90 research outputs found

    NOViSE: a virtual natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery simulator

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    Purpose: Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) is a novel technique in minimally invasive surgery whereby a flexible endoscope is inserted via a natural orifice to gain access to the abdominal cavity, leaving no external scars. This innovative use of flexible endoscopy creates many new challenges and is associated with a steep learning curve for clinicians. Methods: We developed NOViSE - the first force-feedback enabled virtual reality simulator for NOTES training supporting a flexible endoscope. The haptic device is custom built and the behaviour of the virtual flexible endoscope is based on an established theoretical framework – the Cosserat Theory of Elastic Rods. Results: We present the application of NOViSE to the simulation of a hybrid trans-gastric cholecystectomy procedure. Preliminary results of face, content and construct validation have previously shown that NOViSE delivers the required level of realism for training of endoscopic manipulation skills specific to NOTES Conclusions: VR simulation of NOTES procedures can contribute to surgical training and improve the educational experience without putting patients at risk, raising ethical issues or requiring expensive animal or cadaver facilities. In the context of an experimental technique, NOViSE could potentially facilitate NOTES development and contribute to its wider use by keeping practitioners up to date with this novel surgical technique. NOViSE is a first prototype and the initial results indicate that it provides promising foundations for further development

    Algoritmos generales para simuladores de cirugía laparoscópica

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    Recent advances in fields such as modeling of deformable objects, haptic technologies, immersive technologies, computation capacity and virtual environments have created the conditions to offer novel and suitable training tools and learning methods in the medical area. One of these training tools is the virtual surgical simulator, which has no limitations of time or risk, unlike conventional methods of training. Moreover, these simulators allow for the quantitative evaluation of the surgeon performance, giving the possibility to create performance standards in order to define if the surgeon is well prepared to execute a determined surgical procedure on a real patient. This paper describes the development of a virtual simulator for laparoscopic surgery. The simulator allows the multimodal interaction between the surgeon and the surgical virtual environment using visual and haptic feedback devices. To make the experience of the surgeon closer to the real surgical environment a specific user interface was developed. Additionally in this paper we describe some implementations carried out to face typical challenges presented in surgical simulators related to the tradeoff between real-time performance and high realism; for instance, the deformation of soft tissues are simulated using a GPU (Graphics Processor Unit) -based implementation of the mass-spring model. In this case, we explain the algorithms developed taking into account the particular case of a cholecystectomy procedure in laparoscopic surgery.Recientes avances en áreas tales como modelación computacional de objetos deformables, tecnologías hápticas, tecnologías inmersivas, capacidad de procesamiento y ambiente virtuales han proporcionado las bases para el desarrollo de herramientas y métodos de aprendizaje confiables en el entrenamiento médico. Una de estas herramientas de entrenamiento son los simuladores quirúrgicos virtuales, los cuales no tienen limitaciones de tiempo o riesgos a diferencia de los métodos convencionales de entrenamiento. Además, dichos simuladores permiten una evaluación cuantitativa del desempeño del cirujano, dando la posibilidad de crear estándares de desempeño con el fin de definir en qué momento un cirujano está preparado para realizar un determinado procedimiento quirúrgico sobre un paciente. Este artículo describe el desarrollo de un simulador virtual para cirugía laparoscópica. Este simulador permite la interacción multimodal entre el cirujano y el ambiente virtual quirúrgico usando dispositivos de retroalimentación visual y háptica. Para hacer la experiencia del cirujano más cercana a la de una ambiente quirúrgico real se desarrolló una interfaz cirujano-simulador especial. Adicionalmente en este artículo se describen algunas implementaciones que solucionan los problemas típicos cuando se desarrolla un simulador quirúrgico, principalmente relacionados con lograr un desempeño en tiempo real mientras se sacrifica el nivel de realismo de la simulación: por ejemplo, la deformación de los tejidos blandos simulados usando una implementación del modelo masa-resorte en la unidad de procesamiento gráfico. En este caso se describen los algoritmos desarrollados tomando en cuenta la simulación de un procedimiento laparoscópico llamado colecistectomía

    SmartSIM - a virtual reality simulator for laparoscopy training using a generic physics engine

