37 research outputs found

    Structural abstraction: a mechanism for modular program construction

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    Abstraction mechanisms in programming languages aim to allow orthogonal pieces of functionality to be developed separately; complex software can then be constructed through the composition of these pieces. The effectiveness of such mechanisms lies in their support for modularity and reusability: The behavior of a piece of code should be reasoned about modularly---independently of the specific compositions it may participate in; the computation of a piece of code should allow specialization, so that it is reusable for different compositions. This dissertation introduces structural abstraction: a mechanism that advances the state of the art by allowing the writing of highly reusable code---code whose structure can be specialized per composition, while maintaining a high level of modularity. Structural abstraction provides a disciplined way for code to inspect the structure of its clients in composition, and declare its own structure accordingly. The hallmark feature of structural abstraction is that, despite its emphasis on greater reusability, it still allows modular type checking: A piece of structurally abstract code can be type-checked independently of its uses in compositions---an invaluable feature for highly reusable components that will be statically composed by other programmers. This dissertation introduces two structural abstraction techniques: static type conditions, and morphing. Static type conditions allow code to be conditionally declared based on subtyping constraints. A client of a piece of code can configure a desirable set of features by composing the code with types that satisfy the appropriate subtyping conditions. Morphing allows code to be iteratively declared, by statically reflecting over the structural members of code that it would be composed with. A morphing piece of code can mimic the structure of its clients in composition, or change its shape according to its clients in a pattern-based manner. Using either static type conditions or morphing, the structure of a piece of code is not statically determined, but can be automatically specialized by clients. Static type conditions and morphing both guarantee the modular type-safety of code: regardless of specific client configurations, code is guaranteed to be well-typed.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Yannis Smaragdakis; Committee Member: Oege de Moor; Committee Member: Richard LeBlanc; Committee Member: Santosh Pande; Committee Member: Spencer Rugabe

    Orthogonal persistence in Java supported by aspect- oriented programming and reflection

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    The persistence concern implemented as an aspect has been studied since the appearance of the Aspect-Oriented paradigm. Frequently, persistence is given as an example that can be aspectized, but until today no real world solution has applied that paradigm. Such solution should be able to enhance the programmer productivity and make the application less prone to errors. To test the viability of that concept, in a previous study we developed a prototype that implements Orthogonal Persistence as an aspect. This first version of the prototype was already fully functional with all Java types including arrays. In this work the results of our new research to overcome some limitations that we have identified on the data type abstraction and transparency in the prototype are presented. One of our goals was to avoid the Java standard idiom for genericity, based on casts, type tests and subtyping. Moreover, we also find the need to introduce some dynamic data type abilities. We consider that the Reflection is the solution to those issues. To achieve that, we have extended our prototype with a new static weaver that preprocesses the application source code in order to introduce changes to the normal behavior of the Java compiler with a new generated reflective code

    Aspects and Exception Handling: The Case of Explicit Join Points

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    Several authors have debated the modularity and obliviousness of aspects in AOP and the links between these two notions, noting that obliviousness is not always desirable or achievable. Many proposals have appeared, mainly in the context of AspectJ, to mitigate these issues by restricting upfront, or "inferring" and documenting, where aspects can apply. As pointed out, sacrificing certain facets of obliviousness can not only increase safety but even increase modularity. This paper presents and evaluates a simple extension to AspectJ, consisting in explicit join points (EJPs) which denote potential occurrences of aspects in the base code and enable information passing between base code and aspects. The evaluation takes place in the context of exception handling; by picking up on a recent study of the use of aspects for the same purpose, we quantifg the benefits of our extensions for various common measures of code quality in the context of AOP, such as separation of concerns or coupling

    Spoon: A Library for Implementing Analyses and Transformations of Java Source Code

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    update for oadoi on Nov 02 2018International audienceThis paper presents SPOON, a library for the analysis and transformation of Java source code. SPOON enables Java developers to write a large range of domain-specific analyses and transformations in an easy and concise manner. SPOON analyses and transformations are written in plain Java. With SPOON, developers do not need to dive into parsing, to hack a compiler infrastructure, or to master a new formalism

    Unwoven Aspect Analysis

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    Various languages and tools supporting advanced separation of concerns (such as aspect-oriented programming) provide a software developer with the ability to separate functional and non-functional programmatic intentions. Once these separate pieces of the software have been specified, the tools automatically handle interaction points between separate modules, relieving the developer of this chore and permitting more understandable, maintainable code. Many approaches have left traditional compiler analysis and optimization until after the composition has been performed; unfortunately, analyses performed after composition cannot make use of the logical separation present in the original program. Further, for modular systems that can be configured with different sets of features, testing under every possible combination of features may be necessary and time-consuming to avoid bugs in production software. To solve this testing problem, we investigate a feature-aware compiler analysis that runs during composition and discovers features strongly independent of each other. When the their independence can be judged, the number of feature combinations that must be separately tested can be reduced. We develop this approach and discuss our implementation. We look forward to future programming languages in two ways: we implement solutions to problems that are conceptually aspect-oriented but for which current aspect languages and tools fail. We study these cases and consider what language designs might provide even more information to a compiler. We describe some features that such a future language might have, based on our observations of current language deficiencies and our experience with compilers for these languages

    A Statically Typed Logic Context Query Language With Parametric Polymorphism and Subtyping

