9 research outputs found

    Opposite effects of high- and low-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation probed with visual motion adaptation

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    Transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS) is a recent neuro-modulation technique whose effects at both behavioural and neural level are still debated. Here we employed the well-known phenomenon of motion after-effect (MAE) in order to investigate the effects of high- vs. low-frequency tRNS on motion adaptation and recovery. Participants were asked to estimate the MAE duration following prolonged adaptation (20 s) to a complex moving pattern, while being stimulated with either sham or tRNS across different blocks. Different groups were administered with either high- or low-frequency tRNS. Stimulation sites were either bilateral human MT complex (hMT+) or frontal areas. The results showed that, whereas no effects on MAE duration were induced by stimulating frontal areas, when applied to the bilateral hMT+, high-frequency tRNS caused a significant decrease in MAE duration whereas low-frequency tRNS caused a significant corresponding increase in MAE duration. These findings indicate that high- and low-frequency tRNS have opposed effects on the adaptation-dependent unbalance between neurons tuned to opposite motion directions, and thus on neuronal excitability

    Visuo-vestibular conflicts within the roll plane modulate multisensory verticality perception

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    The integration of visuo-vestibular information is crucial when interacting with the external environment. Under normal circumstances, vision and vestibular signals provide corroborating information, for example regarding the direction and speed of self-motion. However, conflicts in visuo-vestibular signalling, such as optic flow presented to a stationary observer, can change subsequent processing in either modality. While previous studies have demonstrated the impact of sensory conflict on unisensory visual or vestibular percepts, here we investigated whether visuo-vestibular conflicts impact sensitivity to multisensory percepts, specifically verticality. Participants were exposed to a visuo-vestibular conflicting or non-conflicting motion adaptor before completing a Vertical Detection Task. Sensitivity to vertical stimuli was reduced following visuo-vestibular conflict. No significant differences in criterion were found. Our findings suggest that visuo-vestibular conflicts not only modulate processing in unimodal channels, but also broader multisensory percepts, which may have implications for higher-level processing dependent on the integration of visual and vestibular signals

    Global Motion Processing in Human Visual Cortical Areas V2 and V3

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    Lack of orientation specific adaptation to vertically oriented Glass patterns in human visual cortex: an fMRI adaptation investigation

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    The perception of coherent form configurations in natural scenes relies on the activity of early visual areas that respond to local orientation cues. Subsequently, high-level visual areas pool these local signals to construct a global representation of the initial visual input. However, it is still debated whether neurons in the early visual cortex respond also to global form features. Glass patterns (GPs) are visual stimuli employed to investigate local and global form processing and consist of randomly distributed dots pairs called dipoles arranged to form specific global configurations. In the current study, we used GPs and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) adaptation to reveal the visual areas that subserve the processing of oriented GPs. Specifically, we adapted participants to vertically oriented GP, then we presented test GPs having either the same or different orientations with respect to the adapting GP. We hypothesized that if local form features are processed exclusively by early visual areas and global form by higher-order visual areas, then the effect of visual adaptation should be more pronounced in higher tier visual areas as it requires global processing of the pattern. Contrary to this expectation, our results revealed that adaptation to GPs is robust in early visual areas (V1, V2, and V3), but not in higher tier visual areas (V3AB and V4v), suggesting that form cues in oriented GPs are primarily derived from local-processing mechanisms that originate in V1. Finally, adaptation to vertically oriented GPs causes a modification in the BOLD response within early visual areas, regardless of the relative orientations of the adapting and test stimuli, indicating a lack of orientation selectivity

    Assessing the impact of emotion in dual pathway models of sensory processing.

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    In our daily environment, we are constantly encountering an endless stream of information which we must be able to sort and prioritize. Some of the features that influence this are the emotional nature of stimuli and the emotional context of events. Emotional information is often given preferential access to neurocognitive resources, including within sensory processing systems. Interestingly, both auditory and visual systems are divided into dual processing streams; a ventral object identity/perception stream and a dorsal object location/action stream. While effects of emotion on the ventral streams are relatively well defined, its effect on dorsal stream processes remains unclear. The present thesis aimed to investigate the impact of emotion on sensory systems within a dual pathway framework of sensory processing. Study I investigated the role of emotion during auditory localization. While undergoing fMRI, participants indicated the location of an emotional or non-emotional sound within an auditory virtual environment. This revealed that the neurocognitive structures displaying activation modulated by emotion were not the same as those modulated by sound location. Emotion was represented in regions associated with the putative auditory ‘what’ but not ‘where’ stream. Study II examined the impact of emotion on ostensibly similar localization behaviours mediated differentially by the dorsal versus ventral visual processing stream. Ventrally-mediated behaviours were demonstrated to be impacted by the emotional context of a trial, while dorsally-mediated behaviours were not. For Study III, a motion-aftereffect paradigm was used to investigate the impact of emotion on visual area V5/MT+. This area, traditionally believed to be involved in dorsal stream processing, has a number of characteristics similar to a ventral stream structure. It was discovered that V5/MT+ activity was modulated both by presence of perceptual motion and emotional content of an image. In addition, this region displayed patterns of functional connectivity with the amygdala that were significantly modulated by emotion. Together, these results suggest that emotional information modulates neural processing within ventral sensory processing streams, but not dorsal processing streams. These findings are discussed with respect to current models of emotional and sensory processing, including amygdala connections to sensory cortices and emotional effects on cognition and behaviour

    Neural basis of visual motion perception

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    Decoding the motion aftereffect in human visual cortex

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    In the motion aftereffect (MAE), adapting to a moving stimulus causes a subsequently presented stationary stimulus to appear to move in the opposite direction. Recently, the neural basis of the motion aftereffect has received considerable interest, and a number of brain areas have been implicated in the generation of the illusory motion. Here, we use functional magnetic resonance imaging in combination with multivariate pattern classification to directly compare the neural activity evoked during the observation of both real and illusory motions. We show that the perceived illusory motion is not encoded in the same way as real motion in the same direction. Instead, suppression of the adapted direction of motion results in a shift of the population response of motion sensitive neurons in area MT. +, resulting in activation patterns that are in fact more similar to real motion in orthogonal, rather than opposite directions. Although robust motion selectivity was observed in visual areas V1, V2, V3, and V4, this MAE-specific modulation of the population response was only observed in area MT. +. Implications for our understanding of the motion aftereffect, and models of motion perception in general, are discussed.</p