33 research outputs found

    A gap analysis of Internet-of-Things platforms

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    We are experiencing an abundance of Internet-of-Things (IoT) middleware solutions that provide connectivity for sensors and actuators to the Internet. To gain a widespread adoption, these middleware solutions, referred to as platforms, have to meet the expectations of different players in the IoT ecosystem, including device providers, application developers, and end-users, among others. In this article, we evaluate a representative sample of these platforms, both proprietary and open-source, on the basis of their ability to meet the expectations of different IoT users. The evaluation is thus more focused on how ready and usable these platforms are for IoT ecosystem players, rather than on the peculiarities of the underlying technological layers. The evaluation is carried out as a gap analysis of the current IoT landscape with respect to (i) the support for heterogeneous sensing and actuating technologies, (ii) the data ownership and its implications for security and privacy, (iii) data processing and data sharing capabilities, (iv) the support offered to application developers, (v) the completeness of an IoT ecosystem, and (vi) the availability of dedicated IoT marketplaces. The gap analysis aims to highlight the deficiencies of today's solutions to improve their integration to tomorrow's ecosystems. In order to strengthen the finding of our analysis, we conducted a survey among the partners of the Finnish IoT program, counting over 350 experts, to evaluate the most critical issues for the development of future IoT platforms. Based on the results of our analysis and our survey, we conclude this article with a list of recommendations for extending these IoT platforms in order to fill in the gaps.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in Computer Communications, special issue on the Internet of Things: Research challenges and solution

    Building new business model from multiple case study research in the Internet of Me

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    The digital revolution has greatly changed the approach to culture, work, leisure time, the way we interact and communicate with people: the digitization of information has taken root and has become essential in all areas of social life as a phenomenon that guides and monitors the transformation of society in all its various forms, bringing great changes in almost all areas and especially in the world of work and industry. Industry 4.0 refers to a fourth industrial revolution (following water/steam power, mass production and automation through IT and robotics) and introduces the concept of "cyber-physical systems" to differentiate this new evolutionary phase from the electronic automation that has gone before. The term Industry 4.0 refers to the next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector, driven by four disruptions: 1) the astonishing rise in data volumes, computational power, and connectivity, especially new low-power wide-area networks; 2) the emergence of analytics and business-intelligence capabilities; 3) new forms of human-machine interaction such as touch interfaces and augmented-reality systems; 4) improvements in transferring digital instructions to the physical world, such as advanced robotics and 3-D printing. One of the core elements of the fourth industrial revolution is the systematic application of IoT technologies (Internet of Things) and IoM (Internet of Me) to production processes on a global scale. The aim of the paper is primarily an analysis of what are the possible future benefits of IoT and IoM, trying to understand the effort and their opportunities for a consumer oriented business. Then to analyze the competitive advantage that companies are pursuing when they implement a business which is IoT / IoM oriented. The project research question relates to the possible extrapolation of a standardized behavioural pattern, in order to draw guidelines for companies who want to start a similar strategic management, through the direct experiences of an Italian start-up first mover group in the sectors involved in IoT and IoM revolution, defining risks, opportunities and threats. Theresearch presents two phases methodologically joinedbetween them: from a theoretical point of view it is defined the change from the Business Model towards the “ecosystem” of Business Model in the strategy IoT/IoM oriented,and from a empirical point of view the business development of some start-up companies using IoT and IoM technologies is studied, through the direct interview qualitative tool

    Crafting an IoT-Ecosystem – A Three-Phased Approach

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    The Internet of Things acts as a seed for enterprises to collaborate and create new value. This value creation is often concentrated in big enterprises that command large amounts of resources. The craft sector’s small and medium sized enterprises struggle to adopt such new technologies. Lacking resources and in-house capabilities, they increasingly rely on services provided by large enterprises. Collaboration among equals can offer an alternative path for these small and medium sized enterprises. Combining their strengths in an IoT-ecosystem is one way to overcome these limitations. We conducted a case study in the electrical engineering craft to build such an IoT-ecosystem. Participating organizations planned how to develop the existing ecosystem into an IoT-ecosystem. This process was observed to be structured into a status quo and three sequential phases. Our research shows, that sharing data can act as the initial phase to unlock new value in an existing ecosystem. Every enterprise can then work on connecting its clients’ systems to enable an eventual opening to join the IoT-ecosystem. This three-phased approach offers enterprises a tool to work towards an IoT-ecosystem. Researchers can apply the three-phased approach as an analytic tool to reason about progress towards an IoT-ecosystem

