55 research outputs found

    Informationsvisualisierung und Retrieval im Fokus der Informationspraxis

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    Methoden und Techniken der Informationsvisualisierung werden seit ungefähr zwanzig Jahren im Bereich der Informationssuche eingesetzt. In dieser Literaturstudie werden ausgewählte Visualisierungsanwendungen der letzten Jahre vorgestellt. Sie betreffen zum einen den Retrievalprozess, das Boolesche Retrieval, die facettierte Suche, Dokumentbeziehungen, die Zufallssuche und Ergebnisanzeige, zum anderen spezielle Anwendungen wie die kartenbasierte und adaptive Visualisierung, Zitationsnetzwerke und Wissensordnungen. Die Einsatzszenarien für Applikationen der Informationsvisualisierung sind vielfältig. Sie reichen von mobilen kleinformatigen Anwendungen bis zu großformatigen Darstellungen auf hochauflösenden Bildschirmen, von integrativen Arbeitsplätzen für den einzelnen Nutzer bis zur Nutzung interaktiver Oberflächen für das kollaborative Retrieval. Das Konzept der Blended Library wird vorgestellt. Die Übertragbarkeit von Visualisierungsanwendungen auf Bibliothekskataloge wird im Hinblick auf die Nutzung des Kataloginputs und des Angebots an Sucheinstiegen geprüft. Perspektivische Überlegungen zu zukünftigen Entwicklungsschritten von Bibliothekskatalogen sowie zum Einfluss von Visualisierungsanwendungen auf die Informationspraxis werden angestellt.Information visualization methods and techniques have been applied to information retrieval tasks for about twenty years. This literature survey gives an overview over recent applications in the field of information seeking. Information visualization applications for general search processes (Boolean queries, faceted search, relations between documents, serendipity and presentation of results) as well as for specific applications like map-based visualization, adaptive visualization, citation networks and knowledge systems are presented. Application settings for information visualization are manifold. They span from small-sized mobile devices to wall-sized high resolution displays, from integrative workplaces for individual use to interactive surfaces for collaborative information seeking activities. The idea of the Blended Library is presented. The portability of information visualization applications for library catalogs is evaluated with special regard to metadata use and catalog access points. Possible next stages of library catalog development are discussed. Finally, observations on the influence of visualization applications on the information practice are made

    Knowledge visualization: From theory to practice

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    Visualizations have been known as efficient tools that can help users analyze com- plex data. However, understanding the displayed data and finding underlying knowl- edge is still difficult. In this work, a new approach is proposed based on understanding the definition of knowledge. Although there are many definitions used in different ar- eas, this work focuses on representing knowledge as a part of a visualization and showing the benefit of adopting knowledge representation. Specifically, this work be- gins with understanding interaction and reasoning in visual analytics systems, then a new definition of knowledge visualization and its underlying knowledge conversion processes are proposed. The definition of knowledge is differentiated as either explicit or tacit knowledge. Instead of directly representing data, the value of the explicit knowledge associated with the data is determined based on a cost/benefit analysis. In accordance to its importance, the knowledge is displayed to help the user under- stand the complex data through visual analytical reasoning and discovery

