18 research outputs found

    Creativity as Cognitive design \ud The case of mesoscopic variables in Meta-Structures\ud

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    Creativity is an open problem which has been differently approached by several disciplines since a long time. In this contribution we consider as creative the constructivist design an observer does on the description levels of complex phenomena, such as the self-organized and emergent ones ( e.g., Bènard rollers, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions, flocks, swarms, and more radical cognitive and social emergences). We consider this design as related to the Gestaltian creation of a language fit for representing natural processes and the observer in an integrated way. Organised systems, both artificial and most of the natural ones are designed/ modelled according to a logical closed model which masters all the inter-relation between their constitutive elements, and which can be described by an algorithm or a single formal model. We will show there that logical openness and DYSAM (Dynamical Usage of Models) are the proper tools for those phenomena which cannot be described by algorithms or by a single formal model. The strong correlation between emergence and creativity suggests that an open model is the best way to provide a formal definition of creativity. A specific application relates to the possibility to shape the emergence of Collective Behaviours. Different modelling approaches have been introduced, based on symbolic as well as sub-symbolic rules of interaction to simulate collective phenomena by means of computational emergence. Another approach is based on modelling collective phenomena as sequences of Multiple Systems established by percentages of conceptually interchangeable agents taking on the same roles at different times and different roles at the same time. In the Meta-Structures project we propose to use mesoscopic variables as creative design, invention, good continuity and imitation of the description level. In the project we propose to define the coherence of sequences of Multiple Systems by using the values taken on by the dynamic mesoscopic clusters of its constitutive elements, such as the instantaneous number of elements having, in a flock, the same speed, distance from their nearest neighbours, direction and altitude. In Meta-Structures the collective behaviour’s coherence corresponds, for instance, to the scalar values taken by speed, distance, direction and altitude along time, through statistical strategies of interpolation, quasi-periodicity, levels of ergodicity and their reciprocal relationship. In this case the constructivist role of the observer is considered creative as it relates to neither non-linear replication nor transposition of levels of description and models used for artificial systems, like reductionism. Creativity rather lies in inventing new mesoscopic variables able to identify coherent patterns in complex systems. As it is known, mesoscopic variables represent partial macroscopic properties of a system by using some of the microscopic degrees of freedom possessed by composing elements. Such partial usage of microscopic as well as macroscopic properties allows a kind of Gestaltian continuity and imitation between levels of descriptions for mesoscopic modelling. \ud \u

    'Good engineering governance' - an issue for ergonomists

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    Engineering Governance can be summarised as two questions: 'Are we doing the right things?' and 'Are we doing those things right?'. It forms a part of Corporate Governance, and in the manufacturing domain it is the key to long-term survival amid changing commercial contexts. The paper will outline some of the ergonomics issues of importance in this topic; 'ownership' of goverrnance; implications for design, production and operation; and, perhaps most important for Ergonomists, the resulting implications for the design of jobs. These implications cover organisational discipline, the inclusion of suitable, 'effort-free' metrics in engineering processes, the allocation of responsibility and authority over resources, support for individuals, the need for trust and a culture of honesty and reliability, and the necessity for organisational follow-through

    Algorithmic information and incompressibility of families of multidimensional networks

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    This article presents a theoretical investigation of string-based generalized representations of families of finite networks in a multidimensional space. First, we study the recursive labeling of networks with (finite) arbitrary node dimensions (or aspects), such as time instants or layers. In particular, we study these networks that are formalized in the form of multiaspect graphs. We show that, unlike classical graphs, the algorithmic information of a multidimensional network is not in general dominated by the algorithmic information of the binary sequence that determines the presence or absence of edges. This universal algorithmic approach sets limitations and conditions for irreducible information content analysis in comparing networks with a large number of dimensions, such as multilayer networks. Nevertheless, we show that there are particular cases of infinite nesting families of finite multidimensional networks with a unified recursive labeling such that each member of these families is incompressible. From these results, we study network topological properties and equivalences in irreducible information content of multidimensional networks in comparison to their isomorphic classical graph.Comment: Extended preprint version of the pape

