856 research outputs found

    Risk based resilient network design

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    This paper presents a risk-based approach to resilient network design. The basic design problem considered is that given a working network and a fixed budget, how best to allocate the budget for deploying a survivability technique in different parts of the network based on managing the risk. The term risk measures two related quantities: the likelihood of failure or attack, and the amount of damage caused by the failure or attack. Various designs with different risk-based design objectives are considered, for example, minimizing the expected damage, minimizing the maximum damage, and minimizing a measure of the variability of damage that could occur in the network. A design methodology for the proposed risk-based survivable network design approach is presented within an optimization model framework. Numerical results and analysis illustrating the different risk based designs and the tradeoffs among the schemes are presented. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Optimal Algorithms for Near-Hitless Network Restoration via Diversity Coding

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    Diversity coding is a network restoration technique which offers near-hitless restoration, while other state-of-the art techniques are significantly slower. Furthermore, the extra spare capacity requirement of diversity coding is competitive with the others. Previously, we developed heuristic algorithms to employ diversity coding structures in networks with arbitrary topology. This paper presents two algorithms to solve the network design problems using diversity coding in an optimal manner. The first technique pre-provisions static traffic whereas the second technique carries out the dynamic provisioning of the traffic on-demand. In both cases, diversity coding results in smaller restoration time, simpler synchronization, and much reduced signaling complexity than the existing techniques in the literature. A Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulation and an algorithm based on Integer Linear Programming (ILP) are developed for pre-provisioning and dynamic provisioning, respectively. Simulation results indicate that diversity coding has significantly higher restoration speed than Shared Path Protection (SPP) and p-cycle techniques. It requires more extra capacity than the p-cycle technique and SPP. However, the increase in the total capacity is negligible compared to the increase in the restoration speed.Comment: An old version of this paper is submitted to IEEE Globecom 2012 conferenc

    Optimized Design of Survivable MPLS over Optical Transport Networks. Optical Switching and Networking

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    In this paper we study different options for the survivability implementation in MPLS over Optical Transport Networks in terms of network resource usage and configuration cost. We investigate two approaches to the survivability deployment: single layer and multilayer survivability and present various methods for spare capacity allocation (SCA) to reroute disrupted traffic. The comparative analysis shows the influence of the traffic granularity on the survivability cost: for high bandwidth LSPs, close to the optical channel capacity, the multilayer survivability outperforms the single layer one, whereas for low bandwidth LSPs the single layer survivability is more cost-efficient. For the multilayer survivability we demonstrate that by mapping efficiently the spare capacity of the MPLS layer onto the resources of the optical layer one can achieve up to 22% savings in the total configuration cost and up to 37% in the optical layer cost. Further savings (up to 9 %) in the wavelength use can be obtained with the integrated approach to network configuration over the sequential one, however, at the increase in the optimization problem complexity. These results are based on a cost model with actual technology pricing and were obtained for networks targeted to a nationwide coverage

    Optimization in Telecommunication Networks

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    Network design and network synthesis have been the classical optimization problems intelecommunication for a long time. In the recent past, there have been many technologicaldevelopments such as digitization of information, optical networks, internet, and wirelessnetworks. These developments have led to a series of new optimization problems. Thismanuscript gives an overview of the developments in solving both classical and moderntelecom optimization problems.We start with a short historical overview of the technological developments. Then,the classical (still actual) network design and synthesis problems are described with anemphasis on the latest developments on modelling and solving them. Classical results suchas Menger’s disjoint paths theorem, and Ford-Fulkerson’s max-flow-min-cut theorem, butalso Gomory-Hu trees and the Okamura-Seymour cut-condition, will be related to themodels described. Finally, we describe recent optimization problems such as routing andwavelength assignment, and grooming in optical networks.operations research and management science;

    An information-theoretic view of network management

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    We present an information-theoretic framework for network management for recovery from nonergodic link failures. Building on recent work in the field of network coding, we describe the input-output relations of network nodes in terms of network codes. This very general concept of network behavior as a code provides a way to quantify essential management information as that needed to switch among different codes (behaviors) for different failure scenarios. We compare two types of recovery schemes, receiver-based and network-wide, and consider two formulations for quantifying network management. The first is a centralized formulation where network behavior is described by an overall code determining the behavior of every node, and the management requirement is taken as the logarithm of the number of such codes that the network may switch among. For this formulation, we give bounds, many of which are tight, on management requirements for various network connection problems in terms of basic parameters such as the number of source processes and the number of links in a minimum source-receiver cut. Our results include a lower bound for arbitrary connections and an upper bound for multitransmitter multicast connections, for linear receiver-based and network-wide recovery from all single link failures. The second is a node-based formulation where the management requirement is taken as the sum over all nodes of the logarithm of the number of different behaviors for each node. We show that the minimum node-based requirement for failures of links adjacent to a single receiver is achieved with receiver-based schemes

    Spare capacity allocation using shared backup path protection for dual link failures

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    This paper extends the spare capacity allocation (SCA) problem from single link failure [1] to dual link failures on mesh-like IP or WDM networks. The SCA problem pre-plans traffic flows with mutually disjoint one working and two backup paths using the shared backup path protection (SBPP) scheme. The aggregated spare provision matrix (SPM) is used to capture the spare capacity sharing for dual link failures. Comparing to a previous work by He and Somani [2], this method has better scalability and flexibility. The SCA problem is formulated in a non-linear integer programming model and partitioned into two sequential linear sub-models: one finds all primary backup paths first, and the other finds all secondary backup paths next. The results on five networks show that the network redundancy using dedicated 1+1+1 is in the range of 313-400%. It drops to 96-181% in 1:1:1 without loss of dual-link resiliency, but with the trade-off of using the complicated share capacity sharing among backup paths. The hybrid 1+1:1 provides intermediate redundancy ratio at 187-310% with a moderate complexity. We also compare the passive/active approaches which consider spare capacity sharing after/during the backup path routing process. The active sharing approaches always achieve lower redundancy values than the passive ones. These reduction percentages are about 12% for 1+1:1 and 25% for 1:1:1 respectively

    Selection Of Switching Sites In All-Optical Network Topology Design

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of topology design for both unprotected and one-link protected all-optical networks. We investigate the problem of selecting switching sites to minimize total cost of the network. The cost of an optical network is expressed as a sum of three main factors: the site cost, the link cost, and the switch cost. For unprotected networks with linear cost model, we present a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation of the problem. We also present an efficient heuristic to approximate the solution. The experimental results show good performance of the linear cost model heuristic. In 16% of the experiments with 10 nodes network topologies, the linear cost model heuristic had no error. Moreover, for 54% and 86% of the experiments with 10 nodes network topologies, the linear cost model heuristic’s solution is within 2% and 5% of its optimal value respectively. Finally, we extend our approach to one-link protected networks, and present an efficient survivable heuristic, and representative experimental results

    A tabu search algorithm for dynamic routing in ATM cell-switching networks

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    This paper deals with the dynamic routing problem in ATM cell-switching networks. We present a mathematical programming model based on cell loss and a Tabu Search algorithm with short-term memory that is reinforced with a long-term memory procedure. The estimation of the quality of the solutions is fast, due to the specific encoding of the feasible solutions. The Tabu Search algorithm reaches good quality solutions, outperforming other approaches such as Genetic Algorithms and the Minimum Switching Path heuristic, regarding both cell loss and the CPU time consumption. The best results were found for the more complex networks with a high number of switches and links