1,068 research outputs found

    Optimización del diseño de convertidores de potencia CC-CC

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    L'electrònica ha experimentat una gran evolució durant les últimes dècades. El número de dispositius i aplicacions electrònics ha augmentat exponencialment fins a convertir-se en elements indispensables de la nostra vida quotidiana. Concretament, en el campo de l’electrònica de potencia, els convertidores commutats CC-CC, àmpliament utilitzats en els sistemes d’alimentació d’ equips electrònics, requereixen d’una eficiència elevada. Així, en la tesis es presenta un nou mètode per al disseny de convertidors CC-CC que optimitza una funció objectiu no lineal amb restriccions no lineals. El model desenvolupat aborda, en la majoria dels casos, un problema que consisteix en el disseny òptim de mínimes pèrdues, es a dir, màxima eficiència. A pesar d’això, també es presenta, a mode d’exemple, el disseny òptim de convertidors maximitzant l’ample de banda. Es pretén mostrar així la facilitat amb que pot ser modificat el programa de disseny. El problema ha estat modelat com un programa de Programació Geomètrica per aprofitar les avantatges que ofereix l’optimització convexa.L'electrònica ha experimentat una gran evolució durant les últimes dècades. El número de dispositius i aplicacions electrònics ha augmentat exponencialment fins a convertir-se en elements indispensables de la nostra vida quotidiana. Concretament, en el campo de l’electrònica de potencia, els convertidores commutats CC-CC, àmpliament utilitzats en els sistemes d’alimentació d’ equips electrònics, requereixen d’una eficiència elevada. Així, en la tesis es presenta un nou mètode per al disseny de convertidors CC-CC que optimitza una funció objectiu no lineal amb restriccions no lineals. El model desenvolupat aborda, en la majoria dels casos, un problema que consisteix en el disseny òptim de mínimes pèrdues, es a dir, màxima eficiència. A pesar d’això, també es presenta, a mode d’exemple, el disseny òptim de convertidors maximitzant l’ample de banda. Es pretén mostrar així la facilitat amb que pot ser modificat el programa de disseny. El problema ha estat modelat com un programa de Programació Geomètrica per aprofitar les avantatges que ofereix l’optimització convexa.La electrónica ha experimentado una gran evolución en las últimas décadas. El número de dispositivos y aplicaciones electrónicas ha aumentado exponencialmente hasta convertirse en elementos indispensables en nuestra vida cotidiana. Concretamente, en el campo de la electrónica de potencia, los convertidores conmutados CC-CC, ampliamente utilizados en los sistemas de alimentación de equipos electrónicos, requieren de una eficiencia elevada. Así, en la tesis se presenta un nuevo método para el diseño de convertidores CC-CC que optimiza una función objetivo no lineal con restricciones no lineales. El modelo desarrollado aborda, en la mayoría de los casos, un problema que consiste en el diseño óptimo de mínimas pérdidas, es decir, máxima eficiencia. Sin embargo, también se presenta, a modo de ejemplo, el diseño óptimo de convertidores maximizando el ancho de banda. Se pretende mostrar así la facilidad con que puede ser modificado el programa de diseño. El problema ha sido modelado como un programa de Programación Geométrica para aprovechar las ventajas que ofrece la optimización convexa.The electronics has evolved greatly in recent decades. The number of electronic devices and applications has grown exponentially to become indispensable in our daily lives. Specifically, in the field of power electronics, the power converters DC-DC, widely used in supply systems of electronic equipment, require a high efficiency. Thus, the thesis presents a new method for the design of DC-DC converters to optimize nonlinear objective function with nonlinear constraints. The model developed presented, in most cases, a problem which consists in the optimum design of minimum losses. However, also presents the optimal design of converters maximizing bandwidth. And is intended to show how easy it can be modified the design program. The problem is modelled as a Geometric Programming problem to exploit the advantages of convex optimization

