19 research outputs found

    A Case for Geographic Masses

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    Geographic masses, the stuff we deal with that cannot be categorized as geographic objects, comprise a crucial but largely unrecognized component of the core ontology of geographic information. Although masses have been rarely acknowledged in GIScience, they appear in geographic discourse just as often as objects. A concise but consistent formal definition of a geographic mass particular, which distinguishes a mass from an object, can be applied to any endurant phenomena, enabling a richer understanding of the geographic milieu, and more informed decision making during modeling and analysis processes

    Hierarchies for Event-Based Modeling of Geographic Phenomena

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    Modeling the dynamic aspect, or change, of geographic phenomena is essential to explain the evolution of geographic entities and predict their future. Event-based modelling, describing the occurrences rather than states of geographic phenomena, gives an explicit treatment of such change, but currently does not have the support of the mechanisms to enable the shifts among different granularities of events. To account for different tasks, a hierarchical representation of the event space at different granularities is needed. This thesis presents an event-based model; a general framework for representing events based on precondition and postcondition using Allen\u27s temporal interval logic. It captures not only the changes to the objects, but also some contextual information that is necessary for the occurrence of events. Analogous to objects, events have types and instances, and two abstraction processes in the object-oriented paradigm, generalization and aggregation, are applied to events. Event-event relations a.re investigated through their preconditions and post,conditions. Our representation of relationships between events is based on two relations between events, f-sequences and f-transitions. These relationships play an important role in describing the structure of a component event in the event partonomy, and therefore provide a mechanism to construct the event partonomy automatically. This research constructs an algorithm to generate the part-whole hierarchy for events, which supports multiple representations of events and enables shifts among them. To illustrate the process of constructing the event partonomy, we give a case study of a car accident scenario

    Conservation GIS: Ontology and spatial reasoning for commonsense knowledge.

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.Geographic information available from multiple sources are moving beyond their local context and widening the semantic difference. The major challenge emerged with ubiquity of geographic information, evolving geospatial technology and location-aware service is to deal with the semantic interoperability. Although the use of ontology aims at capturing shared conceptualization of geospatial information, human perception of world view is not adequately addressed in geospatial ontology. This study proposes ‘Conservation GIS Ontology’ that comprises spatial knowledge of non-expert conservationists in the context of Chitwan National Park, Nepal. The discussion is presented in four parts: exploration of commonsense spatial knowledge about conservation; development of conceptual ontology to conceptualize domain knowledge; formal representation of conceptualization in Web Ontology Language (OWL); and quality assessment of the ontology development tasks. Elicitation of commonsense spatial knowledge is performed with the notion of cognitive view of semantic. Emphasis is given to investigate the observation of wildlife movement and habitat change scenarios. Conceptualization is carried out by providing the foundation of the top-level ontology- ‘DOLCE’ and geospatial ontologies. Protégé 4.1 ontology editor is employed for ontology engineering tasks. Quality assessment is accomplished based on the intrinsic approach of ontology evaluation.(...

    SNAP and SPAN: Towards dynamic spatial ontology

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    We propose a modular ontology of the dynamic features of reality. This amounts, on the one hand, to a purely spatial ontology supporting snapshot views of the world at successive instants of time and, on the other hand, to a purely spatiotemporal ontology of change and process. We argue that dynamic spatial ontology must combine these two distinct types of inventory of the entities and relationships in reality, and we provide characterizations of spatiotemporal reasoning in the light of the interconnections between them

