2,657 research outputs found

    Dynamic behavior analysis for a six axis industrial machining robot

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    The six axis robots are widely used in automotive industry for their good repeatability (as defined in the ISO92983) (painting, welding, mastic deposition, handling etc.). In the aerospace industry, robot starts to be used for complex applications such as drilling, riveting, fiber placement, NDT, etc. Given the positioning performance of serial robots, precision applications require usually external measurement device with complexes calibration procedure in order to reach the precision needed. New applications in the machining field of composite material (aerospace, naval, or wind turbine for example) intend to use off line programming of serial robot without the use of calibration or external measurement device. For those applications, the position, orientation and path trajectory precision of the tool center point of the robot are needed to generate the machining operation. This article presents the different conditions that currently limit the development of robots in robotic machining applications. We analyze the dynamical behavior of a robot KUKA KR240-2 (located at the University of Bordeaux 1) equipped with a HSM Spindle (42000 rpm, 18kW). This analysis is done in three stages. The first step is determining the self-excited frequencies of the robot structure for three different configurations of work. The second phase aims to analyze the dynamical vibration of the structure as the spindle is activated without cutting. The third stage consists of vibration analysis during a milling operation


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    Roof bolting is a critical operation in ensuring the safety and stability of underground mines by securing the roof strata with bolts. The process involves moving and manipulating heavy tools while being vigilant about the safety of the area. During the installation of roof bolts, operators are exposed to hazardous conditions due to challenging working conditions in underground mines, extensive working hours, and demanding shift schedules leading to personnel fatigue and influencing operators to take shortcuts that may increase the risk of injuries and fatal accidents. The successful completion of roof bolting tasks depends heavily on operator judgment and experience to perform these tasks. To mitigate the occupational hazards inherent in roof bolting operations, a six-axis ABB IRB 1600 robotic arm was integrated into the roof bolter machine to imitate human functions during the roof bolting operation. The integration process involves selecting a suitable robot that can perform human activities and has the potential to handle the tasks at hand. The ultimate goal of implementing the robotic system into the roof bolter machine is to minimize human involvement during the roof bolting operation by converting the machine from manual operations to a partially automated roof bolter machine. The integration enhances the safety of personnel by moving humans away from the face where roof bolting takes place to a safe distance. The operator is then assigned a new role to control and supervise all the operational tasks of the automated roof bolting operation via a human-machine interface (HMI). During the laboratory testing of the automation process, the robotic arm cooperates with some novel specialized technologies to imitate human activities during roof bolting operations. The developed systems include the plate feeder, the bolt feeder, and the wrench. These systems were built to support automation and minimize human intervention during roof bolting operations. These components were linked to the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and controlled by the HMI touchpad. An HMI was developed for the operator to control and monitor the automated process away from the active face. This study establishes robust communication paths among all the components. The design communication network links the robotic arm and other components of the roof bolter machine, leading to a smooth and sequential roof bolting process. The EtherNet/IP protocol is used to pass messages between the components of the automated roof bolter machine through a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus device installed to enable communication using CAN protocols. Establishing a robust communication network between the components prevents collision and manages the movement of the robotic arm and other developed automated systems during the bolting process. The outcome of the study shows that the robotic arm has the potential to mimic human activities during the roof bolting operation by performing bolt grasping, holding, lifting, placing, and removal of drill steels during the roof bolting operations. As a result, humans can be moved away from hazardous areas to a safe location and control the roof bolting operation through an Human Machine Interface (HMI) touchpad. The HMI controls the bolting process with start and stop buttons from the subroutine of all the components to perform the roof bolting operation. These buttons enable the operator to stop the operation in the event of unsafe acts

    Human-Robot Collaborative Force-Controlled Micro-Drilling for Advanced Manufacturing and Medical Applications

