1,040 research outputs found

    Development of an Oxygen Saturation Monitoring System by Embedded Electronics

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    Measuring Oxygenation of blood (SaO2) plays a vital role in patient’s health monitoring. This is often measured by pulse oximeter, which is standard measure during anesthesia, asthma, operative and post-operative recoveries. Despite all, monitoring Oxygen level is necessary for infants with respiratory problems, old people, and pregnant women and in other critical situations. This paper discusses the process of calculating the level of oxygen in blood and heart-rate detection using a non-invasive photo plethysmography also called as pulsoximeter using the MSP430FG437 microcontroller (MCU). The probe uses infrared lights to measure and should be in physical contact with any peripheral points in our body. The percentage of oxygen in the body is worked by measuring the intensity from each frequency of light after it transmits through the body and then calculating the ratio between these two intensities

    Monitoring of marine animais - development and testing of an oximetry and heartbeat sensor

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores, Instrumentação e Microssistemas EletrónicosA monitorização marinha tem se tornado bastante popular, com muitas instituições a usar “tags”, dispositivos invasivos ou não-invasivos que são implantados em animais para monitorizar alguns parâmetros, usualmente relativos ao seu meio circundante, como a temperatura e a pressão da água, a sua localização, etc. Estes dispositivos são importantes, no entanto, são maioritariamente usados para monitorização de movimento e ainda existem muito poucos meios de monitorizar o que se está a passar dentro dos corpos durante algo como um mergulho profundo, durante caças ou para apenas verificar se o espécimen está saudável. Esta dissertação representa uma tentativa de replicar a tecnologia que é mais comumente utilizada para a medição de saturação de oxigénio e ritmo cardíaco em humanos, adaptá-la e aplicá-la em animais marinhos. O método denomina-se Oximetria de Pulso. Dois dispositivos desenvolvidos com a medição de oximetria de pulso em humanos em mente foram escolhidos, o MAX30100 e o MAX30110 da MAXIM Integrated. Foram analisados, estudados e testados in vivo num animal marinho (Raia Curva), o que deu um vislumbre de como se deve abordar o desenvolvimento de um oxímetro de pulso completo, pequeno, de baixo consumo, versátil para poder ser aplicado na maioria dos animais marinhos e capaz de ser integrado num sistema de monitorização. Os testes realizados em ambiente controlado revelaram resultados promissores relativamente ao uso desta tecnologia em animais marinhos, sem haver a necessidade de grandes adaptações, mas também demonstrou que o verdadeiro desafio é aplicá-la de tal forma que os resultados sejam viáveis.Marine monitoring has become quite popular with lots of institutions using tags, invasive or non-invasive devices that are attached to animals to monitor certain parameters, usually of their surrounding mean, like water temperature, water pressure, their location, etc. These devices are important, however, they are mostly used for motion tracking and there are still very few means of monitoring what’s going on inside of their bodies during somethings like deep dives, when they hunt or even if they are in a healthy condition. This dissertation represents an attempt to replicate the technology that is most commonly used for oxygen saturation and heart rate measurement on humans, adapt it and apply it on marine animals. This method is called Pulse Oximetry. Two devices developed for pulse oximetry measuring on humans were chosen, the MAX30100 and MAX30110, from MAXIM Integrated. They were analysed, studied, and tested in vivo on a marine animal (Undulate Ray), which gave an insight on how to approach the development of a small, non-invasive and low-power complete pulse oximeter, versatile so it can be applied in most marine animals and capable of being integrated in a monitoring system. The tests carried out in a controlled environment showed promising results about the use of this technology on marine animals without any major adaptation, but also showed that applying it in such a way that the results are viable is the real challenge.Este trabalho foi cofinanciado por fundos nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto de Investigação “ASTRIIS .: Atlantic Sustainability Through Remote and Integrated In-situ Solutions, ref.: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046092,cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional –FEDER, através do SI&IDT Programas Mobilizadores, Programa Operacional de Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) -COMPETE 2020, do Portugal 2020,tendo como Organismo Intermédio de acompanhamento à realização do investimento, a Agência Nacional de Inovação –ANI

    Reflectance Pulse Oximetry - Principles and Obstetric Application in the Zurich System

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    Transmission and reflectance are the two main modes of pulse oximetry. In obstetrics, due to the absence of a transilluminable fetal part for transmission oximetry, the only feasible option is the reflectance mode, in which sensor and detector are located on the same surface of the body part. However, none of the reflectance pulse oximeters developed for intrapartum use are fully satisfactory, as indicated by the fact that none have entered routine use. We have designed, developed, constructed and tested a reflectance pulse oximeter with the possibility to adjust the electronic circuits and signal processing in order to determine the effects of various parameters on signal amplitude and wave-form and to optimize the sensitivity and spatial arrangement of the optical elements. Following an explanation of the principles of reflectance pulse oximetry, we report our experience with the design, development, construction and field-testing of an in-house reflectance pulse oximetry system for obstetric applicatio

    Acoustic cardiac triggering: a practical solution for synchronization and gating of cardiovascular magnetic resonance at 7 Tesla

