14 research outputs found


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    Knowledge bases constitute the core of those Artificial Intelligence programs which have come to be known as Expert Systems. An examination of the most dominant knowledge representation schemes used in these systems reveals that a knowledge base can, and possibly should, be described at several levels using different schemes, including those traditionally used in operational databases. This chapter provides evidence that solutions to the organization and access problem for very large knowledge bases require the employment of appropriate database management methods, at least for the lowest level of description -- the facts or data. We identify the database access requirements of knowledge-based or expert systems and then present four general architectural strategies for the design of expert systems that interact with databases, together with specific recommendations for their suitability in particular situations. An implementation of the most advanced and ambitious of these strategies is then discussed in some detail.Information Systems Working Papers Serie


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    Knowledge bases constitute the core of those Artificial Intelligence programs which have come to be known as Expert Systems. An examination of the most dominant knowledge representation schemes used in these systems reveals that a knowledge base can, and possibly should, be described at several levels using different schemes, including those traditionally used in operational databases. This chapter provides evidence that solutions to the organization and access problem for very large knowledge bases require the employment of appropriate database management methods, at least for the lowest level of description -- the facts or data. We identify the database access requirements of knowledge-based or expert systems and then present four general architectural strategies for the design of expert systems that interact with databases, together with specific recommendations for their suitability in particular situations. An implementation of the most advanced and ambitious of these strategies is then discussed in some detail.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Perspectives in deductive databases

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    AbstractI discuss my experiences, some of the work that I have done, and related work that influenced me, concerning deductive databases, over the last 30 years. I divide this time period into three roughly equal parts: 1957–1968, 1969–1978, 1979–present. For the first I describe how my interest started in deductive databases in 1957, at a time when the field of databases did not even exist. I describe work in the beginning years, leading to the start of deductive databases about 1968 with the work of Cordell Green and Bertram Raphael. The second period saw a great deal of work in theorem providing as well as the introduction of logic programming. The existence and importance of deductive databases as a formal and viable discipline received its impetus at a workshop held in Toulouse, France, in 1977, which culminated in the book Logic and Data Bases. The relationship of deductive databases and logic programming was recognized at that time. During the third period we have seen formal theories of databases come about as an outgrowth of that work, and the recognition that artificial intelligence and deductive databases are closely related, at least through the so-called expert database systems. I expect that the relationships between techniques from formal logic, databases, logic programming, and artificial intelligence will continue to be explored and the field of deductive databases will become a more prominent area of computer science in coming years

    A Survey on Knowledge Graphs: Representation, Acquisition and Applications

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    Human knowledge provides a formal understanding of the world. Knowledge graphs that represent structural relations between entities have become an increasingly popular research direction towards cognition and human-level intelligence. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of knowledge graph covering overall research topics about 1) knowledge graph representation learning, 2) knowledge acquisition and completion, 3) temporal knowledge graph, and 4) knowledge-aware applications, and summarize recent breakthroughs and perspective directions to facilitate future research. We propose a full-view categorization and new taxonomies on these topics. Knowledge graph embedding is organized from four aspects of representation space, scoring function, encoding models, and auxiliary information. For knowledge acquisition, especially knowledge graph completion, embedding methods, path inference, and logical rule reasoning, are reviewed. We further explore several emerging topics, including meta relational learning, commonsense reasoning, and temporal knowledge graphs. To facilitate future research on knowledge graphs, we also provide a curated collection of datasets and open-source libraries on different tasks. In the end, we have a thorough outlook on several promising research directions

    Entity Relationship Approach to Knowledge Base Systems.

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    A unified framework for knowledge base systems is proposed based on Entity-Relationship (ER) approach. Following the analysis and the specification of the real-world using Entity-Relationship approach, the knowledge base is implemented as a first-order logic system, a production system, or a frame-based system by mapping the appropriate symbolic data structures. An approach for analyzing and specifying real-world perceptions must provide appropriate semantic primitives. Therefore, a justification is provided for the semantic primitives proposed in Entity-Relationship approach by considering the fundamental issues in perception. A notation that allows Entity-Relationship approach to be used as a holistic representation is presented. Translation rules are provided for the conversion of ER-diagrams into symbolic data structures of first-order logic systems, production systems, and frame-based systems. The feasibility of using Entity-Relationship approach to support a natural language front-end of a knowledge base system is examined by analyzing the representation of surface and deep structures of a sentence in Entity-Relationship approach

