13 research outputs found

    High-power UV-LED degradation: Continuous and cycled working condition influence

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    High-power (HP) UV-LEDs can replace UV lamps for real-time fluoro-sensing applications by allowing portable and autonomous systems. However, HP UV-LEDs are not a mature technology, and there are still open issues regarding their performance evolution over time. This paper presents a reliability study of 3W UV-LEDs, with special focus on LED degradation for two working conditions: continuous and cycled (30 s ON and 30 s OFF). Accelerated life tests are developed to evaluate the influence of temperature and electrical working conditions in high-power LEDs degradation, being the predominant failure mechanism the degradation of the package. An analysis that includes dynamic thermal and optical HP UV-LED measurements has been performed. Static thermal and stress simulation analysis with the finite element method (FEM) identifies the causes of package degradation. Accelerated life test results prove that HP UV-LEDs working in cycled condition have a better performance than those working in continuous condition

    2D Parity Product Code for TSV online fault correction and detection

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    Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) is one of the most promising technologies to realize 3D Integrated Circuits (3D-ICs).  However, the reliability issues due to the low yield rates and the sensitivity to thermal hotspots and stress issues are preventing TSV-based 3D-ICs from being widely and efficiently used. To enhance the reliability of TSV connections, using error correction code to detect and correct faults automatically has been demonstrated as a viable solution.This paper presents a 2D Parity Product Code (2D-PPC) for TSV fault-tolerance with the ability to correct one fault and detect, at least, two faults.  In an implementation of 64-bit data and 81-bit codeword, 2D-PPC can detect over 71 faults, on average. Its encoder and decoder decrease the overall latency by 38.33% when compared to the Single Error Correction Double Error Detection code.  In addition to the high detection rates, the encoder can detect 100% of its gate failures, and the decoder can detect and correct around 40% of its individual gate failures. The squared 2D-PPC could be extended using orthogonal Latin square to support extra bit correction

    Design and Testing Strategies for Modular 3-D-Multiprocessor Systems Using Die-Level Through Silicon Via Technology

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    An innovative modular 3-D stacked multi-processor architecture is presented. The platform is composed of completely identical stacked dies connected together by through-silicon-vias (TSVs). Each die features four 32-bit embedded processors and associated memory modules, interconnected by a 3-D network-on-chip (NoC), which can route packets in the vertical direction. Superimposing identical planar dies minimizes design effort and manufacturing costs, ensuring at the same time high flexibility and reconfigurability. A single die can be used either as a fully testable standalone chip multi-processor (CMP), or integrated in a 3-D stack, increasing the overall core count and consequently the system performance. To demonstrate the feasibility of this architecture, fully functional samples have been fabricated using a conventional UMC 90 nm complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor process and stacked using an in-house, via-last Cu-TSV process. Initial results show that the proposed 3-D-CMP is capable of operating at a target frequency of 400 MHz, supporting a vertical data bandwidth of 3.2 Gb/s

    Design Issues and Considerations for Low-Cost 3-D TSV IC Technology

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    In this paper key design issues and considerations of a low-cost 3-D Cu-TSV technology are investigated. The impact of TSV on BEOL interconnect reliability is limited, no failures have been observed. The impact of TSV stress on MOS devices causes shifts, further analysis is required to understand their importance. Thermal hot spots in 3-D chip stacks cause temperature increases three times higher than in 2-D chips, necessitating a careful thermal floorplanning to avoid thermal failures. We have monitored for ESD during 3-D processing and have found no events take place, however careful further monitoring is required. The noise coupling between two tiers in a 3-D chip-stack is 20 dB lower than in a 2-D SoC, opening opportunities for increased mixed signal system performance. The impact on digital circuit performance of TSVs is accurately modeled with the presented RC model and digital gates can directly drive signals through TSVs at high speed and low power. Experimental results of a 3-D Network-on-Chip implementation demonstrate that the NoC concept can be extended from 2-D SoC to 3-D SoCs at low area (0.018 ) and power (3%) overhead