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    Robotic drilling finds applications in diverse fields ranging from advanced manufacturing to the medical industry. Recent advances in low-cost, and human-safe, collaborative robots (e.g., Sawyer) are enabling us to rethink the possibilities in which robots can be deployed for such tedious and time-consuming tasks. This thesis presents a robotic drilling methodology with features of force-control enabled micro-drilling and human-robot collaboration to reduce programming efforts and enhance drilling performance. A Sawyer robot from Rethink Robotics, which offers safe physical interactions with a human co-worker, kinesthetic teaching, and force control, is used as the test bed. The robot’s end-effector was equipped with a Dremel drill fit into a housing, which was custom designed and 3D-printed using an Object Prime 3D-printer. The proposed approach applies human-robot collaboration in two cases. First, a human kinesthetically teaches a set of drill coordinates by physically holding the robot and guiding it to those locations. The robot then executes the drilling task by moving to these recorded locations. This thereby avoids the need to specify the drill coordinates with respect to a fixed reference frame, leading to reduction in programming effort and setup time while transitioning between different drilling jobs. Second, drilled hole quality is shown to be enhanced when a human provides nominal physical support to the robot during certain drilling tasks. An experimental analysis of the impact of force control on micro-drilling revealed that the proposed robotic system is capable of successfully drilling holes with a drill bit of 0.5 mm diameter with an error of +/- 0.05 mm, without breaking it for more than 100 holes. The proposed robotic drilling was validated in the following application domain: micro-drilling for composite repairs based on the through-thickness reinforcement (TTR) technique. For this purpose, sandwich beam samples were prepared by using pre-preg unidirectional carbon fabric face sheets with a honeycomb core, and they were subjected to four-point static loading until de-bonding occurred between the face sheet and the core. The samples were then repaired using the TTR technique, where the proposed robotic drilling was used to drill holes of 0.75 mm diameter in the damaged area of the sample and carbon fiber rods and with low-viscosity epoxy, were manually inserted into these drilled holes. The results revealed that the sandwich beam regained effective compressive strength after going through the TTR technique. Experiments also reveal the potential of the proposed robotic drilling technique in aerospace and automotive manufacturing involving drilling in complex postures and micro-drilling for orthopedic applications


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    The mining sector is currently in the stage of adopting more automation, and with it, robotics. Autonomous bolting in underground environments remains a hot topic for the mining industry. Roof bolter operators are exposed to hazardous conditions due to their proximity to the unsupported roof, loose bolts, and heavy spinning mass. Prolonged exposure to the risk inevitably leads to accidents and injuries. The current thesis presents the development of a robotic assembly capable of carrying out the entire sequence of roof bolting operations in full and partial autonomous sensor-driven rock bolting operations to achieve a high-impact health and safety intervention for equipment operators. The automation of a complete cycle of drill steel positioning, drilling, bolt orientation and placement, resin placement, and bolt securing is discussed using an anthropomorphic robotic arm.A human-computer interface is developed to enable the interaction of the operators with the machines. Collision detection techniques will have to be implemented to minimize the impact after an unexpected collision has occurred. A robust failure-detection protocol is developed to check the vital parameters of robot operations continuously. This unique approach to automation of small materials handling is described with lessons learned. A user-centered GUI has been developed that allows for a human user to control and monitor the autonomous roof bolter. Preliminary tests have been conducted in a mock mine to evaluate the developed system\u27s performance. In addition, a number of different scenarios simulating typical missions that a roof bolter needs to undertake in an underground coal mine were tested

    RACE pulls for shared control

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    Maintaining and supporting an aircraft fleet, in a climate of reduced manpower and financial resources, dictates effective utilization of robotics and automation technologies. To help develop a winning robotics and automation program the Air Force Logistics Command created the Robotics and Automation Center of Excellence (RACE). RACE is a command wide focal point. Race is an organic source of expertise to assist the Air Logistic Center (ALC) product directorates in improving process productivity through the judicious insertion of robotics and automation technologies. RACE is a champion for pulling emerging technologies into the aircraft logistic centers. One of those technology pulls is shared control. Small batch sizes, feature uncertainty, and varying work load conspire to make classic industrial robotic solutions impractical. One can view ALC process problems in the context of space robotics without the time delay. The ALC's will benefit greatly from the implementation of a common architecture that supports a range of control actions from fully autonomous to teleoperated. Working with national laboratories and private industry, we hope to transition shared control technology to the depot floor. This paper provides an overview of the RACE internal initiatives and customer support, with particular emphasis on production processes that will benefit from shared control technology

    The simulation of automated leading edge assembly

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    Aircraft manufacturers are experiencing a fierce competition worldwide. Improving productivity, increasing throughput and reducing costs are influencing aircraft manufacturer’s future development. In order to improve competitiveness and provide sufficient and high quality products, it should reduce operations of aircraft assembly,majority of which are still in manual process, which limit production output. In contrast, these processes can be automated to replace manual operations. Much more attention should be placed on automated application. This project aims to propose a methodology to develop the automated assembly based on robotics and use this methodology to develop a new concept of Automated Leading Edge Assembly. The research selects an automated assembly process for further evaluation and brackets assembled on the front spar of Leading Edge are chosen to be automated assembly with robot assistant. The software DELMIA is used to develop and simulate the automated assembly process of brackets based on 3-D virtual aircraft Leading Edge models. The research development is mainly divided into three phases which are: (1) The state of art on Manual Leading Edge Assembly; (2) Automated Leading Edge Assembly framework development; (3) Automated Leading Edge Assembly framework evaluation including automated assembly process simulation based on DELMIA robotics workbench and automated assembly cost estimation. The research has proposed a methodology to develop the automated assembly based on robotics, proposed a new concept of Automated Leading Edge Assembly: using robots to replace workers to finish the assembly applications in the Leading Edge, and proposed a new automated bracket assembly process with laser ablation, adhesive bonding, drilling, riveting, and robot application. These applications can attract more and more engineers’ attention and provide preliminary knowledge for further study and detail research in the future

