490,519 research outputs found

    On the structure of problem variability: From feature diagrams to problem frames

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    Requirements for product families are expressed in terms of commonality and variability. This distinction allows early identification of an appropriate software architecture and opportunities for software reuse. Feature diagrams provide intuitive notations and techniques for representing requirements in product line development. In this paper, we observe that feature diagrams tend to obfuscate three important descriptions: requirements, domain properties and specifications. As a result, feature diagrams do not adequately capture the problem structures that underlie variability, and inform the solution structures of their complexity. With its emphasis on separation of the three descriptions, the problem frames approach provides a conceptual framework for a more detailed analysis of variability and its structure. With illustrations from an example, we demonstrate how problem frames analysis of variability can augment feature diagrams

    Roles and responsibilities in agile ICT for development

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    This paper examines the different roles in designing interactive software in a ICT for development context. Using experiences from a participatory action research project, in which we used agile methods to design and deploy an system to support ‘agricultural information flow’ for a co-operative of small farmers in rural India, we identify points of difference between the roles in standard descriptions of agile software methods and the roles as they emerged in our project. A key finding is the critical role played by a ‘Development Project Manager’ in facilitating dialogue, orchestrating the activities of other actors and in building the capabilities and confidence of all the participants in joint action

    The REVERE project:Experiments with the application of probabilistic NLP to systems engineering

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    Despite natural language’s well-documented shortcomings as a medium for precise technical description, its use in software-intensive systems engineering remains inescapable. This poses many problems for engineers who must derive problem understanding and synthesise precise solution descriptions from free text. This is true both for the largely unstructured textual descriptions from which system requirements are derived, and for more formal documents, such as standards, which impose requirements on system development processes. This paper describes experiments that we have carried out in the REVERE1 project to investigate the use of probabilistic natural language processing techniques to provide systems engineering support

    Communications software performance prediction

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    Software development can be costly and it is important that confidence in a software system be established as early as possible in the design process. Where the software supports communication services, it is essential that the resultant system will operate within certain performance constraints (e.g. response time). This paper gives an overview of work in progress on a collaborative project sponsored by BT which aims to offer performance predictions at an early stage in the software design process. The Permabase architecture enables object-oriented software designs to be combined with descriptions of the network configuration and workload as a basis for the input to a simulation model which can predict aspects of the performance of the system. The prototype implementation of the architecture uses a combination of linked design and simulation tools

    Release and deployment at Planon: a case study

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    This case study report describes the research results of a case study at Planon into the processes of development, release, and deployment. The research was done to document the release and deployment processes at Planon, to uncover strengths and weaknesses in these processes, and to compare Planon to other product software vendors. The case study was performed by doing interviews and examining development documentation, Planon software, and internally used tools. The results of the case study are organizational descriptions, Planon software descriptions, and the descriptions of the development, release, and deployment processes. The main conclusions of the case study are twofold. First the case study shows that striving for more integrated software knowledge management can relieve the processes of release and deployment. Secondly, the case study displays that extensive variation management can effectively increase the customer base for a software vendo

    Flexible Ambiguity Resolution and Incompleteness Detection in Requirements Descriptions via an Indicator-Based Configuration of Text Analysis Pipelines

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    Natural language software requirements descriptions enable end users to formulate their wishes and expectations for a future software product without much prior knowledge in requirements engineering. However, these descriptions are susceptible to linguistic inaccuracies such as ambiguities and incompleteness that can harm the development process. There is a number of software solutions that can detect deficits in requirements descriptions and partially solve them, but they are often hard to use and not suitable for end users. For this reason, we develop a software system that helps end-users to create unambiguous and complete requirements descriptions by combining existing expert tools and controlling them using automatic compensation strategies. In order to recognize the necessity of individual compensation methods in the descriptions, we have developed linguistic indicators, which we present in this paper. Based on these indicators, the whole text analysis pipeline is ad-hoc configured and thus adapted to the individual circumstances of a requirements description