779 research outputs found

    Islam in Process: Historical and Civilizational Perspectives

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    The articles included in this Yearbook of the Sociology of Islam are focused on two perspectives: Some link the comparative analysis of Islam to ongoing debates on the Axial Age and its role in the formation of major civilizational complexes, while others are more concerned with the historical constellations and sources involved in the formation of Islam as a religion and a civilization. More than any other particular line of inquiry, new historical and sociological approaches to the Axial Age revived the idea of comparative civilizational analysis and channeled it into more specific projects. A closer look at the very problematic place of Islam in this context will help to clarify questions about the Axial version of civilizational theory as well as issues in Islamic studies and sociological approaches to modern Islam

    Islam, Science, and Civilization: Prospect and Challenge for Humanity

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    This Joint International Seminar Proceeding is intended and aimed at reexploring the values of modern science that have been lost. Considering the current crisis of modern civilization, constructing principles of modern science which are based on divinity and humanity is a must as well as formulating spiritualized framework of modern science. Therefore, this proceeding identifies not only the agenda of modern science and technology which are based on divinity principles but also extensive strategic networks for Islamic science development that are useful for civilization development. Through this proceeding, UIN Walisongo in cooperation with UTM Malaysia performed a civilizational duty to discuss some important topics such as the humanization of science and technology, the unity of sciences for humanity, Muslim contribution to Asian civilization, and science and technology future agenda. The target of this proceeding is to compile strategic formula in the face of prospects and challenges for the efforts to fulfill the divinity values to modern science

    Islam, Science, and Civilization: Prospect and Challenge for Humanity

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    This Joint International Seminar Proceeding is intended and aimed at reexploring the values of modern science that have been lost. Considering the current crisis of modern civilization, constructing principles of modern science which are based on divinity and humanity is a must as well as formulating spiritualized framework of modern science. Therefore, this proceeding identifies not only the agenda of modern science and technology which are based on divinity principles but also extensive strategic networks for Islamic science development that are useful for civilization development. Through this proceeding, UIN Walisongo in cooperation with UTM Malaysia performed a civilizational duty to discuss some important topics such as the humanization of science and technology, the unity of sciences for humanity, Muslim contribution to Asian civilization, and science and technology future agenda. The target of this proceeding is to compile strategic formula in the face of prospects and challenges for the efforts to fulfill the divinity values to modern science

    Islam on the Move

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    Much nuance and variability have been lost in the process of the reductivist analysis of Islam post 9/11 and, as this study amply demonstrates, we are all the poorer as a result. This exhaustive examination of the rise and spread of the Tablighi Jama't, arguably the world's largest Islamic missionary movement, locates it in the larger perspective of global Islam and developments in the Muslim societies. Combining an overview of the history and current socio-political perception of the Tablighi Jama'at with a more analytical and philosophical approach to fundamental questions of identity, subject-positioning and representation, the author creates a comprehensive resource of interest to all scholars and students of Islam. Drawing on exhaustive research and records of conversion narratives of the new members of Tablighi Jama'at, cited here at length, the author creates a unique perspective on this complex phenomenon from both an internal and external viewpoints. Ahmad-Noor locates the spiritual framework of the movement in the context of its perception in the eyes of the political and religious authorities of the countries where it has a following, as well as the Western 'securocrat' approach.Dit uitgebreide onderzoek naar de opkomst van de Tablighi Jama'at plaatst deze massale islamitische missiebeweging in het grotere perspectief van de wereldwijde ontwikkelingen binnen de moslimgemeenschap. Noor vergelijkt het spirituele kader van de beweging met de opvattingen van de politieke en religieuze autoriteiten in de landen van herkomst van de aanhangers, en met de westerse 'securocratische' benadering

