814 research outputs found

    AG Codes from Polyhedral Divisors

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    A description of complete normal varieties with lower dimensional torus action has been given by Altmann, Hausen, and Suess, generalizing the theory of toric varieties. Considering the case where the acting torus T has codimension one, we describe T-invariant Weil and Cartier divisors and provide formulae for calculating global sections, intersection numbers, and Euler characteristics. As an application, we use divisors on these so-called T-varieties to define new evaluation codes called T-codes. We find estimates on their minimum distance using intersection theory. This generalizes the theory of toric codes and combines it with AG codes on curves. As the simplest application of our general techniques we look at codes on ruled surfaces coming from decomposable vector bundles. Already this construction gives codes that are better than the related product code. Further examples show that we can improve these codes by constructing more sophisticated T-varieties. These results suggest to look further for good codes on T-varieties.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures; v2: replaced fansy cycles with fansy divisor

    Smooth Parametrizations in Dynamics, Analysis, Diophantine and Computational Geometry

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    Smooth parametrization consists in a subdivision of the mathematical objects under consideration into simple pieces, and then parametric representation of each piece, while keeping control of high order derivatives. The main goal of the present paper is to provide a short overview of some results and open problems on smooth parametrization and its applications in several apparently rather separated domains: Smooth Dynamics, Diophantine Geometry, Approximation Theory, and Computational Geometry. The structure of the results, open problems, and conjectures in each of these domains shows in many cases a remarkable similarity, which we try to stress. Sometimes this similarity can be easily explained, sometimes the reasons remain somewhat obscure, and it motivates some natural questions discussed in the paper. We present also some new results, stressing interconnection between various types and various applications of smooth parametrization

    High-Order AFEM for the Laplace-Beltrami Operator: Convergence Rates

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    We present a new AFEM for the Laplace-Beltrami operator with arbitrary polynomial degree on parametric surfaces, which are globally W∞1W^1_\infty and piecewise in a suitable Besov class embedded in C1,αC^{1,\alpha} with α∈(0,1]\alpha \in (0,1]. The idea is to have the surface sufficiently well resolved in W∞1W^1_\infty relative to the current resolution of the PDE in H1H^1. This gives rise to a conditional contraction property of the PDE module. We present a suitable approximation class and discuss its relation to Besov regularity of the surface, solution, and forcing. We prove optimal convergence rates for AFEM which are dictated by the worst decay rate of the surface error in W∞1W^1_\infty and PDE error in H1H^1.Comment: 51 pages, the published version contains an additional glossar

    Decomposition into pairs-of-pants for complex algebraic hypersurfaces

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    It is well-known that a Riemann surface can be decomposed into the so-called pairs-of-pants. Each pair-of-pants is diffeomorphic to a Riemann sphere minus 3 points. We show that a smooth complex projective hypersurface of arbitrary dimension admits a similar decomposition. The n-dimensional pair-of-pants is diffeomorphic to the complex projective n-space minus n+2 hyperplanes. Alternatively, these decompositions can be treated as certain fibrations on the hypersurfaces. We show that there exists a singular fibration on the hypersurface with an n-dimensional polyhedral complex as its base and a real n-torus as its fiber. The base accomodates the geometric genus of a hypersurface V. Its homotopy type is a wedge of h^{n,0}(V) spheres S^n.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures, final version to appear in Topolog

    Analysis of Csupra(k)-subdivision surfaces at extraordinary points

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    This paper gives an analysis of surfaces generated by subdividing control nets of arbitrary topology. We assume that the underlying subdivision algorithm is stationary on the regular parts of the control nets and described by a matrix iteration around an extraordinary point. For these subdivision schemes we derive conditions on the spectrum of the matrix and its generalized eigenvectors such that surfaces are produced which are regular and k-times differentiable at their extraordinary points

    A narrow-band unfitted finite element method for elliptic PDEs posed on surfaces

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    The paper studies a method for solving elliptic partial differential equations posed on hypersurfaces in RN\mathbb{R}^N, N=2,3N=2,3. The method allows a surface to be given implicitly as a zero level of a level set function. A surface equation is extended to a narrow-band neighborhood of the surface. The resulting extended equation is a non-degenerate PDE and it is solved on a bulk mesh that is unaligned to the surface. An unfitted finite element method is used to discretize extended equations. Error estimates are proved for finite element solutions in the bulk domain and restricted to the surface. The analysis admits finite elements of a higher order and gives sufficient conditions for archiving the optimal convergence order in the energy norm. Several numerical examples illustrate the properties of the method.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1301.470
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