    Power Density Optimization of EMI Filters for Power Electronic Converters

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    The switching power converters are used in a broad variety of applications, from the consumer electronics to the DC distribution systems, from the vehicle applications (road vehicles, marine vehicles, aircraft) to the industrial automation. In each of these application fields, the conversion systems which present more compact size and reduced weight, at the same power, are strongly required in relation to stringent design constraints. In this context, the optimization of the power density of the converter becomes an essential requirement. The increase of the switching frequency of the static devices allows an improvement of the power density, thanks to the possibility of reducing the sizes of the energy storage passive components (inductors and capacitors). On the other hand, the increase of the switching frequency determines, with high probability, the generation of more relevant conducted electromagnetic interferences (EMI) in the frequency range 150 kHz – 30 MHz. In particular, the high switching frequency is responsible for several serious problems affecting both the reliability and the electromagnetic compatibility of the systems of which the converter is part. For this reason, noise mitigationg is, more than ever, one of the major issues in power electronic system design, particularly when dealing with stringent standard regard the maximum emission limits, which however are mandatory for the marketing of these systems. EMI filters are the most efficient among the different possible solutions to mitigate the conducted electromagnetic interferences. On the other hand, EMI filters are part of the power electronic converters and they have significant impact on the overall converter volume and weight. In order to take on this issue, besides satisfying EMI limits, a further optimization in terms of filter size and weight during the design stage is advantageous to maximize the overall converter’s power density. The identification of the configuration leading to the best power density, in terms of minimum volume/weight, is a nontrivial task. The conventional design of EMI filters disregards the power density issue. The trial and error approach requires a significant effort in terms of time spent and it does not guarantee the optimal choice of filter configuration in order to obtain the maximum power density. For this reason, an automatic optimized design procedure of discrete EMI filters has been developed. Once the power electronic converter characteristics are known and based on databases, suitably set up, of commercially available devices for the realization of EMI filters, the optimized procedure enables EMI engineers or scientists to obtain the best EMI filter configuration in term of power density. On the basis of the developed automatic design procedure, an interactive software, ODEF (Optimized Design of EMI Filters), has been developed to make the new design procedure more accessible to EMI designer. Moreover, the developed application is provided of a graphical interface which allows to analyze and compare simultaneously different EMI filter designs. The optimization algorithm can be used as a EMI filter design tool but also as a tool for the analysis of the EMI filters performance

    Ferrite-based micro-inductors for power systems on chip : from material elaboration to inductor optimisation

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    Les composants passifs intégrés sont des éléments clés pour les futures alimentations sur puce, compactes et présentant des performances améliorées: haut rendement et forte densité de puissance. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est d'étudier les matériaux et la technologie pour réaliser de bobines à base de ferrite, intégrées sur silicium, avec des faibles empreintes (<4 mm ²) et de faible épaisseur (<250 µm). Ces bobines, dédiées à la conversion de puissance (˜ 1 W) doivent présenter une forte inductance spécifique et un facteur de qualité élevé dans la gamme de fréquence visée (5-10 MHz). Des ferrites de NiZn ont été sélectionnées comme matériaux magnétiques pour le noyau des bobines en raison de leur forte résistivité et de leur perméabilité stable dans la gamme de fréquence visée. Deux techniques sont développées pour les noyaux de ferrite: la sérigraphie d'une poudre synthétisée au laboratoire et la découpe automatique de films de ferrite commerciaux, suivi dans chaque cas du frittage et le placement sur les conducteurs pour former une bobine rectangulaire. Des bobines tests ont été réalisées dans un premier temps afin que la caractérisation puisse être effectuée : les propriétés magnétiques du noyau de ferrite notamment les pertes volumiques dans le noyau sont ainsi extraites. L'équation de Steinmetz a permis de corréler les courbes de pertes mesurées avec des expressions analytiques en fonction de la fréquence et de l'induction. La deuxième phase de la thèse est l'optimisation de la conception de la micro-bobine à base de ferrite, en tenant compte des pertes attendues. L'algorithme générique est utilisé pour optimiser les dimensions de la bobine avec pour objectif ; la minimisation des pertes et l'obtention de la valeur d'inductance spécifique souhaitée, sous faible polarisation en courant. La méthode des éléments finis pour le magnétisme FEMM est utilisée pour modéliser le comportement électromagnétique du composant. La deuxième série de prototypes a été réalisée afin de valider la méthode d'optimisation. En perspective, les procédés de photolithographie de résine épaisse et le dépôt électrolytique sont en cours de développement pour réaliser les enroulements de cuivre épais autour des noyaux de ferrite optimisés et ainsi former le composant complet.On-chip inductors are key passive elements for future power supplies on chip (PwrSoC), which are expected to be compact and show enhanced performance: high efficiency and high power density. The objective of this thesis work is to study the material and technology to realize small size (<4 mm²) and low profile (< 250 µm) ferrite-based on-chip inductor. This component is dedicated to low power conversion (˜ 1 W) and should provide high inductance density and high quality factor at medium frequency range (5-10 MHz). Fully sintered NiZn ferrites are selected as soft magnetic materials for the inductor core because of their high resistivity and moderate permeability stable in the frequencies range of interest. Two techniques are developed for the ferrite cores: screen printing of in-house made ferrite powder and cutting of commercial ferrite films, followed in each case by sintering and pick-and place assembling to form the rectangular toroid inductor. Test inductors were realized first so that the characterization could be carried out to study the magnetic properties of the ferrite core and the volumetric core losses. The core losses were fit from the measured curve with Steinmetz equation to obtain analytical expressions of losses versus frequency and induction. The second phase of the thesis is the design optimization for the on-chip ferrite based inductor, taking into account the expected losses. Genetic algorithm is employed to optimize the inductor design with the objective function as minimum losses and satisfying the specification on the inductance values under weak current-bias condition. Finite element method for magnetics FEMM is used as a tool to calculate inductance and losses. The second run of prototypes was done to validate the optimization method. In perspective, processes of thick-photoresist photolithography and electroplating are being developed to realize the completed thick copper windings surrounding ferrite cores

