173,826 research outputs found

    A connecting system for cardiological lexicons

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the approach and the development of a software application ("lexicons connecting" system) to correlate effectively and unambiguously the correspondence between the specialist medical vocabulary and the familiar medical vocabulary for the cardiovascular domain. To investigate the question, the idea, the design, and the implementation of such system will be described. To this end, firstly, a number of research methodologies will be examined including domain ontologies development, database design and implementation. Then, the following implementation methodology and its results are presented. Finally, an example of the application use will be depicted and future work will be briefly described

    An Examination of Multi-Tier Designs for Legacy Data Access

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    This work examines the application of Java and the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) to support access to remote databases via the Internet. The research applies these software technologies to assist an Air Force distance learning provider in improving the capabilities of its World Wide Web-based correspondence system. An analysis of the distance learning provider\u27s operation revealed a strong dependency on a non-collocated legacy relational database. This dependency limits the distance learning provider\u27s future web-based capabilities. A recommendation to improve operation by data replication is proposed, and the implementation details are provided for two alternative test systems that support data replication between heterogeneous relational database management systems. The first test system incorporates a two-tier architecture design using Java, and the second system employs a three-tier architecture design using Java and CORBA. Data on replication times for the two-tier and three-tier designs are presented, revealing a greater performance consistency from the three-tier design over the two-tier design for varying client platforms and communications channels. Discussion of a small-scale proof-of-concept system based on the three-tier design is provided, along with a presentation of the potential for the technologies applied in this system to benefit Air Force web-based distance learning

    Aplikasi Pengelolaan Arsip Surat: Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar Negeri

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    This research aims to utilize computers as a tool for implementing information technology to enhance an individual's role as an information intermediary in tasks and processes, including the collection, transmission, processing, interpretation, storage, organization, and utilization of correspondence data to obtain high-quality information. The initial implementation of letter archive management involved manual recording of letters each day using a book, leading to insufficient detailed records of both incoming and outgoing letters, often resulting in difficulties in retrieving correspondence and impeding operational efficiency. The system development method employed is the waterfall method, characterized by the requirement to complete each step before advancing to the next, ensuring a systematic approach. The stages include software requirement analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. This study addresses the challenges associated with manual recording of correspondence data using books, overcoming issues of inaccuracy and lack of precision in recording both incoming and outgoing letters through the implementation of an archive management application. With the integration of this application, the letter data processing becomes more accurate, detailed, efficient, and prompt, especially with the structured storage of data in a database

    Specialized case tools for the development of information-calculating applications

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    © SGEM2017. All Rights Reserved. This report presents an approach to building specialized computer-aided software engineering(CASE) tools for the development of information-calculating applications including computer aided accounting, business correspondence, statistics etc. These tools form an integrated development environment allowing the computer aided development of different applications in this field. The concept of the integrated development environment is defined as aset of tools and techniques allowing the design and development of software applications. This concept, previously used in procedural programming, has more recently proved to be a very important attribute for object-oriented programming. Integrated development environments traditionally include tools for the design and implementation of software systems, different libraries of classes, programming tools and program generators. Theintegrated environment which we consider in our report consists of a formulainterpreter, a screen form generator and a specialized library of classes. The distinguishing features of information-calculating applicationsare the processing of a set of tables and the making calculations which can be conveniently represented by thetools of relational database systems. The implementation of software productwas carried out using the Visual FoxPro database system and has been practically tested in a series of commercial applications concerning computer aided accountancy and business correspondence


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    Tumbang Rungan sub-district in Palangka Raya manages population data as part of Population Administration, among others; Death Certificate, Certificate of Marriage / Marriage, Birth Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Disability Certificate, Building Construction Permit (IMB), Land and Building Tax, and Land Certificate. Currently there are still many government agencies that manually process population data, including Tumbang Rungan Village, Palangka Raya City, which still uses paper-based forms. If the listed requirements are incomplete, then the person concerned must go home / return first to complete the missing requirements, until they are sufficient and complete. This is very troublesome and wasteful of energy and other sacrifices. Kelurahan Tumbang Rungan, Palangkaraya City, plans to build a system that aims to assist the community in submitting information and receiving complaints by utilizing web facilities as well as monitoring the correspondence process (which is being processed or completed), and to enable the public to fill in data online. To  overcome  these  problems,  a  study  was  made, website based with the  stages  of  research  divided  into  two  stages,  namely:  (1)  literature study  and  (2)  software  development  by  applying  modified  waterfall method  which  includes  four  steps  namely  system  analysis,  design, implementation  and  testing.  For  implementation  using  PHP  in  making program  code  and  Mysql  as  a  database  to  store  data.  Furthermore, software testing uses Blackbox testin

