2,348 research outputs found

    Genetic programming for the automatic design of controllers for a surface ship

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    In this paper, the implementation of genetic programming (GP) to design a contoller structure is assessed. GP is used to evolve control strategies that, given the current and desired state of the propulsion and heading dynamics of a supply ship as inputs, generate the command forces required to maneuver the ship. The controllers created using GP are evaluated through computer simulations and real maneuverability tests in a laboratory water basin facility. The robustness of each controller is analyzed through the simulation of environmental disturbances. In addition, GP runs in the presence of disturbances are carried out so that the different controllers obtained can be compared. The particular vessel used in this paper is a scale model of a supply ship called CyberShip II. The results obtained illustrate the benefits of using GP for the automatic design of propulsion and navigation controllers for surface ships

    Sliding Mode Control for Trajectory Tracking of a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot using Adaptive Neural Networks

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    In this work a sliding mode control method for a non-holonomic mobile robot using an adaptive neural network is proposed. Due to this property and restricted mobility, the trajectory tracking of this system has been one of the research topics for the last ten years. The proposed control structure combines a feedback linearization model, based on a nominal kinematic model, and a practical design that combines an indirect neural adaptation technique with sliding mode control to compensate for the dynamics of the robot. A neural sliding mode controller is used to approximate the equivalent control in the neighbourhood of the sliding manifold, using an online adaptation scheme. A sliding control is appended to ensure that the neural sliding mode control can achieve a stable closed-loop system for the trajectory-tracking control of a mobile robot with unknown non-linear dynamics. Also, the proposed control technique can reduce the steady-state error using the online adaptive neural network with sliding mode control; the design is based on Lyapunov’s theory. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective in controlling mobile robots with large dynamic uncertaintiesFil: Rossomando, Francisco Guido. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Automática. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Automática; ArgentinaFil: Soria, Carlos Miguel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Automática. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Automática; ArgentinaFil: Carelli Albarracin, Ricardo Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Automática. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Automática; Argentin

    Modeling and control of complex dynamic systems: Applied mathematical aspects

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    The concept of complex dynamic systems arises in many varieties, including the areas of energy generation, storage and distribution, ecosystems, gene regulation and health delivery, safety and security systems, telecommunications, transportation networks, and the rapidly emerging research topics seeking to understand and analyse. Such systems are often concurrent and distributed, because they have to react to various kinds of events, signals, and conditions. They may be characterized by a system with uncertainties, time delays, stochastic perturbations, hybrid dynamics, distributed dynamics, chaotic dynamics, and a large number of algebraic loops. This special issue provides a platform for researchers to report their recent results on various mathematical methods and techniques for modelling and control of complex dynamic systems and identifying critical issues and challenges for future investigation in this field. This special issue amazingly attracted one-hundred-and eighteen submissions, and twenty-eight of them are selected through a rigorous review procedure

    Decentralized adaptive partitioned approximation control of high degrees-of-freedom robotic manipulators considering three actuator control modes

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    International audiencePartitioned approximation control is avoided in most decentralized control algorithms; however, it is essential to design a feedforward control term for improving the tracking accuracy of the desired references. In addition, consideration of actuator dynamics is important for a robot with high-velocity movement and highly varying loads. As a result, this work is focused on decentralized adaptive partitioned approximation control for complex robotic systems using the orthogonal basis functions as strong approximators. In essence, the partitioned approximation technique is intrinsically decentralized with some modifications. Three actuator control modes are considered in this study: (i) a torque control mode in which the armature current is well controlled by a current servo amplifier and the motor torque/current constant is known, (ii) a current control mode in which the torque/current constant is unknown, and (iii) a voltage control mode with no current servo control being available. The proposed decentralized control law consists of three terms: the partitioned approximation-based feedforward term that is necessary for precise tracking, the high gain-based feedback term, and the adaptive sliding gain-based term for compensation of modeling error. The passivity property is essential to prove the stability of local stability of the individual subsystem with guaranteed global stability. Two case studies are used to prove the validity of the proposed controller: a two-link manipulator and a six-link biped robot

