885 research outputs found

    Advanced avionics concepts: Autonomous spacecraft control

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    A large increase in space operations activities is expected because of Space Station Freedom (SSF) and long range Lunar base missions and Mars exploration. Space operations will also increase as a result of space commercialization (especially the increase in satellite networks). It is anticipated that the level of satellite servicing operations will grow tenfold from the current level within the next 20 years. This growth can be sustained only if the cost effectiveness of space operations is improved. Cost effectiveness is operational efficiency with proper effectiveness. A concept is presented of advanced avionics, autonomous spacecraft control, that will enable the desired growth, as well as maintain the cost effectiveness (operational efficiency) in satellite servicing operations. The concept of advanced avionics that allows autonomous spacecraft control is described along with a brief description of each component. Some of the benefits of autonomous operations are also described. A technology utilization breakdown is provided in terms of applications

    NASA Automated Rendezvous and Capture Review. Executive summary

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    In support of the Cargo Transfer Vehicle (CTV) Definition Studies in FY-92, the Advanced Program Development division of the Office of Space Flight at NASA Headquarters conducted an evaluation and review of the United States capabilities and state-of-the-art in Automated Rendezvous and Capture (AR&C). This review was held in Williamsburg, Virginia on 19-21 Nov. 1991 and included over 120 attendees from U.S. government organizations, industries, and universities. One hundred abstracts were submitted to the organizing committee for consideration. Forty-two were selected for presentation. The review was structured to include five technical sessions. Forty-two papers addressed topics in the five categories below: (1) hardware systems and components; (2) software systems; (3) integrated systems; (4) operations; and (5) supporting infrastructure

    Conceptual Design of an Open-Source Hardware Simplified Floating Spacecraft Simulator

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    Prepared for: Universität der Bundeswehr HamburgThis thesis covers parts of the development of a new open-source hardware Floating Spacecraft Simulator for teaching and research purposes, named MyDAS, standing for Mini Dynamic Autonomous Spacecraft Simulator. A Floating Spacecraft Simulator (FSS) is an autonomous robotic vehicle which floats via air bearings on a smooth surface, is actuated by thrusters and controlled by an on-board computer. The use of FSS is advantageous as a cost-effective ground-test tool providing a level of fidelity between numerical simulations and orbital flight. Research has shown that physical of validation is important for advancing autonomous spacecraft maneuvers. Even though many FSS are in use worldwide in universities, research centers and industries, they are typically custom developed and expensive items. In this thesis for the first time, to the best knowledge of the author, a FSS is introduced which is designed to be as small and as inexpensive as possible, while maintaining a high level of spacecraft-emulation fidelity. By introducing MyDAS, the author aims at a broader utilization of spacecraft simulators for research and education at university level, and possibly also high-school level. In addition to being small and inexpensive, MyDAS shall use off-the-shelf and 3D-printed components to allow for customization and improvement. The preliminary design of MyDAS addresses three primary systems necessary to develop a miniature, simplified FSS. These systems include pneumatics, electronics, and structure. The fundamentals, the state of the art, as well as the conceptual design of this specific FSS are presented in this thesis.Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg Fakultät für Maschinenbau Professur für Mechatronik Holstenhofweg 85 22043 Hamburg, GermanApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Experimental Investigation of Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking by Development of a 3 Degree of Freedom Satellite Simulator Testbed

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    This thesis developed a 3 degree of freedom air bearing satellite simulator testbed. The major components of this testbed are a 2-meter by 4-meter granite table, a pair of satellite simulators, and a passive infrared marker array. The goal of this implementation was to achieve soft docking between 2 satellite simulators while relying only on hardware and systems onboard the satellite simulator. The satellite simulators make use of compressed air stored onboard in tanks to supply the air bearing and gas thrusters. The air bearing system provides a thin cushion of air for the satellite simulator to float on, removing surface contact and friction between the satellite simulator and the granite table. This produces a 3 degree of freedom system which is effectively free of the effects of gravity. The infrared marker array is used to provide reference points similar to stars to enable an onboard positioning system using a single observer. The experimental results obtained here demonstrate the successful implementation of this testbed

