26,081 research outputs found

    Security Vulnerability Evaluation of Popular Personal Firewalls and Operating Systems

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    In this thesis, experimental evaluation of security vulnerabilities has been performed under DoS attacks for popular personal firewalls from McAfee, Norton and Kaspersky; and for operating systems namely Apple’s Leopard and SnowLeopard, and Microsoft’s Windows XP and Windows 7. Our experimental results show that the firewalls and operating systems behave differently under a given DoS attack. Some of the firewalls crashed under certain DoS attacks especially when they were configured to prevent and block packets belonging to such attacks. Operating systems evaluated in this thesis were also found to have different built-in security capabilities, and some of them even crashed under certain DoS attacks requiring forced reboot of the system. Comparative performance of firewalls and operating systems under DoS attacks has been presented

    Meeting the Challenge of Cyberterrorism: Defining the Military Role in a Democracy

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    Denna forskningskonsumtion strÀvar efter att utifrÄn tvÄ frÄgestÀllningar undersöka dels var det deliberativa samtalets möjligheter och begrÀnsningar ligger, dels undersöka hur det deliberativa samtalet pÄverkar lÀrarrollen i klassrummet. Detta sker genom en systematisk litteraturstudie som behandlar ett urval av relevanta svenska författare och Àven ett par internationella engelsksprÄkiga författare. Det deliberativa samtalet Àr en kommunikativ metod dÀr samförstÄelse, konsensus och demokrati stÄr i fokus. Tomas Englund, en av de mest uppmÀrksammade föresprÄkare av metoden beskriver det deliberativa samtalet med en rad punkter. Dessa punkter beskriver samtalet som att det ska ge olika argument utrymme, samtalet ska vara tolerant, samtalet ska ha inslag av kollektiv viljebildning, traditionella uppfattningar ska ifrÄgastÀllas och samtalet ska helst utesluta lÀrarledning. Det deliberativa samtalet har av bl.a. Skolverket lyfts fram som en  metod som ska gynna vÀrdegrundsarbetet i skolan. Runt millenieskiftet hade det deliberativa samtalet samt vÀrdegrundsarbetet fÄtt en allt mer central del i skolan dÀr Tomas Englund var en av de mest framtrÀdande föresprÄkarna av metoden. Ytterligare styrkor i samtalet kunde Àven förstÄs som dess potential i att kunna implementeras i andra kommunikativa situationer inom flertalet Àmnen. Trots att föresprÄkarna av det deliberativa samtalet kan lyfta mÄnga styrkor hos metoden finns fortfarande flera invÀndningar. De frÀmsta styrkorna som lyfts ur det deliberativa samtalet Àr vÀrdegrundsarbetet och samtalets tillÀmpningsbarhet, men de mer kritiska författarna vill gÀrna uppmÀrksamma hur det tÀmligen strukturerade samtalet kan pÄverka klassrummet och dess dynamik mellan lÀrare och elever. Hur ska exempelvis lÀraren förena sin position som betygsÀttande maktfigur med att hÄlla samtalet sÄ öppet och tolererande som möjligt, oavsett Äsikter som tas upp? Hur ska retoriska fÀrdigheter hos eleverna behandlas nÀr samtalet ska vara öppet och inkluderande? Forskningskonsumtionen lyfter Àven hur sociala och kulturella faktorer spelar in pÄ elevers förmÄga att deltaga i samtalet och lyfter genom författarna fram en diskussion om samtalets lÀmplighet i klassrummet, frÀmst genom dess deltagare som utgÄngspunkt. Slutsatsen hÀrleds till att lÀmpligheten hos det deliberativa samtalet i klassrummet kan kondenseras ned till frÄgan om förutsÀttningarna i klassrummet. Det deliberativa samtalet Àr ingen universallösning för vÀrdegrundsarbete, men har samtidigt en rad andra styrkor som Àr vÀrda att lyfta fram. Författarna saknar Àven en enhÀllig lösning över vilken roll lÀraren ska ha i samtalet och saknar Àven en riktig diskussion om hur det deliberativa samtalet ska behandla konflikter nÀr samtalet drivs till sin spets

    Defending Servers Against Naptha Attack By Using An Early Client Authentication Method [TK5105.585. C518 2008 f rb].

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    Serangan Naptha bertujuan mengganggu layanan TCP yang ditawarkan oleh sesuatu pelayan dengan menjanakan banyak sambungan palsu terhadap pelayan tersebut. Naptha attack aims to disrupt TCP service a server provides by generating large amount of forged connections to the server

    Mitigating Denial-of-Service Attacks on VoIP Environment

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    IP telephony refers to the use of Internet protocols to provide voice, video, and data in one integrated service over LANs, BNs, MANs, not WANs. VoIP provides three key benefits compared to traditional voice telephone services. First, it minimizes the need fro extra wiring in new buildings. Second, it provides easy movement of telephones and the ability of phone numbers to move with the individual. Finally, VoIP is generally cheaper to operate because it requires less network capacity to transmit the same voice telephone call over an increasingly digital telephone network (FitzGerald & Dennis, 2007 p. 519). Unfortunately, benefits of new electronic communications come with proportionate risks. Companies experience losses resulting from attacks on data networks. There are direct losses like economic theft, theft of trade secrets and digital data, as well as indirect losses that include loss of sales, loss of competitive advantage etc. The companies need to develop their security policies to protect their businesses. But the practice of information security has become more complex than ever. The research paper will be about the major DoS threats the company’s VoIP environment can experience as well as best countermeasures that can be used to prevent them and make the VoIP environment and, therefore, company’s networking environment more secure

