11 research outputs found

    Evaluación de hiperparámetros en CNN para detección de patrones de imágenes

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    Deep learning techniques have emerged as an effective solution to the problems of current pattern recognition techniques, such as neural networks. Within these new techniques, the convolutional neural networks (CNN) offer an integration to the recognition of patterns in images, given by the traditional set of images processing plus neuronal networks. This article presents the analysis of the different hyper parameters that imply the training of a CNN, which allows to validate the effects on the accuracy of the network. It is used as a base the recognition of electric energy meters, obtaining a network with an accuracy of 96.32 %.Las técnicas de aprendizaje profundo han surgido como una solución eficaz a los problemas de las actuales técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones, como las redes neuronales. Dentro de estas nuevas técnicas, las redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) ofrecen una integración al reconocimiento de patrones en imágenes, dados por el conjunto tradicional de procesamiento de imagen más redes neuronales. El presente artículo expone el an´alisis de los diferentes hiperparámetros que implican el entrenamiento de una CNN, que permite validar los efectos en la precisión de la red. Se emplea como imágenes de la base de pruebas, el reconocimiento de medidores de energía eléctrica, logrando obtener una red con una exactitud del 96,32 %

    Analysis of facial expressions: experiments on multiple databases

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    This master thesis compares different face descriptors using classification techniques in order to classify emotions in images of faces of people of different ethnicities and ages, male and female. The comparison is done between hand-crafted features such as LBP and HOG and more modern features such as some pre-trained neural networks. The proposed methods were used on different databases, using different image sizes and cropping and standardizing all the images. The experimental results showed that some of the hand- crafted features were better that the pre-trained neural networks. To facilitate replication of our experiments the MATLBAB source code will be available at https://github. com/nagwlei/FaceEmotions

    Computação eficiente de inferências com convolução aproximada

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    Orientador: Lucas Francisco WannerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Neste trabalho, descrevemos um ambiente para medição de consumo de energia e tempo de redes neurais convolucionais (CNNs) em dispositivos móveis. Medimos o consumo de um dispositivo enquanto ele realizava múltiplas inferências através do TensorFlow Lite (TFL) executando modelos CNN pré-treinados. Também exploramos técnicas de aproximações que podem ser implementadas na camada convolucional, comparando sua perda de acurácia com a acurácia original do modelo, bem como o ganho de desempenho em tempo e energia correspondente a cada camada aproximada. Projetamos o ambiente e desenvolvemos as ferramentas que o compõem, incluindo programas para coletar e analisar os valores de corrente elétrica; ferramentas para combinar tais valores aos timestamps providos pelo nosso TFL modificado, programas para modificar camadas de CNNs existentes no formato flatbuffer, introduzindo camadas aproximadas; e ferramentas para avaliar a acurácia e desempenho de modelos aproximados. Observamos que, apesar de nem todas as camadas poderem ser aproximadas sem um impacto significativo na acurácia, identificar as camadas que podem ser sujeitadas à estratégia escolhida possibilita economia de tempo e energia que ultrapassa até 40% por camada aproximada. Em pelo menos um caso, conseguimos reduzir o consumo de energia em 5%, mantendo a perda de acurácia abaixo de 1%Abstract: In this work, we describe an environment for evaluation of execution time and energy consumption of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) on mobile devices. We profile the performance and energy consumption of a device while it performs multiple inferences running a TensorFlow Lite (TFL) executable and select pre-trained CNN models. We then investigate approximations for the convolutional layer kernels, comparing their accuracy loss on the overall accuracy to their performance gain in time and energy on the device. We designed the environment, and developed the software that comprises it, including a tool to collect and parse electrical current output and match it to custom TFL timestamps, a tool to modify flatbuffer model files to replace layers with approximate versions, and the custom approximate kernels used to compare performance. We found that, whereas not all layers can be approximated without a significant impact on accuracy, identifying the layers that can be subject to the selected strategy can yield gains in time and energy that surpass 40% per approximated layer. In at least one case, we were able to reduce energy consumption by 5%, keeping accuracy loss under 1%MestradoComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação168017/2017-2FuncampCNP

