47 research outputs found

    Operativa de transferencia y programación de grúas en la terminal de contenedores del puerto de Sevilla.

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    En éste trabajo se realiza el análisis de la operativa de transferencia y la programación de grúas en la terminal de contenedores Batan del Puerto de Sevilla. Para esto es propuesto un modelo de simulación discreta utilizando el software ARENA 11.0. El objetivo es identificar los principales cuellos de botella en la terminal de contenedores teniendo en cuenta datos de tráfico actuales. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes simulaciones se realiza un diagnostico de la situación actual del puerto y se proponen posibles mejoras

    Container – Terminal – Gate – System Optimization

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    The utility of the container terminal has become quite remarkable all over the world. It is vital to maximize the utility of the container yard and the terminal gate system. With the ever-increasing importance of containerization in the world, more than 60% of cargo is transported by containers, this ratio even reaches 100% in some highly economic developed and political stable places.  It is estimated that, the total quantity of containerization in the world will increase by 10% every year before 2020. The aim of this work is to be used as a decision support system tool when designing and constructing container terminals. The article focuses on optimizing the staging of containers within a terminal gate system. A Port within the main Land China is being used as a test bed to demonstrate the Simulation Model based on Queuing Theory. The analysis considers both the facility and the setting of the terminal gate system by considering the Discrete Event System Theory and the terminal gate system in order to make the daily operation more suitable for the terminal. The research combines the computer simulation method and the actual complex discrete event system, and identifies the most suitable setting and the theoretical maximum capacity for the terminal. Normally, the usage ratio (the busy time) should be around 75%, the simulation findings, the channel performance measures indicators are the usage ratio and the average waiting time the proper number of channel is 3 for entrance channel, and 2 for exit channel with usage ratios of 74% and exit usage of 55%, allocating 3 Entrance Channel (gates) and 2 Exit Channels (gates). Both the entrance and exit saved 2 channels. Both the capacity and channel number calculation are treated as a reference for the future decision maker when it comes to the container terminal construction

    Simulation-optimization models for the dynamic berth allocation problem

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    Container terminals are designed to provide support for the continuous changes in container ships. The most common schemes used for dock management are based on discrete and continuous locations. In view of the steadily growing trend in increasing container ship size, more flexible berth allocation planning is mandatory. The consideration of continuous location in the container terminal is a good option. This paper addresses the berth allocation problem with continuous dock, which is called dynamic berth allocation problem (DBAP). We propose a mathematical model and develop a heuristic procedure, based on a genetic algorithm, to solve the corresponding mixed integer problem. Allocation planning aims to minimise distances travelled by the forklifts and the quay crane, for container loading and unloading operations for each ship, according to the quay crane scheduling. Simulations are undertaken using Arena software, and experimental analysis is carried out for the most important container terminal in Spain

    Evolution of automatic storage systems in Flexible Manufacturing Systems

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    [EN] This article aims to compare the evolution and status of automated warehouses into industrial level. From a historical remark the main research on this type of stores are related, mainly based on algorithms for solving goals, in order to improve the efficiency of all elements that constitute an automatic warehouse. Finally the latest research, trying to identify the research in progress and any improvements occur in the future, are reviewed.[ES] Este artículo trata de analizar la evolución y situación de los almacenes automáticos a nivel industrial. Desde una puntualización histórica, se relacionan las principales investigaciones en torno a este tipo de almacenes, principalmente basadas en algoritmos de resolución de los objetivos, con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia del conjunto de elementos que constituye un almacén automático. Por último, se repasan las últimas investigaciones tratando de identificar las líneas de investigación en curso y las posibles mejoras que tengan lugar en el futuro.Bautista Rodríguez, D.; Cremades Grau, R.; Juárez Varón, D. (2014). Evolución de los sistemas de almacenamiento automático en sistemas de fabricación flexible. 3C Tecnología. 3(5):257-267. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77702S2572673

