43 research outputs found

    Deciding Full Branching Time Logic by Program Transformation

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    We present a method based on logic program transformation, for verifying Computation Tree Logic (CTL*) properties of finite state reactive systems. The finite state systems and the CTL* properties we want to verify, are encoded as logic programs on infinite lists. Our verification method consists of two steps. In the first step we transform the logic program that encodes the given system and the given property, into a monadic ω -program, that is, a stratified program defining nullary or unary predicates on infinite lists. This transformation is performed by applying unfold/fold rules that preserve the perfect model of the initial program. In the second step we verify the property of interest by using a proof method for monadic ω-program

    A formal approach to validation and verification for knowledge-based control systems

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    As control systems become more complex in response to desires for greater system flexibility, performance and reliability, the promise is held out that artificial intelligence might provide the means for building such systems. An obstacle to the use of symbolic processing constructs in this domain is the need for verification and validation (V and V) of the systems. Techniques currently in use do not seem appropriate for knowledge-based software. An outline of a formal approach to V and V for knowledge-based control systems is presented

    Verifying Temporal Properties of Reactive Systems by Transformation

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    We show how program transformation techniques can be used for the verification of both safety and liveness properties of reactive systems. In particular, we show how the program transformation technique distillation can be used to transform reactive systems specified in a functional language into a simplified form that can subsequently be analysed to verify temporal properties of the systems. Example systems which are intended to model mutual exclusion are analysed using these techniques with respect to both safety (mutual exclusion) and liveness (non-starvation), with the errors they contain being correctly identified.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2015, arXiv:1512.02215. This work was supported, in part, by Science Foundation Ireland grant 10/CE/I1855 to Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (www.lero.ie), and by the School of Computing, Dublin City Universit

    A Faster Tableau for CTL*

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    There have been several recent suggestions for tableau systems for deciding satisfiability in the practically important branching time temporal logic known as CTL*. In this paper we present a streamlined and more traditional tableau approach built upon the author's earlier theoretical work. Soundness and completeness results are proved. A prototype implementation demonstrates the significantly improved performance of the new approach on a range of test formulas. We also see that it compares favourably to state of the art, game and automata based decision procedures.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2013, arXiv:1307.416

    Specification and verification of reconfiguration protocols in grid component systems

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    In this work we present an approach for the formal specification and verification of the reconfiguration protocols in Grid component systems. We consider Fractal, a modular and extensible component model. As a specification tool we invoke a specific temporal language, separated clausal normal form, which has been shown to be capable of expressing any ECTL+ expression thus, we are able to express the complex fairness properties of a component system. The structure of the normal enables us to directly apply the deductive verification technique, temporal resolution defined in the framework of branching-time temporal logic

    Ockhamist Propositional Dynamic Logic: a natural link between PDL and CTL

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    International audienceWe present a new logic called Ockhamist Propositional Dynamic Logic, OPDL, which provides a natural link between PDL and CTL*. We show that both PDL and CTL* can be polynomially embedded into OPDL in a rather simple and direct way. More generally, the semantics on which OPDL is based provides a unifying framework for making the dynamic logic family and the temporal logic family converge in a single logical framework. Decidability of the satisfiability problem for OPDL is studied in the paper

    Transformations of Logic Programs on Infinite Lists

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    We consider an extension of logic programs, called \omega-programs, that can be used to define predicates over infinite lists. \omega-programs allow us to specify properties of the infinite behavior of reactive systems and, in general, properties of infinite sequences of events. The semantics of \omega-programs is an extension of the perfect model semantics. We present variants of the familiar unfold/fold rules which can be used for transforming \omega-programs. We show that these new rules are correct, that is, their application preserves the perfect model semantics. Then we outline a general methodology based on program transformation for verifying properties of \omega-programs. We demonstrate the power of our transformation-based verification methodology by proving some properties of Buechi automata and \omega-regular languages.Comment: 37 pages, including the appendix with proofs. This is an extended version of a paper published in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, see belo

    Dynamic reconfiguration of GCM components

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    We detail in this report past research and current/future developments in formal specification of Grid component systems by temporal logic and consequent resolution technique, for an automated dynamic reconfiguration of components. It is analysed the specification procedure of GCM (Grid Component Model) components and infrastructure in respect to their state behaviour, and the verification process in a dynamic and reconfigurable distributed system. Furthermore it is demonstrated how an automata based method is used to achieve the specification, as well as how the enrichment of the temporal specification language of Computation Tree Logic CTL with the ability to capture norms, allows to formally define the concept of reconfiguration

    Extended full computation-tree logics for paraconsistent model checking

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    It is known that the full computation-tree logic CTL * is an important base logic for model checking. The bisimulation theorem for CTL* is known to be useful for abstraction in model checking. In this paper, the bisimulation theorems for two paraconsistent four-valued extensions 4CTL* and 4LCTL* of CTL* are shown, and a translation from 4CTL* into CTL* is presented. By using 4CTL* and 4LCTL*, inconsistency-tolerant and spatiotemporal reasoning can be expressed as a model checking framework

    Satisfiability Games for Branching-Time Logics

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    The satisfiability problem for branching-time temporal logics like CTL*, CTL and CTL+ has important applications in program specification and verification. Their computational complexities are known: CTL* and CTL+ are complete for doubly exponential time, CTL is complete for single exponential time. Some decision procedures for these logics are known; they use tree automata, tableaux or axiom systems. In this paper we present a uniform game-theoretic framework for the satisfiability problem of these branching-time temporal logics. We define satisfiability games for the full branching-time temporal logic CTL* using a high-level definition of winning condition that captures the essence of well-foundedness of least fixpoint unfoldings. These winning conditions form formal languages of \omega-words. We analyse which kinds of deterministic {\omega}-automata are needed in which case in order to recognise these languages. We then obtain a reduction to the problem of solving parity or B\"uchi games. The worst-case complexity of the obtained algorithms matches the known lower bounds for these logics. This approach provides a uniform, yet complexity-theoretically optimal treatment of satisfiability for branching-time temporal logics. It separates the use of temporal logic machinery from the use of automata thus preserving a syntactical relationship between the input formula and the object that represents satisfiability, i.e. a winning strategy in a parity or B\"uchi game. The games presented here work on a Fischer-Ladner closure of the input formula only. Last but not least, the games presented here come with an attempt at providing tool support for the satisfiability problem of complex branching-time logics like CTL* and CTL+