    Towards Spatial Queries over Phenomena in Sensor Networks

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    Today, technology developments enable inexpensive production and deployment of tiny sensing and computing nodes. Networked through wireless radio, such senor nodes form a new platform, wireless sensor networks, which provide novel ability to monitor spatiotemporally continuous phenomena. By treating a wireless sensor network as a database system, users can pose SQL-based queries over phenomena without needing to program detailed sensor node operations. DBMS-internally, intelligent and energyefficient data collection and processing algorithms have to be implemented to support spatial query processing over sensor networks. This dissertation proposes spatial query support for two views of continuous phenomena: field-based and object-based. A field-based view of continuous phenomena depicts them as a value distribution over a geographical area. However, due to the discrete and comparatively sparse distribution of sensor nodes, estimation methods are necessary to generate a field-based query result, and it has to be computed collaboratively ‘in-the-network’ due to energy constraints. This dissertation proposes SWOP, an in-network algorithm using Gaussian Kernel estimation. The key contribution is the use of a small number of Hermite coefficients to approximate the Gaussian Kernel function for sub-clustered sensor nodes, and processes the estimation result efficiently. An object-based view of continuous phenomena is interested in aspects such as the boundary of an ‘interesting region’ (e.g. toxic plume). This dissertation presents NED, which provides object boundary detection in sensor networks. NED encodes partial event estimation results based on confidence levels into optimized, variable length messages exchanged locally among neighboring sensor nodes to save communication cost. Therefore, sensor nodes detect objects and boundaries based on moving averages to eliminate noise effects and enhance detection quality. Furthermore, the dissertation proposes the SNAKE-based approach, which uses deformable curves to track the spatiotemporal changes of such objects incrementally in sensor networks. In the proposed algorithm, only neighboring nodes exchange messages to maintain the curve structures. Based on in-network tracking of deformable curves, other types of spatial and spatiotemporal properties of objects, such as area, can be provided by the sensor network. The experimental results proved that our approaches are resource friendly within the constrained sensor networks, while providing high quality query results

    Acoustic data optimisation for seabed mapping with visual and computational data mining

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    Oceans cover 70% of Earth’s surface but little is known about their waters. While the echosounders, often used for exploration of our oceans, have developed at a tremendous rate since the WWII, the methods used to analyse and interpret the data still remain the same. These methods are inefficient, time consuming, and often costly in dealing with the large data that modern echosounders produce. This PhD project will examine the complexity of the de facto seabed mapping technique by exploring and analysing acoustic data with a combination of data mining and visual analytic methods. First we test the redundancy issues in multibeam echosounder (MBES) data by using the component plane visualisation of a Self Organising Map (SOM). A total of 16 visual groups were identified among the 132 statistical data descriptors. The optimised MBES dataset had 35 attributes from 16 visual groups and represented a 73% reduction in data dimensionality. A combined Principal Component Analysis (PCA) + k-means was used to cluster both the datasets. The cluster results were visually compared as well as internally validated using four different internal validation methods. Next we tested two novel approaches in singlebeam echosounder (SBES) data processing and clustering – using visual exploration for outlier detection and direct clustering of time series echo returns. Visual exploration identified further outliers the automatic procedure was not able to find. The SBES data were then clustered directly. The internal validation indices suggested the optimal number of clusters to be three. This is consistent with the assumption that the SBES time series represented the subsurface classes of the seabed. Next the SBES data were joined with the corresponding MBES data based on identification of the closest locations between MBES and SBES. Two algorithms, PCA + k-means and fuzzy c-means were tested and results visualised. From visual comparison, the cluster boundary appeared to have better definitions when compared to the clustered MBES data only. The results seem to indicate that adding SBES did in fact improve the boundary definitions. Next the cluster results from the analysis chapters were validated against ground truth data using a confusion matrix and kappa coefficients. For MBES, the classes derived from optimised data yielded better accuracy compared to that of the original data. For SBES, direct clustering was able to provide a relatively reliable overview of the underlying classes in survey area. The combined MBES + SBES data provided by far the best accuracy for mapping with almost a 10% increase in overall accuracy compared to that of the original MBES data. The results proved to be promising in optimising the acoustic data and improving the quality of seabed mapping. Furthermore, these approaches have the potential of significant time and cost saving in the seabed mapping process. Finally some future directions are recommended for the findings of this research project with the consideration that this could contribute to further development of seabed mapping problems at mapping agencies worldwide

    Logic and Philosophy of Time:Themes from Prior

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    Logic and Philosophy of Time:Themes from Prior, volume 1

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