13 research outputs found

    Poster Abstract: Security Comes First, A Public-key Cryptography Framework for the Internet of Things

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    Abstract—Novel Internet services are emerging around an increasing number of sensors and actuators in our surroundings, commonly referred to as smart devices. Smart devices, which form the backbone of the Internet of Things (IoT), enable alternative forms of user experience by means of automation, convenience, and efficiency. At the same time new security and safety issues arise, given the Internet-connectivity and the interaction possibility of smart devices with human’s proximate living space. Hence, security is a fundamental requirement of the IoT design. In order to remain interoperable with the existing infrastructure, we postulate a security framework compatible to standard IP-based security solutions, yet optimized to meet the constraints of the IoT ecosystem. In this ongoing work, we first identify necessary components of an interoperable secure End-to-End communication while incorporating Public-key Cryptography (PKC). To this end, we tackle involved computational and communication overheads. The required components on the hardware side are the affordable hardware acceleration engines for cryptographic operations and on the software side header compression and long-lasting secure sessions. In future work, we focus on integration of these components into a framework and the evaluation of an early prototype of this framework. I

    DTLS Performance in Duty-Cycled Networks

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    The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol is the IETF standard for securing the Internet of Things. The Constrained Application Protocol, ZigBee IP, and Lightweight Machine-to-Machine (LWM2M) mandate its use for securing application traffic. There has been much debate in both the standardization and research communities on the applicability of DTLS to constrained environments. The main concerns are the communication overhead and latency of the DTLS handshake, and the memory footprint of a DTLS implementation. This paper provides a thorough performance evaluation of DTLS in different duty-cycled networks through real-world experimentation, emulation and analysis. In particular, we measure the duration of the DTLS handshake when using three duty cycling link-layer protocols: preamble-sampling, the IEEE 802.15.4 beacon-enabled mode and the IEEE 802.15.4e Time Slotted Channel Hopping mode. The reported results demonstrate surprisingly poor performance of DTLS in radio duty-cycled networks. Because a DTLS client and a server exchange more than 10 signaling packets, the DTLS handshake takes between a handful of seconds and several tens of seconds, with similar results for different duty cycling protocols. Moreover, because of their limited memory, typical constrained nodes can only maintain 3-5 simultaneous DTLS sessions, which highlights the need for using DTLS parsimoniously.Comment: International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC - 2015), IEEE, IEEE, 2015, http://pimrc2015.eee.hku.hk/index.htm

    An analyzing process on wireless protection criteria focusing on (WPA) within computer network security

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    Network security from a long ago approaches to cryptography and hash functions which are tremendous and due to the weakness of different vulnerabilities in the networks and obviously there is a significant need for analyzes. In this manuscript, the state-of-the-art wireless environment is focused solely on the sensor technology, in which security needs to be integrated with the Wireless Protected Access (WPA) standards. Wireless networking includes numerous points of view from wireless sensor systems, ad hoc mobile devices, Wi-Max and many more. The authentication and dynamic encryption is modified by system managers so that general communication can be anchored without any sniper effort in order to perform higher degrees of security and overall execution. The key exchange mechanism in wireless systems such as forward cases is accompanied by the sophisticated cryptography so as to anchor the whole computer state. The manuscript carries out a significant audit of test points of view using the methodologies used for the cryptography angle for protection and honesty in the wireless case, stressing Wi-Fi Secure Protected (WPA) needs

    A Review on Internet of Things (IoT): Security and Privacy Requirements and the Solution Approaches

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    The world is undergoing a dramatic rapid transformation from isolated systems to ubiquitous Internet-based-enabled 2018;things2019; capable of interacting each other and generating data that can be analyzed to extract valuable information. This highly interconnected global network structure known as Internet of Things will enrich everyone2019;s life, increase business productivity, improve government efficiency, and the list just goes on. However, this new reality (IoT) built on the basis of Internet, contains new kind of challenges from a security and privacy perspective. Traditional security primitives cannot be directly applied to IoT technologies due to the different standards and communication stacks involved. Along with scalability and heterogeneity issues, major part of IoT infrastructure consists of resource constrained devices such as RFIDs and wireless sensor nodes. Therefore, a flexible infrastructure is required capable to deal with security and privacy issues in such a dynamic environment. This paper presents an overview of IoT, security and privacy challenges and the existing security solutions and identifying some open issues for future research

    Improving efficiency and security of IIoT communications using in-network validation of server certificate

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    The use of advanced communications and smart mechanisms in industry is growing rapidly, making cybersecurity a critical aspect. Currently, most industrial communication protocols rely on the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol to build their secure version, providing confidentiality, integrity and authentication. In the case of UDP-based communications, frequently used in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) scenarios, the counterpart of TLS is Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), which includes some mechanisms to deal with the high unreliability of the transport layer. However, the (D)TLS handshake is a heavy process, specially for resource-deprived IIoT devices and frequently, security is sacrificed in favour of performance. More specifically, the validation of digital certificates is an expensive process from the time and resource consumption point of view. For this reason, digital certificates are not always properly validated by IIoT devices, including the verification of their revocation status; and when it is done, it introduces an important delay in the communications. In this context, this paper presents the design and implementation of an in-network server certificate validation system that offloads this task from the constrained IIoT devices to a resource-richer network element, leveraging data plane programming (DPP). This approach enhances security as it guarantees that a comprehensive server certificate verification is always performed. Additionally, it increases performance as resource-expensive tasks are moved from IIoT devices to a resource-richer network element. Results show that the proposed solution reduces DTLS handshake times by 50–60 %. Furthermore, CPU use in IIoT devices is also reduced, resulting in an energy saving of about 40 % in such devices.This work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the TRUE-5G project PID2019-108713RB-C54/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. It was also partially supported by the Ayudas Cervera para Centros Tecnológicos grant of the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) under the project EGIDA (CER-20191012), and by the Basque Country Government under the ELKARTEK Program, project REMEDY - Real tiME control and embeddeD securitY (KK-2021/00091)

