66,961 research outputs found

    Survey: Data Mining Techniques in Medical Data Field

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    Now days most of the research area are working on data mining techniques in medical data. Knowledge discovery and data mining have found numerous applications in business and scientific domain. Valuable knowledge can be discovered from application of data mining techniques in healthcare system. In this study, we briefly examine the potential use of classification based data mining techniques such as Rule based, decision tree, machine learning algorithms like Support Vector Machines, Principle Component Analysis etc., Rough Set Theory and Fuzzy logic. In particular we consider a case study using classification techniques on a medical data set of diabetic patients

    Obtaining Approximation with Data Cube using Map-Reduce

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    Data mining is a field that has an important contribution to data analysis, discovery of new meaningful knowledge, and autonomous decision making. Whereas, the rough set theory offers a viable approach for decision rule extraction from data. With the data cube we tried to put data in multidimensional way and accessed that data via map reduce. The adequate quantity or supply of data, coupled with the need for powerful data analysis tools, i.e. where data is rich but information is in poor situation. The proposed algorithm is been compared with other different rough set approximation approaches. Our algorithm to achieve approximation for decision rules has better performance. This proposed algorithm has been more efficient to obtain approximation. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150710

    A rough set-based effective rule generation method for classification with an application in intrusion detection

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    Abstract: In this paper, we use Rough Set Theory (RST) to address the important problem of generating decision rules for data mining. In particular, we propose a rough set-based approach to mine rules from inconsistent data. It computes the lower and upper approximations for each concept, and then builds concise classification rules for each concept satisfying required classification accuracy. Estimating lower and upper approximations substantially reduces the computational complexity of the algorithm. We use UCI ML Repository data sets to test and validate the approach. We also use our approach on network intrusion data sets captured using our local network from network flows. The results show that our approach produces effective and minimal rules and provides satisfactory accuracy. Keywords: rough set; LEM2; inconsistency; minimal; redundant; PCS; intrusion detection; network flow data. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Gogoi, P., Bhattacharyya, D.K. and Kalita, J.K. (2013) 'A rough set-based effective rule generation method for classification with an application in intrusion detection', Int

    Knowledge discovery in distance relay event report: a comparative data-mining strategy of rough set theory with decision tree

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    A protective relay performance analysis is only feasible when the hypothesis of expected relay operation characteristics as decision rules is established as the knowledge base. This has been meticulously accomplished by soliciting the relay knowledge domain from protection experts who are usually constrained by their experience and expertise. Manually analyzing an event report is also cumbersome due to the tremendous amount of data to be perused. This paper addresses these issues by intelligently divulging the knowledge hidden in the relay recorded event report using a data-mining strategy based on rough set theory and a rule-quality measure under supervised learning to discover the relay decision algorithm and association rule. The high prediction accuracy rate and the close-to-unity areas under ROC curve value of the relay operating characteristic curve of the discovered relay decision algorithm verifies its generalized ability to predict trip status in an expert system of relay performance analysis. The relay association rule that was subsequently discovered by using the rule-quality analysis had also been verified as being a reliable hypothesis of the relay operation characteristics. This hypothesis helps the protection engineers understand the behavior of the distance relay. These rules would then be compared with and validated by benchmarking decision-tree-based data-mining analysis

    Sustainability in Peripheral and Ultra-Peripheral Rural Areas through a Multi-Attribute Analysis: The Case of the Italian Insular Region

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    Italy has adopted the strategy of inner areas, mainly based on physical distance from public services. The strategy promotes a multi-level and multi-fund governance approach and the local partnership of mayors. Our paper focuses on rural areas, identified by the national strategy of inner areas, as peripheral and ultra-peripheral, in the Italian insular region (Sicily and Sardinia). It analyzes, at the municipality level, socio-demographic, economic, and environmental sustainability using appropriate indicators. Aiming at discovering the underlying relationship portrayed by multi-attribute data in an information system, we applied rough set theory. The inductive decision rules obtained through this data mining methodology reveal the simultaneous presence or absence of important characteristics aiming at reaching different levels of sustainability. Without the requirement of statistical assumptions regarding data distribution or structures for collecting data, such as functions or equations, this method ensures the description of patterns exhibited by data. Of particular interest is the assessment of conditional attributes (i.e., the selected indicators), and the information connecting them to sustainability, as a decision attribute. The most important result is rule generation, specifically, decision rules that are able to suggest tools for policy makers at different levels

    Class Association Rules Mining based Rough Set Method

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    This paper investigates the mining of class association rules with rough set approach. In data mining, an association occurs between two set of elements when one element set happen together with another. A class association rule set (CARs) is a subset of association rules with classes specified as their consequences. We present an efficient algorithm for mining the finest class rule set inspired form Apriori algorithm, where the support and confidence are computed based on the elementary set of lower approximation included in the property of rough set theory. Our proposed approach has been shown very effective, where the rough set approach for class association discovery is much simpler than the classic association method.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Efficient schemes on solving fractional integro-differential equations

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    Fractional integro-differential equation (FIDE) emerges in various modelling of physical phenomena. In most cases, finding the exact analytical solution for FIDE is difficult or not possible. Hence, the methods producing highly accurate numerical solution in efficient ways are often sought after. This research has designed some methods to find the approximate solution of FIDE. The analytical expression of Genocchi polynomial operational matrix for left-sided and right-sided Caputo’s derivative and kernel matrix has been derived. Linear independence of Genocchi polynomials has been proved by deriving the expression for Genocchi polynomial Gram determinant. Genocchi polynomial method with collocation has been introduced and applied in solving both linear and system of linear FIDE. The numerical results of solving linear FIDE by Genocchi polynomial are compared with certain existing methods. The analytical expression of Bernoulli polynomial operational matrix of right-sided Caputo’s fractional derivative and the Bernoulli expansion coefficient for a two-variable function is derived. Linear FIDE with mixed left and right-sided Caputo’s derivative is first considered and solved by applying the Bernoulli polynomial with spectral-tau method. Numerical results obtained show that the method proposed achieves very high accuracy. The upper bounds for th