    Designing Business Models for the Internet of Things

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    This article investigates challenges pertaining to business model design in the emerging context of the Internet of Things (IOT). The evolution of business perspectives to the IOT is driven by two underlying trends: i) the change of focus from viewing the IOT primarily as a technology platform to viewing it as a business ecosystem; and ii) the shift from focusing on the business model of a firm to designing ecosystem business models. An ecosystem busi- ness model is a business model composed of value pillars anchored in ecosystems and fo- cuses on both the firm's method of creating and capturing value as well as any part of the ecosystem's method of creating and capturing value. The article highlights three major chal- lenges of designing ecosystem business models for the IOT, including the diversity of ob- jects, the immaturity of innovation, and the unstructured ecosystems. Diversity refers to the difficulty of designing business models for the IOT due to a multitude of different types of connected objects combined with only modest standardization of interfaces. Immaturity suggests that quintessential IOT technologies and innovations are not yet products and ser- vices but a "mess that runs deep". The unstructured ecosystems mean that it is too early to tell who the participants will be and which roles they will have in the evolving ecosystems. The study argues that managers can overcome these challenges by using a business model design tool that takes into account the ecosystemic nature of the IOT. The study concludes by proposing the grounds for a new design tool for ecosystem business models and suggest- ing that "value design" might be a more appropriate term when talking about business models in ecosystems

    IoT devices as Ambient Assisted Living tools for people with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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    A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) consiste numa doença genética com afetação muscular severa. A perda muscular gradual provoca alterações no perfil ocupacional e situações de privação, evidenciando-se a necessidade de apoio de terceiros. Os cuidadores são solicitados para as mais variadas tarefas e frequentemente entram em sobrecarga. Os smart speakers (SS), como o Amazon Echo e o Google Nest, estão estabelecidos no mercado mundial e disponíveis para a população geral. A inteligência artificial programada nestes dispositivos de conversação abre espaço para a criação de intervenções aplicáveis num contexto de casa inteligente e apresentam potencial para serem utilizados como unidade de controlo ambiental (ECU), controlando outros dispositivos em rede Internet of Things (IoT). Esta investigação tem como objetivo analisar potenciais variações na participação e desempenho um indivíduo com DMD, na sobrecarga dos cuidadores, e ainda o potencial dos SS enquanto ECU, através da integração de dispositivos IoT controlados por SS no ambiente domiciliário. ste estudo de caso consiste num estudo exploratório-descritivo, em que serão aplicadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e o instrumento WHOQOL-Bref ao participante e cuidadores, ao que se acrescenta a MOHOST ao indivíduo e QASCI aos cuidadores. Resultados: Perspetiva-se que a implementação de dispositivos IoT evidencie um aumento do controlo do ambiente e de oportunidades para a participação, reduzindo as solicitações ao cuidador e a sua sobrecarga, influenciando a qualidade de vida dos intervenientes. Os dispositivos IoT constituem soluções de baixo custo, de implementação rápida e personalizável, e com configurações user-friendly, tendo potencial para atuar como ECU.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    IoT devices as Ambient Assisted Living tools for people with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

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    O livro de atas da 1ª Conferência Lusófona de Terapia Ocupacional é uma iniciativa do Núcleo de Terapia Ocupacional da RACS (Rede Académica de ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia). Nesta primeira edição, em formato virtual, no seguimento da pandemia que assolou o planeta, foram apresentados assincronamente 15 pósteres em formato vídeo e disponibilizados em https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKUR7eWoyi2QAmZdHuB8qapIIA3PGxPVf . Foram também apresentadas de forma síncrona 14 comunicações livres que resultaram em 13 artigos completos que foram publicados na RevSALUS - Revista Científica Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia – RACS - https://revsalus.com/index.php/RevSALUS. Uma comunicação oral encontra-se em artigo completo neste livro. Neste livro de Atas encontram-se publicados os resumos dos artigos completos publicados na RevSalus assim com os artigos curtos que originaram os vídeo-pósteres. Com mais de 100 participantes internacionais, esta edição obteve um sucesso considerável atendendo à sua novidade e constrangimentos pandémicos.Introdução: A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne (DMD) consiste numa doença genética com afetação muscular severa. A perda muscular gradual provoca alterações no perfil ocupacional e situações de privação, evidenciando-se a necessidade de apoio de terceiros. Os cuidadores são solicitados para as mais variadas tarefas e frequentemente entram em sobrecarga. Os smart speakers (SS), como o Amazon Echo e o Google Nest, estão estabelecidos no mercado mundial e disponíveis para a população geral. A inteligência artificial programada nestes dispositivos de conversação abre espaço para a criação de intervenções aplicáveis num contexto de casa inteligente e apresentam potencial para serem utilizados como unidade de controlo ambiental (ECU), controlando outros dispositivos em rede Internet of Things (IoT). Objetivo: Esta investigação tem como objetivo analisar potenciais variações na participação e desempenho um indivíduo com DMD, na sobrecarga dos cuidadores, e ainda o potencial dos SS enquanto ECU, através da integração de dispositivos IoT controlados por SS no ambiente domiciliário. Material e Métodos: Este estudo de caso consiste num estudo exploratório-descritivo, em que serão aplicadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e o instrumento WHOQOL-Bref ao participante e cuidadores, ao que se acrescenta a MOHOST ao indivíduo e QASCI aos cuidadores. Resultados: Perspetiva-se que a implementação de dispositivos IoT evidencie um aumento do controlo do ambiente e de oportunidades para a participação, reduzindo as solicitações ao cuidador e a sua sobrecarga, influenciando a qualidade de vida dos intervenientes. Conclusão: Os dispositivos IoT constituem soluções de baixo custo, de implementação rápida e personalizável, e com configurações user-friendly, tendo potencial para atuar como ECU.Introduction: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disease with severe muscle involvement. The gradual muscle loss causes changes in the occupational profile and situations of deprivation, highlighting the need for support from others. Caregivers are called upon for a variety of tasks and are often overwhelmed. Smart speakers (SS), such as the Amazon Echo and Google Nest, are established worldwide and available to the general population. The artificial intelligence programmed into these conversational devices opens space for the creation of interventions applicable in a smart home context and present potential to be used as an environmental control unit (ECU), controlling other Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Objective: This research aims to analyse potential variations in the participation and performance of an individual with DMD, in caregivers' burden, and also the potential of SS as an ECU, through the integration of IoT devices controlled by SS in the home environment. Material and Methods: This case study research consists of an exploratory-descriptive study, in which semi-structured interviews and the WHOQOL-Bref instrument will be applied to the participant and caregivers, and MOHOST will be added to the individual and the QASCI to the caregivers. Results: It is expected that the implementation of IoT devices will increase the control over the environment and the opportunities for participation, reducing the caregiver's demands and burden, and influencing the quality of life of those involved. Conclusion: IoT devices are low-cost solutions with a quick and customizable implementation, user-friendly settings, and have the potential to act as ECU.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    IoT as PSS Enabler: Exploring Opportunities for Conceptualization and Implementation

