1,532 research outputs found

    Automated Maintenance System For Freshwater Aquascape Based On The Internet Of Things (Iot)

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    Aquascaping is a hobby that has gained considerable popularity across different age groups, from young to old. Aquascaping itself is the art of arranging plants, water, rocks, coral, wood and other natural elements in glass or acrylic containers. One of the main obstacles in the world of aquascaping is consistency, which is often difficult to achieve when the owner has a busy schedule or limited time. Without the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and microcontrollers connected to mobile applications, this drawback is even more pronounced. The inability to maintain consistency in maintenance can lead to a decline in aquascape quality, both in terms of aesthetics and ecosystem health. Therefore, an innovative system using IoT is expected to provide a smart solution to overcome the major shortcomings of aquascape maintenance and enhance the experience of this hobby for its enthusiasts.


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    The smart city infrastructure is the introductory step for establishing the overall smart city framework and architecture. Very few smart cities are recently established across the world. Some examples are: Dubai, Malta, Kochi (India), Singapore. The scope of these cities is mainly limited to construct a technology park converting the industrial real estate to state of the art information technology using the evolution in the telecom and IP networks including insignificant asset management automation system. The development background is to create an operational platform that would manage the power consumption and operational resources in order to reduce the overall running operational cost. This paper will debate the smart infrastructure development framework and the surveying positional accuracy of locating the assets as a base of the smart city development architecture integrated with all the facilities and systems related to the smart city framework. The paper will discuss also the main advantages of the proposed architecture including the quantifiable and non quantifiable benefits.Smart Infrastructure, GIS, Smart City, Geopsatial application, Infrastructure Development, Infrastructure Monitoring.

    The Human in the loop in Cyber-Physical Systems: the case of Building Automation

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    Context: The world is facing environmental challenges due to carbon dioxide emissions. Building energy consumption accounts for thirty to forty-five per cent of global energy consumption. Changing these figures is imperative for achieving environmental sustainability. Building Automation Systems (BAS) can be considered a type of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that have the objective of increasing energy efficiency while maximising human comfort. Problem: Automated systems usually do not consider human e↵ective participation as a tool that can be used to achieve the system’s goals Solution: Humans can assume several roles in the available building automation control loops. Building operators determine operating rules; building users can be the source of data used for automated decisions and also the system may require their actions to change the building environment. Gains or losses can be introduced in a BAS operation if humans are considered components of the system. To the best of our knowledge, no studies can be found that show evident gains or losses of integrating the human-in-theloop in system design. To assess the impact of having humans performing clear and predefined roles in a BAS Cyber-Physical System (CPS) operation, we implemented a BAS case study. Results: The initial results show that when the BAS consider humans more than CPS plant’s elements, the BAS is more energy efficient while providing conditions that promote the user’s health and productivity. With the experience gained with this work it will be possible to build in the future more resilient and e↵ective participatory BAS

    IoT Based Water Quality Control For Small-Scale Aquarium With Fuzzy Logic

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    In order to ensure that aquatic organisms have a healthy and prosperous environment, this abstract introduces a water quality system that was especially created for aquariums. The system uses several sensors to continuously track important factors like temperature, pH level, and water level. Real-time data from these sensors is processed and analysed using a fuzzy logic-based methodology. The fuzzy logic system evaluates the water quality conditions and decides on the proper course of action to maintain ideal conditions inside the aquarium using membership functions and rules. The technology automatically controls crucial elements including filtration, and water replacement, reducing stress on aquatic life, and streamlining aquarium maintenance. To demonstrate the system's capacity to continually preserve ideal water quality standards, advance the welfare of aquatic species, and improve aquarium environment management, experimental studies are carried out to confirm its efficacy. Overall, this aquarium water quality system provides a thorough way to keep track of and regulate key variables, maintaining a stable and favourable environment for aquatic life. The system offers an intelligent and automated method for maintaining ideal water quality conditions, eventually improving the health and vitality of the aquarium environment. It does this by utilising fuzzy logic principles

    IoT System on Dynamic Fish Feeder Based on Fish Existence for Agriculture Aquaponic Breeders

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    يعتبر الحفاظ على الأسماك وتربيتها في البركة مهمة حاسمة لمربي الأسماك الكبير. القضايا الرئيسية لمربي الأسماك هي إدارة الأحواض مثل إنتاج الغذاء للأسماك والحفاظ على جودة مياه الأحواض. تم اختراع النظام الديناميكي أو التكنولوجي للمربين وأصبح مهمًا للحصول على أقصى عائد ربح لمربي الاستزراع النباتي والسمكي في الحفاظ على الأسماك. يقدم هذا البحث نموذجًا أوليًا مطورًا لمغذي الأسماك الديناميكي بناءً على وجود الأسماك. تمت برمجة وحدة تغذية الأسماك الديناميكية لتتغذى حيث اكتشفت أجهزة الاستشعار وجود الأسماك. تم برمجة لوحة متحكم NodeMCU ESP8266 للأجهزة المطورة. تتحكم وحدة التحكم في آلية التغذية والتغذية المرتدة بناءً على المستشعرات المرفقة. جهاز استشعار بالموجات فوق الصوتية مبرمج مع جهاز التحكم لاكتشاف مستوى الطعام ومقاومة للماء بالموجات فوق الصوتية للكشف عن الأسماك الموجودة. تم استخدام مستشعر الرطوبة لقياس الرطوبة في حاوية الطعام للتحكم في نضارة الطعام. تم استخدام محركين مؤازرين لتحريك مستشعر الماء لجذب الأسماك وتوزيع الطعام على الأسماك عند وجودها. تعرض النتيجة أربعة مستويات تم قياسها وهي درجة حرارة حاوية الطعام ، ونوعية الطعام بناءً على قياس الرطوبة ، وعداد الكشف عن الأسماك ومستوى طعام الأسماك في الحاوية. تم تقديم تحليلات البيانات على جميع المستويات المقاسة على منصة ThingSpeak باستخدام Blynk للحصول على مجموعات البيانات من جميع أجهزة الاستشعار. يعتبر هذا البحث مهمًا لمربي الأسماك الذين يدعمون تطبيقات الأجهزة المتصلة عبر الإنترنت والجوال بنظام IR4.0 والتي تساهم أيضًا في الزراعة اليوم.Maintaining and breeding fish in a pond are a crucial task for a large fish breeder. The main issues for fish breeders are pond management such as the production of food for fishes and to maintain the pond water quality. The dynamic or technological system for breeders has been invented and becomes important to get maximum profit return for aquaponic breeders in maintaining fishes. This research presents a developed prototype of a dynamic fish feeder based on fish existence. The dynamic fish feeder is programmed to feed where sensors detected the fish's existence. A microcontroller board NodeMCU ESP8266 is programmed for the developed hardware. The controller controls the feeding and feedback mechanism based on attached sensors. An ultrasonic sensor is programmed with the controller to detect the level of food and waterproof ultrasonic to detect existing fish. The humidity sensor was used to measure the humidity in the food container to control the food freshness. Two servo motors were used to move the waterproof sensor to attract the fish and to dispense the food to the fish when existed. The result presents four measured levels that are the temperature of the food container, the quality of food based on humidity measured, fish detection counter and level of fish food in the container. Data analytics on all the measured levels was presented on the ThingSpeak platform by using Blynk to get data collections from all sensors. This research is significant for fish breeders that support IR4.0 system connected online and mobile apps which also contribute to today’s agriculture