    Piin läpivientien luotettavuus ja elinikä termisessä rasituksessa

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    Through-silicon via (TSV) is one of the key technologies for three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuits (ICs). TSVs enable vertical electrical connections between components which greatly reduces interconnection lengths. Regardless of all the promise the technique has shown, there are still major obstacles surrounding reliability and the cost of fabrication of the TSV structure. The first part of the thesis is a literature survey that focuses on different failure mechanisms of TSVs. In addition, different fabrication and design choices of TSVs are presented with the focus being on their effect on reliability. The experimental part of the thesis presents reliability and lifetime assessment of tapered partially copper-filled blind TSVs under thermal cycling. The reliability test was carried out with nine samples. Six of them had 420 vias and three of them had 1400 vias in a daisy chain structure. Finite element method (FEM) was used to predict the critical failure locations of the TSV structure. Lifetime was predicted by Weibull analysis. The cross-sections of the test samples were prepared by molding, mechanical grinding and polishing and analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Electrical measurements showed almost constant resistance increase in the samples before failures were noticed. The first failed sample was noticed after 200 cycles and the last at 4000 cycles. Lifetime of TSVs under thermal cycling was proven to be acceptable with used failure criterion. According to Weibull analysis, about 10 % of the samples with 420 vias will break after 1000 cycles. Sample preparation for imaging was deemed sufficient although the grinding caused artifacts. The simulation results were compared with SEM micrographs. The images showed that the failures were located at the maximum stress areas, identified with FEM simulations, at the bottom of the via. From the SEM images, it was deduced that the defects initiated from the fabrication process and propagated due to maximum localized stress.Piin läpivienti -rakenteet ovat keskeisessä osassa kolmiulotteisten integroitujen piirien kehityksessä. Piin läpiviennit mahdollistavat komponenttien vertikaalin yhdistämisen toisiinsa, mikä lyhentää huomattavasti niiden välistä etäisyyttä. Kaikista hyvistä puolista huolimatta tekniikalla on vielä haasteita edessään. Niistä suurimmat liittyvät rakenteen luotettavuuteen ja valmistuskustannuksiin. Diplomityön kirjallisessa osuudessa keskitytään piin läpivientien erilaisiin vauriomekanismeihin. Sen lisäksi tutkitaan valmistus- ja suunnitteluratkaisujen vaikutusta läpivientien luotettavuuteen. Kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena on osittain kuparitäytettyjen kaventuvien piin läpivientien luotettavuuden ja eliniän määrittäminen termisessä syklaustestissä. Luotettavuustestaus suoritettiin yhdeksällä näytteellä, joista kuudessa oli 420 läpivientiä ja kolmessa 1400 läpivientiä ketjurakenteessa. Elementtimallintamisen avulla määritettiin kriittiset vauriokohdat läpivientirakenteessa ja elinikä määritettiin Weibull-analyysillä. Näytteiden poikkileikkauksien valmistamiseen käytettiin muovaamista, mekaanista hiomista ja kiillotusta ja analysointi suoritettiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla. Näytteiden resistanssi nousi tasaisesti ennen rikkoutumisten havaitsemista. Ensimmäinen rikkoutuminen huomattiin 200 syklin jälkeen ja viimeinen 4000 syklin kohdalla. Näytteiden luotettavuus osoittautui hyväksi käytetyillä kriteereillä. Weibull-analyysin mukaan 10 % 420 läpiviennin näytteistä rikkoutuu 1000 syklin jälkeen. Karkea arvio voidaan tehdä, että satunnainen läpivienti rikkoutuu 0,024 % todennäköisyydellä 1000 syklin jälkeen. Pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopin kuvien perusteella havaittiin, että näytteet rikkoutuivat maksimaalisen rasituksen alueella läpivientien alaosassa. Kuvien perusteella päädyttiin johtopäätökseen, että näytteiden rikkoutumisen aiheuttivat virheet, jotka ovat peräisin valmistusprosessista ja jotka etenivät rakenteessa termisen rasituksen vaikutuksesta

