281,550 research outputs found

    The Mirror MMDBMS architecture

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    Handling large collections of digitized multimedia data, usually referred to as multimedia digital libraries, is a major challenge for information technology. The Mirror DBMS is a research database system that is developed to better understand the kind of data management that is required in the context of multimedia digital libraries (see also URL http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~arjen/mmdb.html). Its main features are an integrated approach to both content management and (traditional) structured data management, and the implementation of an extensible object-oriented logical data model on a binary relational physical data model. The focus of this work is aimed at design for scalability

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Perawatan Mesin Pada PT XYZ

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    Maintenance management is an important aspect that define success and sustainability of a manufacturing industry. The development of information technology give new possibilities to improve maintenance management performance. Data management with the help from information system will improve maintenance management effectiveness and efficiency. PT XYZ is an industry specialized in retreading tires service. Preliminary study on machinery maintenance process in PT XYZ showed that breakdown and maintenance data were not properly documented. This can generate high cost for the company because maintenance scheduling cannot optimally determined and the cost incurred by repair and maintenance activities, and also the cost of lost production time cannot determined directly. Therefore PT XYZ need information system to improve their maintenance management efficiency. Information system designed in accordance with company need based on system survey and interview. The design of information system developed using Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object Oriented Design (OOD) approach. The designed information system can help maintenance management implementation and related data management. The availability of repair and maintenance data can help factory supervisor to make decision related to maintenance activities such as parts needed and maintenance cost. Keywords: maintenance, information system, performanc

    Pembangunan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Data Transaksi Bagian Tambang PT. Yasiga Sarana Utama Berbasis Web dengan Fitur Mobile

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    Web-based management information system of transaction data with mobile features was needed by employees of PT. Yasiga Sarana Utama, especially mine division. The problems that frequently occur are some documents are created with the manual method, data storage is conducted using Microsoft Excel and duplication. Damage and loss of data have been solved with Web-based management information system of transaction data. In addition, the field employees who have activities outside of the Office get ease in storing and archiving the data using a mobile application integrated with transaction data management information systems. Management information system of transaction data was built using the waterfall method which consisted of the analysis, design, coding or implementing, and testing. In the early stages of development, the company business processes were studied through literatures, and then the company requirements were analyzed using use case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state chart diagrams, and user interface design. The next phase was the design of the system by designing a database using the ERdiagrams. Programming code on the implementation phase was conducted using PHP PDO with object-oriented programming, Bootstrap PostgreSQL database as an additional aesthetic applications, and PhoneGap to generate mobile applications. Application testing was conducted using black box testing. The results of the implementation showed the expected output and in accordance with existing business processes

    Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Data Penjualan dan Stok Distributor Sandal di CV. MAKMUR

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    As a distributor company CV. MAKMUR needs to use information technology not only for selling its products but also in warehouse inventory management, where there is no longer recording and calculating inventory using Microsoft Excel, where there are several errors such as errors in recording goods and taking long reporting processes. The collection of data obtained are interviews, observations and literature studies, while software development uses the classical waterfall methodology which consists of stages: needs analysis, design, implementation and testing. For system design through an object-oriented approach with the Unified Modeling Language (UML) tool. Through this application, it is hoped that the service process to consumers can be clear and fast. In addition, this inventory application can be used as inventory material for products that are in stock used in the warehouse which includes recording, processing, and reporting data on warehouse inventory.   Keywords : Information System, Management, Sales, Stoc

    A Secure Web-Based Universal Basic Educational Administrative Management System: A National Capacity Building Strategy in Education

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    Education in Nigeria is an instrument for effecting the development of its citizens in particular, and the nation in general. The Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) established by UBE Act, 2004 is introduced in Nigeria to ensure unfettered access to nine years of formal basic education as well as reduce the incidence of drop-out from the formal school system through improved relevance and efficiency. In this paper, we design, implement and analyze a secure web-based universal basic educational administrative management system to deal with the problem of administration overload in managing pupils, students, teachers, personnel and curriculum data in both primary and junior secondary schools in Nigeria. We adopt the following sequence to accomplish our goal, requirement analysis, architectural design, application design and implementation. The study explores object-oriented database, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), Apache server pages and MySQL DBMS tools. The System prototype is built on a three-tier client server architecture to provide UBEC, primary and junior secondary institutions with broader information availability, better performance, and eliminate internal security problem, paperwork and manpower. The framework will help to improve education capacity building, reliability, robustness and quality. Keywords: Web-based Database, Formal basic Education, Curriculum Data, Object-Oriented Design, Data-Driven System, Universal Basic Education Commission.

    A Mechanism For Converting A Relational Database Into An Object-Oriented Model: An AIS Application

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    The object-oriented (OO) approach in system design and development is gaining popularity.  In the management information systems literature, OO system development is viewed as superior to conventional systems development because of advantages such as easier modeling, more efficient model reuse, and more convenient maintenance (Booch 1994; Briand, et al. 1999; Coleman, et al. 1994; Cockburn 1999).  Several studies have explored the applicability of the OO paradigm for the design and implementation of accounting information systems (AIS) and the advantages of OO design for this purpose (Adamson and Dilts 1995, Chu 1992a, 1992b; Kandelin and Lin 1992; Murthy and Wiggins 1993; Verdaasdonk 2003).  Nevertheless, OO techniques are often applied only to front-end applications while a relational database is generally used to store data at the back-end.  Based on an existing relational database model for a retail enterprise, this paper contributes to the AIS literature by providing a mechanism for transforming a relational database into an OO data model.

