425 research outputs found

    Modeling and Control of Flexible Link Manipulators

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    Autonomous maritime navigation and offshore operations have gained wide attention with the aim of reducing operational costs and increasing reliability and safety. Offshore operations, such as wind farm inspection, sea farm cleaning, and ship mooring, could be carried out autonomously or semi-autonomously by mounting one or more long-reach robots on the ship/vessel. In addition to offshore applications, long-reach manipulators can be used in many other engineering applications such as construction automation, aerospace industry, and space research. Some applications require the design of long and slender mechanical structures, which possess some degrees of flexibility and deflections because of the material used and the length of the links. The link elasticity causes deflection leading to problems in precise position control of the end-effector. So, it is necessary to compensate for the deflection of the long-reach arm to fully utilize the long-reach lightweight flexible manipulators. This thesis aims at presenting a unified understanding of modeling, control, and application of long-reach flexible manipulators. State-of-the-art dynamic modeling techniques and control schemes of the flexible link manipulators (FLMs) are discussed along with their merits, limitations, and challenges. The kinematics and dynamics of a planar multi-link flexible manipulator are presented. The effects of robot configuration and payload on the mode shapes and eigenfrequencies of the flexible links are discussed. A method to estimate and compensate for the static deflection of the multi-link flexible manipulators under gravity is proposed and experimentally validated. The redundant degree of freedom of the planar multi-link flexible manipulator is exploited to minimize vibrations. The application of a long-reach arm in autonomous mooring operation based on sensor fusion using camera and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is proposed.publishedVersio

    Research on vibration suppression mode of sorting arm structure in high-frequency reciprocating motion

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    The sorting arm structure is under the inertia impact of high frequency reciprocating motion. The vibration characteristics are related to the operation process so that the precision of the chip sorting is uncertain. Thus, the accuracy of chips and efficiency of LED sorting machine are reduced. In the paper, the relationship between the vibration of the sorting arm and the positioning error of the chip has been studied. Besides, the correlation between the sorting arm structure’s vibration and the working precision of the separator are pointed out. The operation control is optimized based on the dynamics of the sorting arm and the operation parameters are optimized based on time sequence setting, in order to shorten the vibration attenuation time of the sorting arm for suppress vibration and provide efficiency. The incentives, which are introduced by variable structure and by the operation, can be effectively controlled. The array accuracy of chips and working efficiency of chip sorting machine are improved

    Stable inversion based output tracking control of robotic systems

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    This thesis addresses stable inversion based output tracking control and its applications to robotic systems. It considers the non-causal invertibility (stable inversion) problem of control systems in its various aspects including properties of stable inverses and algorithms for constructing stable inverses. Then, the stable inversion approach is applied to solve a control problem of long-standing interest: output tracking control for non-minimum phase nonlinear systems;A minimum energy property of stable inverses is firstly established. The property claims that given any desired output trajectory, out of infinitely many possible inverse solutions, the one provided by the stable inversion process is the only one that has finite energy. Based on this property, a numerical procedure is developed to provide an efficient approach to construct stable inverses;Secondly, a new output tracking control design is developed. The design incorporates stable inverses and assumes a controller structure of feed-forward plus feedback. It achieves high precision tracking together with closed-loop stability. Furthermore, when system uncertainties are considered and assumed to satisfy the so-called matching conditions , a modified controller structure is presented and the corresponding robust tracking performance is discussed;Finally, the stable inversion based tracking control design is applied to three flexible robotic systems. The first study is output tracking control of a flexible-joint robot. The application demonstrates how the new design deals with the undesirable non-minimum phase property and achieves desired output tracking. The second application is tip trajectory tracking for a two-flexible-link manipulator. This thesis, for the first time, addresses the problem of stable tip trajectory tracking without any transient or steady-state errors for such non-minimum phase systems. In the third application, a new optimal motion control strategy for a flexible space robot is presented. The space robot system is assumed to consist of a two-link flexible manipulator attached to rigid space-craft. Optimality is in the sense that a performance index measured by maneuvering time, control effort, and structural vibrations is minimized while the interference from the manipulator to spacecraft is kept satisfactorily small;Studies on three applications demonstrate that the stable inversion based control design is very effective on output tracking for various robotic systems. This approach is expected to perform equivalently well for many other realistic non-minimum phase nonlinear systems

