839 research outputs found

    Cloud Computing Services and Security Challenges: A Review

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    An architecture of computing that provides services over the internet on the demand and desires of users that pay for the accessible resources that are shared is refer as the cloud computing. These resources are shared over the cloud and users do not have to acquire them physically. Some of the shared resources are: software, hardware, networks, services, applications and servers. Almost every industry from hospitals to education is moving towards the cloud for storage of data because of managing the effective cost and time of organizing the resources physically on their space. Storage of data over the data centers provided in the form of clouds is the key service of the cloud computing. Users store their desired data on clouds that are publicly available over the internet and away from their boundaries in cost effective manner.  Therefore, techniques like encryption is used for obscuring the user’s information before uploading or storing to the shared cloud devices. The main aim of the techniques is to provide security to the data of users from unauthorized and malicious intrusions

    Improving the Authentication Mechanism of Business to Consumer (B2C) Platform in a Cloud Computing Environment: Preliminary Findings

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    The reliance of e-commerce infrastructure on cloud computing environment has undoubtedly increased the security challenges in web-based e-commerce portals. This has necessitated the need for a built-in security feature, essentially to improve the authentication mechanism, during the execution of its dependent transactions. Comparative analysis of the existing works and studies on XML-based authentication and non-XML signaturebased security mechanisms for authentication in Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce showed the advantage of using XML-based authentication, and its inherent weaknesses and limitations. It is against this background that this study, based on review and meta-analysis of previous works, proposes an improved XML digital signature with RSA algorithm, as a novel algorithmic framework that improves the authentication strength of XML digital signature in the B2C e-commerce in a cloud-based environment. Our future works include testing and validation, and simulation, of the proposed authentication framework in Cisco’s XML Management Interface with inbuilt feature of NETCONF. The evaluation will be done in conformity to international standard and guideline –such as W3C and NIST

    From security to assurance in the cloud: a survey

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    The cloud computing paradigm has become a mainstream solution for the deployment of business processes and applications. In the public cloud vision, infrastructure, platform, and software services are provisioned to tenants (i.e., customers and service providers) on a pay-as-you-go basis. Cloud tenants can use cloud resources at lower prices, and higher performance and flexibility, than traditional on-premises resources, without having to care about infrastructure management. Still, cloud tenants remain concerned with the cloud's level of service and the nonfunctional properties their applications can count on. In the last few years, the research community has been focusing on the nonfunctional aspects of the cloud paradigm, among which cloud security stands out. Several approaches to security have been described and summarized in general surveys on cloud security techniques. The survey in this article focuses on the interface between cloud security and cloud security assurance. First, we provide an overview of the state of the art on cloud security. Then, we introduce the notion of cloud security assurance and analyze its growing impact on cloud security approaches. Finally, we present some recommendations for the development of next-generation cloud security and assurance solutions

    A secure data outsourcing scheme based on Asmuth – Bloom secret sharing

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Data outsourcing is an emerging paradigm for data management in which a database is provided as a service by third-party service providers. One of the major benefits of offering database as a service is to provide organisations, which are unable to purchase expensive hardware and software to host their databases, with efficient data storage accessible online at a cheap rate. Despite that, several issues of data confidentiality, integrity, availability and efficient indexing of users’ queries at the server side have to be addressed in the data outsourcing paradigm. Service providers have to guarantee that their clients’ data are secured against internal (insider) and external attacks. This paper briefly analyses the existing indexing schemes in data outsourcing and highlights their advantages and disadvantages. Then, this paper proposes a secure data outsourcing scheme based on Asmuth–Bloom secret sharing which tries to address the issues in data outsourcing such as data confidentiality, availability and order preservation for efficient indexing

    Unveiling the core of IoT: comprehensive review on data security challenges and mitigation strategies

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of devices such as sensors for collecting data, actuators that perform mechanical actions on the sensor's collected data, and gateways used as an interface for effective communication with the external world. The IoT has been successfully applied to various fields, from small households to large industries. The IoT environment consists of heterogeneous networks and billions of devices increasing daily, making the system more complex and this need for privacy and security of IoT devices become a major concern. The critical components of IoT are device identification, a large number of sensors, hardware operating systems, and IoT semantics and services. The layers of a core IoT application are presented in this paper with the protocols used in each layer. The security challenges at various IoT layers are unveiled in this review paper along with the existing mitigation strategies such as machine learning, deep learning, lightweight encryption techniques, and Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) to overcome these security challenges and future scope. It has been concluded after doing an intensive review that Spoofing and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are two of the most common attacks in IoT applications. While spoofing tricks systems by impersonating devices, DDoS attacks flood IoT systems with traffic. IoT security is also compromised by other attacks, such as botnet attacks, man-in-middle attacks etc. which call for strong defenses including IDS framework, deep neural networks, and multifactor authentication system

    Cloud-based homomorphic encryption for privacy-preserving machine learning in clinical decision support

