20 research outputs found

    Machine Learning for Indoor Localization Using Mobile Phone-Based Sensors

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of localizing a mobile device based on readings from its embedded sensors utilizing machine learning methodologies. We consider a real-world environment, collect a large dataset of 3110 datapoints, and examine the performance of a substantial number of machine learning algorithms in localizing a mobile device. We have found algorithms that give a mean error as accurate as 0.76 meters, outperforming other indoor localization systems reported in the literature. We also propose a hybrid instance-based approach that results in a speed increase by a factor of ten with no loss of accuracy in a live deployment over standard instance-based methods, allowing for fast and accurate localization. Further, we determine how smaller datasets collected with less density affect accuracy of localization, important for use in real-world environments. Finally, we demonstrate that these approaches are appropriate for real-world deployment by evaluating their performance in an online, in-motion experiment.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The Strength of Friendship Ties in Proximity Sensor Data

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    Understanding how people interact and socialize is important in many contexts from disease control to urban planning. Datasets that capture this specific aspect of human life have increased in size and availability over the last few years. We have yet to understand, however, to what extent such electronic datasets may serve as a valid proxy for real life social interactions. For an observational dataset, gathered using mobile phones, we analyze the problem of identifying transient and non-important links, as well as how to highlight important social interactions. Applying the Bluetooth signal strength parameter to distinguish between observations, we demonstrate that weak links, compared to strong links, have a lower probability of being observed at later times, while such links--on average--also have lower link-weights and probability of sharing an online friendship. Further, the role of link-strength is investigated in relation to social network properties.Comment: Updated Introduction, added references. 12 pages, 7 figure

    Improving Indoor Localization Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons

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    Feasibility of LoRa for Smart Home Indoor Localization

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    With the advancement of low-power and low-cost wireless technologies in the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing rapidly in numerous areas of Industry 4.0 and smart homes. With the development of many applications for the IoT, indoor localization, i.e., the capability to determine the physical location of people or devices, has become an important component of smart homes. Various wireless technologies have been used for indoor localization includingWiFi, ultra-wideband (UWB), Bluetooth low energy (BLE), radio-frequency identification (RFID), and LoRa. The ability of low-cost long range (LoRa) radios for low-power and long-range communication has made this radio technology a suitable candidate for many indoor and outdoor IoT applications. Additionally, research studies have shown the feasibility of localization with LoRa radios. However, indoor localization with LoRa is not adequately explored at the home level, where the localization area is relatively smaller than offices and corporate buildings. In this study, we first explore the feasibility of ranging with LoRa. Then, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the capability of LoRa for accurate and precise indoor localization in a typical apartment setting. Our experimental results show that LoRa-based indoor localization has an accuracy better than 1.6 m in line-of-sight scenario and 3.2 m in extreme non-line-of-sight scenario with a precision better than 25 cm in all cases, without using any data filtering on the location estimates

    Adding direction to a directionless world

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    This thesis focuses on the feasibility of adding a new dimension to spatial context referred to as orientation. Based on directional antennas and previous work in RSSI based radio distance estimation, this work shows that using directional antennas alone, the angle between two devices can be approximated. Furthermore, this thesis shows the effect of distance estimation error on angle estimation and how the number of samples affects the error in angle estimation