1,419 research outputs found

    Facial Expression Recognition

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    Improving Landmark Localization with Semi-Supervised Learning

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    We present two techniques to improve landmark localization in images from partially annotated datasets. Our primary goal is to leverage the common situation where precise landmark locations are only provided for a small data subset, but where class labels for classification or regression tasks related to the landmarks are more abundantly available. First, we propose the framework of sequential multitasking and explore it here through an architecture for landmark localization where training with class labels acts as an auxiliary signal to guide the landmark localization on unlabeled data. A key aspect of our approach is that errors can be backpropagated through a complete landmark localization model. Second, we propose and explore an unsupervised learning technique for landmark localization based on having a model predict equivariant landmarks with respect to transformations applied to the image. We show that these techniques, improve landmark prediction considerably and can learn effective detectors even when only a small fraction of the dataset has landmark labels. We present results on two toy datasets and four real datasets, with hands and faces, and report new state-of-the-art on two datasets in the wild, e.g. with only 5\% of labeled images we outperform previous state-of-the-art trained on the AFLW dataset.Comment: Published as a conference paper in CVPR 201

    Face Frontalization Based on Robustly Fitting a Deformable Shape Model to 3D Landmarks

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    Face frontalization consists of synthesizing a frontally-viewed face from an arbitrarily-viewed one. The main contribution of this paper is a robust face alignment method that enables pixel-to-pixel warping. The method simultaneously estimates the rigid transformation (scale, rotation, and translation) and the non-rigid deformation between two 3D point sets: a set of 3D landmarks extracted from an arbitrary-viewed face, and a set of 3D landmarks parameterized by a frontally-viewed deformable face model. An important merit of the proposed method is its ability to deal both with noise (small perturbations) and with outliers (large errors). We propose to model inliers and outliers with the generalized Student's t-probability distribution function, a heavy-tailed distribution that is immune to non-Gaussian errors in the data. We describe in detail the associated expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm that alternates between the estimation of (i) the rigid parameters, (ii) the deformation parameters, and (iii) the Student-t distribution parameters. We also propose to use the zero-mean normalized cross-correlation, between a frontalized face and the corresponding ground-truth frontally-viewed face, to evaluate the performance of frontalization. To this end, we use a dataset that contains pairs of profile-viewed and frontally-viewed faces. This evaluation, based on direct image-to-image comparison, stands in contrast with indirect evaluation, based on analyzing the effect of frontalization on face recognition

    Magnetic resonance imaging and surface-based analysis techniques to quantify growth of the developing brain

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    Human brains, and those of most higher mammals, are gyrencephalic: folded) to accommodate a large cortical surface within the limited volume of the skull. Abnormal folding of the cerebral cortex in humans is associated with a number of neurological dysfunctions and diseases such as schizophrenia and Williams syndrome. To understand the mechanism of gyrification, and to illuminate the underlying causes of abnormal folding, objective, quantitative methods to characterize normal and abnormal development must be developed. The ferret is an excellent model in which to study the development of convolutions in the brain because folding occurs post-natally over a period of several weeks, and the brain can be imaged conveniently in small-animal magnetic resonance: MR) scanners. Here, MR imaging was used to acquire three-dimensional image volumes of the ferret brain in vivo at different stages during the period of cortical folding. Through segmentation of these volumes, surface representations of the cortex are generated at each time point. A novel intra-subject registration algorithm: LAndmark Correspondence and Relaxation Of Surface Strain: LACROSS), which provides a point-to-point correspondence between two surfaces, is applied to the cortical surfaces from two ferret kits. The resulting calculations of growth show regional patterns within the cortex, and temporal variations over this period of early brain development

    3D reconstruction for plastic surgery simulation based on statistical shape models