    Fuzzy second order sliding mode control of a unified power flow controller

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    Purpose. This paper presents an advanced control scheme based on fuzzy logic and second order sliding mode of a unified power flow controller. This controller offers advantages in terms of static and dynamic operation of the power system such as the control law is synthesized using three types of controllers: proportional integral, and sliding mode controller and Fuzzy logic second order sliding mode controller. Their respective performances are compared in terms of reference tracking, sensitivity to perturbations and robustness. We have to study the problem of controlling power in electric system by UPFC. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method especiallyin chattering-free behavior, response to sudden load variations and robustness. All the simulations for the above work have been carried out using MATLAB / Simulink. Various simulations have given very satisfactory results and we have successfully improved the real and reactive power flows on a transmission lineas well as to regulate voltage at the bus where it is connected, the studies and illustrate the effectiveness and capability of UPFC in improving power.В настоящей статье представлена усовершенствованная схема управления, основанная на нечеткой логике и режиме скольжения второго порядка унифицированного контроллера потока мощности. Данный контроллер обладает преимуществами с точки зрения статической и динамической работы энергосистемы, например, закон управления синтезируется с использованием трех типов контроллеров: пропорционально-интегрального, контроллера скользящего режима и контроллера скользящего режима нечеткой логики второго порядка. Их соответствующие характеристики сравниваются с точки зрения отслеживания эталонов, чувствительности к возмущениям и надежности. Необходимо изучить проблему управления мощностью в энергосистеме с помощью унифицированного контроллера потока мощности (UPFC). Результаты моделирования показывают эффективность предложенного метода, особенно в отношении отсутствия вибрации, реакции на внезапные изменения нагрузки и устойчивости. Все расчеты для вышеуказанной работы были выполнены с использованием MATLAB/Simulink. Различные расчетные исследования дали весьма удовлетворительные результаты, и мы успешно улучшили потоки реальной и реактивной мощности на линии электропередачи, а также регулирование напряжения на шине, к которой она подключена, что позволяет изучить и проиллюстрировать эффективность и возможности UPFC для увеличения мощности

    Development and Implementation of Some Controllers for Performance Enhancement and Effective Utilization of Induction Motor Drive

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    The technological development in the field of power electronics and DSP technology is rapidly changing the aspect of drive technology. Implementations of advanced control strategies like field oriented control, linearization control, etc. to AC drives with variable voltage, and variable frequency source is possible because of the advent of high modulating frequency PWM inverters. The modeling complexity in the drive system and the subsequent requirement for modern control algorithms are being easily taken care by high computational power, low-cost DSP controllers. The present work is directed to study, design, development, and implementation of various controllers and their comparative evaluations to identify the proper controller for high-performance induction motor (IM) drives. The dynamic modeling for decoupling control of IM is developed by making the flux and torque decoupled. The simulation is carried out in the stationary reference frame with linearized control based on state-space linearization technique. Further, comprehensive and systematic design procedures are derived to tune the PI controllers for both electrical and mechanical subsystems. However, the PI-controller performance is not satisfactory under various disturbances and system uncertainties. Also, precise mathematical model, gain values, and continuous tuning are required for the controller design to obtain high performance. Thus, to overcome these drawbacks, an adapted control strategy based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) based controller is developed and implemented in real-time to validate different control strategies. The superiority of the proposed controller is analyzed and is contrasted with the conventional PI controller-based linearized IM drive. The simplified neuro-fuzzy control (NFC) integrates the concept of fuzzy logic and neural network structure like conventional NFC, but it has the advantages of simplicity and improved computational efficiency over conventional NFC as the single input introduced here is an error instead of two inputs error and change in error as in conventional NFC. This structure makes the proposed NFC robust and simple as compared to conventional NFC and thus, can be easily applied to real-time industrial applications. The proposed system incorporated with different control methods is also validated with extensive experimental results using DSP2812. The effectiveness of the proposed method using feedback linearization of IM drive is investigated in simulation as well as in experiment with different working modes. It is evident from the comparative results that the system performance is not deteriorated using proposed simplified NFC as compared to the conventional NFC, rather it shows superior performance over PI-controller-based drive. A hybrid fuel cell (FC) supply system to deliver the power demanded by the feedback linearization (FBL) based IM drive is designed and implemented. The modified simple hybrid neuro-fuzzy sliding-mode control (NFSMC) incorporated with the intuitive FBL substantially reduces torque chattering and improves speed response, giving optimal drive performance under system uncertainties and disturbances. This novel technique also has the benefit of reduced computational burden over conventional NFSMC and thus, suitable for real-time industrial applications. The parameters of the modified NFC is tuned by an adaptive mechanism based on sliding-mode control (SMC). A FC stack with a dc/dc boost converter is considered here as a separate external source during interruption of main supply for maintaining the supply to the motor drive control through the inverter, thereby reducing the burden and average rating of the inverter. A rechargeable battery used as an energy storage supplements the FC during different operating conditions of the drive system. The effectiveness of the proposed method using FC-based linearized IM drive is investigated in simulation, and the efficacy of the proposed controller is validated in real-time. It is evident from the results that the system provides optimal dynamic performance in terms of ripples, overshoot, and settling time responses and is robust in terms of parameters variation and external load

