11 research outputs found

    Tycho: Facilitation Support for Groupware User Tests

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    Running user tests for groupware requires tracking the progress of multiple users performing co-dependent tasks, while facilitating and observing their coordinated actions. This requirement negatively impacts the main objective of user testing, which is detecting usability flaws. User testing of groupware becomes more challenging when run remotely. Even if there are tools for remote user testing that can get the job done for a single user, they are not prepared for collaborative scenarios. In this paper we argue that tool support for the facilitation of user tests of groupware is missing. Consequently, we propose a method for user tests with tool assistance that makes it possible to automate task synchronization, especially for different workflows that must be run concurrently. We evaluated our proposal by comparing it to a manually facilitated approach during on-site coordinated user tests. The results indicate that, while the task of designing and running user tests with tool support takes more time, it allows the testers to better focus on detecting usability problems.Fil: Grigera, Julián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Gardey, Juan Cruz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Garrido, Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; Argentin

    Uso de Plataformas de e-learning en escenarios de confinamiento: Un estudio en países Latinoamericanos

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    Recently, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Universities have been subject to a radical change, as they were forced to rapidly and massively shift from residential to online education. In this scenario, e-learning, which has been studied for several years, has attracted an unprecedented attention and revealed many advantages and disadvantages, thus feeding a debate about its efficacy. In an attempt to contribute to such debate, a study in different Latin-American countries has been conducted, in order to understand teachers’ and students’ perceptions about the experienced online setting during the lockdown. This paper describes the results of this preliminary study and reflects on factors that need to be improved to increase the quality of online educatio

    Tycho: facilitation support for groupware user tests

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    Running user tests for groupware requires tracking the progress of multiple users performing co-dependent tasks, while facilitating and observing their coordinated actions. This requirement negatively impacts the main objective of user testing, which is detecting usability flaws. User testing of groupware becomes more challenging when run remotely. Even if there are tools for remote user testing that can get the job done for a single user, they are not prepared for collaborative scenarios. In this paper we argue that tool support for the facilitation of user tests of groupware is missing. Consequently, we propose a method for user tests with tool assistance that makes it possible to automate task synchronization, especially for different workflows that must be run concurrently. We evaluated our proposal by comparing it to a manually facilitated approach during on-site coordinated user tests. The results indicate that, while the task of designing and running user tests with tool support takes more time, it allows the testers to better focus on detecting usability problems

    Learn-ciam: a model-driven approach for the development of collaborative learning tools

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    This paper introduces Learn-CIAM, a new model-based methodological approach for the design of flows and for the semi-automatic generation of tools in order to support collaborative learning tasks. The main objective of this work is to help professors by establishing a series of steps for the specification of their learning courses and the obtaining of collaborative tools to support certain learning activities (in particular, for in-group editing, searching and modeling). This paper presents a complete methodological framework, how it is supported conceptually and technologically, and an application example. So to guarantee the validity of the proposal, we also present some validation processes with potential designers and users from different profiles such as Education and Computer Science. The results seem to demonstrate a positive reception and acceptance, concluding that its application would facilitate the design of learning courses and the generation of collaborative learning tools for professionals of both profiles

    Model-Driven Development of Groupware Systems

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    Building Collaborative systems with awareness (or groupware) is a very complex task. This article presents the use of the domain specific language CSSL v2.0 - Collaborative Software System Language -built as an extension of UML, using the metamodeling mechanism. CSSL provides simplicity, expressiveness and precision to model the main concepts of collaborative systems, especially collaborative processes, protocols and awareness. The CSSL concrete syntax is defined via a set of editors through which collaborative systems models are created. According to the MDD methodology, models are independent of the implementation platform and are formally prepared to be transformed. The target of the transformation is a web application that provides a set of basic functions that developers can refine to complete the development of the collaborative system. Finally, evaluation, validation and verification of the language is performed, determining that the CSSL tools allow developers to solve central aspects of collaborative systems implementation in a simple and reasonable way

    Conceitos e métodos para apoio ao desenvolvimento e avaliação de colaboração remota utilizando realidade aumentada