    An advanced risk analysis approach for container port safety evaluation

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    Risk analysis in seaports plays an increasingly important role in ensuring port operation reliability, maritime transportation safety and supply chain distribution resilience. However, the task is not straightforward given the challenges, including that port safety is affected by multiple factors related to design, installation, operation and maintenance and that traditional risk assessment methods such as quantitative risk analysis cannot sufficiently address uncertainty in failure data. This paper develops an advanced Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach through incorporating Fuzzy Rule-Based Bayesian Networks (FRBN) to evaluate the criticality of the hazardous events (HEs) in a container terminal. The rational use of the Degrees of Belief (DoB) in a fuzzy rule base (FRB) facilitates the implementation of the new method in Container Terminal Risk Evaluation (CTRE) in practice. Compared to conventional FMEA methods, the new approach integrates FRB and BN in a complementary manner, in which the former provides a realistic and flexible way to describe input failure information while the latter allows easy updating of risk estimation results and facilitates real-time safety evaluation and dynamic risk-based decision support in container terminals. The proposed approach can also be tailored for wider application in other engineering and management systems, especially when instant risk ranking is required by the stakeholders to measure, predict and improve their system safety and reliability performance

    Diseño de un modelo de planificación de zonas de actividades logísticas mediante el empleo de redes bayesianas.

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    La dificultad para el establecimiento de pautas de dimensionamiento de Plataformas Logísticas y, en especial, de las Zonas de Actividades Logísticas (ZAL), recae en la heterogeneidad del desarrollo de este tipo de nodos de transporte a nivel internacional. Bajo la denominación genérica de Plataformas Logísticas han surgido multitud de iniciativas en la escena internacional, que, respondiendo a diferentes motivos de implantación de un nodo de intercambio modal, ha producido la aparición de diferentes tipos de Plataformas con diversos objetivos que implican unidades funcionales específicas, con necesidades de localización, instalación y superficie necesaria deferentes. Este sector logístico tan importante, se encuentra sin metodologías, herramientas o programas que permitan establecer los parámetros de planificación y explotación óptimos para las diferentes zonas de actividades logísticas, si bien se han desarrollado tecnologías de trazabilidad de la carga y elementos basadas en la planificación logística, con el objetivo de determinar los parámetros óptimos de explotación y planificación portuaria, a través de la clasificación de las zonas de actividades logísticas, añadiendo la inferencia de escenarios virtuales. Como resultado principal se destaca que, mediante el empleo de herramientas de inteligencia artificial, modelos gráficos probabilísticos: Redes Bayesianas (BN), se han definido las principales variables de planificación de las zonas de actividades logísticas y se puede planificar con BN una ZAL seleccionando las variables conocidas y obteniendo las variables a predecir


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    A long queue of vehicles at the gate of a marine terminal is a common traffic phenomenon in a port-city, which sometimes causes problems in urban traffic. In order to be able to solve this issue, we firstly need accurate models to estimate such a vehicle queue length. In this paper, we compare the existing methods in a case study, and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Particularly, we develop a simulation-based regression model, using the micro traffic simulation software PARAMIC. In simulation, it is found that the queue transient process follows a natural logarithm curve. Then, based on these curves, we develop a queue length estimation model. In the numerical experiment, the proposed model exhibits better estimation accuracy than the other existing methods

    Total safety by design: Increased safety and operability of supply chain of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods

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    [EN] In recent years, there has been a considerable increase in the international transport of containers with dangerous goods, increasing the risk of seaports and surrounding cities together with the introduction of inherent environmental and security disaster risks. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in seaports that are more socially inclusive, addressing the storage of containers of hazardous goods to safe inland terminals. An appropriate design of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods (ITDGs) may contribute to the achievement of a sustainable development and the minimization of risks, avoiding disasters such as Tianjin. The objective of this study was the analysis of the criteria used for the design of safe, secure, cost efficient and greener ITDGs by applying the multicriteria decision theory AHP (analytic hierarchy process). Criteria regarding safety and security, environmental care, productivity and information and communication technologies (ICT) have been considered simultaneously into a total performance management system. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Public funding entity: Generalitat Valenciana.Molero Prieto, GD.; Santarremigia Rosaleny, FE.; Aragonés-Beltrán, P.; Pastor-Ferrando, J. (2017). Total safety by design: Increased safety and operability of supply chain of inland terminals for containers with dangerous goods. Safety Science. 100(B):168-182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2016.10.007S168182100