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    While privacy and security concerns dominate public cloud services, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) is seen as an emerging solution that ensures secure processing of sensitive data via untrusted networks in the public cloud or by third-party cloud vendors. It relies on the fact that some encryption algorithms display the property of homomorphism, which allows them to manipulate data meaningfully while still in encrypted form; although there are major stumbling blocks to overcome before the technology is considered mature for production cloud environments. Such a framework would find particular relevance in Clinical Decision Support (CDS) applications deployed in the public cloud. CDS applications have an important computational and analytical role over confidential healthcare information with the aim of supporting decision-making in clinical practice. Machine Learning (ML) is employed in CDS applications that typically learn and can personalise actions based on individual behaviour. A relatively simple-to-implement, common and consistent framework is sought that can overcome most limitations of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) in order to offer an expanded and flexible set of HE capabilities. In the absence of a significant breakthrough in FHE efficiency and practical use, it would appear that a solution relying on client interactions is the best known entity for meeting the requirements of private CDS-based computation, so long as security is not significantly compromised. A hybrid solution is introduced, that intersperses limited two-party interactions amongst the main homomorphic computations, allowing exchange of both numerical and logical cryptographic contexts in addition to resolving other major FHE limitations. Interactions involve the use of client-based ciphertext decryptions blinded by data obfuscation techniques, to maintain privacy. This thesis explores the middle ground whereby HE schemes can provide improved and efficient arbitrary computational functionality over a significantly reduced two-party network interaction model involving data obfuscation techniques. This compromise allows for the powerful capabilities of HE to be leveraged, providing a more uniform, flexible and general approach to privacy-preserving system integration, which is suitable for cloud deployment. The proposed platform is uniquely designed to make HE more practical for mainstream clinical application use, equipped with a rich set of capabilities and potentially very complex depth of HE operations. Such a solution would be suitable for the long-term privacy preserving-processing requirements of a cloud-based CDS system, which would typically require complex combinatorial logic, workflow and ML capabilities

    Using Design Science to Build a Watermark System for Cloud Rightful Ownership Protection

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    Cloud computing opportunities have presented service options for users that are both economical and flexible to use requirements. However, the risk analysis for the user identifies vulnerabilities for intellectual property ownership and vulnerabilities for the identification of rightful property owners when cloud services are used. It is common for image owners to embed watermarks and other security mechanisms into their property so that the rightful ownership may be identified. In this paper we present a design that overcomes many of the current limitations in cloud watermarking uses; and propose a schema that places responsibility on the cloud provider to have a robust information protection program. Such a design solution lays out an information security architecture that enhances utility for cloud services and gives better options for users to securely place properties in the cloud. The Design Science methodology is used to build the artefact and answer the research question: How can rightful ownership be protected in the Cloud

    A comprehensive meta-analysis of cryptographic security mechanisms for cloud computing

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The concept of cloud computing offers measurable computational or information resources as a service over the Internet. The major motivation behind the cloud setup is economic benefits, because it assures the reduction in expenditure for operational and infrastructural purposes. To transform it into a reality there are some impediments and hurdles which are required to be tackled, most profound of which are security, privacy and reliability issues. As the user data is revealed to the cloud, it departs the protection-sphere of the data owner. However, this brings partly new security and privacy concerns. This work focuses on these issues related to various cloud services and deployment models by spotlighting their major challenges. While the classical cryptography is an ancient discipline, modern cryptography, which has been mostly developed in the last few decades, is the subject of study which needs to be implemented so as to ensure strong security and privacy mechanisms in today’s real-world scenarios. The technological solutions, short and long term research goals of the cloud security will be described and addressed using various classical cryptographic mechanisms as well as modern ones. This work explores the new directions in cloud computing security, while highlighting the correct selection of these fundamental technologies from cryptographic point of view

    CAPTCHA Types and Breaking Techniques: Design Issues, Challenges, and Future Research Directions

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    The proliferation of the Internet and mobile devices has resulted in malicious bots access to genuine resources and data. Bots may instigate phishing, unauthorized access, denial-of-service, and spoofing attacks to mention a few. Authentication and testing mechanisms to verify the end-users and prohibit malicious programs from infiltrating the services and data are strong defense systems against malicious bots. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is an authentication process to confirm that the user is a human hence, access is granted. This paper provides an in-depth survey on CAPTCHAs and focuses on two main things: (1) a detailed discussion on various CAPTCHA types along with their advantages, disadvantages, and design recommendations, and (2) an in-depth analysis of different CAPTCHA breaking techniques. The survey is based on over two hundred studies on the subject matter conducted since 2003 to date. The analysis reinforces the need to design more attack-resistant CAPTCHAs while keeping their usability intact. The paper also highlights the design challenges and open issues related to CAPTCHAs. Furthermore, it also provides useful recommendations for breaking CAPTCHAs
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