    Spatial updating, spatial transients, and regularities of a complex automaton with nonperiodic architecture

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    We study the dynamics of patterns exhibited by rule 52, a totalistic cellular automaton displaying intricate behaviors and wide regions of active/inactive synchronization patches. Systematic computer simulations involving 230 initial configurations reveal that all complexity in this automaton originates from random juxtaposition of a very small number of interfaces delimiting active/inactive patches. Such interfaces are studied with a sidewise spatial updating algorithm. This novel tool allows us to prove that the interfaces found empirically are the only interfaces possible for these periods, independently of the size of the automata. The spatial updating algorithm provides an alternative way to determine the dynamics of automata of arbitrary size, a way of taking into account the complexity of the connections in the lattice

    Connectivity Influences on Nonlinear Dynamics in Weakly-Synchronized Networks: Insights from Rössler Systems, Electronic Chaotic Oscillators, Model and Biological Neurons

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    Natural and engineered networks, such as interconnected neurons, ecological and social networks, coupled oscillators, wireless terminals and power loads, are characterized by an appreciable heterogeneity in the local connectivity around each node. For instance, in both elementary structures such as stars and complex graphs having scale-free topology, a minority of elements are linked to the rest of the network disproportionately strongly. While the effect of the arrangement of structural connections on the emergent synchronization pattern has been studied extensively, considerably less is known about its influence on the temporal dynamics unfolding within each node. Here, we present a comprehensive investigation across diverse simulated and experimental systems, encompassing star and complex networks of Rössler systems, coupled hysteresis-based electronic oscillators, microcircuits of leaky integrate-and-fire model neurons, and finally recordings from in-vitro cultures of spontaneously-growing neuronal networks. We systematically consider a range of dynamical measures, including the correlation dimension, nonlinear prediction error, permutation entropy, and other information-theoretical indices. The empirical evidence gathered reveals that under situations of weak synchronization, wherein rather than a collective behavior one observes significantly differentiated dynamics, denser connectivity tends to locally promote the emergence of stronger signatures of nonlinear dynamics. In deterministic systems, transition to chaos and generation of higher-dimensional signals were observed; however, when the coupling is stronger, this relationship may be lost or even inverted. In systems with a strong stochastic component, the generation of more temporally-organized activity could be induced. These observations have many potential implications across diverse fields of basic and applied science, for example, in the design of distributed sensing systems based on wireless coupled oscillators, in network identification and control, as well as in the interpretation of neuroscientific and other dynamical data

    An algorithmically random family of MultiAspect Graphs and its topological properties

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    This article presents a theoretical investigation of incompressibility and randomness in generalized representations of graphs along with its implications on network topological properties. We extend previous studies on plain algorithmically random classical graphs to plain and prefix algorithmically random MultiAspect Graphs (MAGs). First, we show that there is an infinite recursively labeled infinite family of nested MAGs (or, as a particular case, of nested classical graphs) that behaves like (and is determined by) an algorithmically random real number. Then, we study some of their important topological properties, in particular, vertex degree, connectivity, diameter, and rigidity

    A model to study cyber attack mechanics and denial-of-service exploits over the internet\u27s router infrastructure using colored petri nets

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    The Internet‟s router infrastructure, a scale-free computer network, is vulnerable to targeted denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Protecting this infrastructure‟s stability is a vital national interest because of the dependence of economic and national security transactions on the Internet. Current defensive countermeasures that rely on monitoring specific router traffic have been shown to be costly, inefficient, impractical, and reactive rather than anticipatory. To address these issues, this research investigation considers a new paradigm that relies on the systemic changes that occur during a cyber attack, rather than individual router traffic anomalies. It has been hypothesized in the literature that systemic knowledge of cyber attack mechanics can be used to infer the existence of an exploit in its formative stages, before severe network degradation occurs. The study described here targeted DoS attacks against large-scale computer networks. To determine whether this new paradigm can be expressed though the study of subtle changes in the physical characteristics of the Internet‟s connectivity environment, this research developed a first of its kind Colored Petri Net (CPN) model of the United States AT&T router connectivity topology. By simulating the systemic affects of a DoS attack over this infrastructure, the objectives of this research were to (1) determine whether it is possible to detect small subtle changes in the connectivity environment of the Internet‟s router connectivity infrastructure that occur during a cyber attack; and (2) if the first premise is valid, to ascertain the feasibility of using these changes as a means for (a) early infrastructure attack detection and (b) router infrastructure protection strategy development against these attacks. Using CPN simulations, this study determined that systemic network changes can be detected in the early stages of a cyber attack. Specifically, this research has provided evidence that using knowledge of the Internet‟s connectivity topology and its physical characteristics to protect the router infrastructure from targeted DoS attacks is feasible. In addition, it is plausible to use these techniques to detect targeted DoS attacks and may lead to new network security tools

