample applications, an architecture of a multiprotocol router and an implementation of a server load balancer on a network processor demonstrate the applicability of the method

    Enhancing programmability for adaptive resource management in next generation data centre networks

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    Recently, Data Centre (DC) infrastructures have been growing rapidly to support a wide range of emerging services, and provide the underlying connectivity and compute resources that facilitate the "*-as-a-Service" model. This has led to the deployment of a multitude of services multiplexed over few, very large-scale centralised infrastructures. In order to cope with the ebb and flow of users, services and traffic, infrastructures have been provisioned for peak-demand resulting in the average utilisation of resources to be low. This overprovisionning has been further motivated by the complexity in predicting traffic demands over diverse timescales and the stringent economic impact of outages. At the same time, the emergence of Software Defined Networking (SDN), is offering new means to monitor and manage the network infrastructure to address this underutilisation. This dissertation aims to show how measurement-based resource management can improve performance and resource utilisation by adaptively tuning the infrastructure to the changing operating conditions. To achieve this dynamicity, the infrastructure must be able to centrally monitor, notify and react based on the current operating state, from per-packet dynamics to longstanding traffic trends and topological changes. However, the management and orchestration abilities of current SDN realisations is too limiting and must evolve for next generation networks. The current focus has been on logically centralising the routing and forwarding decisions. However, in order to achieve the necessary fine-grained insight, the data plane of the individual device must be programmable to collect and disseminate the metrics of interest. The results of this work demonstrates that a logically centralised controller can dynamically collect and measure network operating metrics to subsequently compute and disseminate fine-tuned environment-specific settings. They show how this approach can prevent TCP throughput incast collapse and improve TCP performance by an order of magnitude for partition-aggregate traffic patterns. Futhermore, the paradigm is generalised to show the benefits for other services widely used in DCs such as, e.g, routing, telemetry, and security