    Optimal Power Delivery Strategy in Modern VLSI Design

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringIn a modern very-large-scale integration (VLSI) designs, heterogeneous architectural structures and various three-dimensional (3D) integration methods have been used in a hybrid manner. Recently, the industry has combined 3D VLSI technology with the heterogeneous technology of modern VLSI called chiplet. The 3D heterogeneous architectural structure is growing attention because it reduces costs and time-to-market by increasing manufacturing yield with high integration rate and modularization. However, a main design concern of heterogeneous 3D architectural structure is power management for lowering power consumption with maintaining the required power integrity from IR drop. Although the low-power design can be realized in front-end-of-line level by reduced power supply complementary metal???oxide???semiconductor technologies, the overall low-power system performance is available with a proper design of power delivery network (PDN) for chip-level modules and system-level architectural structure. Thus, there is a demand for both the coanalysis and optimization for both chip-level and system-level. We analyzed and optimized power delivery on-chip in various 3D integration environments, and we also have proposed a chip-package-PCB coanalysis methodology at the system level. For through-silicon-via (TSV)-based 3D integration circuit (IC), We have investigated and analyzed the voltage noise in a multi-layer 3D stacking with partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC)-based on-chip PDN and frequency-dependent TSV models. We also have proposed a wire-added multi-paired on-chip PDN structure to reduce voltage noise to reduce IR drop. The performance of TSV-based 3D ICs has also been improved by reducing wake-up time through our proposed adaptive power gating strategy with tapered TSVs. For die-to-wafer 3D IC, we have proposed a power delivery pathfinding methodology, which seeks to identify a nearly optimal PDN for a given design and PDN specification. Our pathfinding methodology exploits models for routability and worst IR drop, which helps reducing iterations between PDN design and circuit design in 3D IC implementation. We also have extended the observation to system-level, we have proposed a power integrity coanalysis methodology for multiple power domains in high-frequency memory systems. Our coanalysis methodology can analyze the tendencies in power integrity by using parametric methods with consideration of package-on-package integration. We have proved that our methodology can predict similar peak-to-peak ripple voltages that are comparable with the realistic simulations of high-speed low-power memory interfaces. Finally, we have proposed analysis and optimization methodologies that are generally applicable to various integration methods used in modern VLSI designs as computer-aided-design-based solutions.clos

    Investigation into yield and reliability enhancement of TSV-based three-dimensional integration circuits

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    Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) have been acknowledged as a promising technology to overcome the interconnect delay bottleneck brought by continuous CMOS scaling. Recent research shows that through-silicon-vias (TSVs), which act as vertical links between layers, pose yield and reliability challenges for 3D design. This thesis presents three original contributions.The first contribution presents a grouping-based technique to improve the yield of 3D ICs under manufacturing TSV defects, where regular and redundant TSVs are partitioned into groups. In each group, signals can select good TSVs using rerouting multiplexers avoiding defective TSVs. Grouping ratio (regular to redundant TSVs in one group) has an impact on yield and hardware overhead. Mathematical probabilistic models are presented for yield analysis under the influence of independent and clustering defect distributions. Simulation results using MATLAB show that for a given number of TSVs and TSV failure rate, careful selection of grouping ratio results in achieving 100% yield at minimal hardware cost (number of multiplexers and redundant TSVs) in comparison to a design that does not exploit TSV grouping ratios. The second contribution presents an efficient online fault tolerance technique based on redundant TSVs, to detect TSV manufacturing defects and address thermal-induced reliability issue. The proposed technique accounts for both fault detection and recovery in the presence of three TSV defects: voids, delamination between TSV and landing pad, and TSV short-to-substrate. Simulations using HSPICE and ModelSim are carried out to validate fault detection and recovery. Results show that regular and redundant TSVs can be divided into groups to minimise area overhead without affecting the fault tolerance capability of the technique. Synthesis results using 130-nm design library show that 100% repair capability can be achieved with low area overhead (4% for the best case). The last contribution proposes a technique with joint consideration of temperature mitigation and fault tolerance without introducing additional redundant TSVs. This is achieved by reusing spare TSVs that are frequently deployed for improving yield and reliability in 3D ICs. The proposed technique consists of two steps: TSV determination step, which is for achieving optimal partition between regular and spare TSVs into groups; The second step is TSV placement, where temperature mitigation is targeted while optimizing total wirelength and routing difference. Simulation results show that using the proposed technique, 100% repair capability is achieved across all (five) benchmarks with an average temperature reduction of 75.2? (34.1%) (best case is 99.8? (58.5%)), while increasing wirelength by a small amount