    Emergent Behavior Development and Control in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Emergence in natural systems is the development of complex behaviors that result from the aggregation of simple agent-to-agent and agent-to-environment interactions. Emergence research intersects with many disciplines such as physics, biology, and ecology and provides a theoretical framework for investigating how order appears to spontaneously arise in complex adaptive systems. In biological systems, emergent behaviors allow simple agents to collectively accomplish multiple tasks in highly dynamic environments; ensuring system survival. These systems all display similar properties: self-organized hierarchies, robustness, adaptability, and decentralized task execution. However, current algorithmic approaches merely present theoretical models without showing how these models actually create hierarchical, emergent systems. To fill this research gap, this dissertation presents an algorithm based on entropy and speciation - defined as morphological or physiological differences in a population - that results in hierarchical emergent phenomena in multi-agent systems. Results show that speciation creates system hierarchies composed of goal-aligned entities, i.e. niches. As niche actions aggregate into more complex behaviors, more levels emerge within the system hierarchy, eventually resulting in a system that can meet multiple tasks and is robust to environmental changes. Speciation provides a powerful tool for creating goal-aligned, decentralized systems that are inherently robust and adaptable, meeting the scalability demands of current, multi-agent system design. Results in base defense, k-n assignment, division of labor and resource competition experiments, show that speciated populations create hierarchical self-organized systems, meet multiple tasks and are more robust to environmental change than non-speciated populations

    Partitioning Method for Emergent Behavior Systems Modeled by Agent-Based Simulations

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    Used to describe some interesting and usually unanticipated pattern or behavior, the term emergence is often associated with time-evolutionary systems comprised of relatively large numbers of interacting yet simple entities. A significant amount of previous research has recognized the emergence phenomena in many real-world applications such as collaborative robotics, supply chain analysis, social science, economics and ecology. As improvements in computational technologies combined with new modeling paradigms allow the simulation of ever more dynamic and complex systems, the generation of data from simulations of these systems can provide data to explore the phenomena of emergence. To explore some of the modeling implications of systems where emergent phenomena tend to dominate, this research examines three simulations based on familiar natural systems where each is readily recognized as exhibiting emergent phenomena. To facilitate this exploration, a taxonomy of Emergent Behavior Systems (EBS) is developed and a modeling formalism consisting of an EBS lexicon and a formal specification for models of EBS is synthesized from the long history of theories and observations concerning emergence. This modeling formalism is applied to each of the systems and then each is simulated using an agent-based modeling framework. To develop quantifiable measures, associations are asserted: 1) between agent-based models of EBS and graph-theoretical methods, 2) with respect to the formation of relationships between entities comprising a system and 3) concerning the change in uncertainty of organization as the system evolves. These associations form the basis for three measurements related to the information flow, entity complexity, and spatial entropy of the simulated systems. These measurements are used to: 1) detect the existence of emergence and 2) differentiate amongst the three systems. The results suggest that the taxonomy and formal specification developed provide a workable, simulation-centric definition of emergent behavior systems consistent with both historical concepts concerning the emergence phenomena and modern ideas in complexity science. Furthermore, the results support a structured approach to modeling these systems using agent-based methods and offers quantitative measures useful for characterizing the emergence phenomena in the simulations