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    Nowadays, product-service systems (PSS) as an integrated system of physical products and services play a crucial role in sustainable economies. In addition to high competitive global economy, emergence of new digital paradigms is supporting the shift towards servitization. Although the great potential of such paradigms are recognized by both practice and research, their implications for PSS is not clear yet. Particularly, features of Internet-of-Things (IoT) such as total connectedness and ubiquity of smart sensors and actuators provide various new opportunities for PSS. This study explores such opportunities by conducting structured literature review and 13 interviews. We formulate the findings into two folds. First, we introduce four degrees of IoT involvement in PSS business models and we elaborate the opportunities that they create for different types of PSS. Second, we present the key technologies and approaches, which IoT provides with regard to PSS lifecycle management

    IoT powered servitization of manufacturing – an exploratory case study

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    More than ever companies are challenged to rethink their offerings while simultaneously being provided with a unique opportunity for creating or recreating their product-service systems. This paper seeks to address how servitisation can utilise the third wave of Internet development, referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT), which may unlock the potential for innovative product-service systems on an unprecedented scale. By providing an analysis of this technological breakthrough and the literature on servitisation, these concepts are combined to address the question of how organisations offering product-service systems can reap the benefits that the IoT. An analysis of three successful IoT implementation cases in manufacturing companies, representing different industry sectors such as metal processing, power generation and distribution, is provided. The results of the empirical research presented in the paper provide an insight into different ways of creating value in servitisation. The paper also proposes a framework that is aimed at proving a better understanding of how companies can create value, and add it to their servitisation processes with, the data obtained by the IoT based solutions. From the value chain perspective, IoT aided servitisation enables organisations to extend their value chains in order better serve their customers which, in turn, might result in increased profitability. The article proposes further research avenues, and offers valuable insight for practitioners.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Vaisala ROSA-sääaseman käyttöliittymätoteutus

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    Työssä luodaan yliopiston sääasemalle käyttöliittymätoteutus luomaan käytettävyyttä, sekä parantamaan tiedon saatavuutta. Tavoitteeseen pyritään esineiden internetin tekniikoilla. Työssä perehdytään esineiden internetiin ja sen rakenteeseen. Erityisesti työssä on tarkoituksena paneutua ohjelmistoympäristöön Node-RED. Työkalujen avulla luodaan sääaseman tiedonsiirtolinkki väliohjelmistolle. Väliohjelmistossa luodaan käyttöliittymä, josta siirrettyjä tietoja tarkastellaan. Ohjelmisto tallentaa tiedot tietokantaan, ja niitä voi hakea käyttäen käyttöliittymään rakennettua toiminnallisuutta

    Design Principles for Creating a Pay-per-Part Value Proposition in Data Ecosystems

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    In practice and research, pay-per-part business models are becoming increasingly popular. Amongst others mechanical engineering companies, banks, insurances, and IT companies are working on these new business models. There is increasing evidence that the enabler for pay-per-part approaches is the cooperative use of data across company boundaries, being discussed in literature under the term data ecosystem. Along two case studies, a total of eleven companies were accompanied from the definition of the cooperative pay-per-part value proposition to the implementation of a proof of concept. Based on these case studies, eleven design principles could be derived. These design principles provide companies a guidance when designing a cooperative value proposition within an ecosystem. The identified design principles were mapped to different stakeholder groups that are involved in the design of a cooperative value proposition. The generated design principles were evaluated and implications for practitioners and research given