    Towards Efficient Novel Materials Discovery

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    Die Entdeckung von neuen Materialien mit speziellen funktionalen Eigenschaften ist eins der wichtigsten Ziele in den Materialwissenschaften. Das Screening des strukturellen und chemischen Phasenraums nach potentiellen neuen Materialkandidaten wird häufig durch den Einsatz von Hochdurchsatzmethoden erleichtert. Schnelle und genaue Berechnungen sind eins der Hauptwerkzeuge solcher Screenings, deren erster Schritt oft Geometrierelaxationen sind. In Teil I dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Methode der eingeschränkten Geometrierelaxation vorgestellt, welche die perfekte Symmetrie des Kristalls erhält, Resourcen spart sowie Relaxationen von metastabilen Phasen und Systemen mit lokalen Symmetrien und Verzerrungen erlaubt. Neben der Verbesserung solcher Berechnungen um den Materialraum schneller zu durchleuchten ist auch eine bessere Nutzung vorhandener Daten ein wichtiger Pfeiler zur Beschleunigung der Entdeckung neuer Materialien. Obwohl schon viele verschiedene Datenbanken für computerbasierte Materialdaten existieren ist die Nutzbarkeit abhängig von der Darstellung dieser Daten. Hier untersuchen wir inwiefern semantische Technologien und Graphdarstellungen die Annotation von Daten verbessern können. Verschiedene Ontologien und Wissensgraphen werden entwickelt anhand derer die semantische Darstellung von Kristallstrukturen, Materialeigenschaften sowie experimentellen Ergebenissen im Gebiet der heterogenen Katalyse ermöglicht werden. Wir diskutieren, wie der Ansatz Ontologien und Wissensgraphen zu separieren, zusammenbricht wenn neues Wissen mit künstlicher Intelligenz involviert ist. Eine Zwischenebene wird als Lösung vorgeschlagen. Die Ontologien bilden das Hintergrundwissen, welches als Grundlage von zukünftigen autonomen Agenten verwendet werden kann. Zusammenfassend ist es noch ein langer Weg bis Materialdaten für Maschinen verständlich gemacht werden können, so das der direkte Nutzen semantischer Technologien nach aktuellem Stand in den Materialwissenschaften sehr limitiert ist.The discovery of novel materials with specific functional properties is one of the highest goals in materials science. Screening the structural and chemical space for potential new material candidates is often facilitated by high-throughput methods. Fast and still precise computations are a main tool for such screenings and often start with a geometry relaxation to find the nearest low-energy configuration relative to the input structure. In part I of this work, a new constrained geometry relaxation is presented which maintains the perfect symmetry of a crystal, saves time and resources as well as enables relaxations of meta-stable phases and systems with local symmetries or distortions. Apart from improving such computations for a quicker screening of the materials space, better usage of existing data is another pillar that can accelerate novel materials discovery. While many different databases exists that make computational results accessible, their usability depends largely on how the data is presented. We here investigate how semantic technologies and graph representations can improve data annotation. A number of different ontologies and knowledge graphs are developed enabling the semantic representation of crystal structures, materials properties as well experimental results in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. We discuss the breakdown of the knowledge-graph approach when knowledge is created using artificial intelligence and propose an intermediate information layer. The underlying ontologies can provide background knowledge for possible autonomous intelligent agents in the future. We conclude that making materials science data understandable to machines is still a long way to go and the usefulness of semantic technologies in the domain of materials science is at the moment very limited

    Intensional Query Processing in Deductive Database Systems.

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of deriving a set of non-ground first-order logic formulas (intensional answers), as an answer set to a given query, rather than a set of facts (extensional answers), in deductive database (DDB) systems based on non-recursive Horn clauses. A strategy in previous work in this area is to use resolution to derive intensional answers. It leaves however, several important problems. Some of them are: no specific resolution strategy is given; no specific methodologies to formalize the meaningful intensional answers are given; no solution is given to handle large facts in extensional databases (EDB); and no strategy is given to avoid deriving meaningless intensional answers. As a solution, a three-stage formalization process (pre-resolution, resolution, and post-resolution) for the derivation of meaningful intensional answers is proposed which can solve all of the problems mentioned above. A specific resolution strategy called SLD-RC resolution is proposed, which can derive a set of meaningful intensional answers. The notions of relevant literals and relevant clauses are introduced to avoid deriving meaningless intensional answers. The soundness and the completeness of SLD-RC resolution for intensional query processing are proved. An algorithm for the three-stage formalization process is presented and the correctness of the algorithm is proved. Furthermore, it is shown that there are two relationships between intensional answers and extensional answers. In a syntactic relationship, intensional answers are sufficient conditions to derive extensional answers. In a semantic relationship, intensional answers are sufficient and necessary conditions to derive extensional answers. Based on these relationships, the notions of the global and local completeness of an intensional database (IDB) are defined. It is proved that all incomplete IDBs can be transformed into globally complete IDBs, in which all extensional answers can be generated by evaluating intensional answers against an EDB. We claim that the intensional query processing provide a new methodology for query processing in DDBs and thus, extending the categories of queries, will greatly increase our insight into the nature of DDBs