    Laboratory Experimentation of Guidance and Control of Spacecraft During On-Orbit Proximity Maneuvers

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    The article of record is available from http://www.intechopen.com/books/mechatronic-systems-simulation-modeling-and-control/laboratoryexperimentation-of-guidance-and-control-of-spacecraft-during-on-orbit-proximity-maneuversThe traditional spacecraft system is a monolithic structure with a single mission focused design and lengthy production and qualification schedules coupled with enormous cost. Additionally, there rarely, if ever, is any designed preventive maintenance plan or re-fueling capability. There has been much research in recent years into alternative options. One alternative option involves autonomous on-orbit servicing of current or future monolithic spacecraft systems. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) embarked on a highly successful venture to prove out such a concept with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA’s) Orbital Express program. Orbital Express demonstrated all of the enabling technologies required for autonomous on-orbit servicing to include refueling, component transfer, autonomous satellite grappling and berthing, rendezvous, inspection, proximity operations, docking and undocking, and autonomous fault recognition and anomaly handling (Kennedy, 2008). Another potential option involves a paradigm shift from the monolithic spacecraft system to one involving multiple interacting spacecraft that can autonomously assemble and reconfigure. Numerous benefits are associated with autonomous spacecraft assemblies, ranging from a removal of significant intra-modular reliance that provides for parallel design, fabrication, assembly and validation processes to the inherent smaller nature of fractionated systems which allows for each module to be placed into orbit separately on more affordable launch platforms (Mathieu, 2005)

    Experimental Investigation of Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking by Development of a 3 Degree of Freedom Satellite Simulator Testbed

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    This thesis developed a 3 degree of freedom air bearing satellite simulator testbed. The major components of this testbed are a 2-meter by 4-meter granite table, a pair of satellite simulators, and a passive infrared marker array. The goal of this implementation was to achieve soft docking between 2 satellite simulators while relying only on hardware and systems onboard the satellite simulator. The satellite simulators make use of compressed air stored onboard in tanks to supply the air bearing and gas thrusters. The air bearing system provides a thin cushion of air for the satellite simulator to float on, removing surface contact and friction between the satellite simulator and the granite table. This produces a 3 degree of freedom system which is effectively free of the effects of gravity. The infrared marker array is used to provide reference points similar to stars to enable an onboard positioning system using a single observer. The experimental results obtained here demonstrate the successful implementation of this testbed

    Tabletop Testbed for Attitude Determination and Control of Nanosatellites

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    To simulate the conditions of the space environment at ground, the Laboratory of Application and Innovation in Aerospace Science (LAICA) of the University of Brasília (UnB) is developing a dedicated testbed to reproducing nanosatellite attitude motion. The testbed is composed of an air-bearing table and a Helmholtz cage. The air-bearing table is a spacecraft simulator that can simulate frictionless conditions with three rotational degrees of freedom. Balancing the simulator is essential in order to make the gravitational torque negligible. The testbed is also equipped with a Helmholtz cage to recreate the Earth's magnetic field conditions that spacecrafts encounter in orbit. This paper presents the design and realization of this low-cost testbed. A simple and efficient automated balancing algorithm based on the least-squares method (LSM) is proposed and validated by experiments. The performance of the proposed simulator is evaluated and compared with previous works

    CEU Session #4 - Space Robotics for On-Orbit Servicing and Space Debris Removal

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    The next ten years will see an unprecedented increase in the number of spacecraft deployed in Earth orbit and the number of commercial ventures operating space assets. The large increase in the number of spacecraft and the large increase in the commercial value of space will lead to renewed interest in robotic on-orbit servicing (OOS) and active debris removal (ADR). The lecture will provide a brief overview over the history of crewed and robotic OOS and discuss the missions planned for the near future. It will then proceed to identify the critical enabling technologies for a future, operational OOS and ADR infrastructure, discuss the technical challenges and present promising concepts and demonstrated technologies that can make routine OOS and ADR a possibility. The focus will be on robotics technologies and spacecraft guidance, navigation and control systems
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