    Design Strategy of a Thermoelectric Evaporative Refrigerator for Safe Food Storage

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    Lack of safe food storage can lead to sickness, cancer, and even death. This has effects on developing communities where over a billion people live without access to electricity. This lack of electrical power limits families in developing communities’ ability to utilize modern refrigeration systems, forcing them to instead rely on ice boxes to keep their food cold. Ice boxes are a time consuming refrigeration system that can be highly inconsistent and unsafe, if not constantly monitored. Simply, poor food storage can lead to illness and systemic problems caused by poor diet. In order to combat this problem, we are developing an off-grid, low power, compact refrigeration system with a user interface to allow for greater individual control. By optimizing thermoelectric modules with regards to the refrigerator size and heat dissipation system, it is possible to achieve a temperature difference suitable for storing food at power levels lower than that of a standard light bulb. The cooling system is further enhanced using an evaporative cooling solution that is rigorously designed to provide the greatest cooling effect with minimal user interaction. When used in conjunction with the main thermoelectric heat pump, lower internal temperatures can be achieved at reduced power. This system performance is monitored and controlled using a micro-controller that measures environmental conditions as well as fridge performance. It can inform the user and allow them a greater amount of control over the performance of their refrigeration system. In summary, we seek to effectively design a product that will enhance the quality and safety of life for those without access to reliable refrigeration


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    This book is a collection of 19 excellent works presenting different applications of several MATLAB tools that can be used for educational, scientific and engineering purposes. Chapters include tips and tricks for programming and developing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), power system analysis, control systems design, system modelling and simulations, parallel processing, optimization, signal and image processing, finite different solutions, geosciences and portfolio insurance. Thus, readers from a range of professional fields will benefit from its content

    Design and Control of Power Converters 2019

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    In this book, 20 papers focused on different fields of power electronics are gathered. Approximately half of the papers are focused on different control issues and techniques, ranging from the computer-aided design of digital compensators to more specific approaches such as fuzzy or sliding control techniques. The rest of the papers are focused on the design of novel topologies. The fields in which these controls and topologies are applied are varied: MMCs, photovoltaic systems, supercapacitors and traction systems, LEDs, wireless power transfer, etc

    Power Electronic Converter Configuration and Control for DC Microgrid Systems

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    A differential game theory approach to DC-DC buck converter control

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    Tribunal: Prof. Rafael Canetti, Prof. Eleonora Catsigeras (Universidad de la República), Prof. Martin Ordonez (University of British Columbia, Canadá).This thesis deals with the problem of controlling a generic synchronous buck converter against unpredictable, and possibly discontinuous, but bounded load disturbances. The problem is canonically framed as a dynamical conflict between the automatic controller in charge of the output voltage regulation and an hypothetical disturber. In particular, the conflict is regarded as a pursuit-evasion game in distance. Applying classical methods of differential game theory, the game is completely solved identifing three qualitative different cases that can take place depending on how a positive derived parameter value compares to unity. The game’s solution provides optimal strategies for the controller and the disturber which can be used, respectively, for worst-case-aware control and benchmark testing (of any control method). Furthermore, from the topography of the game’s value function, qualitative and quantitative information about the physical limits of buck converter control is gained, allowing for early design stage optimization of the converter’s LC filter towards regulation performance, regardless of the control method that might finally be selected.Esta tesis aborda el problema de controlar un convertidor sincrónico tipo buck genérico frente a perturbaciones impredecibles, y posiblemente discontinuas, pero acotadas de la corriente de carga. El problema se plantea en forma canónica como un conflicto dinámico entre el controlador automático encargado de la regulación del voltaje de salida y un perturbador hipotético. En particular, el conflicto es visto como un juego de persecusión-evasión en distancia. Aplicando métodos clásicos de la teoría de juegos diferenciales, el juego es completamente resuelto identificando tres casos cualitativamente distintos que pueden ocurrir dependiendo de si el valor de un parámetro derivado positivo es menor, igual, o mayor que uno. La solución del juego provee estrategias óptimas para el controlador y para el perturbador que pueden ser utilizadas, respectivamente, para implementar control ante el peor caso y para realizar pruebas de referencia (aplicables a cualquier método de control). Además, de la topografía de la función valor del juego, se obtiene información cualitativa y cuantitativa acerca de los límites físicos inherentes al control de convertidores tipo buck, permitiendo la optimización del filtro LC con respecto al desempeño de la regulación en las primeras etapas de diseño, aun antes de haber finalmente elegido un método de control

    Emerging Power Electronics Technologies for Sustainable Energy Conversion

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    This Special Issue summarizes, in a single reference, timely emerging topics related to power electronics for sustainable energy conversion. Furthermore, at the same time, it provides the reader with valuable information related to open research opportunity niches

    Emerging Power Electronics Technologies for Sustainable Energy Conversion

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    This Special Issue summarizes, in a single reference, timely emerging topics related to power electronics for sustainable energy conversion. Furthermore, at the same time, it provides the reader with valuable information related to open research opportunity niches
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