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To demonstrate the applicability of acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) for imaging of the heart at ultrahigh magnetic fields (7.0 T) by comparing phonocardiogram, conventional vector electrocardiogram (ECG) and traditional pulse oximetry (POX) triggered 2D CINE acquisitions together with (i) a qualitative image quality analysis, (ii) an assessment of the left ventricular function parameter and (iii) an examination of trigger reliability and trigger detection variance derived from the signal waveforms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ECG was susceptible to severe distortions at 7.0 T. POX and ACT provided waveforms free of interferences from electromagnetic fields or from magneto-hydrodynamic effects. Frequent R-wave mis-registration occurred in ECG-triggered acquisitions with a failure rate of up to 30% resulting in cardiac motion induced artifacts. ACT and POX triggering produced images free of cardiac motion artefacts. ECG showed a severe jitter in the R-wave detection. POX also showed a trigger jitter of approximately Δt = 72 ms which is equivalent to two cardiac phases. ACT showed a jitter of approximately Δt = 5 ms only. ECG waveforms revealed a standard deviation for the cardiac trigger offset larger than that observed for ACT or POX waveforms.</p> <p>Image quality assessment showed that ACT substantially improved image quality as compared to ECG (image quality score at end-diastole: ECG = 1.7 ± 0.5, ACT = 2.4 ± 0.5, p = 0.04) while the comparison between ECG vs. POX gated acquisitions showed no significant differences in image quality (image quality score: ECG = 1.7 ± 0.5, POX = 2.0 ± 0.5, p = 0.34).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The applicability of acoustic triggering for cardiac CINE imaging at 7.0 T was demonstrated. ACT's trigger reliability and fidelity are superior to that of ECG and POX. ACT promises to be beneficial for cardiovascular magnetic resonance at ultra-high field strengths including 7.0 T.</p

    Wearable sensor for continuous monitoring of physiological parameters

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    Providing high quality health care to a mass population is becoming one of the great endeavors of modern society. In order to do so, there is a urge to embrace the use of new technologies that can provide comfort while ensuring the safety and reliability of traditional methods. The system hereby proposed ought to be capable of monitoring a person's vital signs therefore being very flexible regarding its application scenarios. It can be used not only in emergency wards and screening diseases but also in a home environment to monitor elderly people or young children. Furthermore, it is not exclusive to monitoring and preventing diseases, it can also be an instrument that aids sports training at high intensity levels. This product can measure a patient's heart rate and oxygen saturation levels ensuring comfort and easy usage. Another advantage when compared to traditional machines used to fit the same purpose is the fact that it is much cheaper, takes up less space and it encompasses two functional- ities that are otherwise measured with different machines. This system has two major components, an ESP32 microprocessor and a MAX30100 Pho- toPletysmoGraphy (PPG) sensor. The ESP32 module was chosen due to its computing capacity (dual-core 32-bit processor), having a WiFi module built in with full TCP/IP stack and having 3 pre-defined sleep modes to reduce power consumption. The MAX30100 sensor was picked because it is a compact and small module with simple usage. Furthermore, the goal of this disser- tation is to build this system to be energy efficient, maximizing its battery life while not compro- mising its logical correctness. The configuration chosen that produced steady results whilst consuming lowest energy possi- ble was: 37 mA of current for the IR LED, sampling frequency of 50 Hz and pulse width of 200 μs

    The design and evaluation of discrete wearable medical devices for vital signs monitoring

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    The observation, recording and appraisal of an individual’s vital signs, namely temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), are key components in the assessment of their health and wellbeing. Measurements provide valuable diagnostic data, facilitating clinical diagnosis, management and monitoring. Respiratory rate sensing is perhaps the most under-utilised of all the vital signs, being routinely assessed by observation or estimated algorithmically from respiratory-induced beat-to-beat variation in heart rate. Moreover there is an unmet need for wearable devices that can measure all or most of the vital signs. This project therefore aims to a) develop a device that can measure respiratory rate and b) develop a wearable device that can measure all or most of the vital signs. An accelerometer-based clavicular respiratory motion sensor was developed and compared with a similar thoracic motion sensor and reference using exhalatory flow. Pilot study results established that the clavicle sensor accurately tracked the reference in monitoring respiratory rate and outperformed the thoracic device. An Ear-worn Patient Monitoring System (EPMS) was also developed, providing a discrete telemonitoring device capable of rapidly measuring tympanic temperature, heart rate, SpO2 and activity level. The results of a comparative pilot study against reference instruments revealed that heart rate matched the reference for accuracy, while temperature under read (< 1°C) and SpO2 was inconsistent with poor correlation. In conclusion, both of the prototype devices require further development. The respiratory sensor would benefit from product engineering and larger scale testing to fully exploit the technology, but could find use in both hospital and community-based The design and evaluation of discrete wearable medical devices for vital signs monitoring DG Pitts ii Cranfield University monitoring. The EPMS has potential for clinical and community use, having demonstrated its capability of rapidly capturing and wirelessly transmitting vital signs readings. Further development is nevertheless required to improve the thermometer probe and resolve outstanding issues with SpO2 readings

    Wearable, Multimodal, Biosignal Acquisition System for Potential Critical and Emergency Applications

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    For emergency or intensive-care units (ICUs), patients with unclear consciousness or unstable hemodynamics often require aggressive monitoring by multiple monitors. Complicated pipelines or lines increase the burden on patients and inconvenience for medical personnel. Currently, many commercial devices provide related functionalities. However, most devices measure only one biological signal, which can increase the budget for users and cause difficulty in remote integration. In this study, we develop a wearable device that integrates electrocardiography (ECG), electroencephalography (EEG), and blood oxygen machines for medical applications with the hope that it can be applied in the future. We develop an integrated multiple-biosignal recording system based on a modular design. The developed system monitors and records EEG, ECG, and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) signals for health purposes simultaneously in a single setting. We use a logic level converter to connect the developed EEG module (BR8), ECG module, and SpO2 module to a microcontroller (Arduino). The modular data are then smoothly encoded and decoded through consistent overhead byte stuffing (COBS). This developed system has passed simulation tests and exhibited proper functioning of all modules and subsystems. In the future, the functionalities of the proposed system can be expanded with additional modules to support various emergency or ICU applications