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    The objective of this thesis is programming language support for context-sensitive program adaptations. Driven by the requirements for context-aware adaptation languages, a statically typed Object-oriented logic Context Query Language  (OCQL) was developed, which is suitable for integration with adaptation languages based on the Java type system. The ambient information considered in context-aware applications often originates from several, potentially distributed sources. OCQL employs the Semantic Web-language RDF Schema to structure and combine distributed context information. OCQL offers parametric polymorphism, subtyping, and a fixed set of meta-predicates. Its type system is based on mode analysis and a subset of Java Generics. For this reason a mode-inference approach for normal logic programs that considers variable aliasing and sharing was extended to cover all-solution predicates. OCQL is complemented by a service-oriented context-management infrastructure that supports the integration of OCQL with runtime adaptation approaches. The applicability of the language and its infrastructure were demonstrated with the context-aware aspect language CSLogicAJ. CSLogicAJ aspects encapsulate context-aware behavior and define in which contextual situation and program execution state the behavior is woven into the running program. The thesis concludes with a case study analyzing how runtime adaptation of mobile applications can be supported by pure object-, service- and context-aware aspect-orientation. Our study has shown that CSLogicAJ can improve the modularization of context-aware applications and reduce anticipation of runtime adaptations when compared to other approaches

    Reflective program generation with patterns

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    Refactorings to evolve object-oriented systems with aspect-oriented concepts

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    Tese de doutoramento em Informática.Software engineering tools should support complete separation of concerns, by enabling the deployment of each different concern in its own unit of modularity. Unfortunately, current tools and languages – including those supporting the object-oriented programming paradigm – fail to provide a complete and effective support for the separation of all concerns. Undesirable phenomena such as code scattering and code tangling ensue. Aspect-Oriented Programming is a new programming paradigm capable of modularising crosscutting concerns. Aspect-oriented programming complements existing programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming, with constructs that provide a fuller separation of concerns. Refactoring is a technique to restructure program source code in order to improve its underlying design and style while preserving the externally observable behaviour. “Code smells” help to detect inadequate structures and designs, which are then gradually removed through refactoring processes. There is a prospect of aspect-oriented programming becoming a mainstream technology in the near future. This begs the question of how to deal with a large base of object-oriented legacy code when aspect-orientation becomes standard practice. AspectJ's backward compatibility with Java opens the way for refactoring existing Java applications to leverage the concepts and mechanisms of aspects. This requires a prior idea of good style for aspect-oriented source code, something yet to be developed and matured. This thesis contributes to the definition of a new style appropriate to aspect orientation. To this effect, this thesis documents a collection of novel refactorings enabling the extraction of crosscutting concerns from object-oriented legacy source code and the subsequent restructuring of the aspects thus obtained. In addition, this thesis presents a review of traditional object-oriented code smells so they can be used as indicators of latent aspects in object-oriented source code. Finally, this thesis proposes several novel aspect-oriented code smells. We validate the refactorings through an illustrative refactoring process.Idealmente, as ferramentas de engenharia de programas suportariam uma estrita separação de facetas, possibilitando a colocação de cada faceta na sua própria unidade modular. Infelizmente, as actuais ferramentas e linguagens – incluindo as que suportam o paradigma da orientação ao objecto – não conseguem obter uma completa e efectiva separação de todas as facetas. Daí resultam fenómenos indesejáveis tais como a dispersão e emaranhado de texto fonte. A programação orientada ao aspecto é um novo paradigma da programação capaz de modularizar facetas transversais. A orientação ao aspecto complementa os paradigmas existentes, incluindo a orientação ao objecto, com mecanismos que providenciam uma separação de facetas mais completa. A refabricação de programas é uma técnica para reestruturar o texto fonte de um programa no sentido de melhorar a concepção e estilo subjacentes, mantendo o seu comportamento externamente observável. “Maus cheiros” no texto fonte ajudam a detectar estruturas e concepções inadequadas, que são então gradualmente removidos através de processos de refabricação. Existe a perspectiva da orientação ao aspecto ter uma aceitação generalizada no futuro próximo. Coloca-se a questão de como lidar com uma grande base instalada de texto fonte orientado ao objecto legado quando tal acontecer. A compatibilidade retroactiva de AspectJ em relação a Java possibilita a refabricação das aplicações Java existentes de modo a tomarem partido dos conceitos e mecanismos dos aspectos. Porém, isto tem como pressuposto uma ideia clara de bom estilo para o texto fonte orientado ao aspecto, algo que actualmente não existe duma maneira desenvolvida e matura. Esta tese contribui para a caracterização de um novo estilo, apropriado à orientação ao aspecto. Para esse efeito, esta tese documenta uma colecção de refabricações originais através das quais facetas transversais existentes em texto legado orientado ao objecto são extraídas para aspectos, e a posterior reestruturação dos aspectos assim obtidos pode ser realizada. Esta tese apresenta também uma reapreciação dos maus cheiros orientados ao objecto tradicionais no sentido de poderem ser usados na detecção de aspectos latentes no texto fonte orientado ao objecto. Por fim, esta tese propõe diversos maus cheiros originais, orientados ao aspecto. As refabricações são validadas por meio de um processo de refabricação ilustrativo.Programa de Desenvolvimento Educativo para Portugal III (PRODEP III) - (Medida 5 - Acção 5.3 - Eixo 3 - Formação Avançada de Docentes do Ensino Superior).Portable Parallel Computing based on Virtual Machines (PPC-VM) - (PO-SI/CHS/47158/2002).Fundação Luso Americana para o Desenvolvimento (FLAD)