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    International audienceVirtual reality (VR) training simulators have started playing a vital role in enhancing surgical skills, such as hand–eye coordination in laparoscopy, and practicing surgical scenarios that cannot be easily created using physical models. We describe a new VR simulator for basic training in lapa-roscopy, i.e. SmartSIM, which has been developed using a generic open‐source physics engine called the simulation open framework architecture (SOFA). This paper describes the systems perspective of SmartSIM including design details of both hardware and software components, while highlighting the critical design decisions. Some of the distinguishing features of SmartSIM include: (i) an easy‐to‐fabricate custom‐built hardware interface; (ii) use of a generic physics engine to facilitate wider accessibility of our work and flexibility in terms of using various graph-ical modelling algorithms and their implementations; and (iii) an intelligent and smart evaluation mechanism that facilitates unsupervised and independent learning

    Virtual reality training and assessment in laparoscopic rectum surgery

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    Background: Virtual-reality (VR) based simulation techniques offer an efficient and low cost alternative to conventional surgery training. This article describes a VR training and assessment system in laparoscopic rectum surgery. Methods: To give a realistic visual performance of interaction between membrane tissue and surgery tools, a generalized cylinder based collision detection and a multi-layer mass-spring model are presented. A dynamic assessment model is also designed for hierarchy training evaluation. Results: With this simulator, trainees can operate on the virtual rectum with both visual and haptic sensation feedback simultaneously. The system also offers surgeons instructions in real time when improper manipulation happens. The simulator has been tested and evaluated by ten subjects. Conclusions: This prototype system has been verified by colorectal surgeons through a pilot study. They believe the visual performance and the tactile feedback are realistic. It exhibits the potential to effectively improve the surgical skills of trainee surgeons and significantly shorten their learning curve. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Patient Specific Systems for Computer Assisted Robotic Surgery Simulation, Planning, and Navigation

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    The evolving scenario of surgery: starting from modern surgery, to the birth of medical imaging and the introduction of minimally invasive techniques, has seen in these last years the advent of surgical robotics. These systems, making possible to get through the difficulties of endoscopic surgery, allow an improved surgical performance and a better quality of the intervention. Information technology contributed to this evolution since the beginning of the digital revolution: providing innovative medical imaging devices and computer assisted surgical systems. Afterwards, the progresses in computer graphics brought innovative visualization modalities for medical datasets, and later the birth virtual reality has paved the way for virtual surgery. Although many surgical simulators already exist, there are no patient specific solutions. This thesis presents the development of patient specific software systems for preoperative planning, simulation and intraoperative assistance, designed for robotic surgery: in particular for bimanual robots that are becoming the future of single port interventions. The first software application is a virtual reality simulator for this kind of surgical robots. The system has been designed to validate the initial port placement and the operative workspace for the potential application of this surgical device. Given a bimanual robot with its own geometry and kinematics, and a patient specific 3D virtual anatomy, the surgical simulator allows the surgeon to choose the optimal positioning of the robot and the access port in the abdominal wall. Additionally, it makes possible to evaluate in a virtual environment if a dexterous movability of the robot is achievable, avoiding unwanted collisions with the surrounding anatomy to prevent potential damages in the real surgical procedure. Even if the software has been designed for a specific bimanual surgical robot, it supports any open kinematic chain structure: as far as it can be described in our custom format. The robot capabilities to accomplish specific tasks can be virtually tested using the deformable models: interacting directly with the target virtual organs, trying to avoid unwanted collisions with the surrounding anatomy not involved in the intervention. Moreover, the surgical simulator has been enhanced with algorithms and data structures to integrate biomechanical parameters into virtual deformable models (based on mass-spring-damper network) of target solid organs, in order to properly reproduce the physical behaviour of the patient anatomy during the interactions. The main biomechanical parameters (Young's modulus and density) have been integrated, allowing the automatic tuning of some model network elements, such as: the node mass and the spring stiffness. The spring damping coefficient has been modeled using the Rayleigh approach. Furthermore, the developed method automatically detect the external layer, allowing the usage of both the surface and internal Young's moduli, in order to model the main parts of dense organs: the stroma and the parenchyma. Finally the model can be manually tuned to represent lesion with specific biomechanical properties. Additionally, some software modules of the simulator have been properly extended to be integrated in a patient specific computer guidance system for intraoperative navigation and assistance in robotic single port interventions. This application provides guidance functionalities working in three different modalities: passive as a surgical navigator, assistive as a guide for the single port placement and active as a tutor preventing unwanted collision during the intervention. The simulation system has beed tested by five surgeons: simulating the robot access port placemen, and evaluating the robot movability and workspace inside the patient abdomen. The tested functionalities, rated by expert surgeons, have shown good quality and performance of the simulation. Moreover, the integration of biomechanical parameters into deformable models has beed tested with various material samples. The results have shown a good visual realism ensuring the performance required by an interactive simulation. Finally, the intraoperative navigator has been tested performing a cholecystectomy on a synthetic patient mannequin, in order to evaluate: the intraoperative navigation accuracy, the network communications latency and the overall usability of the system. The tests performed demonstrated the effectiveness and the usability of the software systems developed: encouraging the introduction of the proposed solution in the clinical practice, and the implementation of further improvements. Surgical robotics will be enhanced by an advanced integration of medical images into software systems: allowing the detailed planning of surgical interventions by means of virtual surgery simulation based on patient specific biomechanical parameters. Furthermore, the advanced functionalities offered by these systems, enable surgical robots to improve the intraoperative surgical assistance: benefitting of the knowledge of the virtual patient anatomy

