6,570 research outputs found

    Design, manufacture and test for reliable 3D printed electronics packaging

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    The development of a surrogate modelling approach to aid design of 3D printed electronics packaging structures is presented, alongside a detailed overview of manufacture and reliability of a representative test structure. An overview of the current status in 3D printing in the electronics packaging sector is provided. Subsequently, a surrogate modelling approach for correlating thermomechanical stresses within a package to a number of design parameters is presented. This approach enables the design of a package to be considered in a more insightful manner and can additionally be integrated into condition based monitoring tools capable of enhancing product robustness. An overview of an advanced electronics packaging system capable of 3D printing electronics packages is presented. The system combines inkjet printing and curing of multiple materials, including conductive silver inks, with precision component placement, multi-material dispensing and 3D inspection systems to provide a highly flexible solution for rapid manufacture of electronics packages. Test structures manufactured using the system were subjected to a vigorous set of reliability tests. Details of the test regime and related results are presented. All tests were passed, indicating the robustness of the described manufacturing process. The key originality of the work is that it provides a comprehensive overview of the journey from design assessment an optimisation, through the manufacturing process and on to reliability testing. Areas of novelty in this work are associated with the development of fast, accurate surrogate models able to predict key reliability factors in response to a range of design parameters and insight into the development of a 3D manufacturing system for electronics packaging

    The impact of printed electronics on product design

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    Printed electronics (PE) is a disruptive but growing technology that is beginning to integrate its way into viable applications for product design. However, the potential for future impact of the technology on product design and the designer s role and contribution to this has yet to be established. Interest is increasing in the potential for product designers to explore and exploit this technology. Technologies can be seen as being disruptive from both a business, and an adoption point of view. For a business, changing from one technology to another or incorporating a new technology and its production processes can be difficult if they already have their suppliers established and existing relationships in place. Understanding and adopting a new technology can be challenging for a business and individuals working within an established industry as it can cause many questions to be raised around its performance, and direct comparison with the technology they already have in place. However, there have been many technologies that could be seen as disruptive in the past, as they offered an alternative way of working or method of manufacture, such as Bluetooth, 3D printing, and automation (manufacturing/assembly/finishing), etc., and their success has been dictated by individual s perception and adoption of the technology, with their ability to see the worth and potential in the technology. Cost comparison is also an important aspect for a business to consider when choosing whether to change to a new technology or to remain with their existing technology, as changing can disrupt the manufacturing line assembly of a product, and direct cost comparisons of components themselves, such as the cost of buying silicon components in bulk verses printing the components. The new technology needs to offer something different to a product to be worth implementing it in a product, such as its flexible form or lightweight properties of printed electronics being of benefit to the product over what a silicon electronic component/circuit could offer (restricted to rigid circuit boards), the functionality/performance of the components themselves also need to be considered. Performance, availability and maturity of the technology are some of the essential aspects to consider when incorporating a new technology into a product and these can be evaluated using a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale. Interest in the stage of development for a technology lies not only with designers; industry and academia also contribute to knowledge by playing a central role in the process of determining a TRL scale that is universally recognised. However, a TRL separation issue occurs between academia (often the technology only reaching an experimental proof of concept stage, a lower number on the TRL scale indicating that the technology is at an early stage of development) and industry (not considering technology for commercialisation until it reaches a stage where there is a demonstration of pre-production capability validated on economic runs, a much higher number on the TRL scale - indicating that the technology is at a much more advanced stage of development). The aim of this doctoral research was to explore the contribution of PE to product design. The researcher experienced the scientific development of the technology first-hand, and undertook a literature review that covered three main topics: 1) printed electronics (the technology itself), 2) impact (approaches to assessing impact and methods of judging new technology) because together they will identify the state of the art of printed electronics technology, and 3) education - educational theories/methods for designers - studying how designers learn, explore different methods in educating them about new technologies, and start to find appropriate methods for educating them about printed electronics technology. A knowledge framework for PE technology was generated and utilised to produce a taxonomy and TRL scale for PE and confirmed by PE expert interview. Existing case studies in which PE technology had been presented to student designers were investigated through interviews with participants from academia and industry to solicit perception and opinions on approaches for the effective communication of PE knowledge to student designers within an educational environment. The findings were interpreted using thematic analysis and, after comparing the data, three main themes identified: technical constraints, designer s perspective, and what a designer is required to do. The findings from the research were combined to create an educational approach for knowledge transfer aimed specifically at meeting the needs of product designers. This resulted in the need for PE technology to be translated into both a visual and written format to create structure and direct links between the technological elements and their form and function in order to facilitate understanding by designers. Conclusions from the research indicate that the translation of this technology into an appropriate design language will equip designers with accessible fundamental knowledge on PE technology (i.e. electrical components: form, function, and area of the technology), which will allow informed decisions to be made about how PE can be used and to utilise its benefits in the design of products. The capabilities and properties of this technology, when paired with product design practice, has the capacity to transform the designs of future products in terms of form/functionality and prevailing/views towards design approaches with electronics. If exposed to a variety of PE elements ranging across different TRLs, designers have the capacity to bridge the TRL separation issue (the gap between academia and industry) through their ability to create design solutions for an end user and provide a commercial application for the technology

