225 research outputs found

    Pharmacovigilance of pregnancy exposures to medicinal products focusing on the risk of orofacial clefts

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    Background: It is important to obtain robust scientific information on possible safety concerns related to the use of drugs during pregnancy in post-approval settings. Since pregnant women are actively excluded from trials in the clinical development of most products, at the time of the drug entry in the market meaningful human data on the effects of that drug during pregnancy are rarely available. There are approximately 5 million pregnancies in the EU each year, and about 1 in every 10 women of childbearing age is pregnant each year. Insufficient information for management of maternal disease during pregnancy can have teratogenic impact on fetus. Aim and objectives: This reach comprises three studies, in the first study; the goal was to evaluate the maternal use of medicines and the associated risks of cleft lip and/or palate in fetus and to link this to the accuracy and currency of safety information available in prescribing information. The second area of research was aimed at identifying and exploring social and digital media to understand patients’ experiences regarding medicine use during pregnancy. Last, but not least, I contributed to the development of an enhanced pharmacovigilance programme for analysing drug exposure during pregnancy and outcomes in neonate. Method: Firstly, I identified medication-induced risk factors for oral clefts with safety signal detection and safety signal evaluation techniques. Then I assessed the completeness of the safety information for pregnancy exposures in the Summary of Product Characteristics and the Patient Information in the UK and the US. In second study, the content of posts concerning pregnancy and use of medicines in online pregnancy forums was analysed using artificial intelligence in the form of natural language processing and machine learning algorithms. Third, the PRIM (PRegnancy outcomes Intensive Monitoring) system was developed as an enhanced pharmacovigilance data collection method. This was used to improve the quality and content of prospective case reports using sets of targeted checklists, structured follow-up, a rigorous process of data entry and data quality control, and programmed aggregate analysis. Results: For 12 antiepileptic drugs studied there was a statistical disproportionality in individual case safety reports indicative of an increased risk of cleft lip and/or palate. There are inconsistencies between the UK and US safety labels, despite the same evidence being available for assessment. The second study showed that in social media forums many pregnant women with MS shared profound uncertainties and specific concerns about taking medicines during the reproductive period. There was evidence of concealment of information with health care professionals; however, the same evidence was shared with a peer group. The PRIM method of enhanced pharmacovigilance has yielded substantially more information on the safety of fingolimod exposure during pregnancy than has been achieved via the regulatory authority-mandated pregnancy registry. Conclusion: Use of medicines during pregnancy is an important topic for public health. There is a significant need to provide inclusive, unbiased, up to- date information to prescribers and women of childbearing age concerning the use of medicines in pregnancy and postpartum during breastfeeding. Information must be provided in a timely manner by a trusted source and patients should have access to health care professionals with the relevant expertise and knowledge. It is important that the full anonymised data set, along with evidence-based conclusions are made publicly available to inform decision-making


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    Objectives: While most scholars agree including a male point of view in fertility research is important, the predominant focus of prior research has been on fertility desires and preferences of women. The goal of this dissertation was to study the role of fertility preferences within the couple dyad, and how both reproductive preferences and perceptions of partner’s preferences influence outcomes such as contraceptive use and larger patterns of fertility decline. Methods: This thesis was based on secondary analysis using couple-level datasets from the Demographic and Health Surveys in multiple sub-Saharan African countries. This study quantified levels and patterns of aggregate husbands’, wives’, and couples’ fertility preferences prior to the onset of a country’s fertility transition. Further, it investigated the degree to which wives accurately perceive fertility preferences of their husbands, and the ways in which these perceptions influence wives’ covert contraceptive use. Results: In Aim 1, in 4 of 6 studied countries, husbands’ desires to space or limit childbearing increased prior to the onset of the fertility transition, and increased faster than wives’ in the same time period. In Aim 2, there was large variation in the percentages of wives who were accurate in their proxy reports, ranging from 26% in Chad to 58% in Rwanda. I also found large percentages of wives who were uncertain of their husbands’ fertility preferences, reaching 50% in Comoros. In Aim 3, I found that wives who perceived that their husbands wanted more children than them had increased odds of using covertly compared to those who perceived that husbands wanted the same number of children in 7 of 8 analyzed countries, with adjusted odds ratios (aOR) ranging from 2.97 (95% CI 1.80-4.88) in Zambia to 3.89 (95% CI 2.11- 7.17) in Nigeria. Wives who reported not knowing their husbands’ fertility preferences also had increased odds of using covertly in 7 of 8 countries. Conclusions: Husbands’ fertility preferences are important measures in the study of large demographic trends, such as fertility decline, as well as couple-level reproductive behaviors, such as covert use. Collecting data from men in the study of reproductive health is therefore essential