    Design, Modeling, and Control Strategies for Soft Robots

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    Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] El mecanizado con brazos robots ha sido estudiado aproximadamente desde los años 90, durante este tiempo se han llevado a cabo importantes avances y descubrimientos en cuanto a su campo de aplicación. En general, los robots manipuladores tienen muchos beneficios y ventajas al ser usados en operaciones de mecanizado, tales como, flexibilidad, gran área de trabajo y facilidad de programación, entre otras, frente a las Máquinas Herramientas de Control numérico (MHCN) que necesitan de una gran inversión para trabajar piezas muy grandes o incrementar sus grados de libertad. Como desventajas, frente a las MHCN, los brazos robóticos poseen menor rigidez, lo que combinado con las altas fuerzas producidas en los procesos de mecanizado hace que aparezcan errores de precisión, desviaciones en las trayectorias, vibraciones y, por consiguiente, una mala calidad en las piezas fabricadas. Entre los brazos robots, los brazos colaborativos están en auge debido a su programación intuitiva y a sus medidas de seguridad, que les permiten trabajar en el mismo espacio que los operadores sin que estos corran riesgos. Como desventaja añadida de los robots colaborativos se encuentra la mayor flexibilidad que estos tienen en sus articulaciones, debido a que incluyen reductores del tipo Harmonic drive. El uso de un control de fuerza en procesos de mecanizado con brazos robots permite controlar y corregir en tiempo real las desviaciones generadas por la flexibilidad en las articulaciones del robot. Utilizar este método de control es beneficioso en cualquier brazo robot; sin embargo, el control interno que incluyen los robots colaborativos presenta ventajas que permiten que el control de fuerza pueda ser aplicado de una manera más eficiente. En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una propuesta real para la inclusión del control de esfuerzos en el brazo robot, así como también, se evalúa y cuantifica la capacidad de los robots industriales y colaborativos en tareas de mecanizado. La propuesta plantea cómo mejorar la utilización de un control de fuerza por bucle interior/exterior aplicado en un brazo colaborativo cuando se desconocen los pares reales de los motores del robot, así como otros parámetros internos que los fabricantes no dan a conocer. Este bucle de control interior/exterior ha sido utilizado en aplicaciones de pulido y lijado sobre diferentes materiales. Los resultados indican que el robot colaborativo es factible para realizar tales operaciones de mecanizado. Sus mejores resultados se obtienen cuando se utiliza un bucle de control interno por velocidad y un bucle de control externo de fuerza con algoritmos, Proporcional-Integral-Derivativo o Proporcional más Pre-Alimentación de la Fuerza.[CA] El mecanitzat amb braços robots ha estat estudiat aproximadament des dels anys 90, durant aquest temps s'han dut a terme importants avanços i descobriments en el que fa al seu camp d'aplicació. En general, els robots manipuladors tenen molts beneficis i avantatges al ser usats en operacions de mecanitzat, com ara, flexibilitat, gran àrea de treball i facilitat de programació, entre d'altres, davant de Màquines Eines de Control Numèric (MECN) que necessiten d'una gran inversió per treballar peces molt grans o incrementar els seus graus de llibertat. Com a desavantatges, enfront de les MECN, els braços robòtics posseeixen menor rigidesa, el que combinat amb les altes forces produïdes en els processos de mecanitzat fa que apareguin errors de precisió, desviacions en les trajectòries, vibracions i, per tant, una mala qualitat en les peces fabricades. Entre els braços robots, els braços col·laboratius estan en auge a causa de la seva programació intuïtiva i a les seves mesures de seguretat, que els permeten treballar en el mateix espai que els operadors sense que aquests corrin riscos. Com desavantatge afegida als robots col·laboratius es troba la major flexibilitat que aquests tenen en les seves articulacions, a causa de que inclouen reductors del tipus Harmonic drive. L'ús d'un