    Exposing the myth: object-relational impedance mismatch is a wicked problem

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    Addressing a problem of software integration is a fact of life for those involved in software development. The popularity of both object and relational technologies means that they will inevitably be used together. However, the combination of these two technologies introduces problems. These problems are referred to collectively as the object-relational impedance mismatch. A mismatch is addressed using one or more mapping strategies, typically embodied in a pattern. A strategy is concerned with correspondence between the schema of a relational database and an object-oriented program. Such strategies are employed in mapping tools such as Hibernate and TopLink, and reinforce the received wisdom that the problem of object-relational impedance mismatch has been solved. In this paper, we observe that it is not clear whether each strategy, as one possible solution, addresses the cause or a symptom of a mismatch. We argue that the problem is not tame and easily resolved; rather it is complex and wicked. We introduce a catalogue of problem themes that demonstrate the complex nature of the problem and provide a way both to talk about the problem and to understand its complexity. In the future, as software systems become more complex and more connected, it will be important to learn from past endeavours. Our catalogue of problem themes represents a shift, in thinking about the problem of object-relational impedance mismatch, from issues of implementation towards an analysis of cause and effect. Such a shift has implications for those involved in the design of current and future software architectures. Because we have questioned the received wisdom, we are now in a position to work toward an appropriate solution to the problem of object-relational impedance mismatch

    Rancangan Penyusunan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada Pemerintah Daerah Guna Meningkatkan Good Governance dan Tata Pelaporan yang Sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Sektor Publik (Studi Kasus di Pemerintah Kabupaten Sukoharjo)

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    The problem to be solved in this study is how suitability of financial management with government accounting standards, how compliance with the legislation in force, and how the implementation of accounting information systems that exist in Sukoharjo regency, Central Java. The purpose of this study were: 1) Identify and establish correspondence between the regional financial information system Government Sukoharjo that have been enacted by the Government Regulation and Public Sector Accounting Standards (SAP), 2) identify the needs of information systems in financial management, 3) Develop systems accounting information for financial management in Sukoharjo.This study begins with a survey to all SKPD and SKPKD in Sukoharjo district government. The survey aimed to identify the suitability of information systems in the area of financial SKPDs Sukoharjo District Government Regulation Government and Public Sector Accounting Standards. Furthermore, testing the feasibility of financial accounting information system of the region and its internal control system, to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the existing system. Third, do FGD (Focus Group Discussion) to identify the chart of accounts used in recording applications and financial management. Fourth, to design and construct a prototype-based accounting information system database. Results from this study show some basic things; 1) is not referring to public sector accounting practices in accordance with government accounting standards which accrual, 2) is not sufficient disclosure made on financial statement presentation area, 3) lack of compliance with the legislation in force and 4) have not applied accounting information system could facilitate the presentation of financial reporting in accordance with public sector accounting standards, and Regulation 71/2010 on accrual accounting

    Resolving Architectural Mismatches of COTS Through Architectural Reconciliation

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    The integration of COTS components into a system under development entails architectural mismatches. These have been tackled, so far, at the component level, through component adaptation techniques, but they also must be tackled at an architectural level of abstraction. In this paper we propose an approach for resolving architectural mismatches, with the aid of architectural reconciliation. The approach consists of designing and subsequently reconciling two architectural models, one that is forward-engineered from the requirements and another that is reverse-engineered from the COTS-based implementation. The final reconciled model is optimally adapted both to the requirements and to the actual COTS-based implementation. The contribution of this paper lies in the application of architectural reconciliation in the context of COTS-based software development. Architectural modeling is based upon the UML 2.0 standard, while the reconciliation is performed by transforming the two models, with the help of architectural design decisions.