20 research outputs found

    Civic Engagement Through Movies Reviews

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    This article deals with contemporary tendencies in education – civic engagement while teaching. Authentic movies appealing to civic issues may serve as a perfect starting point for writing opinion essays or reviews, for discussion and disputing on civic issues. Problem tasks for writing opinion essays and movie reviews are presented basing on several famous films with civic elements

    Оценка основных этапов и степени завершенности аграрных реформ

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    В статті приводиться класифікація перехідних періодів економіки, пропонується шкала політичних та економічних інститутів для оцінки ступеня завершеності аграрних реформ, та дається експертна оцінка рівня завершеності перетворень в АПК України.В статье приводится классификация переходных периодов экономики, предлагается шкала политических и экономических институтов для оценки степени завершенности аграрных реформ, и дается экспертная оценка уровня завершенности превращений в АПК Украины.The article is included the classifikation of charge periods of the economy, proposed the table of political & economical institutes for the valuation of ending of agrerian reforms in Ukraine

    Genghis Khan and Modern Mongolian Identity: The Democracy Connection

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    No abstract available DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/mjia.v0i8-9.127 The Mongolian Journal of International Affairs; Number 8-9, 2002, Pages 36-5

    Модернизация высшего образования в условиях единого мирового образовательного пространства

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    В работе обосновывается концепция модернизации образования как создание нового способа взаимодействия между преподавателем и студентом в процессе обучения, основанном на академической свободе, согласованности целей познания и коллегиальном сотрудничествеВ роботi обгрунтовувается концепцiя модерн iзацii освiти як створiння нового способу взаемодiяння мiж викладачом та студентом, засновувана на академiчною свободi та колiгiальностi.This paper is grounded the concept of modernization of education as creation of a new way of interaction between a student and a teacher, basing on academic freedom, co-ordination of their aims, and collectivity

    Образование как предмет экономического анализа

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    Традиционно проблемы обучения в постсоветском обществе видятся и рассматриваются либо как методические, либо как социальные. В развитых капиталистических странах большое значение придается экономической трактовке образования. Проблемы образования рассматриваются экономической теорией образования, а также экономикой труда, и обе они основываются на микроэкономических подходах к анализу рынка факторов производства

    Valuing All Identities Beyond the Schoolhouse Gate: The Case for Inclusivity as a Civic Virtue in K-12

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    Increasing social and political polarization in our society continues to exact a heavy toll marked by, among other social ills, a rise in uncivility, an increase in reported hate crimes, and a more pronounced overall climate of intolerance—for viewpoints, causes, and identities alike. Intolerance, either a cause or a consequence of our fraying networks of social engagement, is rampant, hindering our ability to live up to our de facto national motto, “E Pluribus Unum,” or “Out of Many, One” and prompting calls for how best to build a cohesive civil society. Within the public school—an institution conceived primarily for the purpose of inculcating civic virtues thought necessary to foster solidarity in a pluralistic society—the intolerance has contributed to increased bias-based bullying, particularly toward transgender and gender diverse students. The devastating impacts of intolerance and exclusion on transgender and gender-diverse students include disproportionate rates of psychological distress, physical ailments, increased risk of homelessness, and other negative outcomes. As schools ponder how best to meet their needs and create safe and supportive learning environments, some parents have attempted to assert exclusive authority in this domain, challenging practices such as the adoption of gender-complex and LGBTQ-inclusive curricula as well as gender-affirming policies and practices. Parents allege that attempts by schools to accommodate transgender and gender diverse students infringe on their parental rights and the privacy rights of their cisgender children. While some schools have yielded to parental objections, others have resisted. This Article presents a compelling approach for schools both to address the challenges posed by objecting parents and to carry out their original mission of inculcating an appreciation for democratic norms—namely, civility, tolerance, and equality— through the adoption of gender complex and LGBTQ-inclusive curricula. Relying on both long-standing limitations on parents’ ability to exercise curricular control and research on the benefits of inclusive and comprehensive curricula, this Article makes the case that the educational purposes served by gender complex and LGBTQ-inclusive curricula more than justify any alleged burden on parents’ free exercise of religion as protected by the First Amendment or any alleged infringement upon parents’ substantive due process rights as protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. It posits that although both parents and the state share responsibility for shaping our youngest citizens, parental interests should be subordinate to the interests of the state in promoting proteophilic competence—an appreciation for diversity—through public education. This critical educational mission holds the promise of reaching beyond the scope of gender to include the inculcation of civic virtues essential to the health of an increasingly demographically diverse nation: Respect for “other-ness” and the development of skills needed for effective democratic self-governance

    CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Winter 2022

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    Czech transition to and Backsliding from democracy : will "Truth Prevail" over the illiberal challenge?

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Relações InternacionaisDemocracy is in crisis around the world. Boosted by global phenomena such as globalization and the development of internet, along with a series of crises, which widened the gap between the elite and citizens, this trend was characterized by the rise of populism in both mature democracies and post-communist countries. The former model democratizers in Central-Eastern Europe turned into model democratic backsliders. The illiberal tendencies in the region have been generally judged by the Hungarian and Polish playbook. Although not as dramatically, also in Czech Republic democracy has been declining, mostly since the government of Andrej Babiš in 2017 and the reelection of Miloš Zeman president in 2018. This work examines the changes in the official post-1989 discourse through a two-dimensional discourse analysis, and thus explains what are the origins and character of the current democracy crisis, which arenas of democracy have been affected the most thus far, and finally if the “truth will prevail” over the illiberal challenge. Based on the theoretical concepts of democracy, transitology, democratic backsliding, populism and postfunctionalism, and an overview of historical-cultural context, we analyze the rhetorical strategies, domestic policy, and foreign policy dominant in the corpus of selected speeches of the Prime Minister and President. Next, we assess the impact of their new discourse on the arenas of democracy contrasting EIU’s Democracy Index and Freedom House’s Nations in Transit rankings. Overall, we sustain that the rise of the Czech illiberal populists has been rather a consequence than the origin of the current crisis, that the character of their new discourse is particular despite similarities with the backsliding neighbors, and finally, that there is hope for truth to prevail, consisting in a reform of certain arenas of the Czech democracy.Democracia está em crise em todo o mundo. Reforçado pelos fenómenos globais como a globalização e o desenvolvimento da Internet, junto com uma série de crises, que aumentaram o fosso entre a elite e os cidadãos, esta dinâmica foi caraterizada pela ascensão de populismo em ambas democracias maduras e países pós-comunistas. Os antigos exemplos da democratização na Europa Central e de Leste tornaram-se exemplos de democratic backsliding. As tendências iliberais na região têm sido geralmente julgadas com base na cartilha húngara e polaca. Embora não tão dramaticamente, também a democracia na República Checa tem estado em declínio, sobretudo desde o início do governo de Andrej Babiš em 2017 e a reeleição presidencial de Miloš Zeman em 2018. Este trabalho examina as mudanças no discurso oficial pós-1989 através de uma análise de discurso de duas dimensões, e assim explica quais são as origens e o caráter da crise de democracia atual, quais arenas de democracia têm sido afetadas mais até agora, e finalmente se “a verdade prevalece” contra o desafio iliberal. Com base nos conceitos teóricos de democracia, transitologia, democratic backsliding, populismo e pósfuncionalismo, e um resumo do contexto histórico-cultural, analisamos as estratégias retóricas e as políticas doméstica e estrangeira dominantes no corpus de discursos selecionados do Primeiro-Ministro e do Presidente. Logo, avaliamos o impacto do seu novo discurso sobre as arenas de democracia contrastando os rankings do Índice de Democracia de EIU e de Nations in Transit de Freedom House. Contudo, defendemos que a ascensão dos populistas na República Checa tem sido uma consequência mais do que a origem da crise atual, que o caráter do seu novo discurso é particular apesar de semelhanças com os seus vizinhos em retrocesso, e finalmente que há esperança para a verdade prevalecer, consistindo numa reforma de certas arenas da democracia checa.N/

    Connecticut College Magazine, Fall 1997

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    Connecticut College Magazine, Winter 1998

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