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    Remote Collaboration using Augmented Reality (AR) shows great potential to establish a common ground in physically distributed scenarios where team-members need to achieve a shared goal. However, most research efforts in this field have been devoted to experiment with the enabling technology and propose methods to support its development. As the field evolves, evaluation and characterization of the collaborative process become an essential, but difficult endeavor, to better understand the contributions of AR. In this thesis, we conducted a critical analysis to identify the main limitations and opportunities of the field, while situating its maturity and proposing a roadmap of important research actions. Next, a human-centered design methodology was adopted, involving industrial partners to probe how AR could support their needs during remote maintenance. These outcomes were combined with literature methods into an AR-prototype and its evaluation was performed through a user study. From this, it became clear the necessity to perform a deep reflection in order to better understand the dimensions that influence and must/should be considered in Collaborative AR. Hence, a conceptual model and a humancentered taxonomy were proposed to foster systematization of perspectives. Based on the model proposed, an evaluation framework for contextualized data gathering and analysis was developed, allowing support the design and performance of distributed evaluations in a more informed and complete manner. To instantiate this vision, the CAPTURE toolkit was created, providing an additional perspective based on selected dimensions of collaboration and pre-defined measurements to obtain “in situ” data about them, which can be analyzed using an integrated visualization dashboard. The toolkit successfully supported evaluations of several team-members during tasks of remote maintenance mediated by AR. Thus, showing its versatility and potential in eliciting a comprehensive characterization of the added value of AR in real-life situations, establishing itself as a generalpurpose solution, potentially applicable to a wider range of collaborative scenarios.Colaboração Remota utilizando Realidade Aumentada (RA) apresenta um enorme potencial para estabelecer um entendimento comum em cenários onde membros de uma equipa fisicamente distribuídos precisam de atingir um objetivo comum. No entanto, a maioria dos esforços de investigação tem-se focado nos aspetos tecnológicos, em fazer experiências e propor métodos para apoiar seu desenvolvimento. À medida que a área evolui, a avaliação e caracterização do processo colaborativo tornam-se um esforço essencial, mas difícil, para compreender as contribuições da RA. Nesta dissertação, realizámos uma análise crítica para identificar as principais limitações e oportunidades da área, ao mesmo tempo em que situámos a sua maturidade e propomos um mapa com direções de investigação importantes. De seguida, foi adotada uma metodologia de Design Centrado no Humano, envolvendo parceiros industriais de forma a compreender como a RA poderia responder às suas necessidades em manutenção remota. Estes resultados foram combinados com métodos da literatura num protótipo de RA e a sua avaliação foi realizada com um caso de estudo. Ficou então clara a necessidade de realizar uma reflexão profunda para melhor compreender as dimensões que influenciam e devem ser consideradas na RA Colaborativa. Foram então propostos um modelo conceptual e uma taxonomia centrada no ser humano para promover a sistematização de perspetivas. Com base no modelo proposto, foi desenvolvido um framework de avaliação para recolha e análise de dados contextualizados, permitindo apoiar o desenho e a realização de avaliações distribuídas de forma mais informada e completa. Para instanciar esta visão, o CAPTURE toolkit foi criado, fornecendo uma perspetiva adicional com base em dimensões de colaboração e medidas predefinidas para obter dados in situ, que podem ser analisados utilizando o painel de visualização integrado. O toolkit permitiu avaliar com sucesso vários colaboradores durante a realização de tarefas de manutenção remota apoiada por RA, permitindo mostrar a sua versatilidade e potencial em obter uma caracterização abrangente do valor acrescentado da RA em situações da vida real. Sendo assim, estabelece-se como uma solução genérica, potencialmente aplicável a uma gama diversificada de cenários colaborativos.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Informátic

    Group awareness and regulation in computer-supported collaborative learning

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    Group awareness is of critical relevance for collaborative learning and interaction and is thus often referred to in CSCL research. However, the concept is only vaguely defined as some kind of understanding or perception of characteristics of learning partners or the collaborating group. Most CSCL research activities concerned with group awareness aim at modifying learners' awareness using so-called group awareness tools. However, there are much less attempts to measure group awareness and to conceptualize its formation. Thus, building on existing group awareness research, this article derives a conceptualization with six defining aspects of group awareness: (1) group awareness is cognitive, (2) group awareness is conscious, (3) group awareness is current, (4) group awareness is individual, (5) group awareness is social, and (6) group awareness is perceived as valid. Additionally, while it is often assumed that group awareness builds on self-regulatory skills, its role in regulating behavior and cognition within a social context is seldom explored. Thus, this article aims at defining and analyzing the concept of group awareness, specifying its relation to regulatory processes, and sketching possible research paths whilst building on, complementing, and informing tool-driven research