    Analysis of facial expressions: experiments on multiple databases

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    This master thesis compares different face descriptors using classification techniques in order to classify emotions in images of faces of people of different ethnicities and ages, male and female. The comparison is done between hand-crafted features such as LBP and HOG and more modern features such as some pre-trained neural networks. The proposed methods were used on different databases, using different image sizes and cropping and standardizing all the images. The experimental results showed that some of the hand- crafted features were better that the pre-trained neural networks. To facilitate replication of our experiments the MATLBAB source code will be available at https://github. com/nagwlei/FaceEmotions

    Deep learning for real-time robust facial expression recognition on a smartphone

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    Movement Identification from the intention of grasping, based on deep learning, with signals EMGs for use as HMI in robotic devices

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    Orientadores: João Mauricio Rosario, Oscar Fernando AvilésTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Esta tese contribui com a parametrização e caracterização dos sinais de eletromiografia de superfície usando a aprendizagem em profundidade (Deep Learning) como técnica avançada no reconhecimento de padrões para reproduzir os movimentos de preensão de uma mão robótica em ambientes industriais através da interação homem-máquina. A análise para reproduzir os movimentos da mão é realizada a partir da interação dos sinais de eletromiografia das ações, que geram uma resposta cognitiva com o objetivo de replica-lo para que o dispositivo robótico possa realizar o movimento de preensão de acordo com o movimento realizado pelo usuário. Nesta tese, parte-se da bancada experimental MUC-1 previamente desenvolvida no Laboratório de Automação Integrada e Robótica (LAIR) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas e acrescentam-se funções que aumentam o escopo e melhoram a exequibilidade dos testes. A técnica de obtenção dos valores experimentais dos dados é baseada na adaptação do sensor MYO armband® por meio dos oito bio-sensores de eletromiografia relacionando a cinemática e dinâmica da mão pela identificação dos músculos do braço correspondente aos métodos de preensão, os quais são aprimorados por médio do método baseado em redes neuronais convolucionais da aprendizagem em profundidade previamente investigado na literatura para o reconhecimento de padrões. Para validação do sistema proposto, foi construído três arquiteturas de redes convolucionais, viabilizando a execução do teste virtual por meio da mão implementada no Simmechanics de Matlab® e no modelo real MUC-1. Por fim, o procedimento experimental resultante é documentado e as etapas prévias de modelagem e filtragem são descritas de acordo com as condições de preensão de objetos de figuras geométricas preestabelecidas que são executadas no dispositivo robótico de forma naturalAbstract: This thesis contributes to the parametrization and characterization of surface electromyography signals using deep learning as an advanced technique in pattern recognition to reproduce the grip movements of a robotic hand in industrial environments through the man-machine interaction. The analysis to reproduce the movements of the hand is made from the interaction of the electromyography signals of the actions, which generate a cognitive response to replicate it so that the robotic device can perform the grip movement, in accordance with the movement made by the user. Some part of this thesis is experimental bench MUC-1 previously developed in the Laboratory of Automation and Robotics (LAIR) at the State University of Campinas and added functions that increase the scope and improve the feasibility of testing. The technique of obtaining the experimental values of the data is based on the adaptation of the MYO armband® sensor through the eight bio-sensors of electromyography relating the kinematics and dynamics of the hand by the identification of the muscles of the arm corresponding to the grasping methods, which are improved by the method based on convolutional neuronal networks of in-depth learning previously research in the literature for the recognition of patterns. For the validation of the proposed system, three convolutional network architectures were built, enabling the virtual test execution through the hand implemented in the Matlab® Simmechanics and in the real MUC-1 model. Finally, the resulting experimental process is documented and the previous stages of modeling and filtering are described according to the prehension conditions of objects of geometric figures that are executed in the robotic device in a natural wayDoutoradoMecatrônicaDoutor em Engenharia Mecânic