    Controlador híbrido robusto basado en red neuronal fuzzy de intervalo tipo 2 y modo deslizante de alto orden para robots manipuladores

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    Industrial arms should be able to perform their duties in environments where unpredictable conditions and perturbations are present. In this paper, controlling a robotic manipulator is intended under significant external perturbations and parametric uncertainties. Type-2 fuzzy logic is an appropriate choice in the face of uncertain environments, for various reasons, including utilizing fuzzy membership functions. Also, using the neural network (NN) can increase robustness of the controller. Although neural network does not basically need to build its type-2 fuzzy rules, the initial rules based on sliding surface of higher order sliding mode controller (HOSMC) can improve the system's performance. In addition, self-regulation feature of the controller, which is based on the existence of the neural network in the central type-2 fuzzy controller block, increases the robustness of the method even more. Effective performance of the proposed controller (IT2FNN-HOSMC) is shown under various perturbations in numerical simulations.Los brazos industriale deben poder realizar sus tareas en entornos donde existen condiciones y perturbaciones impredecibles. En este artículo, el control de un manipulador robótico está bajo perturbaciones externas significativas e incertidumbres paramétricas. La lógica difusa de tipo 2 es una opción adecuada frente a entornos inciertos, por varias razones, incluida la utilización de funciones de membresía difusas. Además, el uso de la red neuronal (NN) puede aumentar la robustez del controlador. Aunque la red neuronal no necesita básicamente construir sus reglas difusas tipo 2, las reglas iniciales basadas en la superficie deslizante del controlador de modo deslizante de orden superior (HOSMC) pueden mejorar el rendimiento del sistema. Además, la función de autorregulación del controlador, que se basa en la existencia de la red neuronal en el bloque central del controlador difuso tipo 2, aumenta aún más la robustez del método. El rendimiento efectivo del controlador propuesto (IT2FNN-HOSMC) se muestra bajo varias perturbaciones en simulaciones numéricas

    Neuro-sliding mode multivariable control of a powered wheelchair.

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    This paper proposes a neuro-sliding mode multivariable control approach for the control of a powered wheelchair system. In the first stage, a systematic decoupling technique is applied to the wheelchair system in order to reduce the multivariable control problem into two independent scalar control problems. Then two Neuro-Sliding Mode Controllers (NSMCs) are designed for these independent subsystems to guarantee system robustness under model uncertainties and unknown external disturbances. Both off-line and on-line trainings are involved in the second stage. Real-time experimental results confirm that robust performance for this multivariable wheelchair control system under model uncertainties and unknown external disturbances can indeed be achieved

    State-of-the-Art System Solutions for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles

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    Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) have gained popularity for the last decades, especially for the purpose of not risking human life in dangerous operations. On the other hand, underwater environment introduces numerous challenges in navigation, control and communication of such vehicles. Certainly, this fact makes the development of these vehicles more interesting and engineering-wise more attractive. In this paper, we first revisit the existing technology and methodology for the solution of aforementioned problems, then we try to come up with a system solution of a generic unmanned underwater vehicles