    A Look Back at "Security Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite"

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    About fifteen years ago, I wrote a paper on security problems in the TCP/IP protocol suite. In particular, I focused on protocol-level issues, rather than implementation flaws. It is instructive to look back at that paper, to see where my focus and my predictions were accurate, where I was wrong, and where dangers have yet to happen. This is a reprint of the original paper, with added commentary

    DDoS-Capable IoT Malwares: comparative analysis and Mirai Investigation

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) revolution has not only carried the astonishing promise to interconnect a whole generation of traditionally “dumb” devices, but also brought to the Internet the menace of billions of badly protected and easily hackable objects. Not surprisingly, this sudden flooding of fresh and insecure devices fueled older threats, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In this paper, we first propose an updated and comprehensive taxonomy of DDoS attacks, together with a number of examples on how this classification maps to real-world attacks. Then, we outline the current situation of DDoS-enabled malwares in IoT networks, highlighting how recent data support our concerns about the growing in popularity of these malwares. Finally, we give a detailed analysis of the general framework and the operating principles of Mirai, the most disruptive DDoS-capable IoT malware seen so far

    Investigation of open resolvers in DNS reflection DDoS attacks

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    Les serveurs du systĂšme de noms de domaine (DNS) reprĂ©sentent des Ă©lĂ©ments clĂ©s des rĂ©seaux Internet. RĂ©cemment, les attaquants ont profitĂ© de ce service pour lancer des attaques massives de dĂ©ni de service distribuĂ© (DDoS) contre de nombreuses organisations [1, 2, 3]. Ceci est rendu possible grĂące aux diffĂ©rentes vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  la conception, implantation ou une mauvaise configuration du protocole DNS. Les attaques DDoS amplifiĂ©es par DNS sont des menaces dangereuses pour les utilisateurs d’Internet. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’acquĂ©rir une meilleure comprĂ©hension des attaques DDoS amplifiĂ©es par DNS par l’investigation des rĂ©solveurs DNS ouverts Ă  travers le monde. Dans ce contexte, il est nĂ©cessaire d’adopter une approche en phase prĂ©coce pour dĂ©tecter les rĂ©solveurs DNS ouverts. Cela devient cruciale dans le processus d’enquĂȘte. Dans cette thĂšse, nous nous intĂ©resserons Ă  l’utilisation de rĂ©solveurs DNS ouverts dans les attaques DDoS amplifiĂ©es par DNS. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, la principale contribution de notre recherche est la suivante : (i) Nous profilons les rĂ©solveurs DNS ouverts, ce qui implique : dĂ©tecter les rĂ©solveurs ouverts, les localiser, dĂ©tecter leur systĂšme d’exploitation et le type de leur connectivitĂ©, et Ă©tudier le but de leur vivacitĂ©. (ii) Nous effectuons une Ă©valuation de la sĂ©curitĂ© des rĂ©solveurs DNS ouverts et leurs vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s. De plus, nous discutons les fonctions de sĂ©curitĂ© des rĂ©solveurs DNS, qui fournissent, par inadvertence, les attaquants par la capacitĂ© d’effectuer des attaques DDoS amplifiĂ©es par DNS. (iii) Nous prĂ©sentons une analyse pour dĂ©montrer l’association des rĂ©solveurs DNS ouverts avec les menaces de logiciels malveillants.Domain Name System (DNS) servers represent key components of Internet networks. Recently, attackers have taken advantage of this service to launch massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against numerous organizations [1, 2, 3]. This is made possible due to the various vulnerabilities linked to the design, implementation or misconfiguration of the DNS protocol. DNS reflection DDoS attacks are harmful threats for internet users. The goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of DNS reflection DDoS attacks through the investigation of DNS open resolvers around the world. In this context, there is a need for an early phase approach to detect and fingerprint DNS open resolvers. This becomes crucial in the process of investigation. In this thesis, we elaborate on the usage of DNS open resolvers in DNS reflection DDoS attacks. More precisely, the main contribution of our research is as follows : (i) We profile DNS open resolvers, which involves : detecting open resolvers, locating them, fingerprinting their operating system, fingerprinting the type of their connectivity, studying the purpose of their liveness. (ii) We conduct an assessment with respect to DNS open resolvers security and their vulnerabilities. Moreover, we discuss the security features that DNS open resolvers are equipped with, which inadvertently provide the capability to the attackers in order to carry out DNS reflection DDoS attacks. (iii) We present an analysis to demonstrate the association of DNS open resolvers with malware threats

    Network Defense: The Attacks of Today and How Can We Improve?

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    The practices of Network Defense were analyzed in this research paper. The Internet has become a very dangerous place for computer systems and networks as an increasing number of malicious attacks are occurring each day. Attacks such as Phishing, Campaign Style Attacks, Zero Day Exploits, and Botnets are plaguing individuals and firms who are concerned for the protection of their data and systems. By utilizing a combination of defense systems including Firewalls, Intrusion Protection Systems, 802.1x, NAC, Antivirus, Antispyware and more, I have developed a comprehensive system which can be used as a model of Network Security. In conclusion there many firms that are not ready for Network Security in today’s computer world. With the question of economics needed to remediate the issue, there is the question on how secure are companies and individuals going to be