    Islam on the Move

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    Much nuance and variability have been lost in the process of the reductivist analysis of Islam post 9/11 and, as this study amply demonstrates, we are all the poorer as a result. This exhaustive examination of the rise and spread of the Tablighi Jama't, arguably the world's largest Islamic missionary movement, locates it in the larger perspective of global Islam and developments in the Muslim societies. Combining an overview of the history and current socio-political perception of the Tablighi Jama'at with a more analytical and philosophical approach to fundamental questions of identity, subject-positioning and representation, the author creates a comprehensive resource of interest to all scholars and students of Islam. Drawing on exhaustive research and records of conversion narratives of the new members of Tablighi Jama'at, cited here at length, the author creates a unique perspective on this complex phenomenon from both an internal and external viewpoints. Ahmad-Noor locates the spiritual framework of the movement in the context of its perception in the eyes of the political and religious authorities of the countries where it has a following, as well as the Western 'securocrat' approach

    Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe

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    The conference volume of the Bochumer Kolleg “Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe” outlines the thesis that religion is not a homogeneous cultural phenomenon, but a dense network of diachronically and synchronically differing traditions. ; Readership: All those interested in History of Religion and Religious Studies, Sociology, Cultural Studies and Theology, Asian, Middle East and Islamic Studies

    Intellectual property laws and Islam in Malaysia.

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    PhDThis study is undertaken on the premise that Islam and Islamic law is to be taken into serious consideration in any future legislative reform of laws in Malaysia. Islam being the religion of the country and the strong religious sentiment of the Muslims (who form the majority in Malaysia) cannot be overlooked or dismissed lightly by the legislators in Malaysia. Reformation of intellectual property laws is timely, as we are now approaching to the dateline set by GATF-Trips agreement which aim is to improve our standard of intellectual property protection. This study seeks to analyze and evaluate the current legislation pertaining to intellectual property in Malaysia in terms of the philosophy and rules governing the existence, ownership and exercise of these rights and their consistency and inconsistency with Islam and Islamic law. The main objective of this study is to prove that a coherent and logical conceptual framework of ownership of intellectual property can be derived from an Islamic perspective which not only offers the basis of rights but also defines the scope of these rights. From the point of ownership of rights, support can be obtained from the normative framework of property rights within the traditional classification of 'mal' (property) and 'haqq al-milkiyyah' (ownership rights) under Islamic law. From the point of exercise of rights, the exact scope can be defined from the analysis of fundamental concepts which have been developed by Muslim jurists. It has been established that Islam and Islamic law offers a sound and systematic paradigm, which in deeper analysis, can satisfy both our current obligations under international treatises, as well as our responsibility to practise our religion to the fullest

    Maritime Trade and State Development in Early Southeast Asia

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    Humanities Open Book Program, a joint initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon FoundationThis book brings something new in both dimension and detail to our understanding of Southeast Asia from the first to the fourteenth centuries. It puts Southeast Asia in the context of the international trade that stretched from Rome to China and draws upon a wide range of recent scholarship in history and the social sciences to redefine the role that this trade played in the evolution of the classical states of Southeast Asia. By examining the sources of Southeast Asia's classical era with the tools of modern economic history, the author shows that well-developed socioeconomic and political networks existed in Southeast Asia before significant foreign economic penetration took place. With the growth of interest in Southeast Asian commodities and the refocusing of the major East-West commercial routes through the region during the early centuries of the Christian era, internal conditions within Southeast Asia adjusted to accommodate increased external contacts. Hall takes the view that Southeast Asia's response to international trade was a reflection of preexisting patterns of trade and statecraft. In the forty years since Coede's monumental work The Indianized States of Southeast Asia was published, a great deal of archaeological and epigraphical work has been done and new interpretations advanced. By integrating new theoretical constructs, recent archaeological finds and interpretations, and his own informed reading and research, Kenneth R. Hall puts his historical narrative on a large canvas and treats areas not previously brought together for discussion along comparative lines. Like Coedes' work, his book will be important as a basic text for the teaching of early Southeast Asian history