    Pedagogical Disruptive Innovations and Positive Deviance During Covid-19 Mandatory School Closures: A Case Study Of Public-School Teachers in San Juan County, New Mexico

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    The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to discover and describe the types of positive deviance and disruptive innovation during the non-voluntary transition to remote learning for teachers from San Juan County, New Mexico. This study investigated how classroom teachers altered their pedagogical practices from their face-to-face classroom juxtaposed to their non-voluntary transition to the remote classroom. Positive deviance is defined as any outcome is unique, non-normative, extraordinary, uncommon, and honorable and is perceived as positive to the organization. Disruptive innovation is a business theory that explains how a good enough innovation can be pushed through as a new innovation. A single case study was selected as the best option to better understand this phenomenon\u27s baseline, and more data is needed (Ridder, 2020). Eleven public school teachers participated, and three data sources were collected: a) copies of the teacher\u27s pacing guide, and three examples of lesson plans; b) a reflective journal; and c) a personal interview. Data analysis used Atlas.ti qualitative data analysis software. Key themes identified in the data include education leadership, organization, and technology; the psychology of understanding, connection, and relationships; and pedagogy, innovation, and adapting to change; highlighting the importance of leadership and motivation in creating a positive learning environment, and the strategies used for transitioning to remote learning and implementing innovative pedagogical practices. The Positive Deviance Magic Quadrant is used to objectively measure acts of positive deviance. Homans\u27s social exchange theory was used to explain how actors remain in an economic or social interaction transaction

    Modelado de Sistemas Colaborativos

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    La construcción de sistemas colaborativos con awareness es una tarea muy compleja. En este trabajo se define el lenguaje específico de dominio CSSL v2.0 - Collaborative Software System Language - construido como extensión de UML, usando el mecanismo de metamodelado. Se analiza la simplicidad, expresividad y precisión del lenguaje para modelar los conceptos principales de estos sistemas, especialmente los procesos colaborativos, protocolos y awareness. A partir de casos de modelado se muestra una sintaxis concreta implementada a través de editores gráficos que permiten construir modelos de sistemas colaborativos. Estos son independientes de la plataforma de implementación y están formalmente preparados para ser derivados en implementaciones concretas aplicando transformaciones utilizando el paradigma MDD (Model Driven Development). Las transformaciones de modelo a texto generan versiones Web implementadas con tecnologías JavaScript, MongoDB y Websockets que brindan un conjunto de funcionalidad básica que los desarrolladores pueden refinar para completar la implementación de los sistemas colaborativos con awareness. Finalmente se realiza una evaluación, validación y verificación del metamodelo que finalizan con la comprobación que comprueban que el lenguaje CSSL v2.0, permite definir de forma precisa, concisa y amigable los conceptos abstractos de los sistemas colaborativos, incluyendo los procesos colaborativos, protocolos y awareness, lo cual representa un avance al estado actual de estas tecnologías.Building Collaborative systems with awareness (or groupware) is a very complex task. This thesis presents the design and implementation of the domain specific language CSSL v2.0 - Collaborative Software System Language -built as an extension of UML, using the metamodeling mechanism. CSSL provides simplicity, expressiveness and precision to model the main concepts of collaborative systems, especially collaborative processes, protocols and awareness. The CSSL concrete syntax is defined via a set of editors through which collaborative systems models are created. According to the MDD methodology, models are independent of the implementation platform and are formally prepared to be transformed. The target of the transformation is a web application based on JavaScript, MongoDB and Websockets technology, that provides a set of basic functions that developers can refine to complete the development of the collaborative system. Finally, evaluation, validation and verification of the language is performed, determining that the CSSL tools allow developers to solve central aspects of collaborative systems implementation in a simple and reasonable way, representing an advance to the current state of these technologies.Facultad de Informátic