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    This thesis has been accomplished in Crisalix in collaboration with the Universitat Pompeu Fabra within the program of Doctorats Industrials. Crisalix has the mission of enhancing the communication between professionals of plastic surgery and patients by providing a solution to the most common question during the surgery planning process of ``How will I look after the surgery?''. The solution proposed by Crisalix is based in 3D imaging technology. This technology generates the 3D reconstruction that accurately represents the area of the patient that is going to be operated. This is followed by the possibility of creating multiple simulations of the plastic procedure, which results in the representation of the possible outcomes of the surgery. This thesis presents a framework capable to reconstruct 3D shapes of faces and breasts of plastic surgery patients from 2D images and 3D scans. The 3D reconstruction of an object is a challenging problem with many inherent ambiguities. Statistical model based methods are a powerful approach to overcome some of these ambiguities. We follow the intuition of maximizing the use of available prior information by introducing it into statistical model based methods to enhance their properties. First, we explore Active Shape Models (ASM) which are a well known method to perform 2D shapes alignment. However, it is challenging to maintain prior information (e.g. small set of given landmarks) unchanged once the statistical model constraints are applied. We propose a new weighted regularized projection into the parameter space which allows us to obtain shapes that at the same time fulfill the imposed shape constraints and are plausible according to the statistical model. Second, we extend this methodology to be applied to 3D Morphable Models (3DMM), which are a widespread method to perform 3D reconstruction. However, existing methods present some limitations. Some of them are based in non-linear optimizations computationally expensive that can get stuck in local minima. Another limitation is that not all the methods provide enough resolution to represent accurately the anatomy details needed for this application. Given the medical use of the application, the accuracy and robustness of the method, are important factors to take into consideration. We show how 3DMM initialization and 3DMM fitting can be improved using our weighted regularized projection. Finally, we present a framework capable to reconstruct 3D shapes of plastic surgery patients from two possible inputs: 2D images and 3D scans. Our method is used in different stages of the 3D reconstruction pipeline: shape alignment; 3DMM initialization and 3DMM fitting. The developed methods have been integrated in the production environment of Crisalix, proving their validity.Aquesta tesi ha estat realitzada a Crisalix amb la col·laboració de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra sota el pla de Doctorats Industrials. Crisalix té com a objectiu la millora de la comunicació entre els professionals de la cirurgia plàstica i els pacients, proporcionant una solució a la pregunta que sorgeix més freqüentment durant el procés de planificació d'una operació quirúrgica ``Com em veuré després de la cirurgia?''. La solució proposada per Crisalix està basada en la tecnologia d'imatge 3D. Aquesta tecnologia genera la reconstrucció 3D de la zona del pacient operada, seguit de la possibilitat de crear múltiples simulacions obtenint la representació dels possibles resultats de la cirurgia. Aquesta tesi presenta un sistema capaç de reconstruir cares i pits de pacients de cirurgia plàstica a partir de fotos 2D i escanegis. La reconstrucció en 3D d'un objecte és un problema complicat degut a la presència d'ambigüitats. Els mètodes basats en models estadístics son adequats per mitigar-les. En aquest treball, hem seguit la intuïció de maximitzar l'ús d'informació prèvia, introduint-la al model estadístic per millorar les seves propietats. En primer lloc, explorem els Active Shape Models (ASM) que són un conegut mètode fet servir per alinear contorns d'objectes 2D. No obstant, un cop aplicades les correccions de forma del model estadístic, es difícil de mantenir informació de la que es disposava a priori (per exemple, un petit conjunt de punts donat) inalterada. Proposem una nova projecció ponderada amb un terme de regularització, que permet obtenir formes que compleixen les restriccions de forma imposades i alhora són plausibles en concordança amb el model estadístic. En segon lloc, ampliem la metodologia per aplicar-la als anomenats 3D Morphable Models (3DMM) que són un mètode extensivament utilitzat per fer reconstrucció 3D. No obstant, els mètodes de 3DMM existents presenten algunes limitacions. Alguns estan basats en optimitzacions no lineals, computacionalment costoses i que poden quedar atrapades en mínims locals. Una altra limitació, és que no tots el mètodes proporcionen la resolució adequada per representar amb precisió els detalls de l'anatomia. Donat l'ús mèdic de l'aplicació, la precisió i la robustesa són factors molt importants a tenir en compte. Mostrem com la inicialització i l'ajustament de 3DMM poden ser millorats fent servir la projecció ponderada amb regularització proposada. Finalment, es presenta un sistema capaç de reconstruir models 3D de pacients de cirurgia plàstica a partir de dos possibles tipus de dades: imatges 2D i escaneigs en 3D. El nostre mètode es fa servir en diverses etapes del procés de reconstrucció: alineament de formes en imatge, la inicialització i l'ajustament de 3DMM. Els mètodes desenvolupats han estat integrats a l'entorn de producció de Crisalix provant la seva validesa

    Modeling Caricature Expressions by 3D Blendshape and Dynamic Texture

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    The problem of deforming an artist-drawn caricature according to a given normal face expression is of interest in applications such as social media, animation and entertainment. This paper presents a solution to the problem, with an emphasis on enhancing the ability to create desired expressions and meanwhile preserve the identity exaggeration style of the caricature, which imposes challenges due to the complicated nature of caricatures. The key of our solution is a novel method to model caricature expression, which extends traditional 3DMM representation to caricature domain. The method consists of shape modelling and texture generation for caricatures. Geometric optimization is developed to create identity-preserving blendshapes for reconstructing accurate and stable geometric shape, and a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) is designed for generating dynamic textures under target expressions. The combination of both shape and texture components makes the non-trivial expressions of a caricature be effectively defined by the extension of the popular 3DMM representation and a caricature can thus be flexibly deformed into arbitrary expressions with good results visually in both shape and color spaces. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted by the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2020