26,577 research outputs found

    Perceiving Mass in Mixed Reality through Pseudo-Haptic Rendering of Newton's Third Law

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    In mixed reality, real objects can be used to interact with virtual objects. However, unlike in the real world, real objects do not encounter any opposite reaction force when pushing against virtual objects. The lack of reaction force during manipulation prevents users from perceiving the mass of virtual objects. Although this could be addressed by equipping real objects with force-feedback devices, such a solution remains complex and impractical.In this work, we present a technique to produce an illusion of mass without any active force-feedback mechanism. This is achieved by simulating the effects of this reaction force in a purely visual way. A first study demonstrates that our technique indeed allows users to differentiate light virtual objects from heavy virtual objects. In addition, it shows that the illusion is immediately effective, with no prior training. In a second study, we measure the lowest mass difference (JND) that can be perceived with this technique. The effectiveness and ease of implementation of our solution provides an opportunity to enhance mixed reality interaction at no additional cost

    Constraints On The Topology Of The Universe From The WMAP First-Year Sky Maps

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    We compute the covariance expected between the spherical harmonic coefficients aℓma_{\ell m} of the cosmic microwave temperature anisotropy if the universe had a compact topology. For fundamental cell size smaller than the distance to the decoupling surface, off-diagonal components carry more information than the diagonal components (the power spectrum). We use a maximum likelihood analysis to compare the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe first-year data to models with a cubic topology. The data are compatible with finite flat topologies with fundamental domain L>1.2L > 1.2 times the distance to the decoupling surface at 95% confidence. The WMAP data show reduced power at the quadrupole and octopole, but do not show the correlations expected for a compact topology and are indistinguishable from infinite models.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Generic decoupled image-based visual servoing for cameras obeying the unified projection model

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    In this paper a generic decoupled imaged-based control scheme for calibrated cameras obeying the unified projection model is proposed. The proposed decoupled scheme is based on the surface of object projections onto the unit sphere. Such features are invariant to rotational motions. This allows the control of translational motion independently from the rotational motion. Finally, the proposed results are validated with experiments using a classical perspective camera as well as a fisheye camera mounted on a 6 dofs robot platform

    Motion from "X" by Compensating "Y"

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    This paper analyzes the geometry of the visual motion estimation problem in relation to transformations of the input (images) that stabilize particular output functions such as the motion of a point, a line and a plane in the image. By casting the problem within the popular "epipolar geometry", we provide a common framework for including constraints such as point, line of plane fixation by just considering "slices" of the parameter manifold. The models we provide can be used for estimating motion from a batch using the preferred optimization techniques, or for defining dynamic filters that estimate motion from a causal sequence. We discuss methods for performing the necessary compensation by either controlling the support of the camera or by pre-processing the images. The compensation algorithms may be used also for recursively fitting a plane in 3-D both from point-features or directly from brightness. Conversely, they may be used for estimating motion relative to the plane independent of its parameters

    Δ\Delta-Algebra and Scattering Amplitudes

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    In this paper we study an algebra that naturally combines two familiar operations in scattering amplitudes: computations of volumes of polytopes using triangulations and constructions of canonical forms from products of smaller ones. We mainly concentrate on the case of G(2,n)G(2,n) as it controls both general MHV leading singularities and CHY integrands for a variety of theories. This commutative algebra has also appeared in the study of configuration spaces and we called it the Δ\Delta-algebra. As a natural application, we generalize the well-known square move. This allows us to generate infinite families of new moves between non-planar on-shell diagrams. We call them sphere moves. Using the Δ\Delta-algebra we derive familiar results, such as the KK and BCJ relations, and prove novel formulas for higher-order relations. Finally, we comment on generalizations to G(k,n)G(k,n).Comment: 36+13 page

    Magnetic Flux Expulsion in Star Formation

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    Stars form in dense cores of magnetized molecular clouds. If the magnetic flux threading the cores is dragged into the stars, the stellar field would be orders of magnitude stronger than observed. This well-known "magnetic flux problem" demands that most of the core magnetic flux be decoupled from the matter that enters the star. We carry out the first exploration of what happens to the decoupled magnetic flux in 3D, using an MHD version of the ENZO adaptive mesh refinement code. The field-matter decoupling is achieved through a sink particle treatment, which is needed to follow the protostellar accretion phase of star formation. We find that the accumulation of the decoupled flux near the accreting protostar leads to a magnetic pressure buildup. The high pressure is released anisotropically, along the path of least resistance. It drives a low-density expanding region in which the decoupled magnetic flux is expelled. This decoupling-enabled magnetic structure has never been seen before in 3D MHD simulations of star formation. It generates a strong asymmetry in the protostellar accretion flow, potentially giving a kick to the star. In the presence of an initial core rotation, the structure presents an obstacle to the formation of a rotationally supported disk, in addition to magnetic braking, by acting as a rigid magnetic wall that prevents the rotating gas from completing a full orbit around the central object. We conclude that the decoupled magnetic flux from the stellar matter can strongly affect the protostellar collapse dynamics

    Software Reuse across Robotic Platforms: Limiting the effects of diversity

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    Robots have diverse capabilities and complex interactions with their environment. Software development for robotic platforms is time consuming due to the complex nature of the tasks to be performed. Such an environment demands sound software engineering practices to produce high quality software. However software engineering in the robotics domain fails to facilitate any significant level of software reuse or portability. This paper identifies the major issues limiting software reuse in the robotics domain. Lack of standardisation, diversity of robotic platforms, and the subtle effects of environmental interaction all contribute to this problem. It is then shown that software components, fuzzy logic, and related techniques can be used together to address this problem. While complete software reuse is not possible, it is demonstrated that significant levels of software reuse can be obtained. Without an acceptable level of reuse or portability, software engineering in the robotics domain will not be able to meet the demands of a rapidly developing field. The work presented in this paper demonstrates a method for supporting software reuse across robotic platforms and hence facilitating improved software engineering practices
