23 research outputs found

    Degrees of Lookahead in Regular Infinite Games

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    We study variants of regular infinite games where the strict alternation of moves between the two players is subject to modifications. The second player may postpone a move for a finite number of steps, or, in other words, exploit in his strategy some lookahead on the moves of the opponent. This captures situations in distributed systems, e.g. when buffers are present in communication or when signal transmission between components is deferred. We distinguish strategies with different degrees of lookahead, among them being the continuous and the bounded lookahead strategies. In the first case the lookahead is of finite possibly unbounded size, whereas in the second case it is of bounded size. We show that for regular infinite games the solvability by continuous strategies is decidable, and that a continuous strategy can always be reduced to one of bounded lookahead. Moreover, this lookahead is at most doubly exponential in the size of a given parity automaton recognizing the winning condition. We also show that the result fails for non-regular gamesxwhere the winning condition is given by a context-free omega-language.Comment: LMCS submissio

    Buffered Simulation Games for B\"uchi Automata

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    Simulation relations are an important tool in automata theory because they provide efficiently computable approximations to language inclusion. In recent years, extensions of ordinary simulations have been studied, for instance multi-pebble and multi-letter simulations which yield better approximations and are still polynomial-time computable. In this paper we study the limitations of approximating language inclusion in this way: we introduce a natural extension of multi-letter simulations called buffered simulations. They are based on a simulation game in which the two players share a FIFO buffer of unbounded size. We consider two variants of these buffered games called continuous and look-ahead simulation which differ in how elements can be removed from the FIFO buffer. We show that look-ahead simulation, the simpler one, is already PSPACE-hard, i.e. computationally as hard as language inclusion itself. Continuous simulation is even EXPTIME-hard. We also provide matching upper bounds for solving these games with infinite state spaces.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2014, arXiv:1405.527

    Synthesis of Deterministic Top-down Tree Transducers from Automatic Tree Relations

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    We consider the synthesis of deterministic tree transducers from automaton definable specifications, given as binary relations, over finite trees. We consider the case of specifications that are deterministic top-down tree automatic, meaning the specification is recognizable by a deterministic top-down tree automaton that reads the two given trees synchronously in parallel. In this setting we study tree transducers that are allowed to have either bounded delay or arbitrary delay. Delay is caused whenever the transducer reads a symbol from the input tree but does not produce output. We provide decision procedures for both bounded and arbitrary delay that yield deterministic top-down tree transducers which realize the specification for valid input trees. Similar to the case of relations over words, we use two-player games to obtain our results.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    Prompt Delay

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    Delay games are two-player games of infinite duration in which one player may delay her moves to obtain a lookahead on her opponent's moves. Recently, such games with quantitative winning conditions in weak MSO with the unbounding quantifier were studied, but their properties turned out to be unsatisfactory. In particular, unbounded lookahead is in general necessary. Here, we study delay games with winning conditions given by Prompt-LTL, Linear Temporal Logic equipped with a parameterized eventually operator whose scope is bounded. Our main result shows that solving Prompt-LTL delay games is complete for triply-exponential time. Furthermore, we give tight triply-exponential bounds on the necessary lookahead and on the scope of the parameterized eventually operator. Thus, we identify Prompt-LTL as the first known class of well-behaved quantitative winning conditions for delay games. Finally, we show that applying our techniques to delay games with \omega-regular winning conditions answers open questions in the cases where the winning conditions are given by non-deterministic, universal, or alternating automata

    Delay Games with WMSO+U Winning Conditions

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    Delay games are two-player games of infinite duration in which one player may delay her moves to obtain a lookahead on her opponent's moves. We consider delay games with winning conditions expressed in weak monadic second order logic with the unbounding quantifier, which is able to express (un)boundedness properties. We show that it is decidable whether the delaying player has a winning strategy using bounded lookahead and give a doubly-exponential upper bound on the necessary lookahead. In contrast, we show that bounded lookahead is not always sufficient to win such a game.Comment: A short version appears in the proceedings of CSR 2015. The definition of the equivalence relation introduced in Section 3 is updated: the previous one was inadequate, which invalidates the proof of Lemma 2. The correction presented here suffices to prove Lemma 2 and does not affect our main theorem. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1412.370

    How Much Lookahead is Needed to Win Infinite Games?

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    Delay games are two-player games of infinite duration in which one player may delay her moves to obtain a lookahead on her opponent's moves. For ω\omega-regular winning conditions it is known that such games can be solved in doubly-exponential time and that doubly-exponential lookahead is sufficient. We improve upon both results by giving an exponential time algorithm and an exponential upper bound on the necessary lookahead. This is complemented by showing EXPTIME-hardness of the solution problem and tight exponential lower bounds on the lookahead. Both lower bounds already hold for safety conditions. Furthermore, solving delay games with reachability conditions is shown to be PSPACE-complete. This is a corrected version of the paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.3701v4 published originally on August 26, 2016

    Finite-state Strategies in Delay Games (full version)

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    What is a finite-state strategy in a delay game? We answer this surprisingly non-trivial question by presenting a very general framework that allows to remove delay: finite-state strategies exist for all winning conditions where the resulting delay-free game admits a finite-state strategy. The framework is applicable to games whose winning condition is recognized by an automaton with an acceptance condition that satisfies a certain aggregation property. Our framework also yields upper bounds on the complexity of determining the winner of such delay games and upper bounds on the necessary lookahead to win the game. In particular, we cover all previous results of that kind as special cases of our uniform approach