27 research outputs found

    The Equivalence, Unambiguity and Sequentiality Problems of Finitely Ambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata are Decidable

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    We show that the equivalence, unambiguity and sequentiality problems are decidable for finitely ambiguous max-plus tree automata

    Finite Sequentiality of Unambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata

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    We show the decidability of the finite sequentiality problem for unambiguous max-plus tree automata. A max-plus tree automaton is called unambiguous if there is at most one accepting run on every tree. The finite sequentiality problem asks whether for a given max-plus tree automaton, there exist finitely many deterministic max-plus tree automata whose pointwise maximum is equivalent to the given automaton

    Finite Sequentiality of Finitely Ambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata

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    We show that the finite sequentiality problem is decidable for finitely ambiguous max-plus tree automata. A max-plus tree automaton is a weighted tree automaton over the max-plus semiring. A max-plus tree automaton is called finitely ambiguous if the number of accepting runs on every tree is bounded by a global constant. The finite sequentiality problem asks whether for a given max-plus tree automaton, there exist finitely many deterministic max-plus tree automata whose pointwise maximum is equivalent to the given automaton

    Unambiguous Separators for Tropical Tree Automata

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    In this paper we show that given a max-plus automaton (over trees, and with real weights) computing a function f and a min-plus automaton (similar) computing a function g such that f ? g, there exists effectively an unambiguous tropical automaton computing h such that f ? h ? g. This generalizes a result of Lombardy and Mairesse of 2006 stating that series which are both max-plus and min-plus rational are unambiguous. This generalization goes in two directions: trees are considered instead of words, and separation is established instead of characterization (separation implies characterization). The techniques in the two proofs are very different

    A Robust Class of Linear Recurrence Sequences

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    We introduce a subclass of linear recurrence sequences which we call poly-rational sequences because they are denoted by rational expressions closed under sum and product. We show that this class is robust by giving several characterisations: polynomially ambiguous weighted automata, copyless cost-register automata, rational formal series, and linear recurrence sequences whose eigenvalues are roots of rational numbers

    Pumping Lemmas for Weighted Automata

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    We present three pumping lemmas for three classes of functions definable by fragments of weighted automata over the min-plus semiring and the semiring of natural numbers. As a corollary we show that the hierarchy of functions definable by unambiguous, finitely-ambiguous, polynomially-ambiguous weighted automata, and the full class of weighted automata is strict for the min-plus semiring

    Pumping lemmas for weighted automata

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    We present pumping lemmas for five classes of functions definable by fragments of weighted automata over the min-plus semiring, the max-plus semiring and the semiring of natural numbers. As a corollary we show that the hierarchy of functions definable by unambiguous, finitely-ambiguous, polynomially-ambiguous weighted automata, and the full class of weighted automata is strict for the min-plus and max-plus semirings