1,557 research outputs found

    Experimental results obtained on a new circuit topology of a broadband and low spurious frequency doubler

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    A CRLH (Composite Right-/Left-Handed) based distributed frequency multiplier circuit topology is proposed. It is demonstrated that using fully-distributed CRLH based unit cells, low spurious output spectrum and flat output power level may be obtained for a large frequency bandwidth. To validate the proposed frequency multiplier, a frequency doubler is designed and fabricated. The experimental results have shown that the conversion losses on the output second harmonic is less than 9 dB and 7 dB, for input power level of -1 dBm and 5 dBm, respectively, within an input frequency bandwidth from 4 GHz to 6 GHz. In the same frequency bandwidth, due to the CRLH based circuit topology, the first and third output harmonics are well filtered

    Electromagnetic Composites: from Effective Medium Theories to Metamaterials

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    Electromagnetic (EM) composites have stimulated tremendous fundamental and practical interests owing to their flexible electromagnetic properties and extensive potential engineering applications. Hence, it is necessary to systematically understand the physical mechanisms and design principles controlling EM composites. In this tutorial, we first provide an overview of the basic theory of electromagnetism about electromagnetic constitutive parameters that can represent the electromagnetic properties of materials. We show how this corpus allows a consistent construction of effective medium theories and allows for numerical simulation of EM composites to deal with structure-property relationships. We then discuss the influence of spatial dispersion of shaped inclusions in the material medium on the EM properties of composites, which has not been systematically illustrated in the context of this interdisciplinary topic. Next, artificial composites or metamaterials with peculiar properties not readily available in nature are highlighted with particular emphasis on the control of the EM interaction with composites. We conclude by discussing appropriate methods of electromagnetic measurement and practical aspects for implementing composites for specific applications are described. Overall, this tutorial will serve the purpose of introducing the basics and applications of electromagnetic composites to newcomers in this field. It is also anticipated that researchers from different backgrounds including materials science, optics, and electrical engineering can communicate to each other with the same language when dealing with this interdisciplinary subject and further push forward this advancement from fundamental science to technological applications.Comment: 63 pages, 20 figure

    Multimode Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics With Superconducting Metamaterial Resonators

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    Superconducting devices in circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) systems are one of the leading approaches for realizing scalable quantum information processors. The combination of cQED architectures with multimode resonator systems can provide a flexible platform for performing analog quantum simulations, storing quantum information, and generating complex entangled states. Metamaterial resonant structures made from arrays of superconducting lumped circuit elements can exhibit microwave mode spectra with left-handed dispersion, resulting in a high density of modes in the same frequency range where superconducting qubits are typically operated, as well as a bandgap at lower frequencies that extends down to dc. In this thesis, we present a brief review of the design, fabrication, and circuit properties of superconducting metamaterial resonators. Through a series of low-temperature measurements, we study the coupling of a flux-tunable transmon qubit to a dense spectrum of microwave modes generated by a superconducting metamaterial resonator. We measure the interaction between the transmon and metamaterial by both direct microwave transmission through the metamaterial resonator and qubit spectroscopy and manipulation through a separate readout cavity. We study the qubit decay and decoherence as a function of frequency in the presence of the dense mode spectrum. We also investigate the ac Stark shift of the qubit as the photon number in the various metamaterial modes is varied. Additionally, we compare these measurements with analytical and circuit simulation results

    The Los Alamos Trapped Ion Quantum Computer Experiment

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    The development and theory of an experiment to investigate quantum computation with trapped calcium ions is described. The ion trap, laser and ion requirements are determined, and the parameters required for quantum logic operations as well as simple quantum factoring are described.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Fortschritte der Physi

    Tatsuo Itoh : discurs llegit a la cerimònia d'investidura celebrada a la Sala d'Actes del Rectorat el dia 14 d'octubre de l'any 2015

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    Tatsuo Itoh va ser investit doctor honoris causa per la UAB per les seves rellevants contribucions a l'enginyeria de radiofreqüència/microones i de les telecomunicacions.Nomenament 19/03/2015. A proposta de l'Escola d'Enginyeria. L'acte d'investidura va tenir lloc el 14 d'octubre de 201

    Antennas using left handed transmission lines

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    The research described in this thesis is concerned with the analysis and design of conventional wire antenna types, dipoles and loops, based on the left-handed transmission line approach. The left handed antennas have a unique feature that the wavelength of the induced current becomes shorter with decreasing frequency. The left handed transmission line concept can be extended to construct reduced-size dipole or loop antennas in the VHF frequency band. The use of higher order modes allows orthogonal polarisation to be obtained, which is thought to be a feature unique to these antennas. Efficiency is a key parameter of left handed antennas as the heavy left handed loading increases the resistive loss. A study of the efficiency of small dipole antennas loaded with a left-handed transmission line is specially described, and the comparison with conventional inductive loading dipoles. In a low order mode, the efficiency of L-loading dipole is better with low number of unit cell. If the number of cell increases, CL-loading presents comparable and even better performance. In a high mode the meandered left handed dipole gives the best efficiency due to the phase distribution, presenting orthogonal polarization as well. The optimized dipole loaded with parallel plate capacitors and spiral inductors presents the best performance in impedance and efficiency, even better than the conventional inductive loading. A planar loop antenna using a ladder network of left handed loading is also presented. Various modes can be obtained in the left handed loop antenna. The zero order mode gives rise to omnidirectional patterns in the plane of the loop, with good efficiency. By loading the loop with active components, varactors, a tunable left handed loop antenna with a switchable radiation pattern is implemented. The loop gives an omnidirectional pattern with a null to z axis while working in an n = 0 mode and can switch to a pattern with a null at phi = 45° in the plane of the loop in an n = 2 mode

    Laser space rendezvous and docking tradeoff

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    A spaceborne laser radar (LADAR) was configured to meet the requirements for rendezvous and docking with a cooperative object in synchronous orbit. The LADAR, configurated using existing pulsed CO2 laser technology and a 1980 system technology baseline, is well suited for the envisioned space tug missions. The performance of a family of candidate LADARS was analyzed. Tradeoff studies as a function of size, weight, and power consumption were carried out for maximum ranges of 50, 100, 200, and 300 nautical miles. The investigation supports the original contention that a rendezvous and docking LADAR can be constructed to offer a cost effective and reliable solution to the envisioned space missions. In fact, the CO2 ladar system offers distinct advantages over other candidate systems

    One-Dimensional Tunable Josephson Metamaterials - Eindimensionale stimmbare Josephson Metamaterialien

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    This thesis presents a novel approach to the experimental realization of tunable, superconducting metamaterials. Therefore, conventional resonant meta-atoms are replaced by meta-atoms that contain Josephson junctions, which renders their resonance frequency tunable by an external magnetic field. This tunability is theoretically and experimentally investigated in one-dimensional magnetic and electric metamaterials. For the magnetic metamaterial, the effective, magnetic permeability is determined
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