6 research outputs found

    Dependent multiple cue integration for robust tracking

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    We propose a new technique for fusing multiple cues to robustly segment an object from its background in video sequences that suffer from abrupt changes of both illumination and position of the target. Robustness is achieved by the integration of appearance and geometric object features and by their estimation using Bayesian filters, such as Kalman or particle filters. In particular, each filter estimates the state of a specific object feature, conditionally dependent on another feature estimated by a distinct filter. This dependence provides improved target representations, permitting us to segment it out from the background even in nonstationary sequences. Considering that the procedure of the Bayesian filters may be described by a "hypotheses generation-hypotheses correction" strategy, the major novelty of our methodology compared to previous approaches is that the mutual dependence between filters is considered during the feature observation, that is, into the "hypotheses-correction" stage, instead of considering it when generating the hypotheses. This proves to be much more effective in terms of accuracy and reliability. The proposed method is analytically justified and applied to develop a robust tracking system that adapts online and simultaneously the color space where the image points are represented, the color distributions, the contour of the object, and its bounding box. Results with synthetic data and real video sequences demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our method.Peer Reviewe

    Dependent multiple cue integration for robust tracking

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    We propose a new technique for fusing multiple cues to robustly segment an object from its background in video sequences that suffer from abrupt changes of both illumination and position of the target. Robustness is achieved by the integration of appearance and geometric object features and by their estimation using Bayesian filters, such as Kalman or particle filters. In particular, each filter estimates the state of a specific object feature, conditionally dependent on another feature estimated by a distinct filter. This dependence provides improved target representations, permitting us to segment it out from the background even in nonstationary sequences. Considering that the procedure of the Bayesian filters may be described by a "hypotheses generation-hypotheses correction" strategy, the major novelty of our methodology compared to previous approaches is that the mutual dependence between filters is considered during the feature observation, that is, into the "hypotheses-correction" stage, instead of considering it when generating the hypotheses. This proves to be much more effective in terms of accuracy and reliability. The proposed method is analytically justified and applied to develop a robust tracking system that adapts online and simultaneously the color space where the image points are represented, the color distributions, the contour of the object, and its bounding box. Results with synthetic data and real video sequences demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our method.This work was supported by projects: 'Integration of robust perception, learning, and navigation systems in mobile robotics' (J-0929), 'Ubiquitous networking robotics in urban settings' (E-00938), 'CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 Multimodal interaction in pattern recognition and computer vision' (V-00069). This research was conducted at the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial of the Technical University of Catalonia and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. It was partially supported by Consolider Ingenio 2010, project CSD2007-00018, CICYT project DPI2007-614452, and IST-045062 of the European Community Union, by a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, and by grants from the US Department of Justice (2004-DD-BX-1224), Department of Energy (MO-068), and US National Science Foundation (ACI-0313184 and IIS-0527585).Peer Reviewe

    Enhancing low-level features with mid-level cues

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    Local features have become an essential tool in visual recognition. Much of the progress in computer vision over the past decade has built on simple, local representations such as SIFT or HOG. SIFT in particular shifted the paradigm in feature representation. Subsequent works have often focused on improving either computational efficiency, or invariance properties. This thesis belongs to the latter group. Invariance is a particularly relevant aspect if we intend to work with dense features. The traditional approach to sparse matching is to rely on stable interest points, such as corners, where scale and orientation can be reliably estimated, enforcing invariance; dense features need to be computed on arbitrary points. Dense features have been shown to outperform sparse matching techniques in many recognition problems, and form the bulk of our work. In this thesis we present strategies to enhance low-level, local features with mid-level, global cues. We devise techniques to construct better features, and use them to handle complex ambiguities, occlusions and background changes. To deal with ambiguities, we explore the use of motion to enforce temporal consistency with optical flow priors. We also introduce a novel technique to exploit segmentation cues, and use it to extract features invariant to background variability. For this, we downplay image measurements most likely to belong to a region different from that where the descriptor is computed. In both cases we follow the same strategy: we incorporate mid-level, "big picture" information into the construction of local features, and proceed to use them in the same manner as we would the baseline features. We apply these techniques to different feature representations, including SIFT and HOG, and use them to address canonical vision problems such as stereo and object detection, demonstrating that the introduction of global cues yields consistent improvements. We prioritize solutions that are simple, general, and efficient. Our main contributions are as follows: (a) An approach to dense stereo reconstruction with spatiotemporal features, which unlike existing works remains applicable to wide baselines. (b) A technique to exploit segmentation cues to construct dense descriptors invariant to background variability, such as occlusions or background motion. (c) A technique to integrate bottom-up segmentation with recognition efficiently, amenable to sliding window detectors.Les "features" locals s'han convertit en una eina fonamental en el camp del reconeixement visual. Gran part del progrés experimentat en el camp de la visió per computador al llarg de l'última decada es basa en representacions locals de baixa complexitat, com SIFT o HOG. SIFT, en concret, ha canviat el paradigma en representació de característiques visuals. Els treballs que l'han succeït s'acostumen a centrar o bé a millorar la seva eficiencia computacional, o bé propietats d'invariança. El treball presentat en aquesta tesi pertany al segon grup. L'invariança es un aspecte especialment rellevant quan volem treballab amb "features" denses, és a dir per a cada pixel. La manera tradicional d'atacar el problema amb "features" de baixa densitat consisteix en seleccionar punts d'interés estables, com per exemple cantonades, on l'escala i l'orientació poden ser estimades de manera robusta. Les "features" denses, per definició, han de ser calculades en punts arbitraris de la imatge. S'ha demostrat que les "features" denses obtenen millors resultats en tècniques de correspondència per a molts problemes en reconeixement, i formen la major part del nostre treball. En aquesta tesi presentem estratègies per a enriquir "features" locals de baix nivell amb "cues" o dades globals, de mitja complexitat. Dissenyem tècniques per a construïr millors "features", que usem per a atacar problemes tals com correspondències amb un grau elevat d'ambigüetat, oclusions, i canvis del fons de la imatge. Per a atacar ambigüetats, explorem l'ús del moviment per a imposar consistència espai-temporal mitjançant informació d'"optical flow". També presentem una tècnica per explotar dades de segmentació que fem servir per a extreure "features" invariants a canvis en el fons de la imatge. Aquest mètode consisteix en atenuar els components de la imatge (i per tant les "features") que probablement corresponguin a regions diferents a la del descriptor que estem calculant. En ambdós casos seguim la mateixa estratègia: la nostra voluntat és incorporar dades globals d'un nivell de complexitat mitja a la construcció de "features" locals, que procedim a utilitzar de la mateixa manera que les "features" originals. Aquestes tècniques són aplicades a diferents tipus de representacions, incloent SIFT i HOG, i mostrem com utilitzar-les per a atacar problemes fonamentals en visió per computador tals com l'estèreo i la detecció d'objectes. En aquest treball demostrem que introduïnt informació global en la construcció de "features" locals podem obtenir millores consistentment. Donem prioritat a solucions senzilles, generals i eficients. Aquestes són les principals contribucions de la tesi: (a) Una tècnica per a reconstrucció estèreo densa mitjançant "features" espai-temporals, amb l'avantatge respecte a treballs existents que podem aplicar-la a càmeres en qualsevol configuració geomètrica ("wide-baseline"). (b) Una tècnica per a explotar dades de segmentació dins la construcció de descriptors densos, fent-los invariants a canvis al fons de la imatge, i per tant a problemes com les oclusions en estèreo o objectes en moviment. (c) Una tècnica per a integrar segmentació de manera ascendent ("bottom-up") en problemes de reconeixement d'una manera eficient, dissenyada per a detectors de tipus "sliding window"

    Generative modeling of dynamic visual scenes

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 301-312).Modeling visual scenes is one of the fundamental tasks of computer vision. Whereas tremendous efforts have been devoted to video analysis in past decades, most prior work focuses on specific tasks, leading to dedicated methods to solve them. This PhD thesis instead aims to derive a probabilistic generative model that coherently integrates different aspects, notably appearance, motion, and the interaction between them. Specifically, this model considers each video as a composite of dynamic layers, each associated with a covering domain, an appearance template, and a flow describing its motion. These layers change dynamically following the associated flows, and are combined into video frames according to a Z-order that specifies their relative depth-order. To describe these layers and their dynamic changes, three major components are incorporated: (1) An appearance model describes the generative process of the pixel values of a video layer. This model, via the combination of a probabilistic patch manifold and a conditional Markov random field, is able to express rich local details while maintaining global coherence. (2) A motion model captures the motion pattern of a layer through a new concept called geometric flow that originates from differential geometric analysis. A geometric flow unifies the trajectory-based representation and the notion of geometric transformation to represent the collective dynamic behaviors persisting over time. (3) A partial Z-order specifies the relative depth order between layers. Here, through the unique correspondence between equivalent classes of partial orders and consistent choice functions, a distribution over the spaces of partial orders is established, and inference can thus be performed thereon. The development of these models leads to significant challenges in probabilistic modeling and inference that need new techniques to address. We studied two important problems: (1) Both the appearance model and the motion model rely on mixture modeling to capture complex distributions. In a dynamic setting, the components parameters and the number of components in a mixture model can change over time. While the use of Dirichlet processes (DPs) as priors allows indefinite number of components, incorporating temporal dependencies between DPs remains a nontrivial issue, theoretically and practically. Our research on this problem leads to a new construction of dependent DPs, enabling various forms of dynamic variations for nonparametric mixture models by harnessing the connections between Poisson and Dirichlet processes. (2) The inference of partial Z-order from a video needs a method to sample from the posterior distribution of partial orders. A key challenge here is that the underlying space of partial orders is disconnected, meaning that one may not be able to make local updates without violating the combinatorial constraints for partial orders. We developed a novel sampling method to tackle this problem, which dynamically introduces virtual states as bridges to connect between different parts of the space, implicitly resulting in an ergodic Markov chain over an augmented space. With this generative model of visual scenes, many vision problems can be readily solved through inference performed on the model. Empirical experiments demonstrate that this framework yields promising results on a series of practical tasks, including video denoising and inpainting, collective motion analysis, and semantic scene understanding.by Dahua Lin.Ph.D

    Dependent multiple cue integration for robust tracking

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    We propose a new technique for fusing multiple cues to robustly segment an object from its background in video sequences that suffer from abrupt changes of both illumination and position of the target. Robustness is achieved by the integration of appearance and geometric object features and by their estimation using Bayesian filters, such as Kalman or particle filters. In particular, each filter estimates the state of a specific object feature, conditionally dependent on another feature estimated by a distinct filter. This dependence provides improved target representations, permitting us to segment it out from the background even in nonstationary sequences. Considering that the procedure of the Bayesian filters may be described by a "hypotheses generation-hypotheses correction" strategy, the major novelty of our methodology compared to previous approaches is that the mutual dependence between filters is considered during the feature observation, that is, into the "hypotheses-correction" stage, instead of considering it when generating the hypotheses. This proves to be much more effective in terms of accuracy and reliability. The proposed method is analytically justified and applied to develop a robust tracking system that adapts online and simultaneously the color space where the image points are represented, the color distributions, the contour of the object, and its bounding box. Results with synthetic data and real video sequences demonstrate the robustness and versatility of our method.Peer Reviewe

    Dependent Multiple Cue Integration for Robust Tracking

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