control de força en processos de mecanitzat amb braços robots permet controlar, i corregir, en temps real les desviacions generades per la flexibilitat en les articulacions del robot. Utilitzar aquest mètode de control és beneficiós en qualsevol braç robot, però, el control intern que inclouen els robots col·laboratius presenta avantatges que permeten que el control de força es puga aplicar d'una manera més eficient. En el present treball es desenvolupa una proposta real per a la inclusió del control d'esforços en el braç robot, així com s'avalua i quantifica la capacitat dels robots industrials i col·laboratius en tasques de mecanitzat. La proposta planteja com millorar la utilització d'un control de força per bucle interior/exterior aplicat en un braç col·laboratiu, quan es desconeixen els parells reals dels motors del robot, així com altres paràmetres interns que els fabricants no donen a conèixer. Aquest bucle de control interior/exterior ha estat utilitzat en aplicacions de polit sobre diferents materials. Els resultats indiquen que el robot col·laboratiu és factible de realitzar aquestes operacions de mecanitzat. Els seus millors resultats s'obtenen quan s'utilitza un bucle de control intern per velocitat i un bucle de control extern de força amb els algoritmes Proporcional-Integral-Derivatiu o Proporcional més Pre-alimentació de la Força.[EN] Machining with robot arms has been studied approximately since the 90s; during this time, important advances and discoveries have been made in its field of application. In general, manipulative robots have many benefits and advantages when they are used in machining operations, such as flexibility, large work area, and ease of programming, among others, compared to Numerical Control Machine Tools (NCMT) that need a great investment to work very large pieces or increase their degrees of freedom. As for disadvantages, compared to NCMT, robotic arms have lower rigidity, which, combined with the high forces produced in machining processes, causes precision errors, path deviations, vibrations, and, consequently, poor quality in the manufactured parts. Among robot arms, collaborative arms are on the rise due to their intuitive programming and safety measures, which allow them to work in the same space without risk for the operators. An added disadvantage of collaborative robots is their flexibility in their joints because they include Harmonic drive type reducers. The use of force control in machining processes with robot arms makes possible to control and correct, in real-time, the deviations generated by the flexibility in the robot's joints. The use of this control method is beneficial for any robot arm. However, the internal control included in collaborative robots has advantages that allow the force control to be applied more efficiently. In this work, a real proposal is developed to include effort control in the robot arm. The capacity of industrial and collaborative robots in machining tasks is evaluated and quantified. The proposal recommends how to improve the use of an inner/outer force control loop applied in a collaborative arm, when the real torques of the robot's motors are unknown and other internal parameters that manufacturers do not disclose. This inner/outer control loop has been used in polishing and sanding applications on different materials. The results indicate that the collaborative robot is feasible to perform such machining operations. Best results are obtained using an internal velocity control loop and external force control loop with Proportional-Integral-Derivative or Proportional plus Feed Forward.The authors are grateful for the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and European Union, grant DPI2016-81002-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). This work was funded by the CONICYT PFCHA/DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2017 – 72180157.Pérez Ubeda, RA. (2022). Propuesta de inclusión de esfuerzos en el control de un brazo robot para asegurar el cumplimiento de la rugosidad superficial durante operaciones de lijado en diferentes materiales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182000TESISCompendi

