143 research outputs found

    Classification of some countable descendant-homogeneous digraphs

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    For finite q, we classify the countable, descendant-homogeneous digraphs in which the descendant set of any vertex is a q-valent tree. We also give conditions on a rooted digraph G which allow us to construct a countable descendant-homogeneous digraph in which the descendant set of any vertex is isomorphic to G.Comment: 16 page

    Infinite primitive and distance transitive directed graphs of finite out-valency

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    We give certain properties which are satisfied by the descendant set of a vertex in an infinite, primitive, distance transitive digraph of finite out-valency and provide a strong structure theory for digraphs satisfying these properties. In particular, we show that there are only countably many possibilities for the isomorphism type of such a descendant set, thereby confirming a conjecture of the first Author. As a partial converse, we show that certain related conditions on a countable digraph are sufficient for it to occur as the descendant set of a primitive, distance transitive digraph

    Constructing continuum many countable, primitive, unbalanced digraphs

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    AbstractWe construct continuum many non-isomorphic countable digraphs which are highly arc transitive, have finite out-valency and infinite in-valency, and whose automorphism groups are primitive

    Countable locally 2-arc-transitive bipartite graphs

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    We present an order-theoretic approach to the study of countably infinite locally 2-arc-transitive bipartite graphs. Our approach is motivated by techniques developed by Warren and others during the study of cycle-free partial orders. We give several new families of previously unknown countably infinite locally-2-arc-transitive graphs, each family containing continuum many members. These examples are obtained by gluing together copies of incidence graphs of semilinear spaces, satisfying a certain symmetry property, in a tree-like way. In one case we show how the classification problem for that family relates to the problem of determining a certain family of highly arc-transitive digraphs. Numerous illustrative examples are given.Comment: 29 page

    Species, Clusters and the 'Tree of Life': A graph-theoretic perspective

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    A hierarchical structure describing the inter-relationships of species has long been a fundamental concept in systematic biology, from Linnean classification through to the more recent quest for a 'Tree of Life.' In this paper we use an approach based on discrete mathematics to address a basic question: Could one delineate this hierarchical structure in nature purely by reference to the 'genealogy' of present-day individuals, which describes how they are related with one another by ancestry through a continuous line of descent? We describe several mathematically precise ways by which one can naturally define collections of subsets of present day individuals so that these subsets are nested (and so form a tree) based purely on the directed graph that describes the ancestry of these individuals. We also explore the relationship between these and related clustering constructions.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
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