    Robots and tools for remodeling bone

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    The field of robotic surgery has progressed from small teams of researchers repurposing industrial robots, to a competitive and highly innovative subsection of the medical device industry. Surgical robots allow surgeons to perform tasks with greater ease, accuracy, or safety, and fall under one of four levels of autonomy; active, semi-active, passive, and remote manipulator. The increased accuracy afforded by surgical robots has allowed for cementless hip arthroplasty, improved postoperative alignment following knee arthroplasty, and reduced duration of intraoperative fluoroscopy among other benefits. Cutting of bone has historically used tools such as hand saws and drills, with other elaborate cutting tools now used routinely to remodel bone. Improvements in cutting accuracy and additional options for safety and monitoring during surgery give robotic surgeries some advantages over conventional techniques. This article aims to provide an overview of current robots and tools with a common target tissue of bone, proposes a new process for defining the level of autonomy for a surgical robot, and examines future directions in robotic surgery

    Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El mecanizado con brazos robots ha sido estudiado aproximadamente desde los años 90, durante este tiempo se han llevado a cabo importantes avances y descubrimientos en cuanto a su campo de aplicación. En general, los robots manipuladores tienen muchos beneficios y ventajas al ser usados en operaciones de mecanizado, tales como, flexibilidad, gran área de trabajo y facilidad de programación, entre otras, frente a las Máquinas Herramientas de Control numérico (MHCN) que necesitan de una gran inversión para trabajar piezas muy grandes o incrementar sus grados de libertad. Como desventajas, frente a las MHCN, los brazos robóticos poseen menor rigidez, lo que combinado con las altas fuerzas producidas en los procesos de mecanizado hace que aparezcan errores de precisión, desviaciones en las trayectorias, vibraciones y, por consiguiente, una mala calidad en las piezas fabricadas. Entre los brazos robots, los brazos colaborativos están en auge debido a su programación intuitiva y a sus medidas de seguridad, que les permiten trabajar en el mismo espacio que los operadores sin que estos corran riesgos. Como desventaja añadida de los robots colaborativos se encuentra la mayor flexibilidad que estos tienen en sus articulaciones, debido a que incluyen reductores del tipo Harmonic drive. El uso de un control de fuerza en procesos de mecanizado con brazos robots permite controlar y corregir en tiempo real las desviaciones generadas por la flexibilidad en las articulaciones del robot. Utilizar este método de control es beneficioso en cualquier brazo robot; sin embargo, el control interno que incluyen los robots colaborativos presenta ventajas que permiten que el control de fuerza pueda ser aplicado de una manera más eficiente. En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una propuesta real para la inclusión del control de esfuerzos en el brazo robot, así como también, se evalúa y cuantifica la capacidad de los robots industriales y colaborativos en tareas de mecanizado. La propuesta plantea cómo mejorar la utilización de un control de fuerza por bucle interior/exterior aplicado en un brazo colaborativo cuando se desconocen los pares reales de los motores del robot, así como otros parámetros internos que los fabricantes no dan a conocer. Este bucle de control interior/exterior ha sido utilizado en aplicaciones de pulido y lijado sobre diferentes materiales. Los resultados indican que el robot colaborativo es factible para realizar tales operaciones de mecanizado. Sus mejores resultados se obtienen cuando se utiliza un bucle de control interno por velocidad y un bucle de control externo de fuerza con algoritmos, Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo o Proporcional más Pre-Alimentación de la Fuerza.[CA] El mecanitzat amb braços robots ha estat estudiat aproximadament des dels anys 90, durant aquest temps s'han dut a terme importants avanços i descobriments en el que fa al seu camp d'aplicació. En general, els robots manipuladors tenen molts beneficis i avantatges al ser usats en operacions de mecanitzat, com ara, flexibilitat, gran àrea de treball i facilitat de programació, entre d'altres, davant de Màquines Eines de Control Numèric (MECN) que necessiten d'una gran inversió per treballar peces molt grans o incrementar els seus graus de llibertat. Com a desavantatges, enfront de les MECN, els braços robòtics posseeixen menor rigidesa, el que combinat amb les altes forces produïdes en els processos de mecanitzat fa que apareguin errors de precisió, desviacions en les trajectòries, vibracions i, per tant, una mala qualitat en les peces fabricades. Entre els braços robots, els braços col·laboratius estan en auge a causa de la seva programació intuïtiva i a les seves mesures de seguretat, que els permeten treballar en el mateix espai que els operadors sense que aquests corrin riscos. Com desavantatge afegida als robots col·laboratius es troba la major flexibilitat que aquests tenen en les seves articulacions, a causa de que inclouen reductors del tipus Harmonic drive. L'ús d'un control de força en processos de mecanitzat amb braços robots permet controlar, i corregir, en temps real les desviacions