    Comparative reliability of inkjet-printed electronics packaging

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    This article compares the thermomechanical behavior of 3-D inkjet-printed microelectronics devices relative to those fabricated from traditional methods. It discusses the benefits and challenges in the adoption of additive manufacturing methods for microelectronics manufacture relative to conventional approaches. The critical issues related to the design and reliability of additively manufactured parts and systems stem from the change in the manufacturing process and the change in materials utilized. This study uses numerical modeling techniques to gain insight into these issues. This article is an extension of the same topic presented at the 2018 IEEE Electronics Packaging Technology Conference. An introduction providing an overview of the area, covering salient academic research activities and discussing progress toward commercialization is presented. The state-of-the-art modular microelectronics fabrication system developed within the EU NextFactory project is introduced. This system has been used to manufacture several test samples, which were assessed both experimentally and numerically. A full series of JEDEC tests showed that the samples were reliable, successfully passing all tests. The numerical model assessing the mechanical behavior of an inkjet-printed structure during layer-by-layer fabrication is presented. This analysis predicts that the stresses induced by the UV cure process are concentrated toward the extremities of the part and, in particular, in the lower layers which are constrained by the print platform. Subsequently, a model of a multilayer microelectronics structure undergoing JEDEC thermal cycling is presented. The model assesses the differences in mechanical properties between a conventional FR4/copper structure and an inkjet-printed acrylic/silver structure. The model identified that the influence of the sintering process on subsequent material properties, behavior of the inject-printed structure, and reliability of the inject-printed structure is significant. Key findings are that while stresses in the conventional and inkjet boards are relatively similar, the inkjet-printed board exhibits significantly greater deformation than the standard board. Furthermore, the mechanical stresses in the inkjet fabricated board are strongly dependent on the elastic modulus of the sintered silver material, which, in turn, is dependent on the sintering process

    Multifunctional vertical interconnections of multilayered flexible substrates for miniaturised POCT devices

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    Point-of-care testing (POCT) is an emerging technology which can lead to an eruptive change of lifestyle and medication of population against the traditional medical laboratory. Since living organisms are intrinsically flexible and malleable, the flexible substrate is a necessity for successful integration of electronics in biological systems that do not cause discomfort during prolonged use. Isotropic conductive adhesives (ICAs) are attractive to wearable POCT devices because ICAs are environmentally friendly and allow a lower processing temperature than soldering which protects heat-sensitive components. Vertical interconnections and optical interconnections are considered as the technologies to realise the miniaturised high-performance devices for the future applications. This thesis focused on the multifunctional integration to enable both electrical and optical vertical interconnections through one via hole that can be fabricated in flexible substrates. The functional properties of the via and their response to the external loadings which are likely encountered in the POCT devices are the primary concerns of this PhD project. In this thesis, the research of curing effect on via performance was first conducted by studying the relationship between curing conditions and material properties. Based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis results, two-parameter autocatalytic model (Sestak-Berggren model) was established as the most suitable curing process description of our typical ICA composed of epoxy-based binders and Ag filler particles. A link between curing conditions and the mechanical properties of ICAs was established based on the DMA experiments. A series of test vehicles containing vias filled with ICAs were cured under varying conditions. The electrical resistance of the ICA filled vias were measured before testing and in real time during thermal cycling tests, damp heat tests and bending tests. A simplified model was derived to represent rivet-shaped vias in the flexible printed circuit boards (FPCBs) based on the assumption of homogenous ICAs. An equation was thus proposed to evaluate the resistance of the model. Vias with different cap sizes were also tested, and the equation was validated. Those samples were divided into three groups for thermal cycling test, damp heat ageing test and bending test. Finite element analysis (FEA) was used to aid better understanding of the electrical conduction mechanisms. Based on theoretical equation and simulation model, the fistula-shape ICA via was fabricated in flexible PCB. Its hollow nature provides the space for integrations of optical or fluidic circuits. Resistance measurements and reliability tests proved that carefully designed and manufactured small bores in vias did not comprise the performance. Test vehicles with optoelectrical vias were made through two different approaches to prove the feasibility of multifunctional vertical interconnections in flexible substrates. A case study was carried out on reflection Photoplethysmography (rPPG) sensors manufacturing, using a specially designed optoelectronic system. ICA-based low-temperature manufacture processes were developed to enable the integration of these flexible but delicate substrates and components. In the manufacturing routes, a modified stencil printing setup, which merges two printing-curing steps (vias forming and components bonding) into one step, was developed to save both time and energy. The assembled probes showed the outstanding performance in functional and physiological tests. The results from this thesis are anticipated to facilitate the understanding of ICA via conduction mechanism and provide an applicable tool to optimise the design and manufacturing of optoelectrical vias