    Secure service proxy : a CoAP(s) intermediary for a securer and smarter web of things

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    As the IoT continues to grow over the coming years, resource-constrained devices and networks will see an increase in traffic as everything is connected in an open Web of Things. The performance- and function-enhancing features are difficult to provide in resource-constrained environments, but will gain importance if the WoT is to be scaled up successfully. For example, scalable open standards-based authentication and authorization will be important to manage access to the limited resources of constrained devices and networks. Additionally, features such as caching and virtualization may help further reduce the load on these constrained systems. This work presents the Secure Service Proxy (SSP): a constrained-network edge proxy with the goal of improving the performance and functionality of constrained RESTful environments. Our evaluations show that the proposed design reaches its goal by reducing the load on constrained devices while implementing a wide range of features as different adapters. Specifically, the results show that the SSP leads to significant savings in processing, network traffic, network delay and packet loss rates for constrained devices. As a result, the SSP helps to guarantee the proper operation of constrained networks as these networks form an ever-expanding Web of Things

    새로운 무인증서 공개키 배포 방법과 경량 보안 연결 방법

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 권태경.Authenticating the other endpoint and protecting the data communication are the basic and important ways of secure communication. As the penetration of the Internet to the everyday life is getting accelerated, e.g. Internet of Things (IoT), the demand of secure communications increases. However, the aforementioned two ways have been threatened due to the problems of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and the constrained resources of IoT devices. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on enhancing authentication regarding public key distribution and data protection considering resource-limited IoT devices. First, the current PKI has problems like certificate revocations and fraudulent certificates. To address such issues, we propose TwinPeaks, which is a new infrastructure to distribute public keys of named entities online. TwinPeaks leverages certificateless public key cryptography (CL-PKC), which we extend to make the public key of an entity depend on any combination of its networking parametersthus TwinPeaks can mitigate spoofing attacks systematically. TwinPeaks needs public key servers, which constitute a hierarchical tree like Domain Name System (DNS). For each parent-child link in the tree, the parent and the child interact in such a way that every named entity has its own public/secret key pair. TwinPeaks removes certificates and hence has no revocation overhead. Instead, each named entity should keep/update its IP address and public key up-to-date in its DNS server and key server, respectively. TwinPeaks also achieves scalable distribution of public keys since public keys can be cached long term without elevating security risks. Next, the IoT will be the norm in the foreseeable future. However, the security problem in the Internet will be worsened in IoT services considering the constrained resources of IoT devices. We propose a delegation-based DTLS/TLS framework (D2TLS) for cloud-based IoT services. D2TLS aims to achieve mutual authentication and to lower the burden of setting up secure connections significantly while keeping the private keys of IoT devices secret. Leveraging the session resumption in the DTLS/TLS standard and introducing a security agent, D2TLS achieves these goals with the modifications only within the IoT domain. That is, cloud and PKI systems need no change to deploy D2TLS. Numerical results show that D2TLS can achieve better performance in terms of delay and energy consumption than making a DTLS/TLS connection in standalone mode.1. Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research Contributions 2 1.3 Organization of Dissertation 3 2 TwinPeaks: A New Approach for Certificateless Public Key Distribution 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Design Rationale 6 2.3 Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) 8 2.4 How TwinPeaks Works 10 2.4.1 TwinPeaks Overview 11 2.4.2 CL-PKC extension 14 2.4.3 Public Key Update 16 2.4.4 Public Key Caching 17 2.4.5 Deployment: Islands & TLS Variant 18 2.5 Security Analysis 19 2.5.1 Threat Analysis 19 2.5.2 Certificateless Validation of a Public Key 21 2.6 Evaluation 22 2.6.1 Qualitative Comparison 22 2.6.2 Quantitative Comparison 23 2.6.3 Numerical Results 27 2.7 Discussions 33 2.8 Related Work 36 3 D2TLS: Delegation-based DTLS for Cloud-based IoT Services 38 3.1 Introduction 38 3.2 Related Work 41 3.3 Measurement of IoT Products 43 3.3.1 Smart Home Monitoring System 43 3.3.2 Smart Watch 48 3.4 Delegation-based DTLS (D2TLS) 51 3.4.1 D2TLS Framework 53 3.4.2 End-to-End Secure Connection 55 3.5 Security Considerations 56 3.6 Evaluation 59 3.6.1 Evaluation Environments 59 3.6.2 Delay 61 3.6.3 Energy Consumption 63 3.6.4 Code Size and Memory Requirements 65 3.6.5 Expected Session Overhead varying Frequency and Lifetime of a Session 66 3.7 Discussion 68 3.7.1 IoT device as a Server 68 3.7.2 Hardware-assisted IoT Security 69 4 Conclusion 71 Bibliography 73 초록 79Docto