    Novel Research in Sexuality and Mental Health

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    Sexuality is considered as a great human value related to happiness and satisfaction, but unfortunately, when affecting mental disorders, they tend to be associated with second level human functions. Nevertheless, sexual dysfunction often accompanies psychiatric disorder, intensely influencing compliance, quality of life and human relationships. Sexuality could be influenced either by a mental disorder itself, difficulties to get and maintain couple relationships or by the use of psychotropic treatments. Treatment-related adverse events are unfortunately under-recognized by clinicians, scarcely spontaneously communicated by patients, and rarely investigated in clinical trials. The most frequent psychotropic compounds that could deteriorate sexuality and quality of life include antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood regulators. There are important differences between them related to some variations in mechanisms of action including serotonin, dopamine and prolactin levels. Little is known about the relevance of sexuality and its dysfunctions in chronic and frequent mental and neurological disorders, such as psychosis, mood disorders, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, alcohol or drug dependencies, epilepsy and childhood pathology. Poor sexual life, low satisfaction and more frequent risky sex behavior than in the general population are associated with severe mental diseases. There is a need for increasing research in this field, including epidemiological, psychological, neurophysiological, neuroanatomical and genetic variables related to sexual life to get a better understanding of the implicated mechanisms. To increase the sensibility of clinicians, the identification and management of sexual disturbances after the onset of any mental disorder should be highlighted. This would avoid unnecessary suffering and deterioration of quality of life


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    In this volume, the topics are constructed from a variety of contents: the bases of mammography systems, optimization of screening mammography with reference to evidence-based research, new technologies of image acquisition and its surrounding systems, and case reports with reference to up-to-date multimodality images of breast cancer. Mammography has been lagged in the transition to digital imaging systems because of the necessity of high resolution for diagnosis. However, in the past ten years, technical improvement has resolved the difficulties and boosted new diagnostic systems. We hope that the reader will learn the essentials of mammography and will be forward-looking for the new technologies. We want to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation?to all the co-authors who have contributed their work to this volume

    Ovarian hormones shape brain structure, function, and chemistry: A neuropsychiatric framework for female brain health

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    There are robust sex differences in brain anatomy, function, as well as neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disease risk (1-6), with women approximately twice as likely to suffer from a depressive illness as well as Alzheimer’s Disease. Disruptions in ovarian hormones likely play a role in such disproportionate disease prevalence, given that ovarian hormones serve as key regulators of brain functional and structural plasticity and undergo major fluctuations across the female lifespan (7-9). From a clinical perspective, there is a wellreported increase in depression susceptibility and initial evidence for cognitive impairment or decline during hormonal transition states, such as the postpartum period and perimenopause (9-14). What remains unknown, however, is the underlying mechanism of how fluctuations in ovarian hormones interact with other biological factors to influence brain structure, function, and chemistry. While this line of research has translational relevance for over half the population, neuroscience is notably guilty of female participant exclusion in research studies, with the male brain implicitly treated as the default model and only a minority of basic and clinical neuroscience studies including a female sample (15-18). Female underrepresentation in neuroscience directly limits opportunities for basic scientific discovery; and without basic knowledge of the biological underpinnings of sex differences, we cannot address critical sexdriven differences in pathology. Thus, my doctoral thesis aims to deliberately investigate the influence of sex and ovarian hormones on brain states in health as well as in vulnerability to depression and cognitive impairment:Table of Contents List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... i List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. ii Acknowledgements .....................................................................................................................iii 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................1 1.1 Lifespan approach: Sex, hormones, and metabolic risk factors for cognitive health .......3 1.2 Reproductive years: Healthy models of ovarian hormones, serotonin, and the brain ......4 1.2.1 Ovarian hormones and brain structure across the menstrual cycle ........................4 1.2.2 Serotonergic modulation and brain function in oral contraceptive users .................6 1.3 Neuropsychiatric risk models: Reproductive subtypes of depression ...............................8 1.3.1 Hormonal transition states and brain chemistry measured by PET imaging ...........8 1.3.2 Serotonin transporter binding across the menstrual cycle in PMDD patients .......10 2 PUBLICATIONS ....................................................................................................................12 2.1 Publication 1: Association of estradiol and visceral fat with structural brain networks and memory performance in adults .................................................................................13 2.2 Publication 2: Longitudinal 7T MRI reveals volumetric changes in subregions of human medial temporal lobe to sex hormone fluctuations ..............................................28 2.3 Publication 3: One-week escitalopram intake alters the excitation-inhibition balance in the healthy female brain ...............................................................................................51 2.4 Publication 4: Using positron emission tomography to investigate hormone-mediated neurochemical changes across the female lifespan: implications for depression ..........65 2.5 Publication 5: Increase in serotonin transporter binding across the menstrual cycle in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a case-control longitudinal neuro- receptor ligand PET imaging study ..................................................................................82 3 SUMMARY ...........................................................................................................................100 References ..............................................................................................................................107 Supplementary Publications ...................................................................................................114 Author Contributions to Publication 1 .....................................................................................184 Author Contributions to Publication 2 .....................................................................................186 Author Contributions to Publication 3 .....................................................................................188 Author Contributions to Publication 4 .....................................................................................190 Author Contributions to Publication 5 .....................................................................................191 Declaration of Authenticity ......................................................................................................193 Curriculum Vitae ......................................................................................................................194 List of Publications ................................................................................................................195 List of Talks and Posters ......................................................................................................19

    ENDOMET database – A means to identify novel diagnostic and prognostic tools for endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a common benign hormone reliant inflammatory gynecological disease that affects fertile aged women and has a considerable economic impact on healthcare systems. Symptoms include intense menstrual pain, persistent pelvic pain, and infertility. It is defined by the existence of endometrium-like tissue developing in ectopic locations outside the uterine cavity and inflammation in the peritoneal cavity. Endometriosis presents with multifactorial etiology, and despite extensive research the etiology is still poorly understood. Diagnostic delay from the onset of the disease to when a conclusive diagnosis is reached is between 7–12 years. There is no known cure, although symptoms can be improved with hormonal medications (which often have multiple side effects and prevent pregnancy), or through surgery which carries its own risk. Current non-invasive tools for diagnosis are not sufficiently dependable, and a definite diagnosis is achieved through laparoscopy or laparotomy. This study was based on two prospective cohorts: The ENDOMET study, including 137 endometriosis patients scheduled for surgery and 62 healthy women, and PROENDO that included 138 endometriosis patients and 33 healthy women. Our long-term goal with the current study was to support the discovery of innovative new tools for efficient diagnosis of endometriosis as well as tools to further understand the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. We set about achieving this goal by creating a database, EndometDB, based on a relational data model, implemented with PostgreSQL programming language. The database allows e.g., for the exploration of global genome-wide expression patterns in the peritoneum, endometrium, and in endometriosis lesions of endometriosis patients as well as in the peritoneum and endometrium of healthy control women of reproductive age. The data collected in the EndometDB was also used for the development and validation of a symptom and biomarker-based predictive model designed for risk evaluation and early prediction of endometriosis without invasive diagnostic methods. Using the data in the EndometDB we discovered that compared with the eutopic endometrium, the WNT- signaling pathway is one of the molecular pathways that undergo strong changes in endometriosis. We then evaluated the potential role for secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP-2, a WNT-signaling pathway modulator), in improving endometriosis lesion border detection. The SFRP-2 expression visualizes the lesion better than previously used markers and can be used to better define lesion size and that the surgical excision of the lesions is complete.ENDOMET tietokanta – Keino tunnistaa uusi diagnostinen ja ennustava työkalu endometrioosille Endometrioosi on yleinen hyvänlaatuinen, hormoneista riippuvainen tulehduksellinen lisääntymisikäisten naisten gynekologinen sairaus, joka kuormittaa terveydenhuoltojärjestelmää merkittävästi. Endometrioositaudin oireita ovat mm. voimakas kuukautiskipu, jatkuva lantion alueen kipu ja hedelmättömyys. Sairaus määritellään kohdun limakalvon kaltaisen kudoksen esiintymisenä kohdun ulkopuolella sekä siihen liittyvänä vatsakalvon tulehduksena. Endometrioosin etiologia on monitahoinen, ja laajasta tutkimuksesta huolimatta edelleen huonosti tunnettu. Kesto taudin puhkeamisesta lopullisen diagnoosin saamiseen on usein jopa 7–12 vuotta. Sairauteen ei tunneta parannuskeinoa, mutta oireita voidaan lievittää esimerkiksi hormonaalisilla lääkkeillä (joilla on usein monia sivuvaikutuksia ja jotka estävät raskauden) tai leikkauksella, johon liittyy omat tunnetut riskit. Nykyiset ei-invasiiviset diagnoosityökalut eivät ole riittävän luotettavia sairauden tunnistamiseen, ja varma endometrioosin diagnoosi saavutetaan laparoskopian tai laparotomian avulla. Tämä tutkimus perustui kahteen prospektiiviseen kohorttiin: ENDOMET-tutkimuk-seen, johon osallistui 137 endometrioosipotilasta ja 62 terveellistä naista, sekä PROENDO-tutkimukseen, johon osallistui 138 endometrioosipotilasta ja 33 terveellistä naista. Tässä tutkimuksessa pitkän aikavälin tavoitteemme oli löytää uusia työkalujen endometrioosin diagnosointiin, sekä ymmärtää endometrioosin etiologiaa ja patogeneesiä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa loimme EndometDB –tietokannan PostgreSQL-ohjelmointi-kielellä. Tämän osittain avoimeen käyttöön vapautetun tietokannan avulla voidaan tutkia genomin, esimerkiksi kaikkien tunnettujen geenien ilmentymistä peritoneumissa, endo-metriumissa ja endometrioosipotilaiden endometrioosileesioissa EndometDB-tietokantaan kerättyjä tietoja käytettiin oireiden ja biomarkkeripohjaisen ennustemallin kehittämiseen ja validointiin. Malli tuottaa riskinarvioinnin endometrioositaudin varhaiseen ennustamiseen ilman laparoskopiaa. Käyttäen EndometDB-tietokannan tietoja havaitsimme, että endo-metrioositautikudoksessa tapahtui voimakkaita geeni-ilmentymisen muutoksia erityisesti geeneissä, jotka liittyvät WNT-signalointireitin säätelyyn. Keskeisin löydös oli, että SFRP-2 proteiinin ilmentyminen oli huomattavasti koholla endometrioosikudoksessa ja SFRP-2 proteiinin immunohistokemiallinen värjäys erottaa endometrioosin tautikudoksen terveestä kudoksesta aiempia merkkiaineita paremmin. Löydetyllä menetelmällä voidaan siten selvittää tautikudoksen laajuus ja tarvittaessa osoittaa, että leikkauksella on kyetty poistamaan koko sairas kudos
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