generades per la flexibilitat en les articulacions del robot. Utilitzar aquest mètode de control és beneficiós en qualsevol braç robot, però, el control intern que inclouen els robots col·laboratius presenta avantatges que permeten que el control de força es puga aplicar d'una manera més eficient. En el present treball es desenvolupa una proposta real per a la inclusió del control d'esforços en el braç robot, així com s'avalua i quantifica la capacitat dels robots industrials i col·laboratius en tasques de mecanitzat. La proposta planteja com millorar la utilització d'un control de força per bucle interior/exterior aplicat en un braç col·laboratiu, quan es desconeixen els parells reals dels motors del robot, així com altres paràmetres interns que els fabricants no donen a conèixer. Aquest bucle de control interior/exterior ha estat utilitzat en aplicacions de polit sobre diferents materials. Els resultats indiquen que el robot col·laboratiu és factible de realitzar aquestes operacions de mecanitzat. Els seus millors resultats s'obtenen quan s'utilitza un bucle de control intern per velocitat i un bucle de control extern de força amb els algoritmes Proporcional-Integral-Derivatiu o Proporcional més Pre-alimentació de la Força.[EN] Machining with robot arms has been studied approximately since the 90s; during this time, important advances and discoveries have been made in its field of application. In general, manipulative robots have many benefits and advantages when they are used in machining operations, such as flexibility, large work area, and ease of programming, among others, compared to Numerical Control Machine Tools (NCMT) that need a great investment to work very large pieces or increase their degrees of freedom. As for disadvantages, compared to NCMT, robotic arms have lower rigidity, which, combined with the high forces produced in machining processes, causes precision errors, path deviations, vibrations, and, consequently, poor quality in the manufactured parts. Among robot arms, collaborative arms are on the rise due to their intuitive programming and safety measures, which allow them to work in the same space without risk for the operators. An added disadvantage of collaborative robots is their flexibility in their joints because they include Harmonic drive type reducers. The use of force control in machining processes with robot arms makes possible to control and correct, in real-time, the deviations generated by the flexibility in the robot's joints. The use of this control method is beneficial for any robot arm. However, the internal control included in collaborative robots has advantages that allow the force control to be applied more efficiently. In this work, a real proposal is developed to include effort control in the robot arm. The capacity of industrial and collaborative robots in machining tasks is evaluated and quantified. The proposal recommends how to improve the use of an inner/outer force control loop applied in a collaborative arm, when the real torques of the robot's motors are unknown and other internal parameters that manufacturers do not disclose. This inner/outer control loop has been used in polishing and sanding applications on different materials. The results indicate that the collaborative robot is feasible to perform such machining operations. Best results are obtained using an internal velocity control loop and external force control loop with Proportional-Integral-Derivative or Proportional plus Feed Forward.The authors are grateful for the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and European Union, grant DPI2016-81002-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). This work was funded by the CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2017 – 72180157.Pérez Ubeda, RA. (2022). Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182000TESISCompendi

    NASA Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration

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    NASA's program for the civilian exploration of space is a challenge to scientists and engineers to help maintain and further develop the United States' position of leadership in a focused sphere of space activity. Such an ambitious plan requires the contribution and further development of many scientific and technological fields. One research area essential for the success of these space exploration programs is Intelligent Robotic Systems. These systems represent a class of autonomous and semi-autonomous machines that can perform human-like functions with or without human interaction. They are fundamental for activities too hazardous for humans or too distant or complex for remote telemanipulation. To meet this challenge, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has established an Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration (CIRSSE). The Center was created with a five year $5.5 million grant from NASA submitted by a team of the Robotics and Automation Laboratories. The Robotics and Automation Laboratories of RPI are the result of the merger of the Robotics and Automation Laboratory of the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering (ECSE) and the Research Laboratory for Kinematics and Robotic Mechanisms of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, and Mechanics (ME,AE,&M), in 1987. This report is an examination of the activities that are centered at CIRSSE
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