    Visual Analysis of In-Car Communication Networks

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    Analyzing, understanding and working with complex systems and large datasets has become a familiar challenge in the information era. The explosion of data worldwide affects nearly every part of society, particularly the science, engineering, health, and financial domains. Looking, for instance at the automotive industry, engineers are confronted with the enormously increased complexity of vehicle electronics. Over the years, a large number of advanced functions, such as ACC (adaptive cruise control), rear seat entertainment systems or automatic start/stop engines, has been integrated into the vehicle. Thereby, the functions have been more and more distributed over the vehicle, leading to the introduction of several communication networks. Overlooking all relevant data facets, understanding dependencies, analyzing the flow of messages and tracking down problems in these networks has become a major challenge for automotive engineers. Promising approaches to overcome information overload and to provide insight into complex data are Information Visualization (InfoVis) and Visual Analytics (VA). Over the last decades, these research communities spent much effort on developing new methods to help users obtain insight into complex data. However, few of these solutions have yet reached end users, and moving research into practice remains one of the great challenges in visual data analysis. This situation is particularly true for large company settings, where very little is known about additional challenges, obstacles and requirements in InfoVis/VA development and evaluation. Users have to be better integrated into our research processes in terms of adequate requirements analysis, understanding practices and challenges, developing well-directed, user-centered technologies and evaluating their value within a realistic context. This dissertation explores a novel InfoVis/VA application area, namely in-car communication networks, and demonstrates how information visualization methods and techniques can help engineers to work with and better understand these networks. Based on a three-year internship with a large automotive company and the close cooperation with domain experts, I grounded a profound understanding of specific challenges, requirements and obstacles for InfoVis/VA application in this area and learned that “designing with not for the people” is highly important for successful solutions. The three main contributions of this dissertation are: (1) An empirical analysis of current working practices of automotive engineers and the derivation of specific design requirements for InfoVis/VA tools; (2) the successful application and evaluation of nine prototypes, including the deployment of five systems; and (3) based on the three-year experience, a set of recommendations for developing and evaluating InfoVis systems in large company settings. I present ethnographic studies with more than 150 automotive engineers. These studies helped us to understand currently used tools, the underlying data, tasks as well as user groups and to categorize the field into application sub-domains. Based on these findings, we propose implications and recommendations for designing tools to support current practices of automotive network engineers with InfoVis/VA technologies. I also present nine InfoVis design studies that we built and evaluated with automotive domain experts and use them to systematically explore the design space of applying InfoVis to in-car communication networks. Each prototype was developed in a user-centered, participatory process, respectively with a focus on a specific sub-domain of target users with specific data and tasks. Experimental results from studies with real users are presented, that show that the visualization prototypes can improve the engineers’ work in terms of working efficiency, better understanding and novel insights. Based on lessons learned from repeatedly designing and evaluating our tools together with domain experts at a large automotive company, I discuss challenges and present recommendations for deploying and evaluating VA/InfoVis tools in large company settings. I hope that these recommendations can guide other InfoVis researchers and practitioners in similar projects by providing them with new insights, such as the necessity for close integration with current tools and given processes, distributed knowledge and high degree of specialization, and the importance of addressing prevailing mental models and time restrictions. In general, I think that large company settings are a promising and fruitful field for novel InfoVis applications and expect our recommendations to be useful tools for other researchers and tool designers

    Visual approaches to knowledge organization and contextual exploration

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    This thesis explores possible visual approaches for the representation of semantic structures, such as zz-structures. Some holistic visual representations of complex domains have been investigated through the proposal of new views - the so-called zz-views - that allow both to make visible the interconnections between elements and to support a contextual and multilevel exploration of knowledge. The potential of this approach has been examined in the context of two case studies that have led to the creation of two Web applications. The \ufb01rst domain of study regarded the visual representation, analysis and management of scienti\ufb01c bibliographies. In this context, we modeled a Web application, we called VisualBib, to support researchers in building, re\ufb01ning, analyzing and sharing bibliographies. We adopted a multi-faceted approach integrating features that are typical of three di\ufb00erent classes of tools: bibliography visual analysis systems, bibliographic citation indexes and personal research assistants. The evaluation studies carried out on a \ufb01rst prototype highlighted the positive impact of our visual model and encouraged us to improve it and develop further visual analysis features we incorporated in the version 3.0 of the application. The second case study concerned the modeling and development of a multimedia catalog of Web and mobile applications. The objective was to provide an overview of a significant number of tools that can help teachers in the implementation of active learning approaches supported by technology and in the design of Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs). We analyzed and documented 281 applications, preparing for each of them a detailed multilingual card and a video-presentation, organizing all the material in an original purpose-based taxonomy, visually represented through a browsable holistic view. The catalog, we called AppInventory, provides contextual exploration mechanisms based on zz-structures, collects user contributions and evaluations about the apps and o\ufb00ers visual analysis tools for the comparison of the applications data and user evaluations. The results of two user studies carried out on groups of teachers and students shown a very positive impact of our proposal in term of graphical layout, semantic structure, navigation mechanisms and usability, also in comparison with two similar catalogs

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    Project OASIS: The Design of a Signal Detector for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

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    An 8 million channel spectrum analyzer (MCSA) was designed the meet to meet the needs of a SETI program. The MCSA puts out a very large data base at very high rates. The development of a device which follows the MCSA, is presented