    Dynamics and Control of Flexible Composite Robotic Manipulators Based on Finite Element Method

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    The robotic manipulator is a device to carry out the various tasks according to the requirements without any human intervention. Vibration analysis of flexible manipulators has been an important area of research in order to model and control of such systems. In the present analysis, the Timoshenko beam theory based single and double link flexible manipulators made up of advanced composite material have been analyzed using finite element method. A three noded beam element has been implemented for modelling and analysis of the flexible composite manipulators under different input torques. The effects of hybridization of the different composite materials on the positions and residuals of the end effectors have also been studied. The input shaping has also been carried out in order to reduce the residual vibration of the end effector by adjusting the amplitude and time delay. The influences of the taper angles of the tapered flexible composite manipulators on the end effector movement and vibration have also been presented. The linear quadratic regulator control (LQR) scheme has been applied in order to further reduce the residual vibration of the end effector. Various results have been obtained based on the different analyses. The results reveal that the tapered hollow flexible composite manipulators give the better performances in terms of end effector positions and residual vibration. The obtained results based on the LQR control scheme show that residual vibration can be controlled without compromising the end effector movement

    Soft manipulators and grippers: A review

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    Soft robotics is a growing area of research which utilizes the compliance and adaptability of soft structures to develop highly adaptive robotics for soft interactions. One area in which soft robotics has the ability to make significant impact is in the development of soft grippers and manipulators. With an increased requirement for automation, robotics systems are required to perform task in unstructured and not well defined environments; conditions which conventional rigid robotics are not best suited. This requires a paradigm shift in the methods and materials used to develop robots such that they can adapt to and work safely in human environments. One solution to this is soft robotics, which enables soft interactions with the surroundings while maintaining the ability to apply significant force. This review paper assesses the current materials and methods, actuation methods and sensors which are used in the development of soft manipulators. The achievements and shortcomings of recent technology in these key areas are evaluated, and this paper concludes with a discussion on the potential impacts of soft manipulators on industry and society

    A Multi-Level Control Architecture for the Bionic Handling Assistant

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    Rolf M, Neumann K, Queißer J, Reinhart F, Nordmann A, Steil JJ. A Multi-Level Control Architecture for the Bionic Handling Assistant. Advanced Robotics. 2015;29(13: SI):847-859.The Bionic Handling Assistant is one of the largest soft continuum robots and very special in be- ing a pneumatically operated platform that is able to bend, stretch, and grasp in all directions. It nevertheless shares many challenges with smaller continuum and other softs robots such as parallel actuation, complex movement dynamics, slow pneumatic actuation, non-stationary behavior, and a lack of analytic models. To master the control of this challenging robot, we argue for a tight inte- gration of standard analytic tools, simulation, control, and state of the art machine learning into an overall architecture that can serve as blueprint for control design also beyond the BHA. To this aim, we show how to integrate specific modes of operation and different levels of control in a synergistic manner, which is enabled by using modern paradigms of software architecture and middleware. We thereby achieve an architecture with unique overall control abilities for a soft continuum robot that allow for exible experimentation towards compliant user-interaction, grasping, and online learning of internal models

    Design and implementation of a novel lightweight soft upper limb exoskeleton using pneumatic actuator muscles

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    Stroke is the leading cause of disability and weakness in the UK and around the world. Thus, stroke patients require an extensive rehabilitation therapy to regain some of the weaknesses. Many rehabilitation robotic devices have been designed and developed to assist the stroke patients to perform their activities of daily living and to perform repetitive movements. However, these devices remain unmanageable to use by the patients alone not only because they are cumbersome to use but also due to their weights, rigid, fix and non-portable characteristics. Thus there is a need to invent a novel exoskeleton soft arm that has a lightweight and a high power to rehab the elbow joint with lower cost and without the need to therapists. Here for elbow joint rehabilitation, we investigate and propose a novel exoskeleton soft robotic arm, which is wearable, lightweight and portable so that it would allow patients to perform repetitive motion therapy more often with a greater intensity in their homes and relevant to their Activities of Daily Living (ADL). The proposed arm consists of various bending pneumatic muscle actuators (pMA), where traditional pMA are not suitable. Testing on various pMA (traditional and bending) revealed its behaviour and the relationship between pressure, length, force, and bending angle in different setups such as isotonic and isometric. Experiments are done to analyse its non-linear behaviour, moreover, geometrical and numerical models are compared to the experimental results to validate the results. A developed control approach to control the soft arm is implemented to validate the design. Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) to control the arm using (Proportional, Integral, and Derivative) PID controller as an input for MRAC. Neural Network (NN) is also used in MRAC to improve the performance of MRAC