1,259 research outputs found

    Partial Derivative Automaton for Regular Expressions with Shuffle

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    We generalize the partial derivative automaton to regular expressions with shuffle and study its size in the worst and in the average case. The number of states of the partial derivative automata is in the worst case at most 2^m, where m is the number of letters in the expression, while asymptotically and on average it is no more than (4/3)^m

    Non-abelian ZZ-theory: Berends-Giele recursion for the α′\alpha'-expansion of disk integrals

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    We present a recursive method to calculate the α′\alpha'-expansion of disk integrals arising in tree-level scattering of open strings which resembles the approach of Berends and Giele to gluon amplitudes. Following an earlier interpretation of disk integrals as doubly partial amplitudes of an effective theory of scalars dubbed as ZZ-theory, we pinpoint the equation of motion of ZZ-theory from the Berends-Giele recursion for its tree amplitudes. A computer implementation of this method including explicit results for the recursion up to order α′7\alpha'^7 is made available on the website http://repo.or.cz/BGap.gitComment: 58 pages, harvmac TeX, v2: cosmetic changes, published versio

    Reordering Derivatives of Trace Closures of Regular Languages

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    We provide syntactic derivative-like operations, defined by recursion on regular expressions, in the styles of both Brzozowski and Antimirov, for trace closures of regular languages. Just as the Brzozowski and Antimirov derivative operations for regular languages, these syntactic reordering derivative operations yield deterministic and nondeterministic automata respectively. But trace closures of regular languages are in general not regular, hence these automata cannot generally be finite. Still, as we show, for star-connected expressions, the Antimirov and Brzozowski automata, suitably quotiented, are finite. We also define a refined version of the Antimirov reordering derivative operation where parts-of-derivatives (states of the automaton) are nonempty lists of regular expressions rather than single regular expressions. We define the uniform scattering rank of a language and show that, for a regexp whose language has finite uniform scattering rank, the truncation of the (generally infinite) refined Antimirov automaton, obtained by removing long states, is finite without any quotienting, but still accepts the trace closure. We also show that star-connected languages have finite uniform scattering rank

    Noncommutative geometry of angular momentum space U(su(2))

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    We study the standard angular momentum algebra [xi,xj]=iλϵijkxk[x_i,x_j]=i\lambda \epsilon_{ijk}x_k as a noncommutative manifold Rλ3R^3_\lambda. We show that there is a natural 4D differential calculus and obtain its cohomology and Hodge * operator. We solve the spin 0 wave equation and some aspects of the Maxwell or electromagnetic theory including solutions for a uniform electric current density, and we find a natural Dirac operator. We embed Rλ3R^3_\lambda inside a 4D noncommutative spacetime which is the limit q→1q\to 1 of q-Minkowski space and show that Rλ3R^3_\lambda has a natural quantum isometry group given by the quantum double D(U(su(2)))D(U(su(2))) as a singular limit of the qq-Lorentz group. We view Rλ3\R^3_\lambda as a collection of all fuzzy spheres taken together. We also analyse the semiclassical limit via minimum uncertainty states ∣j,θ,ϕ>|j,\theta,\phi> approximating classical positions in polar coordinates.Comment: Minor revision to add reference [11]. 37 pages late

    Nested sums of symbols and renormalised multiple zeta functions

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    We define discrete nested sums over integer points for symbols on the real line, which obey stuffle relations whenever they converge. They relate to Chen integrals of symbols via the Euler-MacLaurin formula. Using a suitable holomorphic regularisation followed by a Birkhoff factorisation, we define renormalised nested sums of symbols which also satisfy stuffle relations. For appropriate symbols they give rise to renormalised multiple zeta functions which satisfy stuffle relations at all arguments. The Hurwitz multiple zeta functions fit into the framework as well. We show the rationality of multiple zeta values at nonpositive integer arguments, and a higher-dimensional analog is also investigated.Comment: Two major changes : improved treatment of the Hurwitz multiple zeta functions, and more conceptual (and shorter) approach of the multidimensional cas

    Hexagon functions and the three-loop remainder function

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    We present the three-loop remainder function, which describes the scattering of six gluons in the maximally-helicity-violating configuration in planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, as a function of the three dual conformal cross ratios. The result can be expressed in terms of multiple Goncharov polylogarithms. We also employ a more restricted class of "hexagon functions" which have the correct branch cuts and certain other restrictions on their symbols. We classify all the hexagon functions through transcendental weight five, using the coproduct for their Hopf algebra iteratively, which amounts to a set of first-order differential equations. The three-loop remainder function is a particular weight-six hexagon function, whose symbol was determined previously. The differential equations can be integrated numerically for generic values of the cross ratios, or analytically in certain kinematics limits, including the near-collinear and multi-Regge limits. These limits allow us to impose constraints from the operator product expansion and multi-Regge factorization directly at the function level, and thereby to fix uniquely a set of Riemann-zeta-valued constants that could not be fixed at the level of the symbol. The near-collinear limits agree precisely with recent predictions by Basso, Sever and Vieira based on integrability. The multi-Regge limits agree with the factorization formula of Fadin and Lipatov, and determine three constants entering the impact factor at this order. We plot the three-loop remainder function for various slices of the Euclidean region of positive cross ratios, and compare it to the two-loop one. For large ranges of the cross ratios, the ratio of the three-loop to the two-loop remainder function is relatively constant, and close to -7.Comment: 103 pages, 12 figures, 9 ancillary files. v2: typos corrected, references adde
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