    Development of a Resilient 3-D Printer for Humanitarian Crisis Response

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    International audienceRapid manufacturing using 3-D printing is a potential solution to some of the most pressing issues for humanitarian logistics. In this paper, findings are reported from a study that involved development of a new type of 3-D printer. In particular, a novel 3-D printer that is designed specifically for reliable rapid manufacturing at the sites of humanitarian crises. First, required capabilities are developed with design elements of a humanitarian 3-D printer, which include, (1) fused filament fabrication, (2) open source self-replicating rapid prototyper design, (3) modular, (4) separate frame, (5) protected electronics, (6) on-board computing, (7) flexible power supply, and (8) climate control mechanisms. The technology is then disclosed with an open source license for the Kijenzi 3-D Printer. A swarm of five Kijenzi 3-D printers are evaluated for rapid part manufacturing for two months at health facilities and other community locations in both rural and urban areas throughout Kisumu County, Kenya. They were successful for their ability to function independently of infrastructure, transportability, ease of use, ability to withstand harsh environments and costs. The results are presented and conclusions are drawn about future work necessary for the Kijenzi 3-D Printer to meet the needs of rapid manufacturing in a humanitarian context

    Skyport airframe: design and manufacturing

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    Many rural areas of developing countries lack the necessary transportation infrastructure to have reliable access to basic needs. This is particularly true for medical supplies. To combat the issue of insufficient access to vaccines in developing areas, the SkyPort project has developed the SkyPort UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). The SkyPort UAV has the vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities of a quadcopter, as well as the efficient, sustained flight of a fixed-wing aircraft. It provides a cheaper, quicker, and safer delivery method than existing alternatives for vaccines in areas that lack a reliable transportation infrastructure. The role of the SkyPort Airframe Design Team was to design and build the primary support structure of the UAV, which will house the payload, controls, and propulsion systems being designed by the other two SkyPort teams. The airframe consists of a lightweight and durable fuselage, wing, tail, and framing subsystems and it is designed to be modular so that parts are easy to replace and require minimal maintenance. Primary materials used in construction were foam, carbon fiber, and aluminum. Testing of the frame yielded a weight of 8.63 kg, minimum foam strength of 1.70 MPa, and a minimum factor of safety of 16 for the structural members of the frame. Although the weight of the airframe is higher than the desired weight, this was necessary in order to satisfy the strength requirements and protect sensitive electrical components during initial flight tests. In the future, this extra weight could be decreased by using less carbon fiber, lower density foam, smaller, lighter material for the structural members, or smaller fasteners

    Development of a resilient 3-D printer for humanitarian crisis response

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    Rapid manufacturing using 3-D printing is a potential solution to some of the most pressing issues for humanitarian logistics. In this paper, findings are reported from a study that involved development of a new type of 3-D printer. In particular, a novel 3-D printer that is designed specifically for reliable rapid manufacturing at the sites of humanitarian crises. First, required capabilities are developed with design elements of a humanitarian 3-D printer, which include, (1) fused filament fabrication, (2) open source self-replicating rapid prototyper design, (3) modular, (4) separate frame, (5) protected electronics, (6) on-board computing, (7) flexible power supply, and (8) climate control mechanisms. The technology is then disclosed with an open source license for the Kijenzi 3-D Printer. A swarm of five Kijenzi 3-D printers are evaluated for rapid part manufacturing for two months at health facilities and other community locations in both rural and urban areas throughout Kisumu County, Kenya. They were successful for their ability to function independently of infrastructure, transportability, ease of use, ability to withstand harsh environments and costs. The results are presented and conclusions are drawn about future work necessary for the Kijenzi 3-D Printer to meet the needs of rapid manufacturing in a humanitarian context

