790 research outputs found

    Verifying and Testing Asynchronous Circuits using LOTOS (extended version)

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    It is shown howDILL (Digital Logic in LOTOS) can be used to specify,verify and test asynchronous hardware designs. Asynchronous (unclocked) circuits are a topic of active research in the hardware community. It is illustrated how DILL can address some of the key challenges. New relations for (strong) conformance are defined for assessing a circuit implementation against its specification. An algorithm is also presented for generating and applying implementation tests based on a specification. Tools have been developed for automated verification of conformance and generation of tests. The approach is illustrated with three case studies that explore speed independence, delay sensitivity and testing of sample asynchronous circuit designs

    Area/latency optimized early output asynchronous full adders and relative-timed ripple carry adders

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    This article presents two area/latency optimized gate level asynchronous full adder designs which correspond to early output logic. The proposed full adders are constructed using the delay-insensitive dual-rail code and adhere to the four-phase return-to-zero handshaking. For an asynchronous ripple carry adder (RCA) constructed using the proposed early output full adders, the relative-timing assumption becomes necessary and the inherent advantages of the relative-timed RCA are: (1) computation with valid inputs, i.e., forward latency is data-dependent, and (2) computation with spacer inputs involves a bare minimum constant reverse latency of just one full adder delay, thus resulting in the optimal cycle time. With respect to different 32-bit RCA implementations, and in comparison with the optimized strong-indication, weak-indication, and early output full adder designs, one of the proposed early output full adders achieves respective reductions in latency by 67.8, 12.3 and 6.1 %, while the other proposed early output full adder achieves corresponding reductions in area by 32.6, 24.6 and 6.9 %, with practically no power penalty. Further, the proposed early output full adders based asynchronous RCAs enable minimum reductions in cycle time by 83.4, 15, and 8.8 % when considering carry-propagation over the entire RCA width of 32-bits, and maximum reductions in cycle time by 97.5, 27.4, and 22.4 % for the consideration of a typical carry chain length of 4 full adder stages, when compared to the least of the cycle time estimates of various strong-indication, weak-indication, and early output asynchronous RCAs of similar size. All the asynchronous full adders and RCAs were realized using standard cells in a semi-custom design fashion based on a 32/28 nm CMOS process technology

    Asynchronous 3D (Async3D): Design Methodology and Analysis of 3D Asynchronous Circuits

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    This dissertation focuses on the application of 3D integrated circuit (IC) technology on asynchronous logic paradigms, mainly NULL Convention Logic (NCL) and Multi-Threshold NCL (MTNCL). It presents the Async3D tool flow and library for NCL and MTNCL 3D ICs. It also analyzes NCL and MTNCL circuits in 3D IC. Several FIR filter designs were implement in NCL, MTNCL, and synchronous architecture to compare synchronous and asynchronous circuits in 2D and 3D ICs. The designs were normalized based on performance and several metrics were measured for comparison. Area, interconnect length, power consumption, and power density were compared among NCL, MTNCL, and synchronous designs. The NCL and MTNCL designs showed improvements in all metrics when moving from 2D to 3D. The 3D NCL and MTNCL designs also showed a balanced power distribution in post-layout analysis. This could alleviate the hotspot problem prevalently found in most 3D ICs. NCL and MTNCL have the potential to synergize well with 3D IC technology

    Some recent asynchronous system design methodologies

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    Journal ArticleWe present an in-depth study of some techniques for asynchronous system design, analysis, and verification. After defining basic terminology, we take one simple example - a four-phase t o two-phase converter - and present its design using (a) classical flow-tables; (b) Signal Transition Graphs of [8]; and (c) Trace Theory of [15]. We then present necessary and sufficient conditions for Delay Insensitivity, proposed by [38], and illustrate it on our example. Finally, we present the work of [13] on the verification of asynchronous circuits, and illustrate it on the circuits derived in the paper. The following points are emphasized: (i) presentation of techniques at more depth than in a general survey; (ii) illustration of all t h e aspects discussed on a common example; (hi) comparative study of the works presented. Many interesting works had to be left out, solely because of our lack of space and time

    Micropipeline controller design and verification with applications in signal processing

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    Handshake circuits : an intermediary between communicating processes and VLSI

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    Null Convention Logic applications of asynchronous design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security

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    This dissertation presents two Null Convention Logic (NCL) applications of asynchronous logic circuit design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security. The first application is the Asynchronous Nanowire Reconfigurable Crossbar Architecture (ANRCA); the second one is an asynchronous S-Box design for cryptographic system against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The following are the contributions of the first application: 1) Proposed a diode- and resistor-based ANRCA (DR-ANRCA). Three configurable logic block (CLB) structures were designed to efficiently reconfigure a given DR-PGMB as one of the 27 arbitrary NCL threshold gates. A hierarchical architecture was also proposed to implement the higher level logic that requires a large number of DR-PGMBs, such as multiple-bit NCL registers. 2) Proposed a memristor look-up-table based ANRCA (MLUT-ANRCA). An equivalent circuit simulation model has been presented in VHDL and simulated in Quartus II. Meanwhile, the comparison between these two ANRCAs have been analyzed numerically. 3) Presented the defect-tolerance and repair strategies for both DR-ANRCA and MLUT-ANRCA. The following are the contributions of the second application: 1) Designed an NCL based S-Box for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Functional verification has been done using Modelsim and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). 2) Implemented two different power analysis attacks on both NCL S-Box and conventional synchronous S-Box. 3) Developed a novel approach based on stochastic logics to enhance the resistance against DPA and CPA attacks. The functionality of the proposed design has been verified using an 8-bit AES S-box design. The effects of decision weight, bitstream length, and input repetition times on error rates have been also studied. Experimental results shows that the proposed approach enhances the resistance to against the CPA attack by successfully protecting the hidden key --Abstract, page iii
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