    Design and Implementation of a Multi-Purpose Object-Orientated Spatio-Temporal (MPooST) Data Model for Cadastral and Land Information Systems (C/LIS)

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    The application of the object-oriented methodology in geospatial information management has significantly increased during the last 10 years and tends to gradually replace the status quo relational technology. In general, object orientation offers a flexible and adaptable modelling framework to satisfy the most demanding complex data structuring requirements. The objective of this thesis is to determine how a modern Land Information System used for cadastral purposes can benefit from an object-oriented methodology. To this aim, a Multi-Purpose, Object-Oriented Spatio-Temporal (abbreviated as MPOOST) data model has been developed. In brief, the MPOOST data model embodies spatial data and their temporal reference in the form of objects which contain their attributes as well as their behaviour. The design of the MPOOST data model has been specified in such a way that it enables other data models to exploit its functionality, therefore enabling the multi-purpose aspect. At first, the requirements of Land Information Systems are being examined. Next, the functionality that is offered by the object-oriented methodology is being analysed in detail. Even if the bibliography is quite rich in relevant research, however there seems to be no starting point regarding the application of OO in LIS. Hence, a whole chapter of this thesis has been dedicated in an extended bibliographic research. Finally, the OO methodology is applied for the design and implementation of the MPOOST data model. The outcome of the design and the implementation is the first version of the MPOOST data model written using the Java object-oriented programming language. In this way, it is proven that: the relational technology has significant drawbacks which prohibit it from being applied in conceptually demanding information systems; and that object-orientation can fully satisfy the most complex data structuring requirements posed in modern geographic information systems

    Proposed Internal Quality Audit Information System Design

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    Quality assurance system is an important thing to be implemented by higher educational institution in order to assure and improve the quality of the education delivered. Quality assurance system is evaluated through an internal quality audit, both internally or externally. The current mechanism of internal quality audit implemented in Andalas University is still lack in efficiency and haven’t work effectively due to the process that involve a huge number of data and various sources are still handled manually, which also increase the risk of miscalculated or error in the data processing. Therefore, an internal quality audit information system is need to be design in order to support the execution of the internal quality audit. Internal quality audit information system designed in this research is a web based management information system and was developed to support the internal quality audit for bachelor degree program only. The proposed system was developed using object-oriented methodology, and the steps involves are Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object-Oriented Design (OOD), database and user interface design. The proposed system used a proposed audit instrument which is formulated by adapting the appraisal criteria used by National Accreditation Board for Higher Education or known by BAN-PT, Asean University Network the Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). Delphi and cut off point method are used in order to determine the selected appraisal criteria for proposed instrument. The proposed audit instrument used in the proposed system consist of 8 standards, 45 components and 129 appraisal criteria. The internal quality audit information system designed in this final project are consist of 18 use cases that supports the implementation of internal quality audit, and helps in storing, processing and serving all the data and information related to the internal quality audit for bachelor degree in Andalas University. Keywords: Internal quality audit, internal quality audit instrument, management information system


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    Object-oriented is one of the key phrases of the decade. The object paradigm has been variously billed as everything from a great revolution, how we will build the information systems of the future to an evolution, not a revolution to much ado about nothing. Companies are admonished to go 00 or be left behind as their competitors gain an advantage by building 00 systems. 7\u27he tutorial will provide a basic understanding of the object paradigm and of object-oriented (00) systems for those with little or no familiarity with them. The tutorial will begin wilh a small example to introduce the principle concepts of the paradigm in a specific setting, and to give a sense of what an 00 system is and how it runs. l\u27he concepts will include abstraction; classes, instances, and objects: methods, messages, and polymorphism; generalization, specialization, and inheritance; aggregation; (other) associations; and encapsulation and data hiding. As we examine the implementation of the example, we will be looking for answers to the queslions Where is the program? How does il work? How does il stan? We will see also some of the differenccs between a structured program and an 00 one. Next we will examine the process of creating an 00 system. The 00 life cycle is generally considered to be a prototyping-like process involving repeated cycles through modeling and implementation. Modeling involves 00 analysis and logical design. implementation involves physical design and 00 programming. The principle boundary in the process is between modeling and implementation. Two of the alleged strengths of the paradigm are the blurring between analysis and logical design in modeling and the reduced gap (compared to traditional structured approaches) between modeling and implementation. We will look at a framework for classifying the various modeling tools (e.1., object diagrams and state transition diagrams) with some examples from our earlier problem. Of course, 00 systems don\u27t build themselves. So next we will spend a few minutes discussing the management of 00 projects because Lhe best technology and ideas won\u27t help much if you can\u27t get them inlo practice. Reuse has become to some people the key concept and promise of the object paradigm. Reuse is supposed to reduce development time, eliminate bugs, improve quality, etc. We will briefly examine some types of reuse and offer some comments on these claims. Finally. as you might expect, a topic as hot as the object pan,digm is generating a great deal of research, both applied and theoretical. Time permitting, we will identify some current key research areas. A list of definitions and a selected reading list will be available at the tutorial. The example system will be available from the speaker
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