246 research outputs found

    Holistic Blended Values: Another Social Entrepreneurship Paradigm

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    This study seeks to comprehend in-depth how social entrepreneurship (SE) practices from a business standpoint in Islamic boarding schools, as well as what values emerge in SE practices. The qualitative research design is descriptive exploratory, with a holistic single-case study conducted at the Sidogiri Islamic boarding school in Pasuruan, Indonesia. In-depth interviews, field observations, focused discussions, and a review of supporting documents were employed to collect data. In-depth interviews, field observations, focused discussions, and a review of supporting documents were used to collect data. Purposive sampling was used to select key informants, and the snowball sampling technique was used to select other informants based on key informant recommendations. After maintaining quality standards through data triangulation, observers and sources, and member checks, data analysis employs an interactive model. According to the findings, SE practices are implemented through a combination of corporate social responsibility programs, bottom-of-the-pyramid orientation, other SE activities, and spirituality. The distinction of SE development in the Islamic boarding school-based business perspective in Indonesia is this balance. The balance of the SE program, as reflected in the holistic blended value, is critical to the business's existence and sustainability. The last section goes over the implications and future research.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami secara mendalam bagaimana praktik social entrepreneurship (SE) perspektif bisnis berbasis pondok pesantren dan nilai-nilai apa saja yang ditimbulkan dalam praktik SE tersebut. Desain penelitian kualitatif ini adalah descriptive exploratory menggunakan holistic single-case yang dilakukan di pondok pesantren Sidogiri, Pasuruan, Indonesia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi lapangan, diskusi terfokus dan peninjauan dokumen pendukung. Key informan dipilih secara purposive sampling dan para informan lainnya dipilih dengan teknik snowball sampling berdasarkan rekomendasi key informan.  Analisis data menggunakan interaktif model setelah menjaga standar kualitas melalui triangulasi data, pengamat dan sumber serta member check.  Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa praktik SE dilakukan melalui keseimbangan program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, orientasi bottom of pyramid, kegiatan SE lainnya dan spiritual.  Keseimbangan tersebut menjadi distingsi pengembangan SE dalam perspektif bisnis berbasis pondok pesantren di Indonesia. Keseimbangan program SE tersebut yang tercermin dalam holistic blended value menjadi kunci eksistensi dan keberlanjutan bisnis. Pada bagian akhir juga dibahas implikasi dan penelitian di masa yang akan datang

    Knowledge, attitude and practice of medical and health sciences students in IIUM Kuantan regarding human papilloma virus vaccination

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    Introduction: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the major causal agent for fourth most frequent cancer in women which is cervical cancer. HPV vaccine is already available as the primary prophylactic method for cervical cancer. The objective of this study is to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding HPV and its vaccination among medical and health sciences students in the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Materials and Methods: This study was conducted from November until December 2017. Pre-tested and validated questionnaire was distributed among third year students from faculties of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and allied health sciences. Results: The results shows that total knowledge of students was good for medicine and dentistry student while poor for pharmacy and allied health sciences students. Medicine students showed the highest level of knowledge compared to other faculties (p=0.000016). The majority of students has a positive attitude towards HPV vaccination. Conclusion: In conclusion, the levels of knowledge and attitude of the respondents were high and positive, respectively. Small percentage of students are fully vaccinated (13.65%, 37) with no significant difference between different faculties. More awareness, healthcare programs and campaigns should be run at the campus

    A web-based psychoeducational simulation game for adults in stepfamilies (GSteps)-study protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility trial

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    BACKGROUND: Stepfamilies are a prevalent family form. However, less stable than nuclear, first marriage families due to the presence of risk factors such as the absence of social norms and the presence of stepchildren. Stepfamilies have unique educational needs regarding stepparenting and co-parenting issues. The development and documentation of psychoeducational intervention strategies can facilitate dissemination of ongoing studies and promote transparency. This article describes the background, design and protocol of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the eficacy and feasibility of a web-based Psychoeducational Simulation Game (GSteps). Behavior-modeling video training (BMT) is used to demonstrate and promote relational skills, stepparenting and co-parenting effective strategies for adults in stepfamilies. A mental health professional will be available within the GSteps platform for clarification or emotional support. METHODS/DESIGN: A RCT design is presented to evaluate the outcomes of a self-administered, interactive and web-based psychoeducational Game targeting dyadic marital adjustment and interpersonal skills as the primary outcomes and remarriage beliefs, family function and stepparenting and co-parenting attitudes as the secondary outcomes. Other outcome measures include satisfaction with GSteps, participants’ knowledge learned after the intervention and a purposive sampling method will be used to access feasibility. The minimum required sample size is 112 participants (56 per condition) randomly allocated either to an experimental group (EG), receiving GSteps intervention, or to a wait-list control group (CG). A survey is conducted electronically. Assessments take place at baseline (T(0)), after the intervention (T(1)) and 1-month follow-up (T(2)). DISCUSSION: This protocol presents a RCT aimed at evaluating the efficacy of a web-based psychoeducational intervention (GSteps) designed for improving marital, stepparenting and co-parenting skills in adults who live in stepfamilies. The use of the protocol and results of intervention studies may guide the use and refinement of web-based psychoeducational intervention for stepfamilies. Additionally, GSteps may become a tool for health professionals to enhance stepfamily functioning, stepparenting skills, and marital adjustment of remarried adults

    Considering the organizational effectiveness of maritime sector SMEs in Indonesia from the perspective of knowledge management, entrepreneurship orientation, and organizational learning

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    This research is motivated by the fierce business competition in the maritime sector in Indonesia. In order to compete and grow, SMEs in the maritime sector need to manage knowledge management from the very beginning to learn their environment. Supported by an entrepreneurial orientation and organizational learning, SMEs that have good knowledge management are expected to become effective organizations in achieving their goals. This research belongs to the type of explanatory research using saturated samples in maritime business SMEs. The population comes from four different SMEs in Jakarta and Bandung from 4 SMEs engaged in the maritime sector. The data was processed using the Partial Least Square method due to the limited sample using STATCAL software. The results of this study are: There is a direct influence of Knowledge Management on Entrepreneurial Orientation. Knowledge Management effect on Organizational Learning. However, Knowledge Management does not have impact to the Organizational Effectiveness. And the last, Knowledge Management has an effect on Organizational Effectiveness through Entrepreneurial Orientation and Organizational Learning

    Volume 58-1 Complete Issue

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    Abstract This study aims to examine the effect of social capital on the loan,payment behavior Community self help group in Blimbing Sub district Malang city. This type of research is survey .The population are members of community self help groups. The technique of sampling is simple random sampling. This study uses muitiple linear regression analysis. The analysis result showed that all the independent variable simultaneously has positive and significant effect on the dependent variable. Partially,networks has positive and significant effect on payment behavior. Trust has negative and no significant effect on payment behavior

    Becoming an interpreter: the role of computer technology

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    Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge 2002 der Mitglieder der Fakultät für Informatik

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