28 research outputs found


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    Kondisi air tanah pada lahan sawah dapat diprediksi dengan menggunakan gelombang mikro yang dipancarkan oleh citra satelit Sentinel-1 SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memantau kondisi air tanah dengan cara mengidentifikasi kelembaban tanah pada lahan sawah berbahan induk vulkanis Gunung Talang dengan memanfaatkan citra radar Sentinel-1. Pengolahan citra Sentinel-1 SAR menjadi distribusi kelembaban tanah melalui beberapa model yaitu menggunakan model Loew untuk mendapatkan distribusi konstatan dielektrik, dan model Top untuk mendapatkan distribusi kelembaban tanah. Nilai distribusi kelembaban tanah yang dihasilkan oleh citra Sentinel-1, dilakukan analisis regresi sederhana dengan pori air tersedia pada tanah yang didapatkan dari analisis pF (daya pegang air tanah) dengan metoda pressure plate apparatus, dan pressure membrane apparatus. Hasil analisis pori air tersedia tanah berkisar 9,80 – 16,00 % vol. Hasil kelembaban tanah Sentinel-1 polarisasi VV berkisar -1,4 – 3,2 dB. Korelasi antara data kelembaban tanah Sentinel-1 polarisasi VV akuisisi 21 April 2017 dengan pori air tersedia tanah didapatkan nilai r = 0,83 (sangat kuat). Korelasi yang sangat kuat antara data kelembaban tanah Sentinel-1 dengan pori air tersedia menjadi acuan dalam pendugaan kondisi air tanah pada setiap fase pertumbuhan padi. Data Sentinel-1 masih belum bisa digunakan untuk mengestimasi jumlah air yang terkandung di dalam tanah. Kata kunci: Kelembaban Tanah, Kondisi Air Tanah, Korelasi, Pori Air Tersedia, Sawah, Sentinel-

    Recent Advances in Soil Moisture Estimation from Remote Sensing

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    Monitoring soil moisture dynamics from local to global scales is essential for a wide range of applications. The field of remote sensing of soil moisture has expanded greatly and the first dedicated soil moisture satellite missions (SMOS, SMAP) were launched, and new missions, such as SENTINEL-1 provide long-term perspectives for land surface monitoring. This special issue aims to summarize the recent advances in soil moisture estimation from remote sensing, including recent advances in retrieval algorithms, validation, and applications of satellite-based soil moisture products. Contributions in this special issue exploit the estimation of soil moisture from both microwave remote sensing data and thermal infrared information. The validation of satellite soil moisture products can be very challenging, due to the different spatial scales of in situ measurements and satellite data. Some papers present validation studies to quantify soil moisture uncertainties. On the other hand, soil moisture downscaling schemes and new methods for soil moisture retrieval from GPS are also addressed by some contributions. Soil moisture data are used in fields like agriculture, hydrology, and climate sciences. Several studies explore the use of soil moisture data for hydrological application such as runoff prediction

    Sensitivity of spaceborne radar to near-surface soil moisture in grasslands across southern Ireland

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    The amount of water stored in the soil is a key parameter for the energy and mass fluxes at the land surface and is of fundamental importance to many agricultural, meteorological, biological and biogeochemical processes. This study investigates the potential of retrieving surface soil moisture in grassland areas from a time series of 68 ENVISAT advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) wide swath mode (WSM) scenes, acquired between 2007 and 2009, using an empirical regression approach. WSM data enable larger areas to be observed with a higher temporal sampling capability, compared to image mode (IM) data, and provide an appropriate spatial resolution for regional applications. As expected, the radar backscatter signal was found to increase with increasing soil moisture. Inter-seasonal analysis showed that the VV (Vertical transmit–Vertical receive) polarisation radar signal is more sensitive to surface soil moisture during the spring and autumn months, where average signal increases of about 4 dB corresponding to relative soil moisture increases of ~40% were obtained. Results also display significant (p<0.05) correlations between the HH (Horizontal transmit–Horizontal receive) polarisation signal and surface soil moisture, with r 2 values ranging from 0.67 to 0.86 for some of the test sites. Overall, the results suggest that the use of an empirical linear regression approach is a good approximation of the relationship between ASAR WSM backscatter coefficients and surface soil moisture over grassland areas

    Evaluation of Satellite and Reanalysis Soil Moisture Products over Southwest China Using Ground-Based Measurements

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    Long-term global satellite and reanalysis soil moisture products have been available for several years. In this study, in situ soil moisture measurements from 2008 to 2012 over Southwest China are used to evaluate the accuracy of four satellite-based products and one reanalysis soil moisture product. These products are the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth observing system (AMSR-E),the Advanced Scatterometer (ASCAT),the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS),the European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative soil moisture (CCI SM),and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim Reanalysis (ERA-Interim). The evaluation of soil moisture absolute values and anomalies shows that all the products can capture the temporal dynamics of in situ soil moisture well. For AMSR-E and SMOS, larger errors occur, which are likely due to the severe effects of radio frequency interference (RFI) over the test region. In general, the ERA-Interim (R = 0.782, ubRMSD = 0.035 m(3)/m(3)) and CCI SM (R = 0.723, ubRMSD = 0.046 m(3)/m(3)) perform the best compared to the other products. The accuracy levels obtained are comparable to validation results from other regions. Therefore, local hydrological applications and water resource management will benefit from the long-term ERA-Interim and CCI SM soil moisture products

    Coupled land surface and radiative transfer models for the analysis of passive microwave satellite observations

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    Soil moisture is one of the key variables controlling the water and energy exchanges between Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. Therefore, remote sensing based soil moisture information has potential applications in many disciplines. Besides numerical weather forecasting and climate research these include agriculture and hydrologic applications like flood and drought forecasting. The first satellite specifically designed to deliver operational soil moisture products, SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), was launched 2009 by the European Space Agency (ESA). SMOS is a passive microwave radiometer working in the L-band of the microwave domain, corresponding to a frequency of roughly 1.4 GHz and relies on a new concept. The microwave radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface is measured as brightness temperatures in several look angles. A radiative transfer model is used in an inversion algorithm to retrieve soil moisture and vegetation optical depth, a measure for the vegetation attenuation of the soil’s microwave emission. For the application of passive microwave remote sensing products a proper validation and uncertainty assessment is essential. As these sensors have typical spatial resolutions in the order of 40 – 50 km, a validation that relies solely on ground measurements is costly and labour intensive. Here, environmental modelling can make a valuable contribution. Therefore the present thesis concentrates on the question which contribution coupled land surface and radiative transfer models can make to the validation and analysis of passive microwave remote sensing products. The objective is to study whether it is possible to explain known problems in the SMOS soil moisture products and to identify potential approaches to improve the data quality. The land surface model PROMET (PRocesses Of Mass and Energy Transfer) and the radiative transfer model L-MEB (L-band microwave emission of the Biosphere) are coupled to simulate land surface states, e.g. temperatures and soil moisture, and the resulting microwave emission. L-MEB is also used in the SMOS soil moisture processor to retrieve soil moisture and vegetation optical depth simultaneously from the measured microwave emission. The study area of this work is the Upper Danube Catchment, located mostly in Southern Germany. Since model validation is essential if model data are to be used as reference, both models are validated on different spatial scales with measurements. The uncertainties of the models are quantified. The root mean squared error between modelled and measured soil moisture at several measuring stations on the point scale is 0.065 m3/m3. On the SMOS scale it is 0.039 m3/m3. The correlation coefficient on the point scale is 0.84. As it is essential for the soil moisture retrieval from passive microwave data that the radiative transfer modelling works under local conditions, the coupled models are used to assess the radiative transfer modelling with L-MEB on the local and SMOS scales in the Upper Danube Catchment. In doing so, the emission characteristics of rape are described for the first time and the soil moisture retrieval abilities of L-MEB are assessed with a newly developed LMEB parameterization. The results show that the radiative transfer modelling works well under most conditions in the study area. The root mean squared error between modelled and airborne measured brightness temperatures on the SMOS scale is less than 6 – 9 K for the different look angles. The coupled models are used to analyse SMOS brightness temperatures and vegetation optical depth data in the Upper Danube Catchment in Southern Germany. Since the SMOS soil moisture products are degraded in Southern Germany and in different other parts of the world these analyses are used to narrow down possible reasons for this. The thorough analysis of SMOS brightness temperatures for the year 2011 reveals that the quality of the measurements is degraded like in the SMOS soil moisture product. This points towards radio frequency interference problems (RFI), that are known, but have not yet been studied thoroughly. This is consistent with the characteristics of the problems observed in the SMOS soil moisture products. In addition to that it is observed that the brightness temperatures in the lower look angles are less reliable. This finding could be used to improve the brightness temperature filtering before the soil moisture retrieval. An analysis of SMOS optical depth data in 2011 reveals that this parameter does not contain valuable information about vegetation. Instead, an unexpected correlation with SMOS soil moisture is found. This points towards problems with the SMOS soil moisture retrieval, possibly under the influence of RFI. The present thesis demonstrates that coupled land surface and radiative transfer models can make a valuable contribution to the validation and analysis of passive microwave remote sensing products. The unique approach of this work incorporates modelling with a high spatial and temporal resolution on different scales. This makes detailed process studies on the local scale as well as analyses of satellite data on the SMOS scale possible. This could be exploited for the validation of future satellite missions, e.g. SMAP (Soil Moisture Active and Passive) which is currently being prepared by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). Since RFI seems to have a considerable influence on the SMOS data due to the gained insights and the quality of the SMOS products is very good in other parts of the world, the RFI containment and mitigation efforts carried out since the launch of SMOS should be continued

    Evaluation of a global soil moisture product from finer spatial resolution sar data and ground measurements at Irish sites

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    In the framework of the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative, a global, almost daily, soil moisture (SM) product is being developed from passive and active satellite microwave sensors, at a coarse spatial resolution. This study contributes to its validation by using finer spatial resolution ASAR Wide Swath and in situ soil moisture data taken over three sites in Ireland, from 2007 to 2009. This is the first time a comparison has been carried out between three sets of independent observations from different sensors at very different spatial resolutions for such a long time series. Furthermore, the SM spatial distribution has been investigated at the ASAR scale within each Essential Climate Variable (ECV) pixel, without adopting any particular model or using a densely distributed network of in situ stations. This approach facilitated an understanding of the extent to which geophysical factors, such as soil texture, terrain composition and altitude, affect the retrieved ECV SM product values in temperate grasslands. Temporal and spatial variability analysis provided high levels of correlation (p < 0.025) and low errors between the three datasets, leading to confidence in the new ECV SM global product, despite limitations in its ability to track the driest and wettest conditions

    Accounting for seasonality in a soil moisture change detection algorithm for ASAR Wide Swath time series

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    A change detection algorithm is applied on a three year time series of ASAR Wide Swath images in VV polarization over Calabria, Italy, in order to derive information on temporal soil moisture dynamics. The algorithm, adapted from an algorithm originally developed for ERS scatterometer, was validated using a simple hydrological model incorporating meteorological and pedological data. Strong positive correlations between modelled soil moisture and ASAR soil moisture were observed over arable land, while the correlation became much weaker over more vegetated areas. In a second phase, an attempt was made to incorporate seasonality in the different model parameters. It was observed that seasonally changing surface properties mainly affected the multitemporal incidence angle normalization. When applying a seasonal angular normalization, correlation coefficients between modelled soil moisture and retrieved soil moisture increased overall. Attempts to account for seasonality in the other model parameters did not result in an improved performance

    Evaluation of soil moisture downscaling using a simple thermal-based proxy - the REMEDHUS network (Spain) example

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    Soil moisture retrieved from satellite microwave remote sensing normally has spatial resolution on the order of tens of kilometers, which are too coarse for many regional hydrological applications such as agriculture monitoring and drought prediction. Therefore, various downscaling methods have been proposed to enhance the spatial resolution of satellite soil moisture products. The aim of this study is to investigate the validity and robustness of the simple vegetation temperature condition index (VTCI) downscaling scheme over a dense soil moisture observational network (REMEDHUS) in Spain. First, the optimized VTCI was determined through sensitivity analyses of VTCI to surface temperature, vegetation index, cloud, topography, and land cover heterogeneity, using data from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer∼(MODIS) and MSG SEVIRI (METEOSAT Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager). Then the downscaling scheme was applied to improve the spatial resolution of the European Space Agency's Water Cycle Multi-mission Observation Strategy and Climate Change Initiative (ESA CCI) soil moisture, which is a merged product based on both active and passive microwave observations. The results from direct validation against soil moisture observations, spatial pattern comparison, as well as seasonal and land use analyses show that the downscaling method can significantly improve the spatial details of CCI soil moisture while maintaining the accuracy of CCI soil moisture. The accuracy level is comparable to other downscaling methods that were also validated against the REMEDHUS network. Furthermore, slightly better performance of MSG SEVIRI over MODIS was observed, which suggests the high potential of applying a geostationary satellite for downscaling soil moisture in the future. Overall, considering the simplicity, limited data requirements and comparable accuracy level to other complex methods, the VTCI downscaling method can facilitate relevant hydrological applications that require high spatial and temporal resolution soil moisture. © 2015 Author(s)