    Design Drives - materials innovation

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    Design Drives Materials Innovation‘ outlines the potential of a D:STEM (Design, Science, Technology, Engineering amd Mathematics) approach to combining traditionally different fields through design-led, needs driven and technology anchored future products using electro/photo/bio-active polymers in physical formats defined in ‚dots, lines, surfaces and structures‘.It also identifies Ambient Assisted Living as a key driver for future applications

    Wireless colorimetric readout to enable resource-limited point-of-care

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    Patientennahe Diagnostik in EntwicklungslĂ€nder birgt spezielle Herausforderungen, die ihren Erfolg bisher begrenzen. Diese Arbeit widmet sich daher der Entwicklung eines in seiner Herstellung skalierbaren und vielseitig einsetzbaren funkbasierten AuslesegerĂ€tes fĂŒr Laborteststreifen. Durch die Kombination einer wachsenden Auswahl an papierbasierten Teststreifendiagnostiken mit gedruckter Elektronik und unter BerĂŒcksichtigung des diagnostischen Alltags im sĂŒdlichen Afrika wurde ein GerĂ€t entwickelt, das Teststreifen zuverlĂ€ssig ausliest und die Daten per Funk an eine Datenbank ĂŒbertragen kann. Die Technik basiert auf RFID-Tags (radio frequency identification devices), welche auf verschiedene flexible Substrate gedruckt wurden, um die technische Umsetzbarkeit und FunktionalitĂ€t zu evaluieren. Um den Preis fĂŒr die geplante Anwendung niedrig zu halten, wurden unter anderem Papier und Karton als Substrate genutzt. Das Ergebnis dieser Studie sind passive RFID-Tags auf unterschiedlichen, meist gĂŒnstigen Substraten, die ĂŒber eine Distanz von ĂŒber 75 mm betrieben und ausgelesen werden können. Basierend auf der ĂŒber RFID bereitgestellten Energie und DatenĂŒbertragung wurde eine Ausleseeinheit fĂŒr Standardpapierstreifentests entwickelt und integriert. Durch das Auslesen verschiedener Teststreifen wurde das GerĂ€t evaluiert und in seiner Aussagekraft mit einer scanner-basierten Aufnahme und anschließender Bildanalyse (ImageJ), einem kommerziellen AuslesegerĂ€t sowie einer manuellen Auslesung mit Hilfe von Farbtabellen verglichen. Das GerĂ€t kann die Streifen zuverlĂ€ssig auslesen und die Daten ĂŒber die RFID-Schnittstelle ĂŒbertragen. Die funkbasierte Ausleseeinheit ist mit verschiedenen kommerziellen Teststreifen sowohl im biodiagnostischen (lateral flow tests) wie auch im chemischen Bereich (pH-Wert) kompatibel. Die modulare Lösung erlaubt ein breites Einsatzgebiet und fĂŒhrt dadurch zu reduzierten Trainingszeiten der Anwender und einer zuverlĂ€ssigen Handhabung. Die vorgestellte Lösung ist Ă€ußerst kostengĂŒnstig und bedarf keiner Wartung, wodurch sie sich sehr gut fĂŒr den Einsatz in abgelegenen FeldkrankenhĂ€usern eignet. Es wurde ein skalierbarer Prototyp entwickelt, der auf konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren der Verpackungsindustrie aufbaut. Aktuell handelt es sich noch um einen bogenbasierten Prozess, der sich aber prinzipiell auch auf Rolle-zu-Rolle Maschinen ĂŒbertragen lĂ€sst. Bei der Entwicklung des GerĂ€ts spielte die Möglichkeit der lokalen Herstellung in den EinsatzlĂ€ndern eine große Rolle. Diese hĂ€tte neben der Generierung von ArbeitsplĂ€tzen auch den Vorteil einer einfacheren Verteilung der GerĂ€te in lĂ€ndliche Regionen, in denen sie den grĂ¶ĂŸten Nutzen fĂŒr die Diagnostik erzielen wĂŒrden