    Development of laparoscopic cholecystectomy simulator based on unity game engine

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    Fast development of the minimally invasive surgery (MIS) technology demands extra surgical skills training to meet advanced technological challenges. However, massive capital expenditures and ethical issues with safety considerations exist in traditional surgical training methods (e.g. using cadavers or animals). Those limitations turn Virtual Reality (VR) surgery simulation into a plausible alternative to provide a safe and repeatable virtual training environment. In this paper, we design and develop a game engine based laparoscopic cholecystectomy training simulator for surgeons to understand the surgery procedure and practice their surgical skills as well as decision making skills. Our design leverages physical simulation and haptic force feedback to offer trainees a realistic visual and tactile experience, respectively. We explore the possibility of using game engine rather than developing from scratch to build the surgical simulator. Based on the results and user feedbacks from a pilot experiment, we conclude that game engine is a viable option for creating a cost-effective, flexible and highly interactive virtual surgery training platform for pedagogical purpose, which can shorten the development time with some compromise in functionality

    Haptic simulation of tissue tearing during surgery

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    We present a method for the real-time, interactive simulation of tissue tearing during laparoscopic surgery. The method is designed to work at haptic feedback rates (i.e., around 1kHz). Tissue tearing is simulated under the general framework of continuum damage mechanics. The problem is stated as a general, multidimensional parametric problem, which is solved by means of Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) methods. One of the main novelties is the reduction of history-dependent problems, such as damage mechanics, by resorting to an approach in which a reduced-order field of initial damage values is considered as a parameter of the formulation. We focus on the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure as a general example of the performance of the method

    The interactive medical simulation toolkit (iMSTK): an open source platform for surgical simulation

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    Introduction: Human error is one of the leading causes of medical error. It is estimated that human error leads to between 250,000 and 440,000 deaths each year. Medical simulation has been shown to improve the skills and confidence of clinicians and reduce medical errors. Surgical simulation is critical for training surgeons in complicated procedures and can be particularly effective in skill retention.Methods: The interactive Medical Simulation Toolkit (iMSTK) is an open source platform with position-based dynamics, continuous collision detection, smooth particle hydrodynamics, integrated haptics, and compatibility with Unity and Unreal, among others. iMSTK provides a wide range of real-time simulation capabilities with a flexible open-source license (Apache 2.0) that encourages adoption across the research and commercial simulation communities. iMSTK uses extended position-based dynamics and an established collision and constraint implementations to model biological tissues and their interactions with medical tools and other tissues.Results: The platform demonstrates performance, that is, compatible with real-time simulation that incorporates both visualization and haptics. iMSTK has been used in a variety of virtual simulations, including for laparoscopic hiatal hernia surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, osteotomy procedures, and kidney biopsy procedures.Discussion: iMSTK currently supports building simulations for a wide range of surgical scenarios. Future work includes expanding Unity support to make it easier to use and improving the speed of the computation to allow for larger scenes and finer meshes for larger surgical procedures