911 research outputs found

    The use of tools of data mining to decision making in engineering education—A systematic mapping study

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of theoretical and applied research that has focused on educational data mining. The learning analytics is a discipline that uses techniques, methods, and algorithms that allow the user to discover and extract patterns in stored educational data, with the purpose of improving the teaching‐learning process. However, there are many requirements related to the use of new technologies in teaching‐learning processes that are practically unaddressed from the learning analytics. In an analysis of the literature, the existence of a systematic revision of the application of learning analytics in the field of engineering education is not evident. The study described in this article provides researchers with an overview of the progress made to date and identifies areas in which research is missing. To this end, a systematic mapping study has been carried out, oriented toward the classification of publications that focus on the type of research and the type of contribution. The results show a trend toward case study research that is mainly directed at software and computer science engineering. Furthermore, trends in the application of learning analytics are highlighted in the topics, such as student retention or dropout prediction, analysis of academic student data, student learning assessment and student behavior analysis. Although this systematic mapping study has focused on the application of learning analytics in engineering education, some of the results can also be applied to other educational areas

    MOOCs, Learning Analytics and Learning Advisors

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    The advent of Massive Open Online Courses has been variously described as heralding the end of the modern university or alternatively, an over-hyped re-badging of existing online content whose advantages have already been realised. Appeals to ideology however, have typically characterised coverage of both polarities rather than hard evidence; in particular, there has been much less analysis on just how learning outcomes are impacted by either “face-to-face” interaction or online/digital environment. Less dichotomously and even more rarely addressed is perhaps a more pertinent question: What blending of the two learning modes works best and in what circumstances? In this paper we argue that the emerging field of learning analytics applied to “educational big data” contains the tools for answering such a question provided a university’s data linkage problem can be solved. The authors, Learning Advisors in ECU’s Faculty of Engineering, Health and Science, describe the initiation of a framework incorporating data on content usage in online learning systems, together with establishing a new system for collecting data on individual consultations and workshops (a “face-to-face” mode, for which data is less-commonly collected). These data are presented and even in isolation contain interesting features on ECU’s current learning landscape; it is in their combination, however, that we argue the real potential lies and we conclude by covering the necessary steps needed for such a realisation

    Elearning, Communication and Open-data: Massive Mobile, Ubiquitous and Open Learning

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    ABSTRACT: In MOOCs, learning analytics have to be addressed to the various types of learners that participate. This deliverable describes indicators that enable both teachers and learner to monitor the progress and performance as well as identify whether there are learners at risk of dropping out. How these indicators should be computed and displayed to end users by means of dashboards is also explained. Furthermore a proposal based on xAPI statements for storing relevant data and events is provided

    ECO D2.5 Learning analytics requirements and metrics report

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    In MOOCs, learning analytics have to be addressed to the various types of learners that participate. This deliverable describes indicators that enable both teachers and learner to monitor the progress and performance as well as identify whether there are learners at risk of dropping out. How these indicators should be computed and displayed to end users by means of dashboards is also explained. Furthermore a proposal based on xAPI statements for storing relevant data and events is provided.Part of the work carried out has been funded with support from the European Commission, under the ICT Policy Support Programme, as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the ECO project under grant agreement n° 21127

    The role of machine learning in identifying students at-risk and minimizing failure

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    Education is very important for students' future success. The performance of students can be supported by the extra assignments and projects given by the instructors for students with low performance. However, a major problem is that students at-risk cannot be identified early. This situation is being investigated by various researchers using Machine Learning techniques. Machine learning is used in a variety of areas and has also begun to be used to identify students at-risk early and to provide support by instructors. This research paper discusses the performance results found using Machine learning algorithms to identify at-risk students and minimize student failure. The main purpose of this project is to create a hybrid model using the ensemble stacking method and to predict at-risk students using this model. We used machine learning algorithms such as Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine, AdaBoost Classifier and Logistic Regression in this project. The performance of each machine learning algorithm presented in the project was measured with various metrics. Thus, the hybrid model by combining algorithms that give the best prediction results is presented in this study. The data set containing the demographic and academic information of the students was used to train and test the model. In addition, a web application developed for the effective use of the hybrid model and for obtaining prediction results is presented in the report. In the proposed method, it has been realized that stratified k-fold cross validation and hyperparameter optimization techniques increased the performance of the models. The hybrid ensemble model was tested with a combination of two different datasets to understand the importance of the data features. In first combination, the accuracy of the hybrid model was obtained as 94.8% by using both demographic and academic data. In the second combination, when only academic data was used, the accuracy of the hybrid model increased to 98.4%. This study focuses on predicting the performance of at-risk students early. Thus, teachers will be able to provide extra assistance to students with low performance

    MOOCs: Expectations and Reality

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    This comprehensive study of MOOCs from the perspective of institutions of higher education includes an investigation of definitions and characteristics of MOOCs, their origins, institutional goals for developing and delivering MOOCs, how MOOC data is being used, a review of MOOC resource requirements and costs, and a compilation of ideas from 83 interviewees about MOOCs and the future of higher education. We identify six major goals for MOOC initiatives and assess the evidence regarding whether these goals are being met, or are likely to be in the future

    The Big Five:Addressing Recurrent Multimodal Learning Data Challenges

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    The analysis of multimodal data in learning is a growing field of research, which has led to the development of different analytics solutions. However, there is no standardised approach to handle multimodal data. In this paper, we describe and outline a solution for five recurrent challenges in the analysis of multimodal data: the data collection, storing, annotation, processing and exploitation. For each of these challenges, we envision possible solutions. The prototypes for some of the proposed solutions will be discussed during the Multimodal Challenge of the fourth Learning Analytics & Knowledge Hackathon, a two-day hands-on workshop in which the authors will open up the prototypes for trials, validation and feedback

    Multimodal Challenge: Analytics Beyond User-computer Interaction Data

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    This contribution describes one the challenges explored in the Fourth LAK Hackathon. This challenge aims at shifting the focus from learning situations which can be easily traced through user-computer interactions data and concentrate more on user-world interactions events, typical of co-located and practice-based learning experiences. This mission, pursued by the multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) community, seeks to bridge the gap between digital and physical learning spaces. The “multimodal” approach consists in combining learners’ motoric actions with physiological responses and data about the learning contexts. These data can be collected through multiple wearable sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This Hackathon table will confront with three main challenges arising from the analysis and valorisation of multimodal datasets: 1) the data collection and storing, 2) the data annotation, 3) the data processing and exploitation. Some research questions which will be considered in this Hackathon challenge are the following: how to process the raw sensor data streams and extract relevant features? which data mining and machine learning techniques can be applied? how can we compare two action recordings? How to combine sensor data with Experience API (xAPI)? what are meaningful visualisations for these data