    온 칩 네트워크 설계: 매핑, 관리, 라우팅

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·정보공학부, 2016. 2. 최기영.지난 수십 년간 이어진 반도체 기술의 향상은 매니 코어의 시대를 가져다 주었다. 우리가 일상 생활에 쓰는 데스크톱 컴퓨터조차도 이미 수 개의 코어를 가지고 있으며, 수백 개의 코어를 가진 칩도 상용화되어 있다. 이러한 많은 코어들 간의 통신 기반으로서, 네트워크-온-칩(NoC)이 새로이 대두되었으며, 이는 현재 많은 연구 및 상용 제품에서 널리 사용되고 있다. 그러나 네트워크-온-칩을 매니 코어 시스템에 사용하는 데에는 여러 가지 문제가 따르며, 본 논문에서는 그 중 몇 가지를 풀어내고자 하였다. 본 논문의 두 번째 챕터에서는 NoC 기반 매니코어 구조에 작업을 할당하고 스케쥴하는 방법을 다루었다. 매니코어에의 작업 할당을 다룬 논문은 이미 많이 출판되었지만, 본 연구는 메시지 패싱과 공유 메모리, 두 가지의 통신 방식을 고려함으로써 성능과 에너지 효율을 개선하였다. 또한, 본 연구는 역방향 의존성을 가진 작업 그래프를 스케쥴하는 방법 또한 제시하였다. 3차원 적층 기술은 높아진 전력 밀도 때문에 열 문제가 심각해지는 등, 여러 가지 도전 과제를 내포하고 있다. 세 번째 챕터에서는 DVFS 기술을 이용하여 열 문제를 완화하고자 하는 기술을 소개한다. 각 코어와 라우터가 전압, 작동 속도를 조절할 수 있는 구조에서, 가장 높은 성능을 이끌어 내면서도 최대 온도를 넘어서지 않도록 한다. 세 번째와 네 번째 챕터는 조금 다른 측면을 다룬다. 3D 적층 기술을 사용할 때, 층간 통신은 주로 TSV를 이용하여 이루어진다. 그러나 TSV는 일반 wire보다 훨씬 큰 면적을 차지하기 때문에, 전체 네트워크에서의 TSV 개수는 제한되어야 할 경우가 많다. 이 경우에는 두 가지 선택지가 있는데, 첫째는 각 층간 통신 채널의 대역폭을 줄이는 것이고, 둘째는 각 채널의 대역폭은 유지하되 일부 노드만 층간 통신이 가능한 채널을 제공하는 것이다. 우리는 각각의 경우에 대하여 라우팅 알고리즘을 하나씩 제시한다. 첫 번째 경우에 있어서는 deflection 라우팅 기법을 사용하여 층간 통신의 긴 지연 시간을 극복하고자 하였다. 층간 통신을 균등하게 분배함으로써, 제시된 알고리즘은 개선된 지연 시간을 보이며 라우터 버퍼의 제거를 통한 면적 및 에너지 효율성 또한 얻을 수 있다. 두 번째 경우에서는 층간 통신 채널을 선택하기 위한 몇 가지 규칙을 제시한다. 약간의 라우팅 자유도를 희생함으로써, 제시된 알고리즘은 기존 알고리즘의 가상 채널 요구 조건을 제거하고, 결과적으로는 성능 또는 에너지 효율의 증가를 가져 온다.For decades, advance in semiconductor technology has led us to the era of many-core systems. Today's desktop computers already have multi-core processors, and chips with more than a hundred cores are commercially available. As a communication medium for such a large number of cores, network-on-chip (NoC) has emerged out, and now is being used by many researchers and companies. Adopting NoC for a many-core system incurs many problems, and this thesis tries to solve some of them. The second chapter of this thesis is on mapping and scheduling of tasks on NoC-based CMP architectures. Although mapping on NoC has a number of papers published, our work reveals that selecting communication types between shared memory and message passing can help improve the performance and energy efficiency. Additionally, our framework supports scheduling applications containing backward dependencies with the help of modified modulo scheduling. Evolving the SoCs through 3D stacking makes us face a number of new problems, and the thermal problem coming from increased power density is one of them. In the third chapter of this thesis, we try to mitigate the hotspot problem using DVFS techniques. Assuming that all the routers as well as cores have capabilities to control voltage and frequency individually, we find voltage-frequency pairs for all cores and routers which yields the best performance within the given thermal constraint. The fourth and the fifth chapters of this thesis are from a different aspect. In 3D stacking, inter-layer interconnections are implemented using through-silicon vias (TSV). TSVs usually take much more area than normal wires. Furthermore, they also consume silicon area as well as metal area. For this reason, designers would want to limit the number of TSVs used in their network. To limit the TSV count, there are two options: the first is to reduce the width of each vertical links, and the other is to use fewer vertical links, which results in a partially connected network. We present two routing methodologies for each case. For the network with reduced bandwidth vertical links, we propose using deflection routing to mitigate the long latency of vertical links. By balancing the vertical traffics properly, the algorithm provides improved latency. Also, a large amount of area and energy reduction can be obtained by the removal of router buffers. For partially connected networks, we introduce a set of routing rules for selecting the vertical links. At the expense of sacrificing some amount of routing freedom, the proposed algorithm removes the virtual channel requirement for avoiding deadlock. As a result, the performance, or energy consumption can be reduced at the designer's choice.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Task Mapping and Scheduling 2 1.2 Thermal Management 3 1.3 Routing for 3D Networks 5 Chapter 2 Mapping and Scheduling 9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Motivation 10 2.3 Background 12 2.4 Related Work 16 2.5 Platform Description 17 2.5.1 Architcture Description 17 2.5.2 Energy Model 21 2.5.3 Communication Delay Model 22 2.6 Problem Formulation 23 2.7 Proposed Solution 25 2.7.1 Task and Communication Mapping 27 2.7.2 Communication Type Optimization 31 2.7.3 Design Space Pruning via Pre-evaluation 34 2.7.4 Scheduling 35 2.8 Experimental Results 42 2.8.1 Experiments with Coarse-grained Iterative Modulo Scheduling 42 2.8.2 Comparison with Different Mapping Algorithms 43 2.8.3 Experiments with Overall Algorithms 45 2.8.4 Experiments with Various Local Memory Sizes 47 2.8.5 Experiments with Various Placements of Shared Memory 48 Chapter 3 Thermal Management 50 3.1 Introduction 50 3.2 Background 51 3.2.1 Thermal Modeling 51 3.2.2 Heterogeneity in Thermal Propagation 52 3.3 Motivation and Problem Definition 53 3.4 Related Work 56 3.5 Orchestrated Voltage-Frequency Assignment 56 3.5.1 Individual PI Control Method 56 3.5.2 PI Controlled Weighted-Power Budgeting 57 3.5.3 Performance/Power Estimation 59 3.5.4 Frequency Assignment 62 3.5.5 Algorithm Overview 64 3.5.6 Stability Conditions for PI Controller 65 3.6 Experimental Result 66 3.6.1 Experimental Setup 66 3.6.2 Overall Algorithm Performance 68 3.6.3 Accuracy of the Estimation Model 70 3.6.4 Performance of the Frequency Assignment Algorithm 70 Chapter 4 Routing for Limited Bandwidth 3D NoC 72 4.1 Introduction 72 4.2 Motivation 73 4.3 Background 74 4.4 Related Work 75 4.5 3D Deflection Routing 76 4.5.1 Serialized TSV Model 76 4.5.2 TSV Link Injection/ejection Scheme 78 4.5.3 Deadlock Avoidance 80 4.5.4 Livelock Avoidance 84 4.5.5 Router Architecture: Putting It All Together 86 4.5.6 System Level Consideration 87 4.6 Experimental Results 89 4.6.1 Experimental Setup 89 4.6.2 Results on Synthetic Traffic Patterns 91 4.6.3 Results on Realistic Traffic Patterns 94 4.6.4 Results on Real Application Benchmarks 98 4.6.5 Fairness Issue 103 4.6.6 Area Cost Comparison 104 Chapter 5 Routing for Partially Connected 3D NoC 106 5.1 Introduction 106 5.2 Background 107 5.3 Related Work 109 5.4 Proposed Algorithm 111 5.4.1 Preliminary 112 5.4.2 Routing Algorithm for 3-D Stacked Meshes with Regular Partial Vertical Connections 115 5.4.3 Routing Algorithm for 3-D Stacked Meshes with Irregular Partial Vertical Connections 118 5.4.4 Extension to Heterogeneous Mesh Layers 122 5.5 Experimental Results 126 5.5.1 Experimental Setup 126 5.5.2 Experiments on Synthetic Traffics 128 5.5.3 Experiments on Application Benchmarks 133 5.5.4 Comparison with Reduced Bandwidth Mesh 139 Chapter 6 Conclusion 141 Bibliography 144 초록 163Docto