7 research outputs found

    Filtering Techniques for Low-Noise Previews of Interactive Stochastic Ray Tracing

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    Progressive stochastic ray tracing is increasingly used in interactive applications. Examples of such applications are interactive design reviews and digital content creation. This dissertation aims at advancing this development. For one thing, two filtering techniques are presented, which can generate fast and reliable previews of global illumination solutions. For another thing, a system architecture is presented, which supports exchangeable rendering back-ends in distributed rendering systems

    Utilising path-vertex data to improve Monte Carlo global illumination.

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    Efficient techniques for photo-realistic rendering are in high demand across a wide array of industries. Notable applications include visual effects for film, entertainment and virtual reality. Less direct applications such as visualisation for architecture, lighting design and product development also rely on the synthesis of realistic and physically based illumination. Such applications assert ever increasing demands on light transport algorithms, requiring the computation of photo-realistic effects while handling complex geometry, light scattering models and illumination. Techniques based on Monte Carlo integration handle such scenarios elegantly and robustly, but despite seeing decades of focused research and wide commercial support, these methods and their derivatives still exhibit undesirable side effects that are yet to be resolved. In this thesis, Monte Carlo path tracing techniques are improved upon by utilizing path vertex data and intermediate radiance contributions readily available during rendering. This permits the development of novel progressive algorithms that render low noise global illumination while striving to maintain the desirable accuracy and convergence properties of unbiased methods. The thesis starts by presenting a discussion into optical phenomenon, physically based rendering and achieving photo realistic image synthesis. This is followed by in-depth discussion of the published theoretical and practical research in this field, with a focus on stochastic methods and modem rendering methodologies. This provides insight into the issues surrounding Monte Carlo integration both in the general and rendering specific contexts, along with an appreciation for the complexities of solving global light transport. Alternative methods that aim to address these issues are discussed, providing an insight into modem rendering paradigms and their characteristics. Thus, an understanding of the key aspects is obtained, that is necessary to build up and discuss the novel research and contributions to the field developed throughout this thesis. First, a path space filtering strategy is proposed that allows the path-based space of light transport to be classified into distinct subsets. This permits the novel combination of robust path tracing and recent progressive photon mapping algorithms to handle each subset based on the characteristics of the light transport in that space. This produces a hybrid progressive rendering technique that utilises the strengths of existing state of the art Monte Carlo and photon mapping methods to provide efficient and consistent rendering of complex scenes with vanishing bias. The second original contribution is a probabilistic image-based filtering and sample clustering framework that provides high quality previews of global illumination whilst remaining aware of high frequency detail and features in geometry, materials and the incident illumination. As will be seen, the challenges of edge-aware noise reduction are numerous and long standing, particularly when identifying high frequency features in noisy illumination signals. Discontinuities such as hard shadows and glossy reflections are commonly overlooked by progressive filtering techniques, however by dividing path space into multiple layers, once again based on utilising path vertex data, the overlapping illumination of varying intensities, colours and frequencies is more effectively handled. Thus noise is removed from each layer independent of features present in the remaining path space, effectively preserving such features

    Toward robust and efficient physically-based rendering

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    Le rendu fondé sur la physique est utilisé pour le design, l'illustration ou l'animation par ordinateur. Ce type de rendu produit des images photo-réalistes en résolvant les équations qui décrivent le transport de la lumière dans une scène. Bien que ces équations soient connues depuis longtemps, et qu'un grand nombre d'algorithmes aient été développés pour les résoudre, il n'en existe pas qui puisse gérer de manière efficace toutes les scènes possibles. Plutôt qu'essayer de développer un nouvel algorithme de simulation d'éclairage, nous proposons d'améliorer la robustesse de la plupart des méthodes utilisées à ce jour et/ou qui sont amenées à être développées dans les années à venir. Nous faisons cela en commençant par identifier les sources de non-robustesse dans un moteur de rendu basé sur la physique, puis en développant des méthodes permettant de minimiser leur impact. Le résultat de ce travail est un ensemble de méthodes utilisant différents outils mathématiques et algorithmiques, chacune de ces méthodes visant à améliorer une partie spécifique d'un moteur de rendu. Nous examinons aussi comment les architectures matérielles actuelles peuvent être utilisées à leur maximum afin d'obtenir des algorithmes plus rapides, sans ajouter d'approximations. Bien que les contributions présentées dans cette thèse aient vocation à être combinées, chacune d'entre elles peut être utilisée seule : elles sont techniquement indépendantes les unes des autres.Physically-based rendering is used for design, illustration or computer animation. It consists in producing photorealistic images by solving the equations which describe how light travels in a scene. Although these equations have been known for a long time and many algorithms for light simulation have been developed, no algorithm exists to solve them efficiently for any scene. Instead of trying to develop a new algorithm devoted to light simulation, we propose to enhance the robustness of most methods used nowadays and/or which can be developed in the years to come. We do this by first identifying the sources of non-robustness in a physically-based rendering engine, and then addressing them by specific algorithms. The result is a set of methods based on different mathematical or algorithmic methods, each aiming at improving a different part of a rendering engine. We also investigate how the current hardware architectures can be used at their maximum to produce more efficient algorithms, without adding approximations. Although the contributions presented in this dissertation are meant to be